Don't let him talk you into buying a top-of-the-art pc though. If I understood correctly you don't particularly need super high definition graphics, but you just want the game to run smoothly.
I'd recommend something like this:
- Intel i5 (or AMD A8) processor (i7 isn't very useful, unless you need to run very demanding software along each other at the same time)
- Nvidia GeForce GT series graphics card (you don't need GTX, which is more expensive)
haasje33 wrote: Don't let him talk you into buying a top-of-the-art pc though. If I understood correctly you don't particularly need super high definition graphics, but you just want the game to run smoothly.
I'd recommend something like this:
- Intel i5 (or AMD A8) processor (i7 isn't very useful, unless you need to run very demanding software along each other at the same time)
- Nvidia GeForce GT series graphics card (you don't need GTX, which is more expensive)
I'm not talking him into anything. A simple 2nd gen i5 and a 560ti for around 70-80€ is enough. (btw a GT 430 costs 70-100€)
I just want him to get the best for the price.
also a 560 non-ti would do the job, too. Even a 460 would easily do the job.
If you still want to spend less money, get a gtx 285 or a GTS 450.
Also an i3-2100 would decrease the price again. Remember, that it's not a bad idea, to buy used stuff, but just don't buy it on the internet. Buy it from locals.
I think he meant don't let my IT guy talk me into it, not you.
But thanks folks for the advice ,uch appreciated
Paul23 wrote:
haasje33 wrote: Don't let him talk you into buying a top-of-the-art pc though. If I understood correctly you don't particularly need super high definition graphics, but you just want the game to run smoothly.
I'd recommend something like this:
- Intel i5 (or AMD A8) processor (i7 isn't very useful, unless you need to run very demanding software along each other at the same time)
- Nvidia GeForce GT series graphics card (you don't need GTX, which is more expensive)
I'm not talking him into anything. A simple 2nd gen i5 and a 560ti for around 70-80€ is enough. (btw a GT 430 costs 70-100€)
I just want him to get the best for the price.
also a 560 non-ti would do the job, too. Even a 460 would easily do the job.
If you still want to spend less money, get a gtx 285 or a GTS 450.
Also an i3-2100 would decrease the price again. Remember, that it's not a bad idea, to buy used stuff, but just don't buy it on the internet. Buy it from locals.