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The Politics Thread
I'm sorry but he said he would date his daughter if she wasn't related to him, which insinuates he is attracted to her and only the label is standing in the way. If he wasn't attracted to her, he wouldn't possibly know that he would be if they weren't related.

I'm not sure why you're making that specific case out to be more than it is in the rest of your post. It seems pretty clear how weird it is to me. But hey, I hear plenty of girls are into the daddy kink, so maybe you could use that in your favor. Pfft
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
Avin Wargunnson
Paul23 wrote:

"He doesn't think he'd like to have a sexual relationship with his daughter anymore."

You base that on a quote from 2015, which is quite new, so I will go deeper on that. He only said, that he thinks that his daughter is attractive and that he would, if he wouldn't be her father. Nothing wrong with that, if you think about it. He just said it as he thinks it is. As a man, he finds her attractive, which you can do as a father, but nothing more. Again, hyped by the media. Also, weren't you from Turkey? Quite an ironic thing to make fun of that, if you're from a country, were child marriage is accepted(it's forbidden by the law, but many muslims are not against it)

No, just no...this not normal by any means, when you have a child, it is your child and you dont simply have thoughts about them being sexually attractive...if you have, you are a pervert and dangerous being for your children. I am not saying this is very important for elections, but it tells something more about the person that can say something like that. Maybe these words are apealing for american rednecks, who bang their relatives for centuries and thus he had their vote. Pfft
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Avin Wargunnson
ringo182 wrote:
My point is that you can't just say a particular political viewpoint is crazy, or that half of a country is stupid because they do not believe the same thing as you.


Ofc you can tell that some viewpoint is crazy, from base of reason and past experiences.

For example we know, that common possesion of things like communism portraits it is crazy idea, at least if it should be brought to reality. (it sounds okay in theory, but is not possible to actually exist irl).

We also know, that firce nationalism is crazy and dangerous idea, nothing good has ever came from that political standpoint.

When somebody tells you that 9/11 was inside job, you know he is crazy...

When somebody tells you about moon landing being a fake, you know he is crazy.


When somebody says team SKY is clean, you know he is crazy. Pfft
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Avin Wargunnson wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
My point is that you can't just say a particular political viewpoint is crazy, or that half of a country is stupid because they do not believe the same thing as you.


Ofc you can tell that some viewpoint is crazy, from base of reason and past experiences.

For example we know, that common possesion of things like communism portraits it is crazy idea, at least if it should be brought to reality. (it sounds okay in theory, but is not possible to actually exist irl).

We also know, that firce nationalism is crazy and dangerous idea, nothing good has ever came from that political standpoint.

When somebody tells you that 9/11 was inside job, you know he is crazy...

When somebody tells you about moon landing being a fake, you know he is crazy.


When somebody says team SKY is clean, you know he is crazy. Pfft

There's a big difference between conspiracy theories and political viewpoints. Obviously conspiracy theories such as 911, the moon and Team Sky being on dope ( Smile ) are stupid and crazy, but a conspiracy theory is not a political viewpoint/theory.

Also, communism and nationalism have failed before in some countries. But in others they are still working to this day. Is China not the biggest economy in the World? Certainly in the top two or three.

Just because it isn't the policy of your own country doesn't mean it is crazy. What is crazy to you is reasonable to someone else.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
The thing with China's economy sounds good from the outside.

Bu as a common citizen, I'd much rather live in a democratic country.

So for my it means shit if the country as a whole is looking good as a power, if I can't have freedom of speech and access to free media.
Well yes, there are downsides to all political theories.

Democracy has lead to Brexit and Donald Trump so you could argue it is just as bad.

There is no perfect political system.

Obviously everyone has a right to form an opinion that a political viewpoint is crazy. That is you opinion. My point is that just because something is crazy in your opinion doesn't mean it is crazy full stop.

If everyone had the same opinion then this glorious site wouldn't exist so long live arguments Smile
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Avin Wargunnson
Exactly, how large economy is, tells shit about how free or developed country is and in example of China it is very visible. Btw. you also cant say that they use communism in its basic idea, because they use lots of capitalist tools. It is strange mix of nationalism, communism and capitalism....

Btw. their economy is strong because of large production of low quality goods, i am not sure if that is something to be proud on either.

They live in their own bubble that is about to pop in next decades. China IS crazy and not a role model to follow or admire, with their social engineering and hegemonic acts.
I'll be back
Avin Wargunnson
ringo182 wrote:
Well yes, there are downsides to all political theories.

Democracy has lead to Brexit and Donald Trump so you could argue it is just as bad.

There is no perfect political system.

Obviously everyone has a right to form an opinion that a political viewpoint is crazy. That is you opinion. My point is that just because something is crazy in your opinion doesn't mean it is crazy full stop.

If everyone had the same opinion then this glorious site wouldn't exist so long live arguments Smile

I am seriously out of arguments for you, i have hardly met anyone so stubborn in my life, so i will likely just scroll by your posts here by now.
You are buck-passing and anything can be justified with your reasoning.

Common sense, reason and decency are obviously not a thing that you value higher than "having an opinion, not matter how stupid it is" or "having strong economy". Being strong means nothing when your only goal is to make others weak mate. Wink
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Avin Wargunnson wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
Well yes, there are downsides to all political theories.

Democracy has lead to Brexit and Donald Trump so you could argue it is just as bad.

There is no perfect political system.

Obviously everyone has a right to form an opinion that a political viewpoint is crazy. That is you opinion. My point is that just because something is crazy in your opinion doesn't mean it is crazy full stop.

If everyone had the same opinion then this glorious site wouldn't exist so long live arguments Smile

I am seriously out of arguments for you, i have hardly met anyone so stubborn in my life, so i will likely just scroll by your posts here by now.
You are buck-passing and anything can be justified with your reasoning.

Common sense, reason and decency are obviously not a thing that you value higher than "having an opinion, not matter how stupid it is" or "having strong economy". Being strong means nothing when your only goal is to make others weak mate. Wink

Their is no such thing as common sense because everyone is different Smile
Common sense, reason and decency are all relative to individuals.
The political viewpoints you have are based on your upbringing and the time you live in. Someone brought up in a different place or time will have a different political view based on their own upbringing and surroundings.

Why is your view correct and common sense but someone else's crazy? That is my point.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Paul23 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
Haha whatever, it's creepy as fuck to say that about your daughter. Trump is the kind of guy that if you told him to go fuck himself he'd give it a try.

You know what's not only creepy, but also cringeworthy as fuck? Seeing people on the internet, attacking a Person, they never met, they don't personally know, just by some of his opinions. I would never go with my daughter, but I would be able to look at her unbiased and make her compliments, totally without being dishonest. I would just say How I think it is.
But Well, you guys are probably a big part of Trumps success afterall. Loads of people are sick and tired of people in the internet attacking everything and everyone who is not conform with their opinion. They didn't vote for Trump. They voted against people like you, who are full of arrogance, whilst also not tolerating opinions(but on the other Hand you want yours to get tolerated).

I got Messages in Skype by people of this very Forum, that I should kill myself for fancying to vote for the AfD, because they are not tolerant. Are you even seeing the irony? I was asked to leave daily multiple times. Why am I not doing it? Because with me being here, you will atleast get a different opinion on certain topics, even if you are against them, but at least you heard them, which stops daily from becoming a big echochamber, where you just hear what you want to hear.
I'm not saying that politics belong everywhere, hence it is good that we have this thread, although I sometimes go out of boundaries. I understand that people don't like that. On the other Hand, certain Managers put their political Statements in the MG and Nobody cares. It's this Simple Twist of morale, which is nagging me. But since I strongly have the feeling, that Nobody bothers to read long Texts by me, I will not make this longer.

Just a quick Edit: "Haha whatever" is the best you could come up with? Great Argument.

The best reason to attack someone is probably because of their opinions. What arrogance anyway? To not want to fuck my daughter? I'm pretty sure you attack must have another meaning in German in any case...

'Haha whatever' wasn't really an argument to be frank, I just found it quite funny that you were so keen to defend Trump that you're going, "incestuous thoughts, totally normal".

The reason I don't tend to chime in much on this "echo chamber" is because it's hardly the place for great political discussion is it?

Anyway, I'd advise you not to kill yourself, I hope that undoes the possible damage other people have done/
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.

Yes, of course they can.

But when a political viewpoint has been voted for by millions of free citizens, as with Donald Trump, you have to accept it isn't crazy. It's just different to your own opinion.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.

Yes, of course they can.

But when a political viewpoint has been voted for by millions of free citizens, as with Donald Trump, you have to accept it isn't crazy. It's just different to your own opinion.

You don't have to. There's two logical conclusions: either it isn't crazy or they are too.
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.

Yes, of course they can.

But when a political viewpoint has been voted for by millions of free citizens, as with Donald Trump, you have to accept it isn't crazy. It's just different to your own opinion.

The Nazi's got 37.4% of the vote becoming clearly the largest party at the 1932 greman election. Just saying that the ourcome of democtatic voting does not always have to be sane.
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.

Yes, of course they can.

But when a political viewpoint has been voted for by millions of free citizens, as with Donald Trump, you have to accept it isn't crazy. It's just different to your own opinion.

You don't have to. There's two logical conclusions: either it isn't crazy or they are too.

This is the whole point of my argument. "I don't agree with their political point of view so they are crazy". You can't just label millions of people stupid or crazy because they support a different political viewpoint as you.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Avin Wargunnson
And it is not only Nazis, which is always an extreme example to use in discussion.

Many past and present regimes which are clearly crazy, backward, stupid, killing and damaging were supoported by majority of citizens, which really does not say anything about its sanity.

Millions of people, even in country like USA are not educated or informed enough to be able to vote with reason. People are not born with abilities to really decide what is best for them, some learn it, some not...
I'll be back
Avin Wargunnson
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.

Yes, of course they can.

But when a political viewpoint has been voted for by millions of free citizens, as with Donald Trump, you have to accept it isn't crazy. It's just different to your own opinion.

You don't have to. There's two logical conclusions: either it isn't crazy or they are too.

This is the whole point of my argument. "I don't agree with their political point of view so they are crazy". You can't just label millions of people stupid or crazy because they support a different political viewpoint as you.

We know that is your point by now, but it is as stupid as to vote for Trump. Smile
I'll be back
Avin Wargunnson wrote:
And it is not only Nazis, which is always an extreme example to use in discussion.

Many past and present regimes which are clearly crazy, backward, stupid, killing and damaging were supoported by majority of citizens, which really does not say anything about its sanity.

Millions of people, even in country like USA are not educated or informed enough to be able to vote with reason. People are not born with abilities to really decide what is best for them, some learn it, some not...

I think we need to stay away from Extreme regimes because the majority of them wouldn't actually qualify as being political. A dictatorship/totalitarian regime is not political in any way as the definition of politics is to debate.

I also think you're getting into slightly dodgy territory by saying people with no education don't deserve a vote. That's basically how dictatorships/totalitarian regimes start.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
wackojackohighcliffe wrote:
And don't want to get into this, I mostly just find the outrage fun, but China's economy is mainly successful because lives are cheap. And of course political viewpoints can be crazy.

Yes, of course they can.

But when a political viewpoint has been voted for by millions of free citizens, as with Donald Trump, you have to accept it isn't crazy. It's just different to your own opinion.

You don't have to. There's two logical conclusions: either it isn't crazy or they are too.

This is the whole point of my argument. "I don't agree with their political point of view so they are crazy". You can't just label millions of people stupid or crazy because they support a different political viewpoint as you.

No. But they might be. And if that viewpoint is crazy then that could provide a fair bit of evidence.
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