I have an issue with the fast editor which started yesterday evening. It's been a while since a played PCM and I wanted to continue my career. I opened it with the fast editor, as usual, made my changes and I saved those. The green saving bar appeared and closed as usual. Then, I went back to the folder to check that the changes were saved.
First thing I see, the last changes date of the file is still the old one. So, I open the file again and my changes were not saved.
I tried several times, with different combination, nothing works. I uninstalled the fast editor and reinstalled it, still doesn’t work...
Please, does someone as a clue of what's happening and how may I fix it ?
Also, try and see if the same happen with other editors - i.e. Lachi's Editor and Excel Editor, all available in the download section for PCM 16 in the left <----
You saved the file overwriting the old file or creating a new file? If you did the first option, try to save as a new file and then paste the file in the database folder.
Sorry guys for the late response. Well, I proceded like I always do, open the carrer file, change it, overwrite the old file. Job done. If the game was not started, it use to work just fine, and if it was, I just had to go back to the main menu and it worked.
It doesn't anymore, don't know why, but the second option that MountainMaster proposed works, if I save the new file in the main User folder of the computer.
So for thetime being, I'll just do this, it is less practical but it will do the trick...
I have the same problem with PCM fast editor.... cant save my changes to the DB. I have checked the Clean Up tool and it say +4000 problems hahaa... but why.