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The Politics Thread
600k. 3% of the population in the streets in peaceful protests. I'm so fucking proud of these people.

I'll try to post the best pictures when I'll have the time.

Edited by alexkr00 on 05-02-2017 21:48
In more US news, they did a pre Super Bowl interview with Trump where they called him out for respecting Putin. The interviewer called him out for supporting a killer to which Trump said:

"Alot of people are killers."

Interviewer - "But not many world leaders are killers."

Trump changed the subject when he replied and continued to talk about California seceding from the United States (It made the ballot for 2018).


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Virtually any soveraign state leader is a killer, indirectly so there

Spicer better calls them out for this shit

When Trump is still more interesting than Romania's most historic protests

With all due respect, but if Romania invades a foreign country it'll most likely be with cavalery and muskets. Allow me to be a bit more worried about the USA Wink
Changed my sig, this was getting absurd.
alexkr00 wrote:
When Trump is still more interesting than Romania's most historic protests


Fake country. Should be all Hungarian and Ottoman.

On another hand, I didn't know Romanians were that beautiful (tbf that's what Brits probably think of you anyway Pfft)


P.S. Serious question, how did you elect them in first place? :lol: Surely such big policy as this must have been mentioned somewhere in the debates, one would assume.
Edited by Alakagom on 05-02-2017 22:50

Alakagom wrote:
P.S. Serious question, how did you elect them in first place? :lol: Surely such big policy as this must have been mentioned somewhere in the debates, one would assume.


They came up with this "great" plan that would basically make every person's life better. From any category. That's what got them the elections. That and less than 40% of the population who had the right to vote showing up. This means that their great percentage of 44% which they have constantly throwing in our faces is only 1/6 of the population who can vote, while the current president has been elected with twice as many votes.

In their governing plan, this whole thing was mentioned in a few rows, but there they talk about the conditions from prisons, not legalizing theft.

Oh and the biggest TV news stations in the country (as number of viewers, not quality, the most impartial TV news station here is actually the least watched) are used as part of their propaganda.
Alakagom wrote:

Virtually any soveraign state leader is a killer, indirectly so there

Spicer better calls them out for this shit

You know the country doesn't like the president when:

1. Lowest approval rate ever of a president in US History (42%)
2. The judges of states are over-ruling the president's orders (Minnesota & Washington judges have overruled Trump's order to ban immigrants from 7 countries to enter the US. These judges have told homeland security to stop following this order immediately.)


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

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for German readers there is a beauty to find on radsportnews.com, that crosses over Trump and cycling: https://www.radsport-news.com/sport/sp...102360.htm

a remarkable look back to the "Tour de Trump", at it's time from 88-96...and the crazy thoughts already back then...as said, worth a read for anyone able to read in German...

from what German news say Romanian protests look more and more successful, great to read
jseadog1 wrote:
Alakagom wrote:

Virtually any soveraign state leader is a killer, indirectly so there

Spicer better calls them out for this shit

You know the country doesn't like the president when:

1. Lowest approval rate ever of a president in US History (42%)
2. The judges of states are over-ruling the president's orders (Minnesota & Washington judges have overruled Trump's order to ban immigrants from 7 countries to enter the US. These judges have told homeland security to stop following this order immediately.)

I think hes a jackass too, but that statistic is simply false. There's is zero evidence to back that up whatsoever. First of fall, they've only been tracking approval ratings since the end of the FDR administration, and second, every single president since then has had a lower approval rating than 42% at some point besides Eisenhower.

As for your second point, judges have been doing that for literally centuries. The Indian Removal Act was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court itself and still went ahead. There's precedent for that and while it's definitely unusual for it to be happening already, disputes between branches of government are not a Trump phenomenon.

I hate the guy and he's been acting like a complete idiot, but let's not just put false information out there. Unless these are just your alternative facts, then you just posted actual fake news. It's definitely not a good idea to feed into that fire.
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
Because I am supplying fake news?

Link 1 about Trump approval rating - https://time.com/4660227/donald-trump-...l-ratings/

As for my #2, I never said that it has never been done before, I stated that it happened in the last few days, which is very much true information/news.

No fake news provided by me


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alexkr00 wrote:
600k. 3% of the population in the streets in peaceful protests. I'm so fucking proud of these people.

I'll try to post the best pictures when I'll have the time.


Yes, lots of my romanian friends from back then are in the streets too, really lovely to follow them, and a great success for peaceful protest. Smile
"It’s a little bit scary when Contador attacks." - Tommy V
jseadog1 wrote:
Because I am supplying fake news?

Link 1 about Trump approval rating - https://time.com/4660227/donald-trump-...l-ratings/

As for my #2, I never said that it has never been done before, I stated that it happened in the last few days, which is very much true information/news.

No fake news provided by me

That link says it is the lowest approval rating for a "newly elected president," since CNN began conducting the polls less than 40 years ago. That is clearly not the "Lowest approval rate ever of a president in US History," as you claimed.

My point with #2 is not that it's false, that was for #1. My point is that those kind of disputes are pretty normal and have been for most of U.S. history, and they've been over very large acts in the past.
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
Does this make you happier? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/wor...63091.html

If this is false, I am not supplying false news, they are!

HEADLINE - Donald Trump has lowest approval ratings of any President in US history

Just 44 per cent of respondents gave Mr Trump their approval, making him the only President since polls began to hold a negative approval rating at such an early stage in his White House tenure.


PCM.Daily Survivor Season 2 Fan Favorite Winner

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Yeah, that headline is clickbait. The quote is accurate, but the headline is way more general and implies something different. They aren't supplying false news, just false headlines.

And dude, I agree with you! I think it's going to shit too, I'm just saying that it pays to be careful about semantics and sources with all of the drama already going on.
RIP Exxon Duke, David Veilleux, Double Feature, and Monster Energy
I'm no fan of Trump (It is entertaining from a distance though), but I agree with BBL312. Many of the things Trump is being criticised for are standard things that have been done before by numerous other presidents. The Obama administration imposed numerous travel bans/restrictions on numerous countries during his time in office but when Trump does it it's an act of war.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
ringo182 wrote:
The Obama administration imposed numerous travel bans/restrictions on numerous countries during his time in office but when Trump does it it's an act of war.

Let me guess, the Iraq ban of 2011? The one where the process was slowed for about 6 months but where immigration was still allowed and was primarily a slow down on specific visa's. That was in response to a specific case of Iraqi nationals, with the increased processing then aimed at Irqai's applying under similar visas.
As opposed the Trumps attempted complete ban on almost all travel and visa's and refugees from a blanket region with no specific related incident.
Yep, totally the same.
TheManxMissile wrote:
ringo182 wrote:
The Obama administration imposed numerous travel bans/restrictions on numerous countries during his time in office but when Trump does it it's an act of war.

Let me guess, the Iraq ban of 2011? The one where the process was slowed for about 6 months but where immigration was still allowed and was primarily a slow down on specific visa's. That was in response to a specific case of Iraqi nationals, with the increased processing then aimed at Irqai's applying under similar visas.
As opposed the Trumps attempted complete ban on almost all travel and visa's and refugees from a blanket region with no specific related incident.
Yep, totally the same.

Agreed. But my point wasn't about the ins and outs of the policies. It was simply saying that it isn't the first time America has imposed travel restrictions.
Obviously the reasons behind Trumps ban are dubious, but it isn't as if it's a surprise. He said this was what he would do all the way through his campaign.
My point was that most of the reaction is to Trump and not to the policy. If Obama had made a similar ruling to impose a ban/restrictions on countries believed to be harbouring ISIS/Islamic State terrorists it would be controversial, but it wouldn't have drawn the same reaction as for Trump.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
Probably because Trump is a xenophobic racist, and Obama isn't. Actions will be responded to differently based upon their reasoning and cause. Trumps base reasoning is highly questionable, hence the reaction is so strong and outspoken. It's not helped by his administrations reactions to the reactions, which is somewhere between laughable and downright socipathic.
TheManxMissile wrote:
Probably because Trump is a xenophobic racist, and Obama isn't. Actions will be responded to differently based upon their reasoning and cause. Trumps base reasoning is highly questionable, hence the reaction is so strong and outspoken. It's not helped by his administrations reactions to the reactions, which is somewhere between laughable and downright socipathic.

Although if the whole of America reacts to everything Trump does like they have done up until now it's going to be a very long 4/5 years. At some point they just need to calm down and stop protesting every single policy.
"Ringo is exactly right", Shonak - 8 September 2016
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