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GP Liechtenstein
The 192 brave men at the start mustn’t have slept knowing what was waiting for them. For the 4th time ever, the riders will face 8000 meters of accumulated height around the circuit in the cold Vaduz, Liechtenstein. The cyclists will in fact climb the short, yet damn steep variant of the Triesenberg for 13 times, to finish off facing the complete one, which is even steeper, touching 23% gradients near the finish line. It could be that some rain will fall at some point on the race, hopefully that won’t put the riders’ safety at risk with a view to the descent.


The time everyone has been looking forward to has finally come: it’s time to set off! A bunch of riders soon try to escape from the pack: the 9-riders group includes:
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ozc.png Anguilet
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/btc.png Bablidze
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pro.png Berdos
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/akm.png Hoelgaard
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/gde.png Hughes
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/bac.png Iturria
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Kung
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ven.png Pirazzi
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Rajala


However, the group won’t allow the 9 of them to break away. Soon a new attempt comes to life.
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/akm.png Hoelgaard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/gde.png Hughes and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Rajala, who tried their luck previously, are joined by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ven.png Vervaeke to form a group of 4.


Nonetheless, as the riders reach the top of the Triesenberg and get ready for the descent, the peloton fills the gap. Look at how nasty that looks, that’s exactly what I was talking about! And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…


No one is risking too much downhill, therefore the next attempt, which also is the good one, is formed during the 5 flat, interlocutory kilometers. At first, 6 riders make it up, and they are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ozc.png Anguilet, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ven.png Antunes, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vwa.png Blikra, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/bec.png Danacik, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Rajala and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Tschopp.


But as we approach the climb for the second time today, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ozc.png Anguilet and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Rajala can no longer hang in and get caught by the pack. The 4 escapees will now try to get as much advantage as they can, seeing how the group is not pulled by anyone.



Fast forward 20 kilometers and they indeed have built a good lead. The 4 of them are now delighted to hear their gap has risen to 10’. The pack is still taking it easy but that will soon change.


Pendleton’s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png David Rosch breaks away from the pack! The German has some decent skills when it comes to climbing, and he will need to show them if he wants to bridge the 10’ gap that divides him and the BotD.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Rosch is not the only one desiring to follow the break as it seems, and fellow mountain goat pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Serrano jumps on the bandwagon.


The two are strong enough for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/rbh.png Red Bull and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Vesuvio to get in the front.


Since pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Rosch caught the men in the front, sooner than expected, he is the only one relaying, no one is helping him. 130 kilometers to go now.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png The Spaniard also joins the cause 20 kilometers later.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak’s domestiques are now in the front laying down a faster pace. Now that we’re well halfway through the race, the gap is now down to 7 minutes.


With 75 to go, no teams are really pulling the peloton anymore. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Vesuvio is setting the pace but their domestiques are probably keeping something back for later on.


The break could well be made up of 2 and it wouldn’t make a difference at all. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Rosch and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Serrano are the only ones taking it over.


The tempo they are keeping is fast enough to drop 2 of the riders. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ven.png Antunes and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/bec.png Danacik had a good reason not to relay as it seems, they just can’t stick with the other riders’ wheels and they give in. They are just waiting to be caught by the pack.


During the last passage on the Triesenberg, the pack stirred itself, and they bridged quite some of the gap the breakaway has built up.

A side effect is that a lot of riders were unpredictably dropped by staying in the second half of the peloton. The main chasing group with most of the favourites is just made up of 32 after that a good 50 riders slipped behind, and 8 riders in particular have lost contact; they are: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/bec.png Velits, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/akm.png Martin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/tcs.png Kritskiy, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/gde.png Cattaneo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ozc.png Morton, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mus.png Ratiy, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Ji and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mus.png Fothen. These riders may have to say goodbye to their top 10 chances but the gap is not yet wide enough to affirm that they can’t get back on.


One of the dropped riders’ group


The main bunch; most of the favourites are comfortably in the second half of the peloton

The pack is still going crazy fast now that quite some teams have decided to put their gregarios in the front. Indeed, soon after, the breakaway gets caught! 40 kilometers to go now.


The race exploded with 25 kilometers to go! The big favourite pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Andy Schleck wants to find out how the others are feeling today and just launches a ‘test’ attack. A brilliant pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego is the first one to counter while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo is still attentively at the head of the group.

At the moment there are only 11 riders at the head of the race, and also thanks to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck’s move, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vwa.png Denifl got dropped. Bad news for Volkswagen’s DS.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard responds! This one looks to be a more serious attack though, and a careful yet strong looking pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pro.png Henao closes on him. The Colombian is awake to everything today and he countered to some less interesting attacks before; he should try to avoid wasting his energies in this way.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck unleashes a powerful attack now! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego is the only one to go on his wheel this time around.

The others are taking turns to go after them but apparently, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png the Luxembourgish has quite some left in the tank, and he should, seeing he still needs to face the long variant of the climb, possibly helped by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego!


As we’ve faced the infamous descent for the last time, a part of the chasers’ group lose the front’s wheels being caught off guard by a sudden acceleration by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard, who hasn’t given up going after last year’s top 2. These riders are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Nibali, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Marquez and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ven.png Duarte.


The situation is unclear at the moment so here’s something that will hopefully make it clearer:


Yet, that won’t be enough for the gap to decrease, and the escapees get it up to 25”. Meanwhile, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Nibali and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Marquez have caught up with the 4 main chasers, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/akm.png Guldhammer got dropped.

Stupidly/strangely enough pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak haven’t made a move yet. They will need to have a super last climb if they want to even podium it now…


However something unexpected soon happens! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Andy Schleck doesn’t want pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego to suck his wheel any longer and he just shakes him off.

You can’t even say that the pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Italian was caught off guard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck is just too strong today! We haven’t even got onto the last climb yet and look at what’s going on with 10 to go…




At the feet of the climb, the chasers’ group reunited. They are again in ten now but have about 1 minute from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck and 25” from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego.


Not the day for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Nibali. They get dropped again just when the gradients get steeper.

Ahead there they can now see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego, who is now just in the phase of preserving his energies.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Dombrowski have an edge over the others, and they are the first to reach pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego and now make up an interesting group of 3.



pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck is on another planet today and he just keeps on gaining. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png This year’s Giro winner now has a safe advantage of 2 minutes on the 3 right behind him, and almost 3 minutes on the Spanish-speaking trio behind them.


With less than 4 kilometers to go the latter are still gaining on the much more valued group made up by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Nibali.


The 3 right behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck have probably already said goodbye to the victory but now need to focus on increasing their edge over the Spanish-speaking trio. They still have 1’ over them.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Andy Schleck got now under the Flamme Rouge! Even if he wanted to, looks like he couldn’t be able of taking it easy!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Dombrowski and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard also get past the flamme rouge. Right after them, there’s the group of 7 and the usual suspects in it. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pro.png Henao and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/rbh.png Alarcon opened a small gap between them and the rest, even though it wouldn’t seem so looking at the pic below.


…but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Andy Schleck has already crossed the finish line after 8h16m of pain, it’s finally time for him to realize what he has accomplished today! It’s hard for him to raise his hands to the air, seeing how the climb keeps on going even after the finish line but sure enough, he is proud of himself.


Meanwhile, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard has dropped the other 2 and looks strong to take a 2nd place that would go beyond every single expectation. There still are 500, everlasting meters for him to climb and look at how nasty those seem…!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Dombrowski also looks stronger than pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego. The young American may also take an even more surprising 3rd place. No one would have probably predicted such a podium.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo also caught up with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/rbh.png Alarcon and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pro.png Henao and seems to have something more in the tank. It would seem that the 2 right in the front of them are closing the gap they’ve accumulated from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard but everything is relative which such slopes.


As for the last 2 positions of the top 10, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak looks to be the fresher, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Marquez may have used up his energies as he keeps slipping behind and visibly suffering.


The podium is completed, and after 2 years, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego won’t stand on it. In fact, nothing changed since the last update, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ork.png Sicard will be much delighted to know himself as the runner-up, and so will do pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Dombrowski, settling for 3rd. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/mei.png Cunego conducted an almost perfect race, but he just missed something in the final stages.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/qst.png Madrazo on the other hand just didn’t live up to the expectations and will cross the line in 5th. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pro.png Henao is 6th, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/rbh.png Alarcon 7th.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/sui.png Nibali finishes off an underwhelming race in 8th after giving the impression of being able of achieving a better result.


Coming 5’ after the winner, the top 10 is closed by an even more disappointing pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/fes.png Spilak, who comes in 9th, and one of today’s biggest surprises, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/ven.png Duarte, happily taking a 10th. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/boi.png Marquez had a really nice race as well, and his team should be satisfied about it, but he probably didn’t administrate his energies too well, struggling a lot in the final kilometers.


An unlucky pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/tcs.png Kritskiy comes in 12th, after having to deal with a flat tire halfway through the race and thus needing to get back on himself, first by joining the first group of dropped riders, then by trying to climb at its own pace. In the background you can also notice that pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/akm.png Guldhammer came in 13th. The Dane tried to limit the damage on the last climb after being in a really good position at the feet of it.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/bec.png Velits, rumoured as a possible top 5er, just comes in 14th. He was a bit in the same situation of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/tcs.png Kritskiy but he surely was weaker than him; in fact the Slovakian just couldn’t hang in with the pace pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Schleck was imposing uphill and he got dropped.

Behind him come pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pro.png Majka, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/pnd.png Kohl and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Kirsch.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vwa.png Denifl takes it easy and completes a horrible day being overtaken by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/gnu.png Agudelo, coming from far behind, in the final meters. The Austrian will have to take a negatively unexpected 19th.


Other riders are still coming but it’s time for today’s hero pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/vsa.png Andy Schleck to enjoy his win! This has been a race he’ll hardly forget, congratulations!


Final Results:

1Andy SchleckVesuvio - Accumalux8h16'40
2Romain SicardOrange - KLM Cycling+ 2'52
3Joseph DombrowskiPendleton's+ 3'12
4Damiano CunegoMeiji - JR East+ 3'22
5Angel MadrazoQuickstep+ 4'03
6Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaProject 1t4is.t.
7Jose AlarconRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
8Vincenzo NibaliSwisscom - UBS+ 4'28
9Simon SpilakFestina-Canal++ 4'55
10Fabio DuarteVenchi+ 5'05
11Florentino MarquezBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
12Timofey KritskiyTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurance+ 6'08
13Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT+ 6'34
14Peter VelitsBecherovka - Petrof+ 9'04
15Rafel MajkaProject 1t4is.t.
16Bernhard KohlPendleton'ss.t.
17Alex KirschVesuvio - Accumalux+ 9'51
18Jairo AgudeloGrupo Nutresa+ 11'18
19Stefan DeniflVolksWagen - Andritzs.t.
20Gianluca BrambillaProject 1t4i+ 11'54
21Thibaut PinotAyubowan!+ 12'35
22Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina-Canal++ 13'13
23Markus FothenMovistar - US Postal+ 13'34
24George Alexandru StancuProject 1t4i+ 13'47
25Dmitri MedvedevVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
26Tom Jelte SlagterVesuvio - Accumalux+ 15'00
27Lachlan MortonOz Cycling Project+ 15'18
28Mattia CattaneoGood Energy+ 15'27
29Juan Ernesto ChamorroRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
30Chen ShikaiMeiji - JR Easts.t.
31Jaime SuazaVesuvio - Accumalux+ 15'49
32Matthias BrändleVolksWagen - Andritz+ 18'26
33Martin HaceckýFestina-Canal++ 18'35
34Alejandro ValverdePendleton's+ 19'10
35Alexis VuillermozAyubowan!+ 19'18
36Nico KeinathPokerstars.com+ 21'13
37Aleksej KunshinTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurance+ 21'22
38Thomas FaiersPokerstars.coms.t.
39Markus EibeggerFestina-Canal+s.t.
40Michel KochPokerstars.coms.t.
41Daniel NavarroBacardi Limited+ 21'46
42Daniel MartinAker - MOTs.t.
43Yuriy VasylivFestina-Canal+s.t.
44David De la CruzMovistar - US Postals.t.
45Ilnur ZakarinTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurance+ 23'12
46Óscar SolisBouygues Telecom+ 24'43
47Thomas LebasOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
48Patrick SchellingSwisscom - UBSs.t.
49Tomoyuki IinoMeiji - JR Easts.t.
50José Angel Gomez MarchanteBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
51Mirco SaggioratoSwisscom - UBS+ 25'39
52Adam YatesVenchis.t.
53Teodoro CostagliGood Energy+ 27'06
54Vladimir GusevTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurances.t.
55Jianhua JiMeiji - JR Easts.t.
56Kenny ElissondeAyubowan!s.t.
57Ole HirschleinBacardi Limiteds.t.
58David RoschPendleton'ss.t.
59Matej VysnaBecherovka - Petrof+ 27'49
60Jonathan SalinasMetinvest-Dacia+ 29'15
61Konstantin SiutsouPendleton's+ 29'36
62Philip DeignanPendleton'ss.t.
63Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOTs.t.
64Louis MeintjesQuicksteps.t.
65Eduard Alexander BeltranGrupo Nutresa+ 29'54
66Johann TschoppSwisscom - UBS+ 30'29
67Havard BlikraVolksWagen - Andritz+ 30'38
68Johan Le BonAyubowan!+ 32'47
69Rafael SerranoBank of Ireland - Irish Cycling+ 32'55
70Ricardo MestreRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
71Tim KennaughPendleton'ss.t.
72Thomas DegandQuicksteps.t.
73Jonathan HivertOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
74Marco MarzanoOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
75Javier MorenoBacardi Limiteds.t.
76Sergio PardillaBacardi Limiteds.t.
77Enrico BattaglinBacardi Limiteds.t.
78Meron RussomRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
79Andrew TalanskyGrupo Nutresa+ 34'51
80Gregory BrenesQuicksteps.t.
81Edwin Parra BustamanteMovistar - US Postals.t.
82Vadim RatiyMovistar - US Postals.t.
83Dominik FuchsSwisscom - UBSs.t.
84Jordi SimonMovistar - US Postals.t.
85Tsgabu Gebremaryam GrmayFestina-Canal+s.t.
86Piter CamperoFestina-Canal+s.t.
87Bjørn Tore HoemAker - MOTs.t.
88Sergio OrtegaGrupo Nutresas.t.
89Ricardo Van der VeldeProject 1t4is.t.
90Antton IbargurenBacardi Limiteds.t.
91Daniel Ricardo DiazRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
92Ki Ho ChoiOz Cycling Projects.t.
93Nikita NovikovTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurances.t.
94Daniel HoelgaardAker - MOT+ 36'17
95Matteo RabottiniGood Energy+ 36'24
96Gert RajalaBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
97Amaro AntunesVenchis.t.
98Oleg BerdosProject 1t4is.t.
99Gökhan HastaRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
100Alex Ardila CanoGrupo Nutresas.t.
101Rubén PlazaMovistar - US Postals.t.
102Jakub DanacikBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
103Daniel PaulusVolksWagen - Andritzs.t.
104Yusuke HatanakaMeiji - JR Easts.t.
105Wout PoelsProject 1t4i+ 37'28
106Sergei PomoshnikovTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurance+ 39'04
107Jean-François CamierBouygues Telecoms.t.
108Tom CopelandPendleton'ss.t.
109Andris VosekalnsMetinvest-Dacias.t.
110Gilles HeymesVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
111Yoshimitsu HiratsukaMeiji - JR Easts.t.
112Michael Rodriguez GalindoVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
113Ruben FernandezVolksWagen - Andritzs.t.
114Songezo JimRed Bull - Huaweis.t.
115Michael KolarBecherovka - Petrof+ 39'59
116Mikel IturriaBacardi Limited+ 40'59
117Charles AnguiletOz Cycling Project+ 41'06
118Zachary HughesGood Energys.t.
119Jack HaigOz Cycling Projects.t.
120Stefan KungSwisscom - UBSs.t.
121Warren BarguilBouygues Telecoms.t.
122Michael CumingGood Energys.t.
123Tyron GiogieriBecherovka - Petrofs.t.
124Marc GoosQuicksteps.t.
125Stefano PirazziVenchis.t.
126Asela SisiraAyubowan!s.t.
127Thomas FreiSwisscom - UBSs.t.
128Connor McConveyBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
129Damian ShawBank of Ireland - Irish Cyclings.t.
130Anatoliy SosnitskiyMetinvest-Dacias.t.
131Zdenek StybarBecherovka - Petrof+ 41'39
132Idan ShapiraGood Energys.t.
133Jakob FuglsangOrange - KLM Cycling+ 42'54
134Josef HosekBecherovka - Petrof+ 43'24
135Charalampas KastrantasFestina-Canal++ 44'52
136Lars Petter NordhaugAker - MOT+ 44'59
137Louis VervaekeVenchi+ 47'14
138Nicolas EdetOrange - KLM Cycling+ 47'21
139Volodymyr DzhusMetinvest-Dacias.t.
140Souheil KhederiOz Cycling Project+ 47'51
141Cyril GautierAyubowan!+ 48'38
142Maxime La LavandierBouygues Telecoms.t.
143Bakhtiyar KozhatayevBouygues Telecoms.t.
144Maxim BelkovTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurances.t.
145Johan Esteban ChavesGrupo Nutresas.t.
146Andrei GrivkoOz Cycling Projects.t.
147Ever RiveraVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
148Rhys GillettOz Cycling Projects.t.
149Pedro Pablo PereyraBacardi Limiteds.t.
150Ivan SantaromitaSwisscom - UBSs.t.
151Serafin José BlancoMovistar - US Postals.t.
152Simone PonziGood Energy+ 52'12
153Marcio PortelaBouygues Telecoms.t.
154Andrea PaliniGood Energys.t.
155Rob RuijghProject 1t4is.t.
156Maxim PokidovTinkoff Bank - Tinkoff Insurances.t.
157Ion IzagirrePokerstars.coms.t.
158Lawrence WarbasseMovistar - US Postals.t.
159Anatoliy PakthusovMetinvest-Dacia+ 54'46
160Vitaliy PopkovMetinvest-Dacia+ 55'08
161Heiner Rodrigo Parra BustamenteGrupo Nutresa+ 55'16
162Pablo MudarraRed Bull - Huawei+ 55'27
163Zico WaeytensQuicksteps.t.
164Arthur VichotOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
165Jan DieterenPokerstars.com+ 56'57
166Antonio SantoroVenchis.t.
167Oleksandr GrygorenkoMetinvest-Dacias.t.
168Irakli BablidzeBouygues Telecoms.t.
169Maurice SchreursOrange - KLM Cyclings.t.
170Philip LaveryMetinvest-Dacias.t.
171Christoph MaiVolksWagen - Andritz+ 57'40
172Alexis DulinAyubowan!+ 58'20
DNFAnthony DelaplaceBouygues TelecomDNF
DNFCiaran KellyBank of Ireland - Irish CyclingDNF
DNFLuigi SestiliVenchiDNF
DNFSondre Holst EngerAker - MOTDNF
DNFPieter SerryQuickstepDNF
DNFAdam PhelanOz Cycling ProjectDNF
DNFEnrico BarbinQuickstepDNF
DNFNazir JaserPokerstars.comDNF
DNFJuan Abenhamar Gallego MartinPokerstars.comDNF
DNFKevin BarclayBank of Ireland - Irish CyclingDNF
DNFRasmus SteroboVolksWagen - AndritzDNF
DNFSigurd NessetAker - MOTDNF
DNFChristopher De SouzaAyubowan!DNF
DNFJan OelerichPokerstars.comDNF
DNFMaximillian SchachmannVenchiDNF
DNFDaniil FominykhMeiji - JR EastDNF
DNFGeorg PreidlerVolksWagen - AndritzDNF
DNFDominique MayhoGrupo NutresaDNF
DNFDaniel TurekBecherovka - PetrofDNF
DNFMohamed Harrif SallehMeiji - JR EastDNF

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