I have just bought Pro Cycling Manager 2013 on steam (including all patches). However whenever I simulate a stage from time to time it just says discontinued on every single rider. The race continues with those stages as everybody crossed the line at the same time (no time loss for anybody). The problem is that it occurs quite frequent.
Is there anyway to avoid/solve that problem? Did anybody else experience this issue?
I thought one way to get around it was saving manually and take backups but it doesn't seem to be an option in this game. It just autosaves everytime I quit the game and thats it.
I hope somebody can help otherwise I feel my money was wasted.Luckily only 10 euros but still.
In this 2013 version I can't find any save game option. The game just seems to save everything. The Load game option only seems to keep one file - the one that is already corrupted from when I quit whenever this game makes the "discontinued rider" bug.
Perhaps I can get around it by playing every single stage but honestly I mainly only want to play the big races (20 or so) while Tour of Qatar, GP Besseges or whatever really doesn't appeal.
Go to Documents/Pro Cycling Manager 2013/ Weekly Saves/ <your username> Take a save with an in-game date before where it happened. If you have steam then it's different, but somebody else will know.
Unfortunately I don't know how to stop everybody from discontinuing though.
I found the weekly saved games in documents - my username.
Unfortunately I do have steam and I am unsure where/how to save it in an in-game date. I thought you meant overwriting the actual save game file in database?
At least that is what I tried and I am back a couple of days before the bug. Now lets see if I can continue the game properly.
I am actually surprised this problem still persist in Cycling manager. Bought one of the older versions years back with basically exactly the same bug. (This time it is on a different computer - so no connection there)