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PCM.daily's 2011 DB (Full)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB including 90 teams, lots of 2011 races, including the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia, and all the features you know from the Expansion Pack.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 15-03-2011
Downloads: 42687
Comments: 346
Rating: Awesome! (235 Votes)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB: Beta to Final Update
PCM.daily's 2011 DB including 90 teams, lots of 2011 races, including the Tour de France and Giro d'Italia, and all the features you know from the Expansion Pack.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 08-03-2011
Downloads: 8096
Comments: 47
Rating: Awesome! (71 Votes)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB Public Beta (Full)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB (Public Beta) includes 85 updated 2011 teams. 51 of these have their real 2011 shirts, accessories and logos. You also get a bunch of new 2011 races, including most of the new Giro d'Italia and parts of the new Tour de France.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 20-02-2011
Downloads: 9416
Comments: 108
Rating: Very Good (42 Votes)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB Public Beta (2010 to 2011 Updater)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB (Public Beta) includes 85 updated 2011 teams. 51 of these have their real 2011 shirts, accessories and logos. You also get a bunch of new 2011 races, including most of the new Giro d'Italia and parts of the new Tour de France.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 18-02-2011
Downloads: 7145
Comments: 0
Rating: Awesome! (31 Votes)
Hannes & Bob Track Database
A DB (or, in fact, several) made for track racing. Includes many different types of DBs, e.g. one with all the previous GT winners, one with all the ex-World Champions etc.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 27-12-2010
Downloads: 1019
Comments: 0
Rating: Good (14 Votes)
PCM.daily's 2011 DB Preview Edition
The 1st beta/preview version of PCM.daily's 2011 DB. Contains updated team rosters, new shirts for 27 teams, 2010 rider palmares and other minor updates.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 26-12-2010
Downloads: 5730
Comments: 0
Rating: Very Good (41 Votes)
PCM.daily's Nations DB Expansion Pack Add-On
An extension to PCM.daily's Expansion pack, featuring 94 national teams. You must have V2.1 of the Expansion Pack installed first, before installing this add-on.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 28-09-2010
Downloads: 2555
Comments: 24
Rating: Awesome! (20 Votes)
PCM.daily's Expansion Pack V2.1 Patch
A patch for the PCM.daily Expansion Pack V2, fixing a few mistakes in the variants along with other minor bugs.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 20-09-2010
Downloads: 9122
Comments: 0
Rating: Awesome! (22 Votes)
PCM.daily's Expansion Pack V2 (Full Package)
A major update to PCM.daily's Expansion Pack, adding 19 new teams and races along with several new variants. It also comes with extra scouting zones.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 12-09-2010
Downloads: 19437
Comments: 126
Rating: Awesome! (47 Votes)
PCM.daily's Expansion Pack - V1.0.3.0 to V2 Update
A major update to PCM.daily's Expansion Pack, adding 19 new teams and races along with several new variants. It also comes with extra scouting zones.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 12-09-2010
Downloads: 5319
Comments: 38
Rating: -
DB Vrais Noms 2010
A French made DB which contains the most basic stuff along with extra graphics.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 25-08-2010
Downloads: 2880
Comments: 0
Rating: Good (9 Votes)
PCMspot Database 2010
A database made by the Benelux website PCMspot. Contains real names, an enlarged track rider part, a few new riders, and more.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 25-08-2010
Downloads: 3290
Comments: 0
Rating: Awesome! (14 Votes)
PCM.daily's Expansion Pack for Patch
An update to PCM.daily's Expansion Pack making it fully compatible with patch Includes several new stages and activates variants.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 09-08-2010
Downloads: 8902
Comments: 0
Rating: Awesome! (40 Votes)
The British DB V1
The concept is simple - rather than the usual teams you find in the database, there are British/Irish teams. The races are largely the same as any other database.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 24-07-2010
Downloads: 543
Comments: 0
Rating: Good (11 Votes)
PCM.daily's Expansion Pack
The final version of PCM.daily's Expansion Pack. This one is the full, self-installing package.
Owner: CrueTrue
Date: 22-07-2010
Downloads: 34436
Comments: 281
Rating: Awesome! (158 Votes)


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