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31. July 2009 09:07 from CrueTrue
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Downloads: 806
Copyright: ElectroZenshu
One of the more 'experimental' databases. Most of the stats are set to a max of 80, there's a change in the evolution of the riders (to make it slower), includes startlists for 19 races.

Also (and this is mentioned as a feature by the maker), all rider names are in capitals. National Champions have been set to 2009, although a 2008 NC Version is also included.

Installation: Open the .rar-file. Then open the folder called Program Files and move all the content to your main PCM-folder, e.g. Program Files/Cyanide/PCM.

Go back and open the My Documents folder. Then move all the content to your PCM-folder in My Documents.

gRATUITUS on 22-05-2010

I LOVE this Db with a more realistic evolution of the rides

jocker609 on 13-06-2011

does this db crashes in career mode..???

jocker609 on 05-01-2012

it crashes in career????

Antawn on 26-08-2013

Somebody have this DB ???



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