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PCM.daily » Pro Cycling Manager 2006-2020 » Pro Cycling Manager 2007
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Scouted Riders!
I was just wondering about something:

1. is there any posibility to figure out a riders potential before signing him (cant figure out the kicker NG - DYN_Scouted_riders says potential = 0 for all of the scouted riders)

2. why can't I see the riders stats when i've decided to sponsor them?

Thanks in advanceWink

SmileEl ContadorSmile
2. you can see the stats if you monitor them

At the first question I don't know the answer, sorry! Sad
Maybe when an official DB editor will appear it will be posible.
Isnt it just what rating the scout gives them eg, excelent, average, good...
Smoothie wrote:
Isnt it just what rating the scout gives them eg, excelent, average, good...

I dont think so as if you scout a rider twice, you tend to get a complete opposite rating.
can't see any stats at this point (just sponsored him)
is this what it supposed to be like?

If not, what do I have to do in order to see the stats?

You can still assign a scout to the rider, now you have spotted him.

The longer time you scout the rider from no on, the more stats you'll see

This makes it worthwile having several scouts assigned to your team
Edited by Roo on 28-07-2007 21:42
when you scouted him you can follow him then for a week, two weeks or a month
and then when you followed him some stats will appear
At 06, you saw the stat when you knew you had sponsed him.
A mail came up with his name and if you clicked it, the stats and the others came up.
Is it the same at 07? I'm out of town, so I can't check.
PS: You know you have sponsed him, when the team's name is at the right.
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you can can check his name but if you haven't followed him you can't see his stats untill you contracted him i think
You have to monitor him for a sufficient amount of time. I find that 28 days with two scouts at once does the trick, if nothing else.
If you have mythical scouts (which is advisable), you can scout a nation once and then scout the greater potentials (good/excellent) with ONE mythical scout for a periode of one month. That should be sufficient to unveil a riders true potential...
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