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Rider Training 2018
No changes for training cost in comparison to recent years:

Average or StatCost

If the rider's average is higher than the stat you want to train, then the cost relates to the current average.

If the stat you want to train is higher than the rider's average, then the cost relates to the new value of that stat

The average value is always rounded: 74.4 = 74, 74.5 = 75

Rider Average Exemption

If the stat you want to train is more than 10 values worse than the rider's average, then the cost is different

The maximum a stat can be raised to using this method is 67.
A stat can only be raised by 2 points under this "rider average exemption" where the new value of the stat is more than 10 values less than the rider's rounded overall average. Also, no more than 2 different stats can be raised using this exemption method per season.

The following table is important:

65 or less100,000

1st Increase: The cost relates to the table above.
2nd Increase: The cost is double that of the table above.


A rider can only be trained by a total of 2 stats each season. (Either twice in one stat, or once in two stats).
Furthermore, each team is limited to a total of 5 stats of training each season - across all riders.
Wasn't it an idea to open up for more than 5 trainings each season to spread out trainings? Limiting to 5 will make sure only the top level riders receive training...
To be honest, I think we both missed or had forgotten that suggestion - will get back to you.
SotD wrote:
Wasn't it an idea to open up for more than 5 trainings each season to spread out trainings? Limiting to 5 will make sure only the top level riders receive training...

I second this suggestion. Might not be relevant for me this season but removing that limit is better imo
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Posted on 07-03-2025 02:46
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The 2 stats per rider limit makes a lot of sense to me. The 5 maximum across the board is more limiting in terms of restricitng potential for brushing up of 'weaker' riders alongside big spend on top 'stars' for the top teams. Not directly relevant to me, but I can't at this stage see any need for this additional restriction unless there is some trans-dimensional chess strategy that I am missing :lol:.
Manager of ISA - Hexacta in the MG
So update: there won't be a limit of 5 trainings.

To note that the transfer file is currently only designed to pick up 5, so care must be taken to ensure it is all counted from the budget.

Limit of 2 per rider will remain.
I have one question. If i have a rider with avg that rounded would be 77, and i want to train an stat to 67, do i have to pay 150k or 850k?
Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

If it`s 76.50 - 76.99, I`d say then 67 does not count into at least 10 less.

Hence the stat exemption wouldn`t count.
Aquarius97 wrote:
I have one question. If i have a rider with avg that rounded would be 77, and i want to train an stat to 67, do i have to pay 150k or 850k?

Should be 850k, since the rule should only count with avf of 78, if I get it right:

If the stat you want to train is more than 10 values worse than the rider's average, then the cost is different.

Ok... Sad Thanks for the clarification
Manager of [MG] Repsol - Netflix

If I have a rider with, say 76 in sprint, and I want to train him to 78.

Am I correct then, that I will pay these two figures:

76 600,000
77 700,000

So to train him from 76-78 would cost 1,300,000 in total?
No double paying for second stat increase for this right?

And btw, I think another restriction may be missing over here.
Wasn't it something like:

"The rider have to be 4.100 for at least a year, and he has to be over the age of 25 before training can be done?"
No double paying for the second increase. Take care of the AVG though and check if it's higher than the stat you want to train.

Not sure if/where the restriction is noted (anywhere else), but the DB tells you anyway, if a rider is eligible for training.
Not sure if/where the restriction is noted (anywhere else), but the DB tells you anyway, if a rider is eligible for training.

Oh, lol, totally forgot Pfft

Thank you for clearifiying the above question as well!
It's in the other info thread.

Eligibility for Training:
- Only riders born in 1988 or later are able to be trained
- Only riders who are 'maxed out' - i.e. their xp is 4.100 - are able to be trained
- If a rider only maxed out during the 2017 season, then he is not eligible to be trained - as his stats have already improved inbetween the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Similarly, newly added riders to the DB, or riders whose stats have been improved, cannot be trained.

If the stat you want to train is more than 10 values worse than the rider's average, then the cost is different

The maximum a stat can be raised to using this method is 67.
A stat can only be raised by 2 points under this "rider average exemption" where the new value of the stat is more than 10 values less than the rider's rounded overall average. Also, no more than 2 different stats can be raised using this exemption method per season.

The following table is important:
67 150,000
66 125,000
65 or less 100,000

1st Increase: The cost relates to the table above.
2nd Increase: The cost is double that of the table above.

If I use this metod on two diffrent riders (stat below 65) will in be 100.000 + 100.000 or 100.000 + 200.000 ?
That's all rider specific instructions.

So 100,000 + 100,000
SportingNonsense wrote:
That's all rider specific instructions.

So 100,000 + 100,000

If this is rider specific, does that mean I can train 3 different riders using the exemption? Just wondering what exactly is meant by:

Also, no more than 2 different stats can be raised using this exemption method per season.

I was taking it to mean you can only use the exemption 2 times for training in total.
Yes, you can train three different riders using this exemption. Only 2 different stats per rider. That's how I always got the rules and this is how they make sense.
A further query on interpretation of the 'average exemption' usage.

As I am reading it raising a stat from 65 - 66, then 66-67 (same rider, same stat) the 2nd upgrade costs double. I'm sure this is correct.

Is the 2nd upgrade also double cost in the case where you are raising a stat from say 60- 61, then 61-62. Or is the double cost specific only to values in the table? Think is a little ambiguous as written/laid-out, so I want to be sure.

Given have missed out on GT application, considering options as to whether or not is possible for me to re-use the application cost elsewhere by moving things around a little, or just carry over the small residual!
Manager of ISA - Hexacta in the MG
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