This is the 2nd article in the Quick Tips-series. This time, we're educating you in screenshots: How do you take a screenshots and how do I make it viewable to the public - interested, then read on.
First of all, you might want to know that the game actually has a built-in screenshot "manager". If you press CTRL + T during the game it'll take a picture of the situation you're in - a screenshot. Afterwards, it'll be saved in the main folder of PCM, f.e. C:\Program Files\Cyanide\Pro Cycling Manager - Saison 2006\ - so why not use it? Well, first of all it's saved in BMP-format which is a very "large" format, and are therefore not made to be viewed on the internet. 2nd of all, the pictures are often too large and can therefore not be published on a forum.
Instead, we want a program which saves the picture like we want it to do. My favorite program is the relatively unknown "Grabber2k" which is now 6 years old - but it really does its job. It can downloaded from our download-section, or by clicking here:
After you've installed it, and you've opened the program, it'll be a grey box with a few menu-bars at the top: "File", "Edit", "View", "Tools" and "Help". Since we don't care much about the program we go straight to the "Tools" and choose "Settings" - or you click "F9" on your keyboard. Now you'll enter the settings of the capturing.
In the "I want to capture after:" you'd probably like "a key press", so mark that one. In the "Start Capture"-menu you can choose the key which you want to be the trigger - normally, it's the "Print Screen"-button, so I advice you to use that one. The delay-thingie doesn't matter - you can leave it as it is. Also, if there's a "V" in the "include mouse", remove it. You don't want it.
In the "I want to capture the", choose "Active window".
Now, move on the "Image Settings". In this section, you can choose where the screenshots are saved, what their file names should be, etc.. In the "On capturing I want to", choose "Autosave". In "Graphic type", make sure it's set to "JPG".
You're ready to go. Try pressing "Print Screen" to check if it works.
Now, you want to make it viewable to the public - you've to upload your file to the internet. The most used "tool" to do this is . So go there, upload your picture and save the URL-address which is given to you. Now you can view the picture all over the world.