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Rheden GP

Welcome to The Netherlands to see the final cobbled classic of the PT(HC) calendar in 2017. As always in the cobbled classic, it’s Sam Bewley’s race to lose, but the World Champion comes from not winning the last 2 cobbled races he has raced, the ToNE stage and East Midlands Classic, where he was beaten in both by Greg van Avermaet. But the Belgian isn’t here today, so everything looks like we’ll see another win for the New Zealander

Although the day didn’t start as Bewley would have dreamt, as in the first kms of the race, 21 riders!!! broke away from the bunch, where no team tried to stop them from gaining big time before the first cobbled section, after these riders had a 3-minute gap only after 10 kms of racing

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Prasad
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mei.png Arashiro
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/frs.png Pozzato
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ssc.png Ghani
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Kuroeda
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Andersen
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Ewan
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nvo.png Nielsen
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/bgc.png Baska
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Haas
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Young
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Brambilla
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Cink
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Willwohl
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Gjølberg
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cpl.png Choi
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ebd.png Roosen
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Markus
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Zmorka
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gzl.png Hofland
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Esmaeli

So 21 riders from 21 different riders, which leaves only Puma, Carlsberg and MOL without any rider in the breakaway. It’s too soon maybe, but we might see a breakaway win today. And from the breakaway riders, the main favourites would be Darren Young, Kuroeda and Caleb Ewan, the latter not being as good in the cobbles as the other two, but being a top sprinter in PCT, if he’s in the same group as the other riders, he’ll win the race


It’s the second time that the group crosses the finish line (they’ll have to do 5 more times) and the gap is around 6 minutes with 120 kms to go. Moser and Orange are the two teams working in the bunch, despite both having a rider in the breakaway


That’s an infortunate puncture for pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/frs.png Pozzato in the breakaway! Still 80 kms to go, so plenty of time to recover the lost ground, while Moser has reduced the gap to less than 4 minutes


Just over 50 kms left in the race, and the gap between the breakaway and the bunch is now under 2 minutes. Some riders like pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Zmorka or pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Andersen have been dropped from the breakaway, and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/nem.png Young has suffered a flat, which would see the three rider getting caught within 5 kms


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Ewan is taking the pace in the breakaway with 35 kms to go, but the group is only 40 seconds behind, so it’s going to be a fight between the top cobblers for the win today. There are only 75 riders left in the bunch, although no one important is missing


The breakaway was caught with 30 kms to go, but one rider didn’t want that to be the end of his adventure, as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mei.png Arashiro attacked again in a cobbled section, using the time needed for Moser domestiques to reach the first places of the group


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mei.png Arashiro is a powerful rider in the flat, as he proved recently taking a stage win in Colombia in a flat stage breakaway, so his move lasted a few kms, until just when there were only 20 kms left in the race, the World Champions made his first attack of the day


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal was the only one who could follow pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley initially, but the French rider couldn’t keep up with his rhythm and dropped back to the group, where pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Ewan was working for pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Burghardt, while the gap was already 30 seconds


13 kms to go, and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley was entering the penultimate cobbled section of the day with a 28-second gap to a 40-rider group, where Aker was trying to use his big depth to catch the world champion


Interesting turning point for Aker, as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Trentin looks to be working for pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Kristoff, instead of using his cobbled strenght to fight for the win himself, while it also looks like pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley won’t get this done alone, and that the smartest thing to do now would be to wait to the rest of the group and sprint for the win


pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Saber makes the junction with less than 9 kms to go, leaving only 26 riders in the front of the race to fight for the win. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley surely must not have used all his energies in that attack, otherwise he’ll be facing a third straight lose in the cobbles

pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Saber, Vanspeybrouck
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ayu.png Baugnies
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Wisniowski, Rowe
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Thomas, Burghardt
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Kristoff, Lhotellerie, Trentin, Gaudin, Breen
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Blythe
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Vanmarcke, Kuroeda
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ebd.png Sinkeldam, Gerts, Lampaert
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Albert
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ssc.png Daniel
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/prp.png Ferreira
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/cdb.png Nolf
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ora.png Kamyshev
pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/wha.png Zepuntke


There was a big slowdown until the last 6 kms, when pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Burghardt attacked and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley jumped quickly on his wheel


But pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Wisniowski and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Albert didn’t let them go anywhere, so they were back together with 5 kms to go, and again we were having a slowdown


Another move by pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Burghardt with 4,3 kms left! And this time Bewley isn’t following him! Instead it’s pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Albert, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Wisniowski and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal!


Just 3 kms for pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Burghardt, who is barely opening a gap to pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Albert and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Wisniowski! pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/pnd.png Senechal exploded and is back in the group, where pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/vsa.png Vanmarcke was working for... no one actually. This is so strange, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley is in the last places of the 20-men group...


This is unbelievable! I don’t know if pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Burghardt run out of energy, if he didn’t want to drag pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/min.png Albert and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/gre.png Wisniowski to the line, but the German has stopped with 2 kms to go and just when the final cobbled section was coming. And who’s gaining a lot of places and even attacking in that point? Yeah, ,the world champion!


No one can follow that insane acceleration, and with 1,5 kms to go, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley already has a 16-second gap to the group, where no one wants to work for others, it seems


600 metres left for pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/mos.png Bewley, who is going to take another win in a cobbled classic! The gap is almost half a minute now to the group, where it looks like pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Blythe and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/t3a.png Burghardt are taking the responsability


And that’s a great win for Sam Bewley in Rheden GP!!


With 500 metres left for the group, it looks like the fight for the second place is between pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Blythe, pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Saber and pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ebd.png Gerts, with pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Trentin a little further behind to be a part of that battle


And pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/jay.png Saber uses his supreme sprint skills to beat both riders for that second place, as pcmdaily.com/files/Micros16/pum.png Blythe has to settle for third. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/ebd.png Gerts can be really happy with a fourth place here, a result that no one might have predicted. pcmdaily.com/files/Micros17/akm.png Trentin is only fifth, but it might be considered a good result remembering the leadership issues in Aker with Kristoff


In the battle for sixth place, it all came down to positioning after the cobbled section, as basically everyone stayed where they were before the final corner, with the short straight finish not allowing a proper sprint. So Vanmarcke took the sixth place, ahead of Burghardt, Thomas, Kristoff and Daniel


You can feel a lot of disappointed riders like Vanspeybrouck (12th), although Jayco won’t care too much with Saber 2nd place, or Baugnies (11th), with a not outstanding result for Ayubowan’s relegation fight, or Wisniowski/Rowe duo (14th and 20th). But most of all, Senechal only in 25th. He tried to follow Bewley in his first attack, and he paid the price for it, and also in the final kms he tried to get in Burghardt's move. Really bad day for him today

Other riders in the top20 were Ferreira in 13th, and from 15th to 20th, Sinkeldam, Zepuntke, Nolf, Albert and Lhotellerie.

And that’s all from The Netherlands! Bewley is back winning cobbled races, in what was his penultimate day in his rainbow jersey

The game crashed in the podium, so only Top50 (the point scoring positions). Anyway, around 120 riders finished the race, with the rest being outside time limit

1Sam BewleyMoser - SygicWinner
2Lahcen SaberJayco - Cobra9+ 36
3Adam BlytheTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
4Floris GertseBuddys.t.
5Matteo TrentinAker - MOTs.t.
6Sep VanmarckeVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
7Marcus BurghardtPodium Ambitions.t.
8Geraint ThomasPodium Ambitions.t.
9Alexander KristoffAker - MOTs.t.
10Maxime DanielSPAR - Shimano - SCGs.t.
11Jerome BaugniesAyubowan!s.t.
12Pieter VanspeybrouckJayco - Cobra9s.t.
13Ricardo FerreiraPorto - Prios.t.
14Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg - Eftels.t.
15Ramon SinkeldameBuddys.t.
16Ruben ZepuntkeWiesenhof - Andritzs.t.
17Frederik NolfCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
18Niels AlbertMinionss.t.
19Clement LhotellerieAker - MOTs.t.
20Luke RoweGrieg - Eftels.t.
21Yves LampaerteBuddys.t.
22Arman KamyshevOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
23Shiki KuroedaVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
24Vegard BreenAker - MOTs.t.
25Florian SenechalPendleton'ss.t.
26Damien GaudinAker - MOT + 1'29
27Saya KuroedaVesuvio - Accumaluxs.t.
28Caleb EwanPodium Ambitions.t.
29Sebastian LanderTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
30Giorgio BrambillaOrange Pro Cyclings.t.
31Sascha WeberTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
32Krishan MadushankaAyubowan!s.t.
33Yudai ArashiroMeiji - JR Easts.t.
34Matti BreschelCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
35Stefan HristovPodium Ambitions.t.
36Jo Kogstad RingheimAker - MOTs.t.
37Lars van der HaarJayco - Cobra9s.t.
38Michael BorosMoser - Sygics.t.
39Martin GrashevPodium Ambitions.t.
40Tom VeelersGazelle + 2'35
41Marc MachadoMOL - OVM Petroms.t.
42Leandro MarcosMinionss.t.
43Andrew FennPendleton'ss.t.
44Eugert ZhupaMoser - Sygics.t.
45Enrico FranzoiWiesenhof - Andritzs.t.
46Oliver NaesenMinionss.t.
47Jiri PolnickyMoser - Sygics.t.
48Tom BoonenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
49Viktor ManakovMOL - OVM Petroms.t.
50Fabian CancellaraAker - MOTs.t.

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