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Cycling Event VLIGHT 2

Overall Description:
The Cycling Event 07 DB VLIGHT 2 is a project by the eponymous Cycling Event Team composed of several French databaseurs, some of which formerly responsible for the creation of the popular Atess 06 database. This new database is meant to be updated regularly following important ProTour events in order to have hyper-realistic stats.

- real names of races, riders and managers
- realistic sponsors
- roughly 99% of riders have photos
- stats based on 2007
- shirts, mini-shirts as of 2007
- teams and riders up-to-date (including Jaksche to Tinkoff etc.)
- correct invitations
- goals adapted for 2007 season

This database comes with all the graphical basics like shirts and mini-shirts other than that there are no fancy cadres or any other extras available. Unfortunately, this project does not seem to include any 2007 stages. Be that as it may, the Cycling Event team really put the emphasis on realistic stats and photos - rightfully so!

First off, I would like to compliment the Cycling Event 07 team for their great effort. The stats are, to all intents and purposes, highly realistic and succeed in reflecting reality.
As with all databases some values are debatable, f.e. Hincapie's 80 in TT.

Best overall riders
best overall riders

best cobblestone riders

best sprinters

best TT-specialists

Stability and Gameplay:
I've tested this DB for one season and experienced no problems whatsoever. I played around 10-15 races or stages - just to be sure - and simulated the rest. One negative detail is the lack of young talents. While there are a few, you will not find them useful in your first or second season - realistic but hardly motivating.

Pros and cons:

+ all transfers for 2007
+ realistic budgets
+ very realistic stats
+ top-notch editing
+ estimated 99% photos

- no fancy extras
- very vanilla graphic-wise


Graphics: 6/10

Stats: 8/10

Editing: 7/10

Overall: 7/10

This database lies level with the RSM news DB in terms of editing and stats and has similar flaws as for instance the lack of graphical ballyhoo. All in all, the Cycling Event VLIGHT 2 is highly recommendable and may well be dead level with other first-rate DB's such as the RSM. Excellent work!
#1 | Thonan on 18. April 2007 20:37
where to download it ?
#2 | Panaflex on 18. April 2007 22:55
This DB is now available in our download section. Enjoy!
#3 | kalle6390 on 25. April 2007 16:18
I have problems at 6/3/2006 and "Giro della Provincia di Lucca". Anyone knows how to fix this?
#4 | Guido Mukk on 27. May 2007 23:52
To agressive stats..I just hate those 85 spinters..
#5 | ruben on 06. September 2007 16:16
Very realistic stats?? Dekker with 69 climbing lmfao
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