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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] HC/C1 Results
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Kuurne - Bruxelles - Kuurne
[C1] Kuurne - Bruxelles - Kuurne
The Race

The organizer’s favourites for the race are pretty similar to those in the official preview, just pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Bohli wasn’t mentioned before.


The first attacks are launched right from the start and result in a group of 13 about a minute in front of the peloton. The group consists of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Medvedev, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lpu.png Sajnok, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Koch and Vangheluwe, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Laton, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Orosco and Kusi, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Van Dijke, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Waersted, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Pickrell, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Huppertz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Juneau and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bakke Christophersen.


The peloton fights hard to don’t let the group go, but 45 km into the race and the first cobbled sectors ridden the chasers finally let the group get away.


With 125 km to go the break splits into to groups with only pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bakke Christophersen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Pickrell, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Huppertz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Koch and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Van Dijke still in front.
In the peloton there has been a split too, the most notable names on the wrong side of the split are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Bohli, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Girmay and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Okbamariam.

race situation – 125 km to go
group 1<---group 2<---peloton<---group 4


In the following kilometers the former chasing group of the break falls to pieces and reorganizes. The result are again two groups, but now pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Vangheluwe, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Orosco and Kusi have joined the first group. The peloton has reformed too and consists of 112 riders, with all the best cobblers from the former split back in the pack.

race situation – 100 km to go
group 1<---group 2<---peloton


The next cobbled sectors once again split the remains of the break, resulting in the same group of 5 that proved strongest before: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bakke Christophersen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Pickrell, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Huppertz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Koch and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Van Dijke. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Kusi is the only chaser left from the break with all of his former companions already swept up by the peloton of 102. But there has been an attack on the flats 75 km to the finish and a group consisting of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Breen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Y. Havik and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Sh. Kuroeda has been able to create a small gap. Given their skills the peloton surely can’t be happy with them getting away.


With 60 km to go we’re in a hilly part with the main cobbled sections still ahead. The group of 5 is still in front, the 3 attackers have created a serious gap to the peloton where others attacked too, resulting in pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Girmay and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Bewley creating a substantial gap. That’s another interesting pair of riders, a legend of the sport and one of his potential successors.

race situation – 60 km to go
group 1<---group 2<---group 3<---peloton


Some kilometers later the first three groups have come together and are now about 2 minutes in front of the peloton while arriving at the decisive part of the route with a constant mix of hills and cobbled sectors. There are some dangerous riders at the front, so the peloton will have to quickly reduce the gap or it’ll get quite hard to get the group back at all.


Another hill done and the group is split into three while going up the last bigger (and cobbled) hill:

race situation – 41 km to go
group 1<---group 2<---group 3<---peloton (79 riders)
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Girmay22’’pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Breen54’pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zpc.png Pickrell39’’
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Bewleypcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Y. Havikpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Huppertz
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Van Dijkepcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Sh. Kuroedapcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Koch
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bakke Christophersen


The peloton indeed sped up as no 10 kilometers further all but the first 3 have been caught by the peloton while some of the big names begin to attack. Right now pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Debesay, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Summerhill and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Van Keirsbulck have a small gap over the peloton, but as the longest paved sectors are still to come nothing is decided yet.


And with 25 km to go all riders (or at least 62 of them) are back together to tackle the longest cobbled sector. The only notable rider not in that group is former escapee pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Kuroeda.


The sector was ridden fast, but without an attack. The peloton was heavily reduced nonetheless and right after the sector the big names attack! It’s a trio of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Stallaert and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Van Hooydonck that tries to get away and as the rest of the peloton is down to 21 riders this move could be decisive.


And it really seems to be a decisive! With 14 km (and one cobbled sector) to go the three have a lead of 47’’ over their chasers. Given they’re among the best cobblers in the race it’ll need a big effort to reel them back in. But as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Van Hooydonck are equally bad sprinters they will have to get rid of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Stallaert or it will easily be his fourth win in Kuurne. The alternative would be to let him do all the work, but that could indeed end with the group losing momentum and the chasers coming back.


The three enter the final sector with 10 km to go, led by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler. The chasers are down to just over a minute, so the podium should be secured for the three guys ahead.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Van Hooydonck attacked and only pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Stallaert could follow. Those two quickly establish a lead of about half a minute over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler. There has been a split between the chasers too with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Theuns, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Summerhill, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Moulingui, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lpu.png Gamper, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Ringheim, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Debesay and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Daniel the first chasers now.


The two leaders are already on the final straight. It should be an easy win for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Stallaert now. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler’s down 47’’ now and has a lead of only 26’’ over the now 11 chasers – and he looks pretty much spend. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Chatarunga, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Jacobs, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Lampaert and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lph.png Zepuntke have joined the chasing group that still could fight for the final podium spot now.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Van Hooydonck launched his sprint with more than a kilometer to go with the hope to surprise his opponent, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Stallaert takes the lead nearly instantly.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Van Hooydonck already gives up with 700 meters still to go and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/brs.png Stallaert cruises home to his threepeat and fourth win overall in what only could be called his favourite race. In the background you can see that pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler has been caught and is only able to watch the fight for third place.


With 700 meters to go pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Theuns seems to be the strongest of the chasers as he already has got a solid lead over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Debesay, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Summerhill and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Daniel.


And it is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Theuns who gets third place! He’s followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Debesay and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Summerhill.


Next in line are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Ringheim in 6th and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lpu.png Gamper in 7th, followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Jacobs, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Daniel who faded in the sprint and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lph.png Zepuntke, who beats pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Moulingui in a photo finish for the last place in the top 10. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ubt.png Spengler has fallen to 12th place right before the first three riders of CT teams with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Lampaert, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Chatarunga and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sae.png Trentin who rounds up the top 15.



1Joeri StallaertBralirwa - Stevens Bikes4h25'33
2Nathan Van HooydonckFastneds.t.
3Edward TheunsJura GIANTS+ 48
4Mekseb DebesayDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
5Danny SummerhillTryg - Gobyks.t.
6Jo Kogstad RingheimSony - Force Indias.t.
7Patrick GamperLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
8Johan JacobsTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
9Maxime DanielLampre - Pinarellos.t.
10Ruben ZepuntkeLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
11Clenne Morvan MoulinguiTrans Looney Tuness.t.
12Lukas SpenglerTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
13Yves LampaertStela-Vitas.t.
14Sameera ChatarungaCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
15Matteo TrentinSaeco+ 1'25
16Tom DavidSauber Petronas Racings.t.
17Olli KulppiTafjord Krafts.t.
18Guillaume Van KeirsbulckLampre - Pinarellos.t.
19Tom BohliTeam UBS - Tissot+ 1'42
20Taco Van der HoornFastned+ 2'00
21Saya KuroedaSony - Force India+ 2'24
22Matthew TeggartBralirwa - Stevens Bikess.t.
23Bob SchoonbroodtSauber Petronas Racings.t.
24Oscar RiesebeekLampre - Pinarellos.t.
25Olivier Lecourt De BillotTrans Looney Tuness.t.
26Scott ThwaitesLampre - Pinarellos.t.
27Yuan Tan PengTrans Looney Tuness.t.
28Norman VahtraDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
29Vegard BreenTafjord Krafts.t.
30Amith Udaya KumaraLampre - Pinarellos.t.
31Jose Gerardo UlloaLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
32Tesfom OkbamariamBralirwa - Stevens Bikess.t.
33Jesse KaislavuoTafjord Krafts.t.
34Martin SchäppiTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
35Muhammad Suhaimi GhaniSauber Petronas Racings.t.
36Ivan CentroneTrans Looney Tuness.t.
37Piotr HavikSony - Force India+ 3'23
38Giorgi TediashviliJura GIANTSs.t.
39Luke RoweLampre - Pinarellos.t.
40Nur Amirul MarzukiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
41Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 4'13
42Yoeri HavikHilcona Racing Teams.t.
43Arnaud GrandTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
44Biniam GirmayZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
45Shiki KuroedaSony - Force Indias.t.
46Iliyan KolevTrans Looney Tuness.t.
47Jasper BovenhuisFastneds.t.
48Nejc KosicJura GIANTSs.t.
49Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
50Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
51Sam BewleyAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
52Dan McLaySaeco+ 4'39
53Ludovic RobeetFastneds.t.
54Beka NareklishviliLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
55Riccardo PuttiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
56Tom DevriendtCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
57Luigi GiuliettiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
58Tilen FinkstTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
59Roy JansBabymetal Cycling+ 5'11
60Lucas ErikssonTafjord Krafts.t.
61Yudai ArashiroBabymetal Cyclings.t.
62Owain DoullTrans Looney Tuness.t.
63Conor DunneGlanbia+ 5'58
64Wout Van AertLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 6'24
65Jenthe BiermansLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 7'17
66Aliaksandr RiabushenkoBabymetal Cycling+ 8'05
67Marildo YzeirajStela-Vitas.t.
68Sergey LuchshenkoStela-Vitas.t.
69Davide VillellaStela-Vitas.t.
70Fabio Van Den BosscheCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
71Gerben KuypersHilcona Racing Teams.t.
72Kamil GradekAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
73Jean Eric HabimanaBralirwa - Stevens Bikess.t.
74Milan FretinBabymetal Cycling+ 8'58
75Mick Van DijkeSony - Force Indias.t.
76Tom Van AsbroeckTeam UBS - Tissot+ 10'10
77Lewis AskeyBabymetal Cyclings.t.
78Dorde DuricFastned+ 10'25
79Jonas KochTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
80Darren YoungBralirwa - Stevens Bikess.t.
81Ramon DomeneCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 10'44
82Juri HollmannLos Pollos Hermanos+ 11'23
83Riley PickrellZwift Pro Cycling+ 11'53
84Joshua HuppertzHilcona Racing Team+ 12'05
85Rasmus IversenTryg - Gobyks.t.
86Jason OsborneAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
87William Blume LevyTryg - Gobyks.t.
88Pauls RubenisCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
89Maurice BallerstedtAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
90David DrouinBabymetal Cyclings.t.
91Sergey MedvedevLampre - Pinarello+ 14'08
92Connor McCutcheonStela-Vitas.t.
93Filippo ZanaCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
94Emmanuel MorinHilcona Racing Teams.t.
95Alexander RichardsonHilcona Racing Teams.t.
96Nicolas HeinrichTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
97Cedric Bakke ChristophersenJura GIANTSs.t.
98Santiago MontenegroDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 15'14
99Torjus SleenTryg - Gobyks.t.
100Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
101Jenno BerckmoesCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 15'33
102Miles ScotsonGlanbias.t.
103Carlos BarberoCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 15'53
104Carlos CanalZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
105Mathias NorsgaardTryg - Gobyks.t.
106Rick PluimersFastneds.t.
107Fatiu AbolajiLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
108Warre VangheluweTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
109Welay Hagos BerheBralirwa - Stevens Bikes+ 16'38
110Kemp OroscoDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
111Clement KusiDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
112Willi WillwohlTeam Würth MODYF+ 17'10
113Tristan JussaumeZwift Pro Cycling+ 17'48
114Szymon SajnokLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
115Elia BlumTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
116Miori KawasakiBabymetal Cycling+ 18'14
117Francis JuneauGlanbias.t.
118Syver WaerstedTafjord Krafts.t.
119Andrea Enrico MaccagliSauber Petronas Racing+ 18'31
120Eryk LatonAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
121Yesid Albeiro PiraLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
122Pedro SilvaSaecos.t.
123Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarello+ 19'08
124David WohrerStela-Vita+ 19'26
125Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tunes+ 19'54
126Lennert Van EetveltBralirwa - Stevens Bikess.t.
127Herizo AdriamihajanarivoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
128Christian BertilssonTafjord Kraft+ 20'48
129Milan PaulusCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
130Raul Garcia PiernaCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
131Grzegorz StepniakAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
132Alejandro FrancoSaeco+ 21'17
133Juan Pedro LopezZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
134Florian LipowitzTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
135Simon CarrZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
136Ben TulettTrans Looney Tuness.t.
137Archie RyanGlanbias.t.
138Kevin McCambridgeGlanbias.t.
139Zoltan SiposDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 22'24
140Davur MagnussenTeam Würth MODYF+ 23'29
141Johan Price-PejtersenCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 23'48
142Ingus EislersTafjord Krafts.t.
143Jesus EzquerraCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
144Lewis StrollZwift Pro Cycling+ 24'39
145Edoardo ZambaniniSaecos.t.
146Robin Juel SkivildSaeco+ 26'18
147Finn Fisher-BlackFastned+ 27'00
148Bob JungelsSony - Force India+ 28'16
149Ivano Lo CiceroAdidas-Eurocash+ 29'44
150Ziga GroseljStela-Vita+ 30'23
151Kenji ItamiBabymetal Cycling+ 31'17
152Julian BraunAdidas-Eurocash+ 32'14
153Aaron WadeGlanbia+ 32'47
154Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 33'06
155Alessandro VerreSaeco+ 33'34
156Aberlardo AblenadoCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 34'32
157Kristjan JohansonHilcona Racing Team+ 39'13
158Gustas RaugalaJura GIANTSs.t.
159Nichol Blanca ParejaSaecos.t.
160Adria UrcelayStela-Vitas.t.
161Logan CurrieTryg - Gobyk+ 43'10
162Jago WillemsBralirwa - Stevens Bikess.t.
163Gordian BanzerHilcona Racing Teams.t.
164Andrea GuardiniCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 46'01
165Casper Van UdenHilcona Racing Team+ 52'04
166Krzysztof MarchewkaJura GIANTS+ 53'22
167Albin StalbergTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
168Alfredo BalloniCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 56'33
169Similo NyoniTryg - Gobyk+ 56'47


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