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The Politics Thread
Yep, Turkey is going to be involved in the war near Syria. I hate how this beautiful country govern by these b****es.

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What, are they joining the airstrikes or physically putting 'boots on the ground'?
Disclaimer- Most of my posts are me thinking aloud. And most of what I think is rubbish.
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"... Because he (me) has a sound tactical mind in general..." jandal7, at 9:30 am GMT on 12th May 2016
weirdskyfan64 wrote:
What, are they joining the airstrikes or physically putting 'boots on the ground'?

Nope, ISIS guys and spy have managed got into the big cities of Turkey (like Istanbul) with guns and bombs.
And Turkey have to do something against.

emre99's stages
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''I call you the stage god. You are the stage god.'' -baseballover312, 15.07.2016
Just have to vent some steam regarding the political opinions of certain groups.

"We must stop government outreach! Get government out of my life!
*A Satan-statue is erected on private property*
"The government must ban those statues!"

"The government is taking away our guns, I don't wanna live in a fascist police state!"
*SEVERAL cops shoot and kill suspects for minor violations*
"If the police pull you over, you need to comply. Do whatever the police tells you!"

"Those God damn muslims, trying to bring their theocracy over here!"
*Gays are allowed to marry*
"This is a Christian nation, and our laws need to be based on the Bible!"

"I follow the path of Jesus, and I respect his teachings"
*More money is allocated to health care, foreing aid, welfare and education*
"Stop those tax-based handouts! I worked hard for my money, therefor it's mine, not theirs!"
There's a fine line between "psychotherapist" and "psycho the rapist"

Also, it's interesting to see how, according to some people, raising the minimum wage by a few dollars is going to bankrupt the economy, yet fighting multiple unwinable wars apperantly doesn't put a dent in it.
There's a fine line between "psychotherapist" and "psycho the rapist"

Rant nr. 3:

Apperantly, abortion is "killing babies" and since killing is always wrong, abortion must be made illegal!

However, sending the same "baby" out into war 18 years later, only to be killed, is not only fine and dandy, but the preffered choice, seemingly, in any given foreing policy situation.

I suppose "killing babies" through abortion would be okay if the doctor was wearing a flak jacket instead, and performing the abortion with an AK-47.
There's a fine line between "psychotherapist" and "psycho the rapist"

Ian Butler
Yes human life is precious until you reach the age of old-enough-to-carry-a-gun-and-die-for-your-country. Then it's disposable.
Birth control?
Gay marriage?
Look, banning things never works. People will find ways to get them.
To quote Jon Stewart

"The Constitution was written when all you had were muskets. So... have all the muskets you want. Jazz it up with a bayonett, go nuts. You can even have assault muskets!"

From what I've read on the news, it seems that Trump actually came out on top after last nights debate, is that actually true?

It's funny reading the comments on Fox News' FB-page, and seeing all the people going on about how the world is laughing at the US because of Obama. How can so many people be so deluded? From a european standpoint, Obama is the best thing to happen to the US, and if you think Obama makes Europe laugh, try electing Trump.

The fact that a candidate such as Trump is not just running, but even leading(!) among republicans in certain polls should put the rest of the world in stitches, if it weren't for the fact that he's a downright dangerous man.
There's a fine line between "psychotherapist" and "psycho the rapist"

This is clearly a jab at American Republicans, and that's absolutely fine, but as I consider myself one (not too extreme), I'd like to clear some things up.

"We must stop government outreach! Get government out of my life!
*A Satan-statue is erected on private property*
"The government must ban those statues!"

This is quite funny, as I haven't seen anything like it happen. I don't doubt it does in the Bible Belt, but it's just stupid anyway.

"The government is taking away our guns, I don't wanna live in a fascist police state!"
*SEVERAL cops shoot and kill suspects for minor violations*
"If the police pull you over, you need to comply. Do whatever the police tells you!"

This is just common sense. Whether you want to live in a "police state" or not is irrelevant. Everyone knows you need to obey the cops, even if you don't agree with it. If you make a run for it , resist arrest or attack the cop, you know bad things will happen, whether justified or not. If you simply comply, you will have your day in court to refute it.

"Those God damn Muslims, trying to bring their theocracy over here!"
*Gays are allowed to marry*
"This is a Christian nation, and our laws need to be based on the Bible!"

Again, that's a pretty minority view. They get a lot of attention, but most of America, and a very significant portion of Republicans, couldn't care less about gay marriage. It's the super conservatives that really care, and though they are largely a minority, they get attention for it. Personally (and most of my Republican friends also agree with this), as long as they don't actually force churches to give gay marriages, it's absolutely fine. it's none of my business, or the government, what other people do in their bedrooms. Separation of church and state at it's finest.

"I follow the path of Jesus, and I respect his teachings"
*More money is allocated to health care, foreign aid, welfare and education*
"Stop those tax-based handouts! I worked hard for my money, therefor it's mine, not theirs!"

There's a difference between charity and taxes. It's different to work for your money, and donate some of it to a charity or to people, than for the government to allocate the money themselves, where you don't directly know where it's going to or the efficiency of it. Of course, this fact is null when people aren't very charitable, but in theory it should apply. And if people don't do that, then yes, they're being hypocritical.

Apparently, abortion is "killing babies" and since killing is always wrong, abortion must be made illegal!

However, sending the same "baby" out into war 18 years later, only to be killed, is not only fine and dandy, but the preferred choice, seemingly, in any given foreign policy situation.

I'm going to stay away from abortion talk here, it's just not worth it, (it never ends calmly or with an agreement in my experience).

But it is interesting to note that the last and only time a draft was used in a unilateral war effort by the United States, was in Vietnam, and that was initiated by a Democratic President.

Also, it's interesting to see how, according to some people, raising the minimum wage by a few dollars is going to bankrupt the economy, yet fighting multiple unwinable wars apparently doesn't put a dent in it.

Well, the general gist is that we already have so much of our assets in the military, that a war doesn't significantly increase that. And the issue with decreasing the military budget in a time of financial instability, is that because of its position in our economy, radically decreasing the military expenditure would cost a lot of jobs. Every manufacturer that builds weapons, every plant that makes parts for weapons, and every company that gets materials for weapons would really be shoved out, which would cost an enormous amount of jobs. Should we have gotten into that place in the first place? Probably not, but now it's a reality. Raising the minimum wage at the sacrifice of a lot of people's livelihoods, seems a bit stupid, doesn't it?

I'm not saying that's what it will do, and I do believe the minimum wage should be raised to the point of inflation, but it's why the correlation is an issue.

Birth control?
Gay marriage?
Look, banning things never works. People will find ways to get them.

Now, I live in the liberal North East, so I don't know anybody, including Republicans, who is really object to birth control or gay marriage. And I don't think a "ban on birth control" would ever happen. Even Pope Francis himself said it was probably a good idea and it was a lot better than getting pregnant and having an abortion. Abortion like I said is not worth discussing, and Gun control is a totally separate issue.

It seems the problem here is that you guys take the two party system too seriously. You've combined the beliefs of libertarian Republicans with very conservative Republicans because they exist in the same party, when for the most part, they are separate entities. That's what makes a lot of this seem like hypocrisy. Different people within parties can have different beliefs. That's why people vote in the party primaries.

Hope I didn't anger anyone, I just thought I should respond to give a more inside perspective on the American issues. For the record, I am int he fourth quadrant politically, which would make me a a more libertarian republican. And I wasn't far from the center at all. In fact, I was dangerously close to Jesleyh. Pfft
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
I don't agree with all the things BBL said above, but he does make a good point. Way too many people buy into this "two-party" veil that is nothing more than just a little show for brainwashed Americans. The illusion of choice is real, and it sickens me that to be a Republican or Democrat, your positions have to be X, Y, Z. What ends up happening is that you are labeled as "un-American" if you disagree on issues that both parties disagree with.

Firstly, the media outlets (mind you no matter how opposite on the political spectrum these MSM networks may seem, they are always throwing propaganda and fearmongering tactics towards people) can "push" a winner of the debate. In fact too many people finish watching a debate, and with such a clusterfuck of candidates up there they can't decide for themselves who wins, so they need the media to tell them. Hard to "win" a debate in such a field, you can only lose one (a la Rick Perry). And just for the record, Trump had 11 minutes to speak. In comparison, Walker had like 4 minutes, Rand Paul had around 3....Rolling Eyes

@cactus-jack: It's hilarious how much attention Donald Trump has got. Whether you support him or you hate him, there is not a chance he is running a serious campaign. Remember Herman Cain, Rick Perry from last cycle. Remember Rudy fucking Giuliani from 2008? Even those career politicians were only contenders for no more than a couple months. To be honest, think of it this way. Trump has a lot to gain from promoting his brand, just look at the media attention he's gotten. He has a lot of what he calls "leverage", if he drops out (soon, while he still has momentum) and endorses someone, these sheep will follow. But as such a wealthy person, why in God's name would you want to be president for 4 or 8 years. Do you think Donald Trump wants to spend 8 years of his life being a slave of Israel? But he does at least have some value to the party, look at the debate ratings. It was the most-watched non-sporting event on cable television ever.

For the record I supported Ron Paul in 2012. I did volunteer work for his campaign, and I live an hour or so away from his congressional district (as you may know I am close to Houston, Texas, a Republican stronghold since Reagan carried it in 1980). Three years later I have to say politics is not a fight worth fighting anymore. I don't know how it is in Europe, but maybe when you get some money then it's worth trying to have some influence over some of these nationalist brainwashed sheep. But in any case, while it shouldn't bother anyone here that this forum likes to bash right-wing ideas, there are some fundamental differences in values that really go beyond what is the issue here, for example:

-Leftists believe healthcare is a right. Period. Republicans believe that there is no social obligation. Take risks and reap rewards, and if there's a man dying and you have a choice to help him or not, you can choose to say "let him die". That is a fundamental difference in values, despite how nasty it can sound.

I do have one viewpoint though. Capitalism (while like Karl Marx said when visiting Britain I believe) can allow a superpower to sustain itself longer than a socialist country can, at the expense of its own people, for good or worse. It is a fundamental law, you cannot have reward without risk. This is very apparent in many issues that the US conducts itself in (e.g. American involvement in the Middle East is presented as a "security issue" and a religious issue, but is simply capitalist speculation disguised...)

@bbl: You touch on things that really have to do with why states rights was such an issue, although it seems like a stupid issue today. And ultimately, that should denominate locally as well. It's like saying, I don't want to use heroin, but I need Washington to protect me from it. I want to marry this guy, but only Washington can approve this. Ultimately there is a hope for humanity that people are the best governments for themselves, and that is one that is deteriorating.

There was a question in the debate last night, something along the lines of "What did God tell you". And frankly, when, out of all the issues there is in this country there is to discuss in a short span of 90 minutes with 10 candidates on stage, Faux News decides to put in one about God, you know there is something intrinsically low-level about the nation's seriousness when it comes to politics. So i am not even going to touch these religious issues. What a joke...but it's not like Europe is that much better. Last I heard there was a burqa ban in NL and France? What the fuck!?

And just to note, while recent years may make it seem otherwise, there have been a clusterfuck of candidates running from Dem nominee in the past too. Can't name years off the top of my head, but look at Hillary and Bernie Sanders (whom I'm sure you Europeans would love as president Pfft) now. Hillary is at best, centric, and Bernie obviously is a self-proclaimed socialist.

Long message. And everyone's favorite political compass eh? BBL are you closer to me or Jesley?


I would say I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative, if that makes any sense. Fuck politics, I am going to move to Malta or something Cool

This convo reminded me I still have that quote of yours from a year ago in my sig. Impeccable timing that was!! Pfft
baseballlover312, 06-03-14 : "Nuke Moscow...Don't worry Russia, we've got plenty of love to go around your cities"
Sarah Palin, 08-03-14 (CPAC, on Russian aggression) : "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke"


Big thanks to jdog for making this AMAZING userbar!
cactus-jack wrote:
To quote Jon Stewart

"The Constitution was written when all you had were muskets. So... have all the muskets you want. Jazz it up with a bayonett, go nuts. You can even have assault muskets!"

From what I've read on the news, it seems that Trump actually came out on top after last nights debate, is that actually true?

It's funny reading the comments on Fox News' FB-page, and seeing all the people going on about how the world is laughing at the US because of Obama. How can so many people be so deluded? From a european standpoint, Obama is the best thing to happen to the US, and if you think Obama makes Europe laugh, try electing Trump.

The fact that a candidate such as Trump is not just running, but even leading(!) among republicans in certain polls should put the rest of the world in stitches, if it weren't for the fact that he's a downright dangerous man.

I wouldn't worry about Trump, when you have 16 running for the Republican nomination then name recognition and $$$ comes into play, his support is a mile wide but an inch deep, he will burn out as I just don't see how he wins more than a couple of primaries if any. Anyway Trump isn't the only one saying stupid things, what Huckabee said of the deal Obama struck with the Iranians was “take the Israelis and basically march them to the door of the oven” which is disgusting. Ted Cruz seems to think Marriage Equality is a threat “If the courts were following the Constitution, we shouldn’t need a new amendment, but they are, as you put it quite rightly, making it up right now and it’s a real danger to our liberty” I don't even know what he is on about!

I also don't understand how people in the U.S don't realise that the constitution was meant to be a living, breathing, evolving document and not something that was intended to never change, the more I learn about the "founding fathers" the more I think that they would be horrified to see what has become of the country they helped create, they have vision and foresight and surely thought the times that followed would keep shaping the constitution but instead it have become a great burden for the country (my country isn't much better)
Hells 500 Crew and 6 x Everester
Don Rd Launching Place
Melbourne Hill Rd Warrandyte
Colby Drive Belgrave South
William Rd The Patch
David Hill Rd Monbulk
Lakeside Drive Emerald
547984 wrote:
Long message. And everyone's favorite political compass eh? BBL are you closer to me or Jesley?


I would say I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative, if that makes any sense. Fuck politics, I am going to move to Malta or something Cool

I'm like a quarter square right of Jesleyh and maybe .2 up. So pretty damn close to him.

I have one friend that took it yesterday and ended up in the very far left/lib corner, and tried to convince me that the global political spectrum was skewed to the far right and he was a centrist. :lol:
Edited by baseballlover312 on 08-08-2015 15:03
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
Ian Butler
I'd be almost at the top left Wink though don't take it all too seriously, because I only believe in authority when the authority is righteous and that only exists in theory Pfft
plainly put, I'd believe in a good dictator. If there is such a thing Pfft
Trump (on Megyn Kelly): "There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever" :lol:

This guy does have appeal to a group of people, racists, misogynists, etc. When a guy who funds politicians on a daily basis is running on the basis of cleansing Washington and is gaining support, you know your electorate is bad...
baseballlover312, 06-03-14 : "Nuke Moscow...Don't worry Russia, we've got plenty of love to go around your cities"
Sarah Palin, 08-03-14 (CPAC, on Russian aggression) : "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a nuke is a good guy with a nuke"


Big thanks to jdog for making this AMAZING userbar!
Trumps incoherent rambling and slandering might be good for the republicans because it makes most of them seem sane by comparison. However, for the political climate it's not good because it brings yet another circus-element into what is allready turning into a popularity contest more reminiscent of reality TV than an election campaign.

When you need a "wow factor" to gain attention in such a serious matter, something is extremely wrong. Holding a political office should be a responsibilty, not a priviledge. It should be a grave an serious task not to be taken lightly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there an american president who was less than happy with winning the election because it kept him from looking out for his flock of sheep?

I decided to have a go at the "Political Compass-test" and was surprised to see how much of a libertarian I am, I always figured I was slightly more authorative. Then again, if it's more ment for an "american view", then perhaps it's a bit skewed Wink
cactus-jack attached the following image:

There's a fine line between "psychotherapist" and "psycho the rapist"

I had a go at the political compass as well. I can't say I'm too surprised with the outcome, although in the past the look used to be a bit less, ehm, extreme.
Selwink attached the following image:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/npn.png[PCT] Novatek-Panarmenian.net
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'But why were [...] they helped to get to space? To find answers, we must look at predictions not of science, but of science-fiction.'
Ancient Aliens
My Political compass is down near the middle bottom left, some of the questions were awkwardly worded but guess these things ain't to serious Smile

Economic Left/Right: -6.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.67
Hells 500 Crew and 6 x Everester
Don Rd Launching Place
Melbourne Hill Rd Warrandyte
Colby Drive Belgrave South
William Rd The Patch
David Hill Rd Monbulk
Lakeside Drive Emerald
emre99 wrote:
Yep, Turkey is going to be involved in the war near Syria. I hate how this beautiful country govern by these b****es.

Might want to check your priorities, you're hitting more Kurds then ISIS Wink
Changed my sig, this was getting absurd.
cactus-jack wrote:
Trumps incoherent rambling and slandering might be good for the republicans because it makes most of them seem sane by comparison. However, for the political climate it's not good because it brings yet another circus-element into what is allready turning into a popularity contest more reminiscent of reality TV than an election campaign.

When you need a "wow factor" to gain attention in such a serious matter, something is extremely wrong. Holding a political office should be a responsibilty, not a priviledge. It should be a grave an serious task not to be taken lightly. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there an american president who was less than happy with winning the election because it kept him from looking out for his flock of sheep?

You are correct about Trump making some of the others look tame, I mean even Rick Perry looked sensible compared to that Hairdo from New York. The problem I see is that the more oxygen Trump sucks out of the nomination race the more the others will feel the need to pivoting to the right which is bad for the Republican Party as a whole, this race will end up being the last clown standing and that helps nobody. I just read that former first lady Nancy Reagan has invited all 16 to a debate in the CNN/Reagan Library presidential debate on Sep 16, should be one hectic debate with all 16 and to be honest how is it workable? The one good thing is with all the money centred around a couple of candidates that the field will shrink dramatically soon enough and it will come down to 3 or 4 after the first couple of primaries.
Hells 500 Crew and 6 x Everester
Don Rd Launching Place
Melbourne Hill Rd Warrandyte
Colby Drive Belgrave South
William Rd The Patch
David Hill Rd Monbulk
Lakeside Drive Emerald
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