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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Man-Game] Results PT/PTHC
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Tirreno - Adriatico - Stage 3
Ulrich Ulriksen
Tirreno - Adriatico


Stage 3 Report

Stage 3 is the first of the hilly stages in this year’s Tirreno – Adriatico and probably the hardest. It is long at 224k and it features a Cat 1 climb mid-stage (Poggio San Romualdo, 10k at 6.9%) and two tough Cat 2 rated climbs to Crispiero (3.4k at 7.8%) at the end. The finish is just 6k after the 2nd ascent. There is also another Cat 2 early in the stage and 2 sprint points.

The organizer’s top favorites include 3 riders with different skills sets, the punchy-sprinty pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/yor.png Yates, a well-balanced puncheur in pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/kng.png Gidich and a MT/HI hybrid in pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/oxf.png Higuita.


Not much fight for the break, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/ced.png Katrasnik makes it 3 days in a row and will be able to build his KOM lead as neither of the other two have any points. Joining him are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/pol.png Nych and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/ziz.png Monk. Although the ZARA rider only just made it across and is at risk of getting dropped as they are now on the first Cat 2, the Foce Delo Scopetone (3.5k at 6.6%).


Nych takes maximum points from Katrasnik. Monk is dropped but only in the last k and should be able to rejoin. Peloton at 3’01. 80k of mostly flat to the next action, which is the first sprint point.


And not much happens in those 80k. The lead went out to 6’30 but a long turn from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/xr0.png Schreurs has it back to 4’13. At the sprint point it is Nych – Katrasnik – Monk.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/xr0.png Novardianto takes over from Schreurs and gets the lead down to 3’10 before he slows on an uncategorized climb and it goes back to 3’41. As they crest the climb, he has it back down to 3’31. Ahead the break has 6k to go to the second sprint point and soon after that they start the Cat 1 climb.


The second sprint point finishes the same as the first with a Nych win. Katrasnik has now tied Aniolkowski for the points lead.

With about 85k to go the break reach the Cat 1 climb. Their lead is 3’16, Fastned and Assa Abloy have begun to help with the chase.


But on the climb, it is the teams of the MT/HI hybrids who go to the front – Oxxo-Frisby and Popo4ever and with 5k to climb they have the lead down to 2’07. Up front Monk has been dropped.


1k banner for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/pol.png Nych, he has dropped Katrasnik. Oxxo-Frisby have burned out their weaker domestiques and seem to be saving the strong ones so after getting the lead down to 1’30 it is now out to 1’54 with the pace setting falling back on Xero in the form of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/xr0.png Bester.


Nych takes first place points and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/ced.png Katrasnik just holds on for 2nd ahead of Bester and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/oxf.png Abolaji leading the peloton. Nych has 1’39 with 75k to ride. Just a handful of riders dropped.


Katrasnik leads the KOM jersey by 16 points over Nych (42 -26). Still 20 points on offer today.

Work from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/oxf.png Abolaji, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/xr0.png Novardianto and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi puts an end to Nych’s day out front with exactly 50k to go. Xero only brought 6 riders and they have nearly all been on the front today. Right now there is a split with 37 riders off the front, the gap is only 32 seconds, we will see if that sticks.


With the catch made the pace slows and the peloton comes back together. With 30k to go some of the favorites teams go back to the front to pick things up - pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/oxf.png Ruiz and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/fas.png Havik on the front right now. Still 161 riders in the peloton.


21k to go as the peloton hits the Crispiero climb (3.4k at 7.8%, max 11.2%) for the first time. The first 4 are Havik, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/mol.png Moricz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/aab.png Rickaert and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/aab.png Girmay.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/mol.png Ariesen makes the first attack, which isn’t a name many were betting on.


Ariesen is shut down but then it gets serious as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/akm.png Valter attacks with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/p4e.png Padun and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/ldl.png De Bie trying to follow.


Valter’s attack peters out but then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/aab.png Gesbert launches with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/oxf.png Higuita on his wheel. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/fas.png Vansevenant, wearing White, closest to them.


At the top Higuita is on the front ahead of tiring Gesbert but De Bie has almost brought the peloton back to them. No gaps yet but that might happen over the top.


De Bie doesn’t quite close down the two attackers and they open up a 17-second gap on a 149-rider peloton. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/p4e.png Gladysh goes to the front on the descent to try and close it down. 5k to the start of the 2nd climb and 15k left in the stage. Tryg will be pleased to see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/trg.png Demare in the first 10 riders.


Gladysh makes the catch and the pace goes off with 11k to go.


Early in the 2nd climb pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/aab.png Gesbert tries again. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/fas.png Havik and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/mol.png Ariesen on the front for the peloton.


2k to climb, Gesbert is shut down, a lot of sprinters still near the front.


The next attack comes from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/mol.png Ardila. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/p4e.png Padun, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/pum.png Madouas and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/akm.png Valter follow him.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/fas.png Vansevenant and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/fas.png Denz close that down so Valter takes off on his own.


But he can’t get a gap either and with 800 meters to climb the peloton is still 149 riders strong.

With the top in sight Vansevenant attacks, he has 6 seconds.


Vansevenant has 9 seconds on the Valter-led chasers as he takes the mountain points. There is a gap being shown after the first 32 chasers. 6k downhill left.


4.3k to go and Vansevenant has 17 seconds. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/kng.png Gidich has shown for the first time and is leading the chase. There are a number of splits in the pack behind.


1.8 k for Vansevenant, it does not look like the chasers can catch him, his gap is still 21 seconds. There are 29 riders in the chase group with a 55-second gap to the rest. The favorites all seem to have made the chase group including pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/ced.png Geoghegan Hart but it has proved too hard for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/ziz.png Shikai.


800 meters for Vansevenant, he has opened his lead to 28 seconds. Gap between the chasing groups about the same.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/fas.png Mauri Vansevenant times his attack perfectly and rides solo to win stage 3 for Fastned.


As the chase group comes to the final corner it is Ardila, Gidich, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/xr0.png Pidcock and Valter at the front.


Pidcock shows his speed to take 2nd ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/akm.png Valter. Then it is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/kng.png Gidich, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/mol.png Ardila, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/pum.png Madouas, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/aab.png Gesbert, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/oxf.png Higuita and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/p4e.png Padun. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/yor.png Yates is 10th.

Vansevenant gains 25 seconds and takes over the leader’s jersey ahead of Pidcock. Those two are also young rider qualified so they are 1-2 in that competition as well. Pidcock leads the points competition on 47 ahead of Katrasnik and Aniolkowski who both have 32.

There is a gap of 1’20 after the first 30 riders to a group that includes most of the rest of the peloton.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2024/Micros/eav.png Alaphilippe and a few other sprinters make the front group. The EA rider took bonus seconds earlier which puts him 3rd on the GC tied with Valter.

With GC attackers taking the mountain points Katrasnik holds on to that jersey. Fastned leads the team’s competition over Assa Abloy, JURA and Gazelle who were the other teams with 3 riders in the front group.

Stage Results

1Mauri VansevenantFastned5h27'04
2Thomas PidcockXero Racing+ 25
3Attila ValterAker - MOTs.t.
4Yevgeniy GidichKing Powers.t.
5Andres Camilo ArdilaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
6Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
7Elie GesbertAssa Abloys.t.
8Sergio HiguitaOxxo - Frisbys.t.
9Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
10Simon YatescycleYorkshires.t.
11Jaako HänninenAssa Abloys.t.
12Remco EvenepoelRabobanks.t.
13Sean De BieLidl Cyclings.t.
14Arnaud DemareTryg - Enis.t.
15Tao Geoghegan HartCedevitas.t.
16Kaden GrovesJura GIANTSs.t.
17Xuban ErrazkinJura GIANTSs.t.
18Giovanni AleottiGazelles.t.
19Kamil MaleckiGazelles.t.
20Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshires.t.
21Nico DenzFastneds.t.
22Luke PlappEvonik - ELKOs.t.
23Dorian GodonGazelles.t.
24Julian AlaphilippeEA Vesuvios.t.
25Biniam GirmayAssa Abloys.t.
26Oscar RodriguezZARA - Irizars.t.
27Jacob Morales OrtegaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
28Edward TheunsJura GIANTSs.t.
29Robinson Steven RuizOxxo - Frisbys.t.
30Sjoerd BaxFastneds.t.
31Stefano OldaniPolar+ 1'20
32Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
33Tim AriesenMOL Cycling Teams.t.
34Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racings.t.
35Dmitry TrakhovTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
36Mektel EyobPolars.t.
37Ivo OliveiracycleYorkshires.t.
38Rune HerregodtsKing Powers.t.
39Hamza MansouriLidl Cyclings.t.
40Mikkel HonoreTryg - Enis.t.
41Lawson CraddockLidl Cyclings.t.
42Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
43Evgenii TikhoninTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
44Stanislaw AniolkowskiTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
45Benjamin BrkicGrieg-Maersks.t.
46Mattias Skjelmose JensenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
47Jodok SalzmannKing Powers.t.
48Kevin VermaerkeEA Vesuvios.t.
49Jakub OtrubaMoser - Sygics.t.
50Matic ZumerTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
51Leonardo BassoLidl Cyclings.t.
52Jasper PhilipsenPolars.t.
53Abner GonzalezMOL Cycling Teams.t.
54John SalazarKing Powers.t.
55Martin TjottaFastneds.t.
56Alan BanaszekTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
57Lucas Manuel GadayZARA - Irizars.t.
58Dmitry StrakhovTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
59Florian SenechalTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
60David GauduGrieg-Maersks.t.
61Guillermo Andres BeltranOxxo - Frisbys.t.
62Bas Van der KooijRabobanks.t.
63Michael AntonelliPolars.t.
64Jose FernandesLidl Cyclings.t.
65Ahmad FirdausEA Vesuvios.t.
66Milan MentenKing Powers.t.
67Cedric Bakke ChristophersenLidl Cyclings.t.
68Filippo BaronciniEvonik - ELKOs.t.
69Jean Bosco NsengimanaGazelles.t.
70Yaroslav ParashchakOxxo - Frisbys.t.
71Aime De GendtGrieg-Maersks.t.
72Mads WürtzGrieg-Maersks.t.
73Thomas GloagcycleYorkshires.t.
74Ethan HaytercycleYorkshires.t.
75Gordian BanzerEA Vesuvios.t.
76Thibault GuernalecFastneds.t.
77Joris NieuwenhuisTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
78Jay LampawogEA Vesuvios.t.
79Karl Patrick LaukPolars.t.
80Josef HosekMoser - Sygics.t.
81Kristofer GunnlaugssonEA Vesuvios.t.
82Yuriy VasylivTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
83Stanislau BazhkouGrieg-Maersks.t.
84Barnabas PeakAker - MOTs.t.
85Shaun Nick BesterXero Racings.t.
86Naveen JohnEA Vesuvios.t.
87Alejandro OsorioOxxo - Frisbys.t.
88Andreas Odie Purnama SetiawaJura GIANTSs.t.
89Felix StehliJura GIANTSs.t.
90Patrick KonradEvonik - ELKOs.t.
91Casper PedersenTryg - Enis.t.
92Nihal SilvaEvonik - ELKOs.t.
93Abel KenyeresMOL Cycling Teams.t.
94Andreas KronRabobanks.t.
95Chen ShikaiZARA - Irizars.t.
96Stefan KungJura GIANTSs.t.
97Lorenzo DelcoJura GIANTSs.t.
98Gerben ThijssenZARA - Irizars.t.
99Ben HealyOxxo - Frisbys.t.
100Jonathan LastraAker - MOTs.t.
101Stepan KurianovEvonik - ELKOs.t.
102Luigi GiuliettiGazelles.t.
103Andreas StokbroGrieg-Maersks.t.
104Marc PottsAker - MOTs.t.
105Morten HulgaardGrieg-Maersks.t.
106Jasper StuyvenZARA - Irizars.t.
107Jonas RutschTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
108Johann Van ZylXero Racings.t.
109Edison BravoAker - MOTs.t.
110Marco FrigoRabobanks.t.
111Yoan KolevAssa Abloys.t.
112Christophe LaporteAker - MOTs.t.
113Riley SheehanCedevitas.t.
114Ricardo BroxhamTryg - Enis.t.
115Jordi MeeusRabobanks.t.
116Thai Phan HoangLidl Cyclings.t.
117Husein SelimovicCedevitas.t.
118Sebastian BerwickAker - MOTs.t.
119Yevgeniy FedorovCedevitas.t.
120Kees DuyvesteynCedevitas.t.
121Peter VargaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
122Juri HollmannTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
123Fatiu AbolajiOxxo - Frisbys.t.
124Jonas RickaertAssa Abloys.t.
125Piotr HavikFastneds.t.
126Dusan RajovicCedevitas.t.
127Mateo FrankovicMoser - Sygic+ 2'57
128Hannes WilkschTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
129Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racings.t.
130Niklas LarsenLidl Cyclings.t.
131Lev GonovTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
132Mathias NorsgaardTryg - Enis.t.
133Oier LazkanocycleYorkshires.t.
134Thanawut SanikwathiKing Power+ 3'18
135Frederik RodenbergTryg - Enis.t.
136Stan Van TrichtCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 3'45
137Gyasi SulvaranCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
138Tilen FinkstCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
139Goldwijnn CannisterCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
140Dorde DuricCedevitas.t.
141Michael BorosMoser - Sygics.t.
142Maksym BilyiTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
143Asbjorn Kragh AndersenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
144Aksel NommelaMoser - Sygic+ 4'05
145Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKO+ 4'32
146Marijn Van Den BergRabobanks.t.
147Magnus Bak KlarisAker - MOTs.t.
148Erik Nordsaeter ResellCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
149Sebastian LanderGazelles.t.
150Felix GrossTeam Puma - SAP+ 5'02
151Gleb SyritsaTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
152Daniel MoriczMOL Cycling Teams.t.
153Gabriel MarinOxxo - Frisbys.t.
154Mohamad Izzat Hilmi Abdul HalilAssa Abloy+ 5'51
155Krzysztof MarchewkaJura GIANTSs.t.
156Artem NychPolar+ 6'37
157Josh AtkinsMoser - Sygics.t.
158Rasmus Sojberg PedersenTryg - Enis.t.
159Mamyr StashMOL Cycling Team+ 7'53
160Wouter WippertcycleYorkshire+ 9'16
161Gasper KatrasnikCedevita+ 9'28
162Cyrus MonkZARA - Irizar+ 16'03
163Adam Holm JorgensenTryg - Eni+ 18'42
164Hamish SchreursXero Racing+ 22'44

GC Standings

1Mauri VansevenantFastned13h39'25
2Thomas PidcockXero Racing+ 13
3Julian AlaphilippeEA Vesuvio+ 37
4Attila ValterAker - MOTs.t.
5Kaden GrovesJura GIANTS+ 45
6Arnaud DemareTryg - Enis.t.
7Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshires.t.
8Yevgeniy GidichKing Powers.t.
9Remco EvenepoelRabobanks.t.
10Simon YatescycleYorkshires.t.
11Andres Camilo ArdilaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
12Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
13Xuban ErrazkinJura GIANTSs.t.
14Elie GesbertAssa Abloys.t.
15Tao Geoghegan HartCedevitas.t.
16Luke PlappEvonik - ELKOs.t.
17Giovanni AleottiGazelles.t.
18Biniam GirmayAssa Abloys.t.
19Oscar RodriguezZARA - Irizars.t.
20Dorian GodonGazelles.t.
21Kamil MaleckiGazelles.t.
22Sergio HiguitaOxxo - Frisbys.t.
23Jacob Morales OrtegaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
24Robinson Steven RuizOxxo - Frisbys.t.
25Sjoerd BaxFastneds.t.
26Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
27Nico DenzFastneds.t.
28Jaako HänninenAssa Abloys.t.
29Sean De BieLidl Cyclings.t.
30Edward TheunsJura GIANTSs.t.
31Stanislaw AniolkowskiTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 1'20
32Alan BanaszekTinkoff Team - La Datcha+ 1'28
33Dusan RajovicCedevitas.t.
34Gerben ThijssenZARA - Irizar+ 1'32
35Jasper PhilipsenPolar+ 1'40
36Bas Van der KooijRabobanks.t.
37Jodok SalzmannKing Powers.t.
38Stefano OldaniPolars.t.
39Barnabas PeakAker - MOTs.t.
40Rune HerregodtsKing Powers.t.
41Nihal SilvaEvonik - ELKOs.t.
42Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
43Filippo BaronciniEvonik - ELKOs.t.
44Lawson CraddockLidl Cyclings.t.
45Mattias Skjelmose JensenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
46Casper PedersenTryg - Enis.t.
47Karl Patrick LaukPolars.t.
48Piotr HavikFastneds.t.
49Mikkel HonoreTryg - Enis.t.
50Ivo OliveiracycleYorkshires.t.
51Jordi MeeusRabobanks.t.
52Mektel EyobPolars.t.
53Benjamin BrkicGrieg-Maersks.t.
54Tim AriesenMOL Cycling Teams.t.
55Ethan HaytercycleYorkshires.t.
56Cedric Bakke ChristophersenLidl Cyclings.t.
57John SalazarKing Powers.t.
58Jose FernandesLidl Cyclings.t.
59Jonas RickaertAssa Abloys.t.
60Thomas GloagcycleYorkshires.t.
61Jasper StuyvenZARA - Irizars.t.
62Juri HollmannTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
63Joris NieuwenhuisTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
64David GauduGrieg-Maersks.t.
65Hamza MansouriLidl Cyclings.t.
66Andreas KronRabobanks.t.
67Aime De GendtGrieg-Maersks.t.
68Milan MentenKing Powers.t.
69Lucas Manuel GadayZARA - Irizars.t.
70Chen ShikaiZARA - Irizars.t.
71Kristofer GunnlaugssonEA Vesuvios.t.
72Patrick KonradEvonik - ELKOs.t.
73Jakub OtrubaMoser - Sygics.t.
74Jean Bosco NsengimanaGazelles.t.
75Matic ZumerTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
76Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racings.t.
77Peter VargaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
78Ricardo BroxhamTryg - Enis.t.
79Yuriy VasylivTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
80Marco FrigoRabobanks.t.
81Leonardo BassoLidl Cyclings.t.
82Ahmad FirdausEA Vesuvios.t.
83Florian SenechalTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
84Stanislau BazhkouGrieg-Maersks.t.
85Abner GonzalezMOL Cycling Teams.t.
86Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
87Luigi GiuliettiGazelles.t.
88Andreas StokbroGrieg-Maersks.t.
89Stepan KurianovEvonik - ELKOs.t.
90Morten HulgaardGrieg-Maersks.t.
91Michael AntonelliPolars.t.
92Alejandro OsorioOxxo - Frisbys.t.
93Jay LampawogEA Vesuvios.t.
94Kevin VermaerkeEA Vesuvios.t.
95Christophe LaporteAker - MOTs.t.
96Yoan KolevAssa Abloys.t.
97Kees DuyvesteynCedevitas.t.
98Dmitry TrakhovTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
99Naveen JohnEA Vesuvios.t.
100Jonas RutschTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
101Stefan KungJura GIANTSs.t.
102Evgenii TikhoninTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
103Marc PottsAker - MOTs.t.
104Dmitry StrakhovTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
105Josef HosekMoser - Sygics.t.
106Guillermo Andres BeltranOxxo - Frisbys.t.
107Jonathan LastraAker - MOTs.t.
108Martin TjottaFastneds.t.
109Gordian BanzerEA Vesuvios.t.
110Yaroslav ParashchakOxxo - Frisbys.t.
111Thibault GuernalecFastneds.t.
112Andreas Odie Purnama SetiawaJura GIANTSs.t.
113Yevgeniy FedorovCedevitas.t.
114Johann Van ZylXero Racings.t.
115Felix StehliJura GIANTSs.t.
116Lorenzo DelcoJura GIANTSs.t.
117Riley SheehanCedevitas.t.
118Thai Phan HoangLidl Cyclings.t.
119Shaun Nick BesterXero Racings.t.
120Fatiu AbolajiOxxo - Frisbys.t.
121Edison BravoAker - MOTs.t.
122Sebastian BerwickAker - MOTs.t.
123Husein SelimovicCedevitas.t.
124Ben HealyOxxo - Frisbys.t.
125Abel KenyeresMOL Cycling Teams.t.
126Niklas LarsenLidl Cycling+ 3'17
127Mateo FrankovicMoser - Sygics.t.
128Oier LazkanocycleYorkshires.t.
129Lev GonovTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
130Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racings.t.
131Mathias NorsgaardTryg - Enis.t.
132Hannes WilkschTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
133Thanawut SanikwathiKing Power+ 3'38
134Frederik RodenbergTryg - Enis.t.
135Asbjorn Kragh AndersenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 4'05
136Dorde DuricCedevitas.t.
137Stan Van TrichtCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
138Maksym BilyiTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
139Goldwijnn CannisterCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
140Tilen FinkstCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
141Gyasi SulvaranCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
142Michael BorosMoser - Sygics.t.
143Aksel NommelaMoser - Sygic+ 4'25
144Sebastian LanderGazelle+ 4'52
145Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
146Marijn Van Den BergRabobanks.t.
147Magnus Bak KlarisAker - MOTs.t.
148Erik Nordsaeter ResellCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
149Daniel MoriczMOL Cycling Team+ 5'16
150Gabriel MarinOxxo - Frisby+ 5'22
151Felix GrossTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
152Gleb SyritsaTinkoff Team - La Datchas.t.
153Mads WürtzGrieg-Maersk+ 5'25
154Mohamad Izzat Hilmi Abdul HalilAssa Abloy+ 6'11
155Krzysztof MarchewkaJura GIANTSs.t.
156Artem NychPolar+ 6'45
157Mamyr StashMOL Cycling Team+ 8'13
158Wouter WippertcycleYorkshire+ 9'36
159Rasmus Sojberg PedersenTryg - Eni+ 11'19
160Josh AtkinsMoser - Sygic+ 12'12
161Gasper KatrasnikCedevita+ 14'43
162Cyrus MonkZARA - Irizar+ 16'19
163Adam Holm JorgensenTryg - Eni+ 19'02
164Hamish SchreursXero Racing+ 23'04

Points Standings

1Thomas PidcockXero Racing47
2Stanislaw AniolkowskiTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska32
3Gasper KatrasnikCedevita32
4Mauri VansevenantFastned25
5Dusan RajovicCedevita23
6Alan BanaszekTinkoff Team - La Datcha20
7Julian AlaphilippeEA Vesuvio20
8Gerben ThijssenZARA - Irizar20
9Asbjorn Kragh AndersenCarlsberg - Danske Bank20
10Kaden GrovesJura GIANTS18
11Attila ValterAker - MOT16
12Gabriel MarinOxxo - Frisby15
13Nihal SilvaEvonik - ELKO14
14Yevgeniy GidichKing Power14
15Jasper PhilipsenPolar12
16Barnabas PeakAker - MOT12
17Andres Camilo ArdilaMOL Cycling Team12
18Artem NychPolar12
19Josh AtkinsMoser - Sygic12
20Arnaud DemareTryg - Eni11
21Aksel NommelaMoser - Sygic10
22Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAP10
23Elie GesbertAssa Abloy9
24Niklas LarsenLidl Cycling8
25Thanawut SanikwathiKing Power8
26Sergio HiguitaOxxo - Frisby8
27Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska7
28Daniel MoriczMOL Cycling Team6
29Simon YatescycleYorkshire6
30Mads WürtzGrieg-Maersk6
31Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshire5
32Bas Van der KooijRabobank5
33Mohamad Izzat Hilmi Abdul HalilAssa Abloy5
34Jaako HänninenAssa Abloy5
35Remco EvenepoelRabobank4
36Cyrus MonkZARA - Irizar4
37Sean De BieLidl Cycling3
38Sebastian LanderGazelle1
39Tao Geoghegan HartCedevita1

Mountain Standings

1Gasper KatrasnikCedevita42
2Artem NychPolar26
3Josh AtkinsMoser - Sygic18
4Mads WürtzGrieg-Maersk16
5Mauri VansevenantFastned14
6Andres Camilo ArdilaMOL Cycling Team10
7Sergio HiguitaOxxo - Frisby10
8Shaun Nick BesterXero Racing10
9Elie GesbertAssa Abloy8
10Fatiu AbolajiOxxo - Frisby8
11Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska6
12Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing6
13Cyrus MonkZARA - Irizar6
14Sean De BieLidl Cycling6
15Daniel MoriczMOL Cycling Team4
16Yevgeniy GidichKing Power4
17Michael AntonelliPolar4
18Hamish SchreursXero Racing4
19Yaroslav ParashchakOxxo - Frisby4
20Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAP2
21Oier LazkanocycleYorkshire2
22Adam Holm JorgensenTryg - Eni2
23Ben HealyOxxo - Frisby2

Young Rider Standings

1Mauri VansevenantFastned13h39'25 (1)
2Thomas PidcockXero Racing+ 13 (2)
3Remco EvenepoelRabobank+ 45 (3)
4Andres Camilo ArdilaMOL Cycling Team+ 45 (4)
5Luke PlappEvonik - ELKO+ 45 (5)
6Giovanni AleottiGazelle+ 45 (6)
7Biniam GirmayAssa Abloy+ 45 (7)
8Jacob Morales OrtegaMOL Cycling Team+ 45 (8)
9Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 1'40 (9)
10Filippo BaronciniEvonik - ELKO+ 1'40 (10)
11Mattias Skjelmose JensenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 1'40 (11)
12Cedric Bakke ChristophersenLidl Cycling+ 1'40 (12)
13Thomas GloagcycleYorkshire+ 1'40 (13)
14Juri HollmannTeam Puma - SAP+ 1'40 (14)
15Hamza MansouriLidl Cycling+ 1'40 (15)
16Ricardo BroxhamTryg - Eni+ 1'40 (16)
17Marco FrigoRabobank+ 1'40 (17)
18Ahmad FirdausEA Vesuvio+ 1'40 (18)
19Abner GonzalezMOL Cycling Team+ 1'40 (19)
20Luigi GiuliettiGazelle+ 1'40 (20)
21Michael AntonelliPolar+ 1'40 (21)
22Kevin VermaerkeEA Vesuvio+ 1'40 (22)
23Yoan KolevAssa Abloy+ 1'40 (23)
24Guillermo Andres BeltranOxxo - Frisby+ 1'40 (24)
25Martin TjottaFastned+ 1'40 (25)
26Yaroslav ParashchakOxxo - Frisby+ 1'40 (26)
27Yevgeniy FedorovCedevita+ 1'40 (27)
28Felix StehliJura GIANTS+ 1'40 (28)
29Riley SheehanCedevita+ 1'40 (29)
30Sebastian BerwickAker - MOT+ 1'40 (30)
31Husein SelimovicCedevita+ 1'40 (31)
32Ben HealyOxxo - Frisby+ 1'40 (32)
33Oier LazkanocycleYorkshire+ 3'17 (33)
34Lev GonovTinkoff Team - La Datcha+ 3'17 (34)
35Hannes WilkschTeam Puma - SAP+ 3'17 (35)
36Dorde DuricCedevita+ 4'05 (36)
37Stan Van TrichtCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 4'05 (37)
38Maksym BilyiTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 4'05 (38)
39Goldwijnn CannisterCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 4'05 (39)
40Marijn Van Den BergRabobank+ 4'52 (40)
41Gleb SyritsaTinkoff Team - La Datcha+ 5'22 (41)
42Rasmus Sojberg PedersenTryg - Eni+ 11'19 (42)
43Adam Holm JorgensenTryg - Eni+ 19'02 (43)

Team Standings

1Fastned41h00'05 (1)
2Gazelle+ 25 (2)
3Assa Abloy+ 25 (3)
4Jura GIANTS+ 25 (4)
5cycleYorkshire+ 1'20 (5)
6Oxxo - Frisby+ 1'20 (6)
7MOL Cycling Team+ 1'20 (7)
8Team Puma - SAP+ 2'15 (8)
9Tryg - Eni+ 2'15 (9)
10Rabobank+ 2'15 (10)
11Aker - MOT+ 2'15 (11)
12King Power+ 2'15 (12)
13Evonik - ELKO+ 2'15 (13)
14Lidl Cycling+ 2'15 (14)
15ZARA - Irizar+ 2'15 (15)
16EA Vesuvio+ 2'15 (16)
17Cedevita+ 2'15 (17)
18Xero Racing+ 2'15 (18)
19Team Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 2'15 (19)
20Grieg-Maersk+ 3'10 (20)
21Polar+ 3'10 (21)
22Tinkoff Team - La Datcha+ 3'10 (22)
23Moser - Sygic+ 4'47 (23)
24Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 8'00 (24)

Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
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