It's like waghlon.....without the lisp.....and with a deeper voice......and without saying GODDAMIT every two seconds.....and without being childish.....and more understandable.
And without being, wait, no difference there.
Edited by issoisso on 24-05-2009 21:00
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"I love him, I think he's great. He's transformed the sport in so many ways. Every person in cycling has benefitted from Lance Armstrong, perhaps not financially but in some sense" - Bradley Wiggins on Lance Armstrong
South Africa English: white people talking like black people without trying to sound like gangsters talk. And a tiny spicy touch of Jamaica mahn accent..
Actually, I found the video pretty stupid. I mean, you can do some intelligent jokes or pranks, but that was really idiotic.
Edited by Ildabaoth on 09-06-2009 14:52
Disclaimer: The above post reflects just the personal opinion of the author and not a fact. But if you read it, you must accept it as the ultimate truth.