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Because we got a lot of replies asking for help with the installation, we decided to write an extended installation guide for the installation.
A clean install of Pro Cycling Manager 2016 is recommended before installing this database, to avoid bugs and to save you some space in your HDD.
1. Download the database using the button at the top.
2. Extract and open the folder where you extracted it.
3. Double click
ExpansionPack Setup.exe. When asked for Administrator permissions, click Okay or fill in a password of an administrator to continue.
4. A very crucial point in the installation is the step where you will have to choose the installation directory. This often goes wrong, so here's an extended guide:
IMPORTANT!! Please check if the displayed directory is correct, when you manually change the directory. The installer tends to add "Pro Cycling Manager 2016" at the end.
By default, the installation directory is
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Pro Cycling Manager 2016. In some cases, however, the location of your game might be different. If you set-up Steam to install your games in a different directory, make sure to install the Expansion Pack in there as well. For example, if your games are in
D:\SteamLibrary, you should install the Expansion Pack in
D:\SteamLibrary\Pro Cycling Manager 2016.
Make sure to install the DB in your general PCM folder,
NOT in the subfolder Database.
5. Complete the installation process. Installation can take a while considering it is a huge file.
6. After installation, start the game. When starting a new game in Career mode, Pro Cyclist mode or One-off race, choose PCMdailyExpansionPack_v030 as database.
works like a charm now. could finally create young riders
big thumbs up