baseballlover312 wrote:
Failured had the balls and resources to do it and make it work. Good luck but I just don't think it's gonna work out. I wish you the best though.
baseballlover312, 06-03-14 : "Nuke Moscow...Don't worry Russia, we've got plenty of love to go around your cities"
Sarah Palin, 08-03-14 (CPAC, on Russian aggression) : "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke"
Big thanks to jdog for making this AMAZING userbar!
Thought you might have been doing it for Extra Life...
Some friends an I did it a year of two ago and raised roughly £150 which was cool. (cheap advertisement, but it's a charity so it's a good thing)
Getting slightly off-topic from here. 1) I'll be doing 24hours for Extra Life some time in Late May/Early June. 2) We've got a variety of existing LiveStream threads which should have been used