Hamachi is a relatively new "addition" to the ways of playing Pro Cycling Manager online. Over the latest 1½ year the program has become more and more popular which is probably due to the fact that it's very stable, and that it always works even though it's not designed for PCM.
To use Hamachi, you'll of course have to download it first. It can be downloaded in our download section, or by clicking this link. After you've downloaded, installed and opened the program you might have difficulties finding the program. That's because it - to start with - is located in the status bar. Locate it (it's the one with the triangle as a logo) and open it. When you open it for the first time, a guide will talk you through the first steps of configuring Hamachi. When that's done, you can continue with this guide.
You're now ready to connect or create your own multiplayer PCM-game. If you want to create your own "server": Press the triangle which is in the bottom of the Hamachi-window and choose "Create network". Type in a network name and a network password, and click the "Create"-button. Your server has now been created.
If you want to join an existing "server": Press the triangle which is in the bottom of the Hamachi-window, and choose "Join network". Type in the network name and network password, and click the "Join"-button. You're now connected to the server.
You're still not playing PCM online, though. Open up PCM and click the "Multiplayer"-button. Choose a name (f.e. your username at this site) - when that's done you'll enter a screen which looks like you're playing single player.
If you want to start your own PCM-game: Choose "New game", and choose the mode you want to play in - just like you would have done in single player-mode. When that's done, you're ready and other players can join your game.
If you want to join an existing PCM-game: First of all, make sure that the host of the game has created a game, and that you're connected on the same network on Hamachi. When he's done that, click the "Refresh"-button and his username should appear on your screen. Depending on your connection it'll take minutes before you join the game - so be patient. Afterwards, you might also have to wait while the other players join the game. When everybody has joined the game, the host will click the "Start"-button, and you'll choose team, riders, material, etc.. When that's done the game will start.
You don't need to have the same databases. During the loading time you'll automatically download the host's database. During the game, you can press F5 and chat with the other players participating in the game.
Good luck! |