Hey guys I have a thing that has been bothering me for the past days. When I decide to create a team on a career mode (for example), depending on the DB which I select, I get only part of the custom sponsors that are in my folder
So my question is, does any DB have coded which custom sponsors (as well as other stuff, like Stage race jerseys or other things) to be shown when a specific db is selected?
I'm not sure you guys understood, it is tough to explain...
I get what you mean. All the custom sponsors in the expansion pack for example can be seen in the dyn_sponsor table. Those are the ones with the x- prefix in your team folder. The cyanide default ones haven't been included in this and others db because of their low quality, but you can "fix" that by using excel editor to copy paste that hundred of rows of sponsor of the cyanide's official release.
Some of these Table and Column names might be a little bit out as I am looking at the fast editor and not the excel editor but...
open the excel editor
Open each DB in turn and copy the DYN_Sponsor table to a blank excel document.
Sort them by the Jersey_sx_abbreviation column
delete any duplicates
It should now be in the same order as you folder so easy to check if any are still missing, note down any that are in your folder but not in the excel spreadsheet.
after completing this check sort the spreadsheet by unique ID, if there are any duplicate ID's then change them to the first number after the highest one.
e.g. if the highest unique ID you have is 832, re assign the first one to 833 and go up 1 each time.
add in any that you made a note of that were missing from your folder starting with the next number again.
copy it back into the Db you are going to play with (overwriting the current DYN_Sponsor table).
open DYN_teams and check that none of the unique ID's of teams you had to change have meant that any teams sponsor's are no longer correct. (probably only a problem if you have 2 DB's that add new teams but worth checking just incase)
seeing as the list will likely now be longer you might need to go to what was the last line in excel in the old DYN_sponsor table and go to the column furthest to the right that is part of the table (not the edge of the sheet) and drag the box down to include the whole table. (this might happen automatically, I can't remember.
I think that should cover it, most of it was done from memory so I might have missed something.
Okay, since I have installed so many databases with so many versions, I just uninstalled and cleanly reinstalled pcm on steam, just because the whole figuring out what came from where was driving me crazy. So now I'm just going to install the PCM daily (2016) and RSM databases (should I have any problems?), and going to try that out.
Thank you very much you guys!!