Hi, this is my first post in this forum. But I hope you find this useful.
I dunno wether the problem with the missing of showing "transfert" on the leader jersey have been discussed or not.
I couldn't find any thread about a solution netiher in this forum or cyanide, only some complaint here and there.
But it seems like i have found a solution to the problem. It is quite simple though and I wonder why nobody have tried it.
I had a look at the file-structure of PCM06 and saw that the tranfert files where placed in the "cm_texture/cycliste/maillots/classement".
I tried to copy this "structure" in PCM07.
In the PCM07 version they are placed in "cm_texture/cycliste/team/xxx" out of the box.
U can just copy-paste the transfert files from the ...team/xxx to:
Well, cause its kinda boring job to do i've collected the transfert based on the jerseypacks from the cyanide forum: [u]https://www.cyanide-studio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=52697
Just unzip to the folder mentioned before.
I havn't tested every minor tours in PCM07 whether it worked or not. but the few i've tested seemed to work fine all though the tranfert aren't show on the podiums. But as i recall this is true to reallife though
If my solution is true, it is a very stupid fault from cyanide. No professional developerteam should be able to overlook this problem which have this simple solution. Probably some old code from PCM06 that havn't been changed or.......
Well I stop here.. Can complain the old day of frustation of Cyanide's lack of sense of quailty!!!