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”I want that one” snerred Chavanel from his wheelchair.
”A Generiaclized Cyclo-Tarmac 8-Billion?” asked Basso who was pushing the wheelchair.
”Yeah vell, it is bedder than the Vuelta Antwerpen 9000” Hushovd, who were already carrying his ”Velo TT/GX/NTA/36”/LP Special Edition Designed By Svein Tuft”, commented.
”How about that one Sylvain?” pointed Basso
”Thats a mountainbike...” sighed Chavanel...
”Hmm... The ”funny stuff”, the mountainbike...” Hushovd said in a very suspicious tone
”Oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh” smiled Chavanel, and it was the first time since October 2006 he smiled.
”You saw this one coming Sylvain, i think Ivan Basso is secretly trying to be Michael Rasmussen!” … Hushovd collapsed on the floor laughing.
”:(” frowned Basso.
And so time passed with Basso being sad and the others laughing heavily.
”Wait...” interrupted Basso. ”We just bought an incredibly expensive TT bike for a man in a wheelchair...”
”Its okay, Boonen pays” Chavanel smugly got pushed around
”But I thought he spent all his money on a mountain made out of drugs...”
”Obviously you never been to Belgium. Drugs' so cheap there, he could have afforded several mountains made out of drugs”
Generic boy standing next to our heroes: Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Tom Boonen bankrupt!
Chavanel: Fuuuu

With Chavanel now in a deep financial crisis, a cycling race tommorow, and a non-existing plot, what does the 70 regular reads see in this story? Find out tommorow.