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PCM.Daily Grand High Wizard Contest 2017
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Posted on 08-01-2025 19:45
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Set 3 of the Year Long Predictions have been posted here.

Deadline for entries is 29th June, Midnight, GMT.
A week of time to think about this set of question. 130 points is not something you should do it on a rush
Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

Aquarius97 wrote:
A week of time to think about this set of question. 130 points is not something you should do it on a rush

Exactly Grin
Set 3
1. dumoulin
2. quickstep
3. bardet
4. buchmann
5. hirt

emre99's stages
Thread of the Week : Tour of California 2014
-Official PCM World Cup 2016, 10th best keirin player in the world Wink
PCM.daily Awards : 2 Nominee 0 Award Pfft
Daily Song Contest WINNER! With Foals - Mountain at my Gates with Greece!
1 like 1 girlfriend
''I call you the stage god. You are the stage god.'' -baseballover312, 15.07.2016
4.Which rider, eligible for U25s classification, will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Davide Formolo, 10th in Giro)?

emre99 wrote:
4. buchmann

I think you misunderstood the question. Can only be an Italian, French or Sapnish rider.
1. Gaviria
2. Quickstep
3. Nibali
4. Formolo
5. Hirt

you gotta be bold Pfft though I would've loved to add Jaime Roson at 4 or 5
1 Gaviria
2 Quick Step
3 Valverde
4 Formolo
5 Roson
Manager of Minions
AbhishekLFC wrote:
4.Which rider, eligible for U25s classification, will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Davide Formolo, 10th in Giro)?

emre99 wrote:
4. buchmann

I think you misunderstood the question. Can only be an Italian, French or Sapnish rider.

lol its starting in dusseldorf and i go with a german rider i'm an idiot, formolo i will stick.

emre99's stages
Thread of the Week : Tour of California 2014
-Official PCM World Cup 2016, 10th best keirin player in the world Wink
PCM.daily Awards : 2 Nominee 0 Award Pfft
Daily Song Contest WINNER! With Foals - Mountain at my Gates with Greece!
1 like 1 girlfriend
''I call you the stage god. You are the stage god.'' -baseballover312, 15.07.2016
emre99 wrote:
AbhishekLFC wrote:
4.Which rider, eligible for U25s classification, will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Davide Formolo, 10th in Giro)?

emre99 wrote:
4. buchmann

I think you misunderstood the question. Can only be an Italian, French or Sapnish rider.

lol its starting in dusseldorf and i go with a german rider i'm an idiot, formolo i will stick.

Emre, I implied that Buchmann wasn't allowed without saying that exactly Grin

Maybe you just miss-heard, it's okay.

My predictions are as follows:
1. Fernando Gaviria
2. Quickstep
3. Vincenzo Nibali
4. Davide Formolo
5. Jan Hirt
A reminder that the deadline for Set 3 of the Year Long Predictions is 29th June, Midnight, GMT. Please send in your answers before then.
Entries for the Tour de France are now open. Deadline is 1st July, Midnight GMT.


Rider 1:
Rider 2:
Rider 3:
Rider 4:
Rider 5:
Young Rider:

Bonus Question: How many stages will be won from the break? (20 points)
Option 1: <3
Option 2: 3-5
Option 3: >5

Also, please remember to send in your answers for Set 3 of the Year Long Predictions. Deadline is Midnight on Thursday.
Edited by AbhishekLFC on 27-06-2017 07:10
Year Long Questions Set 3

1) Gaviria
2) Movistar
3) Bardet
4) Formolo
5) Hirt

Rushed as forgot this Sad
24/02/21 - kandesbunzler said “I don't drink famous people."
15/08/22 - SotD said "Your [jandal's] humour is overrated"
11/06/24 - knockout said "Winning is fine I guess. Truth be told this felt completely unimportant."

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2x pcmdaily.com/images/mg/Awards2021/funniest21.png x2
2x i.imgur.com/TUidkLG.png x2
1.Which rider will win the most Grand Tour stages this year? (currently Fernando Gaviria, 4 stage wins) Valverde
2.Which team will win the most Grand Tour stages this year? (currently Quickstep) Quickstep
3.Which rider will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Vicenzo Nibali, 3rd in Giro)? Nibali
4.Which rider, eligible for U25s classification, will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Davide Formolo, 10th in Giro)? Marc Soler
5.Which rider from a Pro Continental team will finish highest in the GC in a Grand Tour? (current Jan Hirt, 12th in Giro) Jan Hirt

Tour de France

Rider 1: Froome
Rider 2: Porte
Rider 3: Valverde
Rider 4: Contador
Rider 5: Roglic
KOM: Chaves
Points: Sagan
Young Rider: Meintjes
Bonus: Option 3
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/micro/npn.png[PCT] Novatek-Panarmenian.net
[ICL] Sugoi-Xanterra & Canada Dry Dev Team
Stages (Requests closed)


'But why were [...] they helped to get to space? To find answers, we must look at predictions not of science, but of science-fiction.'
Ancient Aliens

Rider 1: Froome
Rider 2: Contador
Rider 3: Porte
Rider 4: Valverde
Rider 5: Bardet
KOM: Fuglsang
Points: Sagan
Young Rider: Latour
Bonus: Option 3
Manager of Minions
1.Which rider will win the most Grand Tour stages this year? (currently Fernando Gaviria, 4 stage wins) Gaviria
2.Which team will win the most Grand Tour stages this year? (currently Quickstep) Quickstep
3.Which rider will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Vicenzo Nibali, 3rd in Giro)? Valverde
4.Which rider, eligible for U25s classification, will finish highest in the GC in their home Grand Tour (currently Davide Formolo, 10th in Giro)? Pierre Latour
5.Which rider from a Pro Continental team will finish highest in the GC in a Grand Tour? (current Jan Hirt, 12th in Giro) Jan Hirt
Year Long Questions Set 3

Q1: Peter Sagan
Q2: Quickstep
Q3: Alejandro Valverde
Q4: Warren Barguil
Q5: Dani Navarro
Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

I'm keeping the entries for Year Long Questions Set 3 open for now. Please send them in if you haven't already.

Remember, the deadline for the TDF is Midnight on Saturday. There will be no extensions for that.
Entries for Year Long Questions Set 3 are now closed.

Rider 1: Froome
Rider 2: Nairo
Rider 3: Porte
Rider 4: Valverde
Rider 5: Bardet
KOM: Pantano
Points: Sagan
Young Rider: Simon Yates
Bonus: Option 2
Rider 1: Aru
Rider 2: Martin
Rider 3: Yates
Rider 4: Majka
Rider 5: Fuglsang
KOM: Pinot
Points: Matthews
Young Rider: Buchmann
Bonus: Option 2

you gotta be unique...
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