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Articles Home » PCM 06: General Articles » Quick Tips: Your photo in the game
Quick Tips: Your photo in the game
When starting a career it's possible to choose a face for your profile. However, if you haven't downloaded anything, you can only choose the usual anonymous photo. With this guide you will be able to implent your own photo.

If you already have a program which can save in .jpg-format, f.e. Photoshop, these are the steps:
1. Open the photo with your image program
2. Resize the photo to 64x64
3. Save the photo as a .tga-file in 32 bit
4. Place the photo in Cyanide\Cycling Manager 06\CM_Gui\ManagerPhoto

If you don't have a photo program, follow these steps:
1. Open the photo with any photo program (Paint, ...)
2. Resize it to 64x64
3. Save the photo as a .bmp or .jpg-file
4. Download DDS Converter 2.1 by clicking here:
DDS Converter 2.1
5. Use the program to convert your file to a .tga-file
6. Place the photo in Cyanide\Cycling Manager 06\CM_Gui\ManagerPhoto
#1 | Bjorni-_- on 08. April 2007 17:52
is it 64x64 pixels?
#2 | CrueTrue on 13. May 2007 13:25
#3 | Smoothie on 20. June 2007 21:38
I used this to get mine in Grin
#4 | hushovd14 on 25. November 2009 17:15
how can i resize it?
#5 | hushovd14 on 25. November 2009 17:17
Gringot it now
#6 | Volksw on 07. September 2018 15:59
The article we used to point out quick tips and game plans. Then we can easily download the superior writers issued managing cycling articles and guests shared valuable resources.
#7 | josh09 on 13. September 2018 09:18
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#8 | WilburRoss on 25. June 2023 11:19
I believe that for any purpose, photos should be of high quality. Especially when it comes to project preparation. I recently came upon a source that proved to be a fantastic discovery for this. A vast quantity carpenter images always and improvement of my work.
#9 | yares52557 on 18. October 2023 13:07
I appreciate this quick tip on how to implement your own photo in the game. I've always wanted to use my own photo as my profile picture, but I didn't know how to do it. I'm glad that it's possible, and I'm going to try it out the next time I start a career. I think this is a great way to add a personal touch to your game experience. It's also a nice way to show off your photo to other players. I'm sure that many other players would also like to use their own do homework online photos as their profile pictures, so I think this is a valuable tip to share.
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