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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Man-Game] Results PT/PTHC
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Vuelta a Colombia - Stage 5
Ulrich Ulriksen
Vuelta a Colombia


Stage 5 Report

Stage 5 sees the peloton return to the mountains. Another stage with a single big climb at the end. This stage is a little longer at 162k but also probably has the least climbing over the rest of the stage. The final climb is proceeded by just a Cat 3.

Regardless of the amount of climbing pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier is going to be the favorite on mountain stages in this field. He once again tops the list ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gzl.png Dombrowski and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ziz.png Wellens.


The stage starts with a Cat 3 climb (8.2k at 5%) and there are quickly 15 riders off the front. The lastest 3 were pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Munoz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/aau.png Miller, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi. It is raining as it has done nearly every day of this race.


4k to climb, Evonik fighting to limit the size of the break. They brought back Munoz, Miller and Tesfaye and the next attack but have now allowed a group of 6 to go, bringing the total riders off the front to 18.


At the top of the climb the points are taken by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Badilatti, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ldl.png Prado, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Vasyliv. None of those 3 had any KOM points coming in. The other 8 in the front group are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/spr.png Pomoshnikov, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Fouche, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mol.png Stancu, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Potocki, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ino.png Abdurrahman, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bnb.png Perez, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Balmer, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Colombo. They have 48 seconds on a 7-rider chase group and 2’41 on the peloton. In the chase group are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Vanhoucke, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/spr.png Misbah, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Schir, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/aau.png Hamilton (4th in KOM), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Ho (2nd in KOM), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Mathis. The best placed among the 18 is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/spr.png Pomoshnikov, who is 8’25 down on GC in 15th.


Fast-forwarding to 110k to go, the break has come together in an 18-man group, and are on the second cat 3 of the 3 on the menu. This one is 7.7% at 5.7%. Their lead is 4’40 with Evonik doing all the chasing.


At the top Hamilton takes 6 points with Ho failing to score. The finishing climb is HC so these KOM points will only matter if the break can stay away to the end. Right now they lead by 5’17.


55k to go for the peloton, they trail the break by 7’45 which is about as large as the gap has been. The race leader is sitting about 10 riders back and looking comfortable on the wheel of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Gavars. The rest of the team is on the front.


At the top of the final cat 3 Hamilton just holds off Van Houcke and takes 4 more points putting him on 37, 1 down on Ho, who again failed to score, and 3 down on pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier. From here the riders have about 5k of descending before the final climb which is 28k at 5.1% with the steepest sections in the second half.


The peloton starts the final climb 8 minutes down on the break where pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Mathis has been dropped. No riders have been dropped from the peloton.28k to go.


15k to climb for the break. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Colombo has also been dropped. The peloton has begun to lose riders but they are still 7’44 down.


An attack from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mol.png Stancu splits the break, with him are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ldl.png Prado, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Potocki pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ino.png Abdurrahman, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bnb.png Perez, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/aau.png Hamilton, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Ho, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi


With 16.5k to climb pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lpu.png Novak attacks the peloton.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Battistella shuts it down about 1.7k later.

Just as the second group is catching the first group pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ino.png Abdurrahman attacks and Prado, Stancu and Potocki follow. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Balmer has been permanently dropped leaving 15 riders in contention for the stage win.


With 9k to climb the front two groups come back together. There are 12 riders left at the front now as Fouche, Tesfaye Heyi and Badilatti have been dropped. The 106-rider peleton is 7’32 behind, there are still 4 Evonik riders on the front plus pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Foss protecting the leader.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Schir is the next to attack the break.


Schir’s group quickly open up a 1 minute advantage on the next 6. With Schir are Potocki, Abdurrahman, Prado, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Vasyliv, andpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/spr.png Pomoshnikov. With the peloton at 7’32 the Sauber rider is sitting second on the virtual GC.


Under the 10k banner Novak attacks again, this time pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ldl.png Barguil follows and then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gzl.png Dombrowski reacts which brings out pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier. The peloton down to 76 riders with the big surprise being that pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Min, 12th on GC, is among those dropped.


The 4 attackers get a small gap with Dombrowski doing a lot of the work, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ziz.png Mas leads the chase. Up front Potocki, Vayliv and Pomoshnikov have gapped the other 3.


4.8k to go, Potocki is dropped from the front of the race. The 4 GC attackers are at 6’26, the peloton at 6’42.


Mas brings an elite selection of 24 riders back up to the Lecuisinier group. Additional riders dropped from the GC top 20 are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mol.png Almeida (13th), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Schelling (15th) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Eenkhoorn (20th).


2k to climb for the leaders. Potocki has been holding the gap at right about 20 seconds. The next 3, Prado, Abdurrahman and Schir are another 56 second behind. The Yellow jersey group is at 6’36 and still being led by Zara.


4.3k for the leaders as Dombrowski attacks again. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ziz.png Wellens and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bnb.png Tenorio go with him, and again, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier covers the attack.


Under 4k to go pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ldl.png Barguil and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/coc.png Reis are doing the chasing as the 4 attackers open up a 35-second gap. For now, Almeida and Schelling have caught back up with the chase group which has swelled to 39 riders. The front two are in the last kilometer, Potocki has dropped back so it will be a two-man battle for the win.


600 meters to go the gradients are some of the steepest of the climb, Vayliv seems to have the edge.


Both leaders crack but Pomoshnikov manages to go by his rival first. Behind work from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Choi has split 9 riders off the front of the chase group, all of the GC top 10 in that group or with the Yellow Jersey group, who have 34 second lead over them.


With 100 meters to ride pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/spr.png Pomoshnikov celebrates. He takes a great stage win for Sauber, now we will see how far up the GC he can move.


1.7k to go, riders all over the mountain. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier (4th rider in the middle group in the picture) drives the pace in the Yellow Jersey group. Ahead of him are Fouche, Badilatti and Tesfaye Hayi from the break, with him is Wellens, behind are Dombrowski, who may have done too much earlier, and Tenorio. The Choi group are 39 seconds down.


As they reach the 1k banner Wellens and Lecuisinier have 26 seconds on Dombrowski and Tenorio who look like they might be caught by the Choi group. Wellens needed 33 seconds to take 2nd from Dombrowski. Ahead Potocki has taken 3rd on the stage and Abdurrahman 4th.


Wellens and Lecuisinier turn on to the finishing ramp and catch 3 more breakaway riders. Fouche still with them, he needs to gain 1’20 on Almeida to take the young rider’s jersey. He has 1’46 right now. Dombrowski and Tenorio have been caught by the Choi group, they are 33 seconds behind the Yellow Jersey.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ldl.png Prado, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Schir, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mol.png Stancu, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/spr.png Misbah, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Vanhoucke have taken 5th to 9th on the stage.

On the finishing ramp pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Olivier gets a gap on the Choi group while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lpu.png Novak is dropped from that group.


After pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/aau.png Hamilton, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Fouche, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Ho take 10th to 12th, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier edges pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ziz.png Wellens for 13th, 5’07 behind the winner. In the next group pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Choi and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Padun have caught Olivier.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Padun takes 15th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Olivier and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Choi plus pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bnb.png Perez from the break. They lose 15 seconds to the Yellow Jersey


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/coc.png Reis takes 19th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Bennet and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ldl.png Barguil. They lose 39 seconds to the Yellow Jersey


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gzl.png Dombrowski finishes in the next goup and loses 54 seconds to the Yellow Jersey. Dombrowki over-estimated himself and loses 2nd to Wellens.

GC-wise the big winner on the day is Pomoshnikov who moves up to 4th overall. With a tough stage but not a summit finish tomorrow he will be optimistic that he can hold on to that. Fouche gains enough time to take over the best young rider jersey from Almeida by 33 seconds.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier holds on to the KOM lead as Hamilton took only 2 points at the finish leaving himself 1 point behind PHL, Lecuisinier also retains the points lead and Evonik the teams lead.

Stage Results

1Sergei PomoshnikovSauber Petronas Racing4h23'39
2Yuriy VasylivTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 7
3Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello+ 1'05
4Muhammad AbdurrahmanIndosat Ooredoo+ 1'37
5Ignacio Jesus PradoLidl Cycling+ 2'15
6Thery SchirTeam UBS - Tissot+ 2'29
7George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Team+ 3'36
8Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racing+ 3'51
9Harm VanhouckeFastneds.t.
10Lucas HamiltonAmaysim Australia.com+ 4'46
11James FoucheXero Racings.t.
12Burr HoKraftwerk Man Machine+ 4'58
13Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKO+ 5'07
14Tim WellensZARA - Irizars.t.
15Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 5'27
16Daan OlivierFastneds.t.
17Ki Ho ChoiSony - Force Indias.t.
18Anthony PerezBinances.t.
19Rafael ReisColombini Cycling+ 5'46
20George BennettXero Racings.t.
21Warren BarguilLidl Cyclings.t.
22Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing+ 6'01
23Joseph DombrowskiGazelles.t.
24Justo TenorioBinances.t.
25Matteo BadilattiTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
26Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 6'22
27Joao AlmeidaMOL Cycling Team+ 6'33
28Patrick SchellingTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
29Giovanni CarboniSony - Force India+ 6'54
30Jaka PrimozicTrans Looney Tuness.t.
31Enric MasZARA - Irizars.t.
32Kenny ElissondeLampre - Pinarellos.t.
33Kilian FrankinySauber Petronas Racing+ 7'13
34Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissot+ 7'24
35Steff CrasFastned+ 7'33
36Bakhtiyar KozhatayevSony - Force Indias.t.
37Jonel CarcuevaGazelles.t.
38Anatoliy SosnitskiyGazelles.t.
39Cristian RaileanuColombini Cyclings.t.
40Michael KolarIndosat Ooredoos.t.
41David BartlBinances.t.
42Denys KarnulinGazelles.t.
43Tim KennaughMOL Cycling Teams.t.
44Jonathan SalinasIndosat Ooredoos.t.
45Jan Drago PetelinColombini Cyclings.t.
46Oscar RodriguezZARA - Irizars.t.
47Tobias FossEvonik - ELKOs.t.
48Pedro SequeraTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
49Kyeng Ho MinTrans Looney Tuness.t.
50Piotr BrozynaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
51Robert PowerAmaysim Australia.coms.t.
52Pascal EenkhoornEvonik - ELKOs.t.
53Nico DenzFastned+ 8'40
54Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force Indias.t.
55Marc SolerZARA - Irizars.t.
56Farzad KhodayariBinances.t.
57Muhammad Imam ArifinIndosat Ooredoos.t.
58Ruben FernandezZARA - Irizars.t.
59Abel KenyeresMOL Cycling Team+ 8'57
60Jan XandriColombini Cyclings.t.
61Rein TaaramäeTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 9'24
62Kaspars SergisTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
63Muhamma Afif Ahmad ZamriSony - Force Indias.t.
64Yamato ShirotaSony - Force Indias.t.
65Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
66Sota IkibeBinance+ 10'23
67Miguel Angel BenitoBinances.t.
68Gaspar GoncalvesBinances.t.
69Bruno BorgesZARA - Irizars.t.
70Andreas Odie Purnama SetiawaIndosat Ooredoos.t.
71Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 10'43
72Yuriy NatarovSauber Petronas Racings.t.
73Jaime RosonKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
74Alexander EvansAmaysim Australia.coms.t.
75Alex Ariya DestriboisKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
76Filippo ColomboKraftwerk Man Machine+ 11'06
77Rui OliveiraBinance+ 11'21
78Jay VineLidl Cycling+ 11'32
79Mingrun ChenSauber Petronas Racings.t.
80Adam De VosLampre - Pinarellos.t.
81Alessandro CoviLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
82Sasu HelmeKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
83Kevin RiveraMOL Cycling Teams.t.
84Rachmad Noka WibisonoIndosat Ooredoos.t.
85Alessandro FedeliLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
86Derek GeeLidl Cyclings.t.
87Kwanele JeleColombini Cyclings.t.
88Samuele BattistellaEvonik - ELKOs.t.
89Chris HarperAmaysim Australia.coms.t.
90Matic ZumerTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 12'02
91Dominik NerzKraftwerk Man Machine+ 12'17
92Cristian MunozTrans Looney Tuness.t.
93Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
94Aiman CahyadiIndosat Ooredoo+ 12'58
95Dylan SunderlandAmaysim Australia.coms.t.
96Hannes Bergstrom FriskEvonik - ELKOs.t.
97Emanuel PiaskowyTrans Looney Tuness.t.
98Nick MillerAmaysim Australia.coms.t.
99Ilan Van WilderXero Racings.t.
100Alan BoileauXero Racings.t.
101Nicolay CherkasovKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
102Barnabas PeakLidl Cyclings.t.
103Jordi MajoralMOL Cycling Teams.t.
104Corbin StrongXero Racings.t.
105Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarellos.t.
106Jan StöckliTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
107Yacob DebesayFastneds.t.
108Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKO+ 14'59
109Jodok SalzmannLidl Cyclings.t.
110Elias AfewerkiColombini Cyclings.t.
111Sebastien ReichenbachTeam UBS - Tissot+ 15'27
112Ryan ChristensenAmaysim Australia.coms.t.
113Matteo SobreroTrans Looney Tuness.t.
114Ziga HorvatTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
115Walter CalzoniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
116Piotr HavikSony - Force Indias.t.
117Samuele MenicucciGazelles.t.
118Kevin FeiereisenColombini Cyclings.t.
119Alexandr OvsyannikovZARA - Irizars.t.
120Marco MathisKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
121Andrea PiccoloLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 17'17
122Lionel CoutinhoLampre - Pinarellos.t.
123Sandis EislersSauber Petronas Racings.t.
124Mike TeunissenGazelles.t.
125Stepan KurianovEvonik - ELKO+ 19'04
126Jake StewartLidl Cycling+ 20'04
127Youssef BdadouColombini Cyclings.t.
128Sandy Nur HasanIndosat Ooredoos.t.
129Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
130Filippo BaronciniLampre - Pinarello+ 20'29
131Nils BrunTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
132Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
133Kees DuyvesteynXero Racings.t.
134Oier LazkanoXero Racings.t.
135Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tuness.t.
136Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tuness.t.
137Luigi GiuliettiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
138Roel van SintmaartensdijkFastneds.t.
139Benedikt MundleGazelles.t.
140Finn Fisher-BlackFastned+ 21'54
141Luke KeoughMOL Cycling Team+ 23'22
142Sergey MedvedevLampre - Pinarellos.t.
143Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tuness.t.
144Victor Alejandro OcampoSony - Force Indias.t.
145Patompob PhonarjthanLidl Cyclings.t.
146Andreas HoferGazelles.t.
147Rick PluimersFastneds.t.
148Peter KennaughAmaysim Australia.com+ 25'20
149Jonathan MilanLampre - Pinarello+ 26'17
150Jakub MareczkoLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 27'59
151Brady GilmoreZARA - Irizar+ 30'35
152Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 32'19

GC Standings

1Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKO20h08'45
2Tim WellensZARA - Irizar+ 1'43
3Joseph DombrowskiGazelle+ 2'05
4Sergei PomoshnikovSauber Petronas Racing+ 2'58
5Ki Ho ChoiSony - Force India+ 3'15
6Daan OlivierFastned+ 3'57
7Warren BarguilLidl Cycling+ 4'16
8Justo TenorioBinance+ 4'46
9Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 4'54
10Rafael ReisColombini Cycling+ 5'11
11Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 5'58
12George BennettXero Racing+ 6'43
13James FoucheXero Racing+ 8'07
14Joao AlmeidaMOL Cycling Team+ 8'40
15Patrick SchellingTeam UBS - Tissot+ 8'47
16Kyeng Ho MinTrans Looney Tunes+ 9'02
17Muhammad AbdurrahmanIndosat Ooredoo+ 9'19
18Lucas HamiltonAmaysim Australia.com+ 9'33
19Ignacio Jesus PradoLidl Cycling+ 9'42
20Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racing+ 9'43
21Enric MasZARA - Irizar+ 10'12
22Jonel CarcuevaGazelle+ 10'51
23Tobias FossEvonik - ELKO+ 11'20
24Pascal EenkhoornEvonik - ELKO+ 11'43
25Piotr BrozynaMOL Cycling Team+ 12'04
26Thery SchirTeam UBS - Tissot+ 12'18
27Denys KarnulinGazelle+ 12'27
28Steff CrasFastned+ 12'38
29Michael KolarIndosat Ooredoo+ 12'40
30George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Team+ 13'00
31Anatoliy SosnitskiyGazelle+ 13'05
32Cristian RaileanuColombini Cycling+ 13'38
33Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello+ 13'39
34Bakhtiyar KozhatayevSony - Force India+ 13'48
35Robert PowerAmaysim Australia.com+ 14'01
36Kilian FrankinySauber Petronas Racing+ 14'23
37Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force India+ 14'28
38Pedro SequeraTeam UBS - Tissot+ 14'32
39Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing+ 14'37
40Harm VanhouckeFastned+ 15'18
41Oscar RodriguezZARA - Irizar+ 15'26
42David BartlBinance+ 15'52
43Burr HoKraftwerk Man Machine+ 16'42
44Tim KennaughMOL Cycling Team+ 16'45
45Jan Drago PetelinColombini Cycling+ 17'22
46Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 18'58
47Matteo BadilattiTeam UBS - Tissot+ 19'23
48Yuriy VasylivTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 19'26
49Farzad KhodayariBinance+ 20'07
50Marc SolerZARA - Irizar+ 20'15
51Anthony PerezBinance+ 20'17
52Jan XandriColombini Cycling+ 21'21
53Muhammad Imam ArifinIndosat Ooredoo+ 21'53
54Jaime RosonKraftwerk Man Machine+ 22'06
55Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissot+ 22'10
56Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
57Yuriy NatarovSauber Petronas Racings.t.
58Nico DenzFastned+ 22'18
59Kaspars SergisTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 22'23
60Kevin RiveraMOL Cycling Team+ 22'59
61Yamato ShirotaSony - Force India+ 23'02
62Muhamma Afif Ahmad ZamriSony - Force Indias.t.
63Jaka PrimozicTrans Looney Tunes+ 23'50
64Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKO+ 24'05
65Samuele BattistellaEvonik - ELKO+ 24'06
66Chris HarperAmaysim Australia.com+ 24'45
67Sota IkibeBinance+ 24'57
68Gaspar GoncalvesBinance+ 25'13
69Alessandro FedeliLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 25'37
70Giovanni CarboniSony - Force India+ 25'41
71Kenny ElissondeLampre - Pinarellos.t.
72Miguel Angel BenitoBinance+ 27'36
73Alan BoileauXero Racing+ 27'48
74Jan StöckliTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
75Alex Ariya DestriboisKraftwerk Man Machine+ 28'00
76Derek GeeLidl Cycling+ 28'10
77Sasu HelmeKraftwerk Man Machine+ 29'12
78Ilan Van WilderXero Racing+ 29'14
79Dominik NerzKraftwerk Man Machine+ 29'16
80Andreas Odie Purnama SetiawaIndosat Ooredoos.t.
81Ruben FernandezZARA - Irizar+ 29'41
82Adam De VosLampre - Pinarello+ 29'56
83Hannes Bergstrom FriskEvonik - ELKO+ 30'03
84Jay VineLidl Cycling+ 30'05
85Alessandro CoviLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
86Rachmad Noka WibisonoIndosat Ooredoo+ 30'22
87Ryan ChristensenAmaysim Australia.com+ 30'33
88Rui OliveiraBinance+ 30'51
89Nick MillerAmaysim Australia.com+ 31'31
90Yacob DebesayFastned+ 32'08
91Corbin StrongXero Racing+ 32'50
92Jonathan SalinasIndosat Ooredoo+ 33'19
93Sebastien ReichenbachTeam UBS - Tissot+ 33'36
94Abel KenyeresMOL Cycling Team+ 34'18
95Rein TaaramäeTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 34'25
96Barnabas PeakLidl Cycling+ 34'34
97Kwanele JeleColombini Cycling+ 34'58
98Bruno BorgesZARA - Irizar+ 35'01
99Nicolay CherkasovKraftwerk Man Machine+ 35'10
100Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKO+ 35'24
101Jordi MajoralMOL Cycling Team+ 35'41
102Matic ZumerTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 35'43
103Alexander EvansAmaysim Australia.com+ 35'44
104Dylan SunderlandAmaysim Australia.com+ 36'10
105Cristian MunozTrans Looney Tunes+ 37'05
106Aiman CahyadiIndosat Ooredoo+ 37'10
107Nils BrunTeam UBS - Tissot+ 37'15
108Mingrun ChenSauber Petronas Racing+ 37'18
109Emanuel PiaskowyTrans Looney Tunes+ 37'55
110Filippo ColomboKraftwerk Man Machine+ 39'18
111Jodok SalzmannLidl Cycling+ 39'32
112Sandis EislersSauber Petronas Racing+ 39'50
113Ziga HorvatTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 40'38
114Piotr HavikSony - Force India+ 40'45
115Matteo SobreroTrans Looney Tuness.t.
116Kees DuyvesteynXero Racing+ 40'54
117Elias AfewerkiColombini Cycling+ 41'02
118Kevin FeiereisenColombini Cycling+ 41'55
119Alexandr OvsyannikovZARA - Irizar+ 42'46
120Samuele MenicucciGazelles.t.
121Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarello+ 45'09
122Lionel CoutinhoLampre - Pinarello+ 45'29
123Mike TeunissenGazelle+ 45'36
124Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racing+ 45'47
125Luigi GiuliettiSauber Petronas Racing+ 47'48
126Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tuness.t.
127Filippo BaronciniLampre - Pinarellos.t.
128Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tunes+ 48'00
129Andrea PiccoloLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 48'16
130Oier LazkanoXero Racing+ 48'25
131Youssef BdadouColombini Cycling+ 48'43
132Jake StewartLidl Cycling+ 49'36
133Sandy Nur HasanIndosat Ooredoo+ 50'56
134Walter CalzoniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 52'03
135Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tunes+ 52'54
136Marco MathisKraftwerk Man Machine+ 53'02
137Stepan KurianovEvonik - ELKO+ 53'24
138Finn Fisher-BlackFastned+ 55'10
139Luke KeoughMOL Cycling Team+ 58'11
140Roel van SintmaartensdijkFastned+ 58'28
141Benedikt MundleGazelle+ 58'50
142Sergey MedvedevLampre - Pinarello+ 1h01'21
143Andreas HoferGazelle+ 1h01'50
144Rick PluimersFastned+ 1h04'10
145Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 1h05'05
146Patompob PhonarjthanLidl Cycling+ 1h05'18
147Victor Alejandro OcampoSony - Force India+ 1h05'42
148Peter KennaughAmaysim Australia.com+ 1h08'23
149Jonathan MilanLampre - Pinarello+ 1h10'03
150Jakub MareczkoLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 1h16'35
151Brady GilmoreZARA - Irizar+ 1h26'57
152Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 1h34'50

Points Standings

1Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKO54
2Barnabas PeakLidl Cycling49
3Jakub MareczkoLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam41
4Joseph DombrowskiGazelle40
5Tim WellensZARA - Irizar34
6Peter KennaughAmaysim Australia.com31
7Ki Ho ChoiSony - Force India28
8Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska28
9Sergei PomoshnikovSauber Petronas Racing25
10Warren BarguilLidl Cycling24
11Rui OliveiraBinance24
12Elias AfewerkiColombini Cycling22
13Sandy Nur HasanIndosat Ooredoo22
14Daan OlivierFastned20
15Yuriy VasylivTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska20
16Nicolay CherkasovKraftwerk Man Machine20
17Ignacio Jesus PradoLidl Cycling18
18Burr HoKraftwerk Man Machine18
19Justo TenorioBinance17
20Lionel CoutinhoLampre - Pinarello17
21Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska16
22Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello16
23Rafael ReisColombini Cycling14
24Muhammad AbdurrahmanIndosat Ooredoo14
25George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Team13
26Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tunes13
27Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam12
28Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racing12
29Jaime RosonKraftwerk Man Machine12
30James FoucheXero Racing11
31Lucas HamiltonAmaysim Australia.com11
32Sandis EislersSauber Petronas Racing11
33George BennettXero Racing10
34Thery SchirTeam UBS - Tissot10
35Alessandro FedeliLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam8
36Luigi GiuliettiSauber Petronas Racing8
37Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing7
38Harm VanhouckeFastned7
39Luke KeoughMOL Cycling Team7
40Kyeng Ho MinTrans Looney Tunes6
41Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska6
42Andrea PiccoloLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam6
43Finn Fisher-BlackFastned6
44Alexandr OvsyannikovZARA - Irizar5
45Stepan KurianovEvonik - ELKO5
46Joao AlmeidaMOL Cycling Team4
47Michael KolarIndosat Ooredoo4
48Kilian FrankinySauber Petronas Racing4
49Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissot4
50Kevin FeiereisenColombini Cycling4
51Piotr HavikSony - Force India3
52Enric MasZARA - Irizar2
53Ryan ChristensenAmaysim Australia.com2
54Sebastien ReichenbachTeam UBS - Tissot2
55Yacob DebesayFastned2
56Patrick SchellingTeam UBS - Tissot1

Mountain Standings

1Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKO40
2Lucas HamiltonAmaysim Australia.com39
3Burr HoKraftwerk Man Machine38
4Joseph DombrowskiGazelle28
5Tim WellensZARA - Irizar24
6Michael KolarIndosat Ooredoo24
7Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force India22
8Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska22
9Jaime RosonKraftwerk Man Machine22
10Ki Ho ChoiSony - Force India20
11Sergei PomoshnikovSauber Petronas Racing20
12Warren BarguilLidl Cycling16
13Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing16
14Yuriy VasylivTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska16
15Daan OlivierFastned12
16Ignacio Jesus PradoLidl Cycling12
17Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello12
18Stepan KurianovEvonik - ELKO12
19Muhammad AbdurrahmanIndosat Ooredoo10
20Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tunes10
21Justo TenorioBinance9
22George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Team9
23Pascal EenkhoornEvonik - ELKO8
24Mark PadunTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska7
25Harm VanhouckeFastned7
26Rafael ReisColombini Cycling6
27Kilian FrankinySauber Petronas Racing6
28Thery SchirTeam UBS - Tissot6
29Matteo BadilattiTeam UBS - Tissot6
30Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKO6
31Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam4
32Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racing4
33Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKO4
34Alessandro FedeliLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam4
35Kees DuyvesteynXero Racing4
36George BennettXero Racing3
37Samuele BattistellaEvonik - ELKO2
38Derek GeeLidl Cycling2
39Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarello2
40James FoucheXero Racing1

Young Rider Standings

1James FoucheXero Racing20h16'52 (1)
2Joao AlmeidaMOL Cycling Team+ 33 (2)
3Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force India+ 6'21 (3)
4Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 10'51 (4)
5Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissot+ 14'03 (5)
6Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 14'03 (6)
7Kevin RiveraMOL Cycling Team+ 14'52 (7)
8Jaka PrimozicTrans Looney Tunes+ 15'43 (8)
9Samuele BattistellaEvonik - ELKO+ 15'59 (9)
10Alan BoileauXero Racing+ 19'41 (10)
11Jan StöckliTeam UBS - Tissot+ 19'41 (11)
12Ilan Van WilderXero Racing+ 21'07 (12)
13Alessandro CoviLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 21'58 (13)
14Rachmad Noka WibisonoIndosat Ooredoo+ 22'15 (14)
15Yacob DebesayFastned+ 24'01 (15)
16Corbin StrongXero Racing+ 24'43 (16)
17Barnabas PeakLidl Cycling+ 26'27 (17)
18Kwanele JeleColombini Cycling+ 26'51 (18)
19Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKO+ 27'17 (19)
20Nils BrunTeam UBS - Tissot+ 29'08 (20)
21Ziga HorvatTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 32'31 (21)
22Kees DuyvesteynXero Racing+ 32'47 (22)
23Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarello+ 37'02 (23)
24Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racing+ 37'40 (24)
25Luigi GiuliettiSauber Petronas Racing+ 39'41 (25)
26Filippo BaronciniLampre - Pinarello+ 39'41 (26)
27Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tunes+ 39'53 (27)
28Andrea PiccoloLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 40'09 (28)
29Oier LazkanoXero Racing+ 40'18 (29)
30Youssef BdadouColombini Cycling+ 40'36 (30)
31Jake StewartLidl Cycling+ 41'29 (31)
32Sandy Nur HasanIndosat Ooredoo+ 42'49 (32)
33Walter CalzoniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 43'56 (33)
34Finn Fisher-BlackFastned+ 47'03 (34)
35Roel van SintmaartensdijkFastned+ 50'21 (35)
36Rick PluimersFastned+ 56'03 (36)
37Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 56'58 (37)
38Victor Alejandro OcampoSony - Force India+ 57'35 (38)
39Jonathan MilanLampre - Pinarello+ 1h01'56 (39)
40Brady GilmoreZARA - Irizar+ 1h18'50 (40)

Team Standings

1Evonik - ELKO60h49'58 (1)
2Gazelle+ 2'04 (2)
3ZARA - Irizar+ 2'16 (3)
4Sony - Force India+ 2'57 (4)
5Sauber Petronas Racing+ 2'58 (5)
6Xero Racing+ 4'54 (6)
7Team Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 7'27 (7)
8Fastned+ 8'10 (8)
9Colombini Cycling+ 9'40 (9)
10MOL Cycling Team+ 9'49 (10)
11Team UBS - Tissot+ 10'22 (11)
12Binance+ 13'49 (12)
13Lidl Cycling+ 18'31 (13)
14Indosat Ooredoo+ 19'02 (14)
15Amaysim Australia.com+ 22'17 (15)
16Lierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 27'25 (16)
17Lampre - Pinarello+ 41'18 (17)
18Kraftwerk Man Machine+ 43'13 (18)
19Trans Looney Tunes+ 46'14 (19)

Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
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