Again, I'm very proud to present you this new feature for PCM14:
After a long time testing and trying everything, finally we have the paravalanche barriers (last time seen in PCM09) for PCM14.
Here is the readme file included in the download:
"Paravalanche Barriers PCM14 by Camacho (PCM.Daily member)"
Note about the Paravalanche Barriers:
The new Paravalanche Barriers have been created by myself using and editing the next original objects by Cyanide:
-Paravalanche_Locale.nif and Paravalanche_Nationale.nif: (Located in Main PCM09 directory\Blocs\BridgesAndTunnels. Original by Cyanide).
-Tun_XXXXXX_2LaneX_00.nif: (Located in Main PCM14 directory\3D\Landscapes\Roads\BridgesAndTunnels. Original by Cyanide).
Installation of the new Paravalanche Barriers for PCM 14:
Extract the 3D folder in the main directory you have installed the game.
**Note about illumination**
Sadly, PCM14 only can manage bridges and tunnels, so the paravalanches must be included into one of these groups. Because of its similarity, I have included them into the tunnels group. You have to notice that into the tunnels there is an special illumination in a yellow tone so into the paravalanches there is the same illumination. Personally, in my opinion this illumination into the paravalanche is not real so I have edited one file to delete this illumination. You must go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyanide\Pro Cycling Manager-Temporada 2014\3D\Lighting and there you have TunnelLighting.xml. You have to renamed or delete it and then the illumination is not applied ingame. The cause is that in tunnels there is no more illumination, but I prefer it. Of course, do what you want with this situation about illumination.
**Note about terrain around the paravalanches**
Because of the paravalanches are included into tunnels group, when you spawn a paravalanche the terrain created is similar to a tunnel so you have to edit it with the terrain tools. After some testing, the best option is using the tool "terrain flatten". You have to select a circle similar to the road width and then go into the paravalanche with this tool smoothly to clear the road into the paravalanche. It might sounds a little complicated but when you have tried a bit it is very easy to make the paravalanche looks fine.
-Original Cyanide files backup included in the download.