No matter what I do, even set all training at break, the tiredness always grows and even goes above 100%, which is frankly ridiculous.
I reach 100% tirendess in may-june no matter the number of races, training, break.
I even tried no races at all and all break instead of training, still had 100%+ tiredness.
Is this a bug and should I start over? Or a general game bug that will be fixed soon?
Also can this be affected by the fact that I use not the default database? I have the PCM.daily Lite Pack
Here are some screenshots attached.
In the first one you can see 101% tiredness.
In the second one, even though I always have break as training the tiredness is shown as 100% but the prediction is shown as 50% and lower. But as I progress it still stays 100%+ and will still grow.
So, start a new game due to a bug? Or I am retarded and can't play this game?
Tiredness only reduces if you train break AND you have no race in these week (0% is shown for these weeks). If you have a single raceday in a week tiredness does not reduce. Prediction does not follow this rule, so i think this is the bug in here
Organsaft wrote:
Tiredness only reduces if you train break AND you have no race in these week (0% is shown for these weeks). If you have a single raceday in a week tiredness does not reduce
That's not the problem in the screen though. The tiredness in relation to the race days appears to be pretty random.
I think you don't get exactly what i mean. Look at his first screenshot. Only the 4th week displays 0%, so only in this week tiredness will reduce. All other weeks have some race days, so that's the reason tiredness doesn't reduce
Well, not really? Tour of Qinghai Lake goes on for two weeks and as soon as Tiredness 100 is reached it just goes down even though there still are some race days.
The prediction shows that tiredness will reduce, but like GTSilvano said, tiredness does NOT reduce although the prediction shows it. That is exactly his issue. And looking at the % value of each week is the solution/explanation of his issue. So the prediction is false, the prediction is the bug. Try it and you will see