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Patch Released
Pro Cycling Manager 2014

-Problems with multiplayer stability fixed (including disconnections and crashs during the games, especially in stage race mode)
-Possibility to play custom tours in multiplayer mode, adding the stages in a new modding directory.
-Some interface and ergonomy changes in the Armada mode: stage race creation, level bar, information on custom stages, player automatic messages (loading complete, erroneous stages).
-Update on the playable stages in ladder mode.
-Missing textures in Armada collections fixed.

-It is now possible to control a rider with the keys 4 and 6 of the numeric pad, to force its trajectory in the peloton (collisions are less experienced by the player)
-Difficulty adjusted during the team time trials.

#31 | TheManxMissile on 26. February 2015 17:25
#29/30 - Probably follow the old Dot vs Attack problem, where Dotting on 85+ pulled you clear with zero AI response
#32 | Wixels on 26. February 2015 17:50
Can you keep playing single player career with pcm expantion after this patch?
Not patching till I know I can continue my career Smile
#33 | TheManxMissile on 26. February 2015 17:52
#32 - You will need to restart a career to get the benefits included in the new patch
#34 | roturn on 26. February 2015 17:53
@27: After a new install, it works now btw.
So eventually you have do reinstall as well.
#35 | Miguel98 on 26. February 2015 18:26
It seems the game didn't recognize the update. My game still says
#36 | Maz on 26. February 2015 18:53
I have a keyboard without numeric pad... Do you know how I can do the new trajectory thing ?
#37 | lluuiiggii on 27. February 2015 02:06
In a patch? Cyanide could have saved the '4-6 control' feature and announce it as the main gameplay feature of PCM15 (if we take the standard set by the recent PCMs) Pfft
#38 | nicodg on 27. February 2015 07:27
#37: I think they include it in this patch in order to make us test it and they are now waiting for our impressions
#39 | zachbastian on 27. February 2015 07:54
-Possibility to play custom tours in multiplayer mode, adding the stages in a new modding directory.

What does this mean?
#40 | matt17br on 27. February 2015 13:33
#39 you can play a minitlur dediding which stages to play.
#41 | zachbastian on 27. February 2015 13:42
#40 but can we mix stages from different races? Or does it has to be from the same race, cause then nothing is new about that
#42 | matt17br on 27. February 2015 14:01
That's the point of the feature Smile
#43 | Eyolfur on 27. February 2015 14:46
There will be a devblog post explaining how to play custom stages on Armada. You'll be able to play stages that are not on the Armada servers, and play any mix of stages you want as long as the players with whom you play have also the stages. You can prepare a Giro 2015 pack playable on armada, for example.

#32 Furthermore, there is absolutely no need to restart a career to get the new features of the patch.
#44 | t-72 on 27. February 2015 20:10
Someone wrote that this patch was not available on steam. I don't think that is correct anymore. Seeing my game is patched without me moving a finger I believe it now is available on steam. Sweet package management system, I can concentrate on gaming instead of hacking, Smile
#45 | Miguel98 on 27. February 2015 20:53
Can someone explain how does moving the rider work? I've clicked on 4 and 6, and didn't notice anything.

I've noticed a small change in direction with Alt+6 and Alt+4 though
#46 | Camacho on 28. February 2015 09:36
Does the PCMDaily database work with this new patch?
#47 | matt17br on 28. February 2015 09:49
#46 Looks so, but I think that it overwrites our custom local.cdb, so that Cya World Tour is not our fault...
#48 | clamel on 01. March 2015 00:39
Question of course WHAT ELSE will be overwritten ??

Better make a copy of the local.cdb before starting any update.
#49 | trekbmc on 01. March 2015 07:29
Steam read freezes at 9% every time I play a stage. Sad Any help?
#50 | nicodg on 01. March 2015 08:59
#48: vuelta leader jerseys, the big default jersey background
#51 | bob7 on 01. March 2015 17:07
How strong should be the wind to "feel" patch effects (echelon) ?
#52 | thechudude on 03. March 2015 05:31
Here is my first take on it

#53 | matt17br on 03. March 2015 18:49
https://devblog.cy...ro-cycling this might help those who are having trouble with the nomenclature of the online stages for the minitours Wink
#54 | josesouza22 on 14. June 2015 17:16
I can't move my riders ...
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