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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] C2HC/C2 Results
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Volta a Catalunya - Stage 5
Ulrich Ulriksen
Volta a Catalunya


Stage 5 Report

Stage 5 of the Volta a Catalunya is a trap stage for the GC riders. You probably can’t gain time but lose focus over the two ascents of the Cat 1 Alt de Les Paumeres that come in the last 50k and you could be in a world of hurt. Overall the stage is 197k with a Cat 2 climb and then the two Cat 1 climbs late in the stage. There are also two sprint stages.

A breakaway win seems likely but should it come down to a battle in the peloton the organizers think pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre and Stage 1 winner pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen are the favorites. Interestingly 3rd place on the GC pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Chiarello also makes the list, he would love to grab some bonus seconds.


15k gone, the front two are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png McCutcheon and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Aebi, they have 1’20 on the pack. Just behind them are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sae.png Skivild, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sae.png Silva, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Hamza. Further back are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png La Lavandier, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Skala, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Martinelli, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Balloni. The gap isn’t large because Caja Rural were chasing but with Balloni now launched perhaps they will let the breakaway get established.


171k to go, the 9 riders mentioned have come together to form the break of the day. Their lead is 3’33. They have started the Cat 2 climb, the Alt de Fontllonga, 3.3k at 6.4%. No threat to the GC lead here as the closest is Aebi at 10’24. Martinelli the closest on the KOM jersey, he is 15th placed but only 18 points off the lead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Dyrnes who has 34. There are 42 points available today so even a rider with zero points so far could take the lead.


The cameras miss the top of the climb as McCutcheon takes 10 points ahead of La Lavandier, Skivild, Aebi and Skala. Former McCormick-man McCutcheon has been very active in the breaks for Stela Vita so far this year.

119k left to go, the lead went over 6 minutes but the teams of the puncheurs don’t seem to want to let this one go. They have the lead down to 4’44. Chasing are Babymetal (Itami), Tafjord (Kulppi), Simba Cement (Manfredi), Manada (Ruiz), Podium Ambition (Vanderpool), Ekoi (Vauquelin), JEWA-TIIRO (Boudat), and Addidas – Eurocash (Aregger). Ahead the break did not contest the first sprint point. Martinelli punctured and has a gap to close.


75k to go for the break, the lead down to 3’19 with the same teams chasing. Martinelli was able to rejoin. In 20k the break will reach the second sprint point and then almost immediately start the first ascent of the Alt de Les Paumeres (7.3k at 6.3% with a maximum of 16.1%).


The break roll through the second sprint point, their lead down to 2’24 with 56k to ride. The finish line in the background, the riders will be going in the opposite direction when they reach that.


3k to climb for the break, the hardest parts still to come. Their lead has stretched a little to 2’40. The two Hilcona riders setting the tempo. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Hamza has been dropped.


Just over 1k to ride and La Lavandier is the first to accelerate. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Balloni dropped and the peloton at 2’46 with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Vauquelin on the front.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png La Lavandier pulls away to take maximum points, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png McCutcheon and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Aebi closest to him.


La Lavandier up to 24 points in the KOM, good for 7th. McCutcheon takes 2nd on this climb giving him 22 points total.

By the time the peloton reaches the top, led by Vauquelin and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Kritskiy, the gap back to 3’44. They have 47k to go, only a few riders dropped from the peloton. La Lavandier, Aebi and McCutcheon make up the front group, the rest of the break spread out behind them on the descent. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Skala closest to the leaders at 43 seconds.


35k to go for the peloton. Ekoi doing most of the work with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Thomspon, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Russo, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Hopkins. They have the lead down to 2’37, the peloton briefly split over the the top of the climb but is back to 156 riders. The lead group is still just the 3 riders and Skala is losing ground.


The leaders are on to the second ascent of the Alt de Les Paumeres, they have 6k to the top and 27k to the finish. Their lead is 1’56, it doesn’t look like any of the other breakaway riders will see the front of the race again today.


5k to climb for the peloton, all the break caught except the front 3, they have 1’12 but the peloton can see them. Babymetal have been helping Ekoi with the chasing. Still 161 riders in the peloton.


The break have 1.6k to climb and are on the steepest sections as La Lavandier attacks. Peloton 58 seconds down. Tafjord have come to the front of the peloton now and KOM leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Dyrnes is well positioned.


La Lavandier unable to gap the other two. The breakaway all look cooked as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Laengen brings the peloton within 36 seconds. The peloton are 700 meters from the top.


As the break reaches the top pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png La Lavandier finds enough for one last push to take maximum points. Behind Dyrnes and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Gaspar have attacked.


Dyrnes settles for 5th place and 6 points on the climb which means he and La Lavandier are tied for first on 40 points. McCutcheon third on 34. Gaspar and Dyrnes have 20 seconds on a 104-rider peloton.


18k to go. Dyrnes and Gaspar continued their attack and have swept by the remnants of the break. They have 26 seconds on those three plus pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Watson, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Blikra, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bbm.png Niu who attacked out of the peloton. The peloton is another 24 seconds back and is being led by Babymetal. 73 riders left in the peloton which includes all of the GC top 20 except 18th placed pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sva.png Roglic.


Attacks contine to fly out of the peloton with riders like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Serrano, amd pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Oka going up the road. Race leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Berhane right at the front now, not clear if he is trying to control attacks or join them.


Berhane is on the attack, he pulls a 12-rider GC group clear of the peloton, they quickly get a 31 second gap as the peloton hesitates before pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Scheit comes to the front to chase. Bordeaux are the ones who need to panic as 4th placed pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Iturria is the only GC top 10 rider not in the move. Altogether there are 25-riders ahead of the peloton, we will get more names as things settle down.


The 25 riders out front come together, their lead is 1’43 with Strava and SEE Turtles on the front of the peloton. Odd tactics by Bordeaux as they seem to be sacrificing Iturria’s GC position because they pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Lafay, who is in 28th, in the front group. Iturria still has two helpers left in the peloton (Weinstein, Armirail) so he has some resources. The full list of attackers:
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Watson
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Fabbro
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bbm.png Niu
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Lafay
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Serrano
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Chiarello
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Lunke
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ghn.png Pavlic
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/hrt.png Aebi
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Potocki
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Gaspar, Jensen
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Blikra, Hugentobler
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Oka
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Goh
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Luchshenko, McCutcheon
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Mayer, O'Connor
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Dyrnes
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tir.png Berhane
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Elosegui, La Lavandier

With most teams only having one rider it will be interesting to see who takes responsibility.


Lunke is the one who takes responsibility for leading the escapes but he isn’t going that hard as the lead is down to 1’17 with 9k to go. Oddly SEE Turtles leading the chase despite having the best sprinter in the front group in Oka. They seem to be defending the GC spot of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Reguigui, who sits in 16th at the start of the day.


5k banner. Chiarello and Berhane giving Lunke some help. Gaspar about to launch an attack on the left. The lead is down to 56 seconds as Strava (for Roglic, 18th on GC who was able to rejoin this group) and Stela-Vita (Goos, 11th) leading the chase now.


2.6k, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Gaspar has a small gap with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Mayer leading the chase. Behind Sony – Force India also joining the chase and the gap is 44 seconds. Iturria had about a minute or more on all of the riders behind him, except pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ghn.png Pavlic, so he may not lose too many spots.


1.5k to go Gaspar is just serving as a lead out at this point. On his wheel are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Dyrnes, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bbm.png Niu and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/stv.png Luchshenko.


Under the 1k banner Dyrnes and Niu lead, next two are Luchshenko and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre.


700 meters for the leaders, the finish line is the line in the distance, don’t be fooled by that sprint point. Niu on the front. Dyrnes looks done. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/see.png Oka coming on the left. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Lafay and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Serrano lead the rest.


400 meters, Paret- Peintre has a clear lead as the others begin to feel the tough parcours. Serrano, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Chiarello and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen fastest behind. Oka hits the wall, SEE Turtles perhaps wise not to rely on him.


200 meters, it is Paret-Peintre’s turn to fade. Serrano and Chiarello are closest but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ghn.png Pavlic is coming fast now. The finishing straight is slightly uphill and a lot of riders are suffering.


And pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ccc.png Chiarello gets his bonus seconds and a stage win. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ghn.png Pavlic is having a great race, he takes 2nd. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Paret-Peintre holds off pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/caj.png Serrano for 3rd.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mcy.png Jensen and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bbm.png Niu take 5th and 6th.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/bdx.png Lafay 7th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/twm.png Elosegui, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/taf.png Dyrnes and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gct.png Lunke.


The deficit grows to 1’05 for the second group in the closing kilometers which costs Iturria as he drops to 8th. But he needs only 17 seconds to get back to the top 5.

Berhane retains the leader’s jersey but Chiarello closes to 36 seconds and takes over the points jersey lead, 3 ahead of Pavlic. Elosegui still leads the young rider competition, JEWA TIROL the teams competition.

Gijs Leemreize should be back in the right place in the KOM standings.

Stage Results

1William ChiarelloCrabbe-CC Chevigny4h37'12
2Marko PavlicGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
3Aurelien Paret-PeintreEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
4Gonzalo SerranoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
5Kristian Haugaard JensenManada Coyotes.t.
6Yikui NiuBabymetal Cyclings.t.
7Victor LafayBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
8Inigo EloseguiTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
9Kristian DyrnesTafjord Krafts.t.
10Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
11Havard BlikraSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
12Natnael BerhaneJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
13Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
14Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarellos.t.
15Ben O'ConnorPodium Ambitions.t.
16Choon Huat GohSony - Force Indias.t.
17Gregory HugentoblerSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
18Sergey LuchshenkoStela-Vitas.t.
19Atsushi OkaSEE Turtless.t.
20Joao GasparManada Coyotes.t.
21Calvin WatsonAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
22Antoine AebiHilcona Racing Teams.t.
23Mathieu La LavandierTeam Würth MODYF+ 42
24Connor McCutcheonStela-Vitas.t.
25Alexandre MayerPodium Ambitions.t.
26Youcef ReguiguiSEE Turtles+ 1'05
27Jan-Andre FreulerStela-Vitas.t.
28Viktor VerschaeveBabymetal Cyclings.t.
29Aberlardo AblenadoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
30Leo HayterSony - Force Indias.t.
31Muhamma Afif Ahmad ZamriSony - Force Indias.t.
32Maani AltanzulCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
33Jorge AbreuSEE Turtless.t.
34David WohrerStela-Vitas.t.
35Brendan CantyPodium Ambitions.t.
36Domenic WeinsteinBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
37Bruno ArmirailBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
38Lorenzo DelcoHilcona Racing Teams.t.
39Quinten HermansSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
40Yamato ShirotaSony - Force Indias.t.
41Mikel IturriaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
42Peeter TarvisStravas.t.
43Maximillian SchachmannAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
44Michael GoglSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
45Martijn KeizerHilcona Racing Teams.t.
46Taylor GunmanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
47Albert KirevaCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
48Christian MagerAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
49Sarawut SirironnachaiStravas.t.
50Daniel MunozCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
51Gilles HeymesJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
52Marc Christian GarbyTafjord Krafts.t.
53Irakli BablidzeHilcona Racing Teams.t.
54Fernando BarceloCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
55Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force Indias.t.
56Enrico BarbinSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
57Robbie SquireSEE Turtless.t.
58Abner GonzalezPodium Ambitions.t.
59Marc GoosStela-Vitas.t.
60Sakari LehtinenTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
61Jasper De LaatBabymetal Cyclings.t.
62William BartaGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
63Gavin MannionAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
64Primoz RoglicStravas.t.
65Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarellos.t.
66Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
67Thomas KoepJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
68Joshua KellySEE Turtless.t.
69Bjorn Tore HoemTafjord Krafts.t.
70Karel CamrdaLampre - Pinarellos.t.
71Tormod JacobsenGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
72Giulio CicconeSaecos.t.
73Andreas VangstadTafjord Krafts.t.
74Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
75Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
76Clovis KamzongSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
77Adrian NituHilcona Racing Teams.t.
78Kobe GoossensTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
79Andrea VendrameSaecos.t.
80Andrea ManfrediSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
81Clement ChevrierEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
82Clement RussoEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
83Bryan Fernando MendozaManada Coyotes.t.
84Joey RosskopfGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
85Vegard Stake LaengenTafjord Krafts.t.
86Mick Van DijkeSony - Force Indias.t.
87Daniel Ricardo DiazAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
88Pit SchlechterJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
89Adam PhelanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
90Thanawut SanikwathiStravas.t.
91David De la CruzTafjord Krafts.t.
92William MaesenStravas.t.
93Joris DelboveEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
94Romain BardetTafjord Krafts.t.
95Stephan RabitschJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
96Timofey KritskiySimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
97Jonas KochTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
98Adria UrcelayStela-Vitas.t.
99Sergio ChumilManada Coyotes.t.
100Akil CampbellPodium Ambitions.t.
101Maximilian KabasJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
102Mario VogtAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
103Scott McGillBabymetal Cyclings.t.
104Jose AlarconSEE Turtless.t.
105Edoardo ZambaniniSaecos.t.
106Edoardo SandriLampre - Pinarello+ 2'55
107Frederik WandahlGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
108Milan FretinBabymetal Cyclings.t.
109Jesus Roniel MartePodium Ambition+ 4'28
110Tim Van DijkeSony - Force Indias.t.
111Felix EnglishCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
112Gordian BanzerHilcona Racing Teams.t.
113Casper Van UdenHilcona Racing Teams.t.
114Martin TjottaGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
115Reuben ThompsonEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
116Brent Van MoerGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
117Dylan HopkinsEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
118Davur MagnussenTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
119Raul Garcia PiernaCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
120Iver Johan KnottenGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
121Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
122Teodoro CostagliAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
123Olav KooijLampre - Pinarello+ 5'21
124Scott ThwaitesLampre - Pinarellos.t.
125Sameera ChatarungaCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
126Samuel PokäläGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
127Tom DumoulinTeam Würth MODYFs.t.
128Nichol Blanca ParejaSaecos.t.
129Adrian MaloriJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
130Ethan VernonGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
131Thomas BoudatJEWA TIROL Cycling Teams.t.
132Mikel AgirrebeitiaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
133Marcel AreggerAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
134Naveen JohnStela-Vitas.t.
135Alessandro VerreSaecos.t.
136Steven Manuel PolancoBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
137German Dario GomezManada Coyotes.t.
138Esow AlbenSony - Force Indias.t.
139Alejandro FrancoSaecos.t.
140Luis Esteban MurilloManada Coyotes.t.
141Aleks BechkovGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
142Szymon TraczAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
143Hannes WilkschAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
144Paul PenhoëtLampre - Pinarellos.t.
145Kevin VauquelinEkoi - Le Creuset+ 7'05
146Robin Juel SkivildSaecos.t.
147Sergio Arias VillanuevaManada Coyote+ 7'46
148Takumi YamadaBabymetal Cyclings.t.
149Pedro SilvaSaecos.t.
150Lukas TalackaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 8'10
151Kaden HopkinsPodium Ambitions.t.
152Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
153Huub DeelstraBabymetal Cyclings.t.
154Eric Antonio FagundezCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
155Olli KulppiTafjord Krafts.t.
156Johan Price-PejtersenCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
157Kristian VanderpoolPodium Ambitions.t.
158Josh BurnettAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
159Alessio MartinelliHilcona Racing Teams.t.
160Jenno BerckmoesCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 9'11
161Phil BauhausStravas.t.
162Jonathan MilanLampre - Pinarellos.t.
163Benat IntxaustiCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 10'27
164Alfredo BalloniCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
165Faycal HamzaSEE Turtles+ 11'54
166Hugues MottinBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 12'56
167Matias MalmbergGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 13'18
168Willhelm WallinderGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 13'32
169Kevin PredatschTeam Würth MODYF+ 14'26
170Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
171Kenji ItamiBabymetal Cycling+ 15'58
172Bredio RuizManada Coyotes.t.
173Freddy CruzSEE Turtles+ 16'20
174Mikel DemiriStela-Vita+ 17'07

GC Standings

1Natnael BerhaneJEWA TIROL Cycling Team18h52'34
2Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 4
3William ChiarelloCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 36
4Marko PavlicGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 1'13
5Aurelien Paret-PeintreEkoi - Le Creuset+ 1'55
6Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 2'06
7Ben O'ConnorPodium Ambition+ 2'07
8Mikel IturriaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 2'12
9Inigo EloseguiTeam Würth MODYF+ 2'13
10Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello+ 2'22
11Marc GoosStela-Vita+ 3'59
12Brendan CantyPodium Ambition+ 4'32
13Daniel MunozCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 5'04
14Gilles HeymesJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 5'08
15Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force India+ 5'38
16Youcef ReguiguiSEE Turtles+ 5'42
17Marc Christian GarbyTafjord Kraft+ 5'46
18Primoz RoglicStrava+ 5'47
19Sakari LehtinenTeam Würth MODYF+ 5'50
20Andreas VangstadTafjord Kraft+ 6'03
21Tormod JacobsenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 6'05
22Victor LafayBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 6'16
23Kristian DyrnesTafjord Kraft+ 6'18
24William BartaGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 6'50
25Choon Huat GohSony - Force India+ 6'52
26Bjorn Tore HoemTafjord Kraft+ 6'57
27Gavin MannionAdidas-Eurocash+ 7'05
28Christian MagerAdidas-Eurocash+ 7'06
29Thomas KoepJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 7'07
30Alexandre MayerPodium Ambition+ 7'13
31Adria UrcelayStela-Vita+ 7'17
32Giulio CicconeSaeco+ 7'36
33Jan-Andre FreulerStela-Vita+ 7'55
34Clovis KamzongSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 8'02
35Joao GasparManada Coyote+ 8'11
36Leo HayterSony - Force India+ 8'13
37Sergey LuchshenkoStela-Vita+ 8'14
38Michael GoglSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 8'16
39Atsushi OkaSEE Turtles+ 8'21
40Havard BlikraSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 8'28
41Muhamma Afif Ahmad ZamriSony - Force India+ 8'32
42Kobe GoossensTeam Würth MODYF+ 8'38
43Mick Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 8'40
44Clement ChevrierEkoi - Le Creuset+ 8'56
45Gonzalo SerranoCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 9'03
46Domenic WeinsteinBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 9'04
47Bruno ArmirailBordeaux Métropole - Euskotrens.t.
48Vegard Stake LaengenTafjord Kraft+ 9'56
49Robbie SquireSEE Turtles+ 10'04
50Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 10'09
51Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset+ 10'15
52Albert KirevaCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 10'17
53Andrea ManfrediSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 10'18
54Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarello+ 10'20
55William MaesenStravas.t.
56Antoine AebiHilcona Racing Team+ 10'22
57David De la CruzTafjord Kraft+ 10'35
58Clement RussoEkoi - Le Creuset+ 11'07
59David WohrerStela-Vita+ 11'08
60Daniel Ricardo DiazAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 11'15
61Gregory HugentoblerSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 11'16
62Fernando BarceloCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 11'18
63Joey RosskopfGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 11'21
64Lorenzo DelcoHilcona Racing Team+ 11'29
65Mathieu La LavandierTeam Würth MODYF+ 11'33
66Calvin WatsonAdidas-Eurocash+ 11'34
67Jorge AbreuSEE Turtles+ 11'40
68Irakli BablidzeHilcona Racing Team+ 12'15
69Timofey KritskiySimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 12'41
70Karel CamrdaLampre - Pinarello+ 12'48
71Peeter TarvisStrava+ 12'55
72Sarawut SirironnachaiStravas.t.
73Quinten HermansSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 12'56
74Taylor GunmanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 13'29
75Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 13'39
76Jose AlarconSEE Turtles+ 13'52
77Maani AltanzulCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 14'08
78Joshua KellySEE Turtles+ 14'12
79Adrian NituHilcona Racing Team+ 14'30
80Enrico BarbinSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 14'33
81Romain BardetTafjord Kraft+ 14'44
82Kristian Haugaard JensenManada Coyote+ 15'03
83Mario VogtAdidas-Eurocash+ 15'49
84Reuben ThompsonEkoi - Le Creuset+ 16'04
85Maximilian KabasJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 16'34
86Aberlardo AblenadoCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 17'26
87Gordian BanzerHilcona Racing Team+ 17'49
88Andrea VendrameSaeco+ 17'50
89Dylan HopkinsEkoi - Le Creuset+ 18'01
90Connor McCutcheonStela-Vita+ 18'05
91Sergio ChumilManada Coyote+ 18'37
92Bryan Fernando MendozaManada Coyote+ 18'38
93Martijn KeizerHilcona Racing Team+ 19'06
94Naveen JohnStela-Vita+ 19'57
95Joris DelboveEkoi - Le Creuset+ 20'05
96Tim Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 20'31
97Abner GonzalezPodium Ambition+ 20'49
98Brent Van MoerGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 20'50
99Edoardo SandriLampre - Pinarello+ 20'58
100Olav KooijLampre - Pinarello+ 21'04
101Felix EnglishCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 21'18
102Yikui NiuBabymetal Cycling+ 21'41
103Hannes WilkschAdidas-Eurocash+ 21'48
104Marcel AreggerAdidas-Eurocash+ 21'57
105Martin TjottaGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 22'01
106Kevin VauquelinEkoi - Le Creuset+ 22'44
107Viktor VerschaeveBabymetal Cycling+ 22'46
108Jasper De LaatBabymetal Cyclings.t.
109Stephan RabitschJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 22'59
110Scott McGillBabymetal Cycling+ 23'03
111Maximillian SchachmannAdidas-Eurocash+ 23'11
112Pit SchlechterJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 23'28
113Thanawut SanikwathiStrava+ 24'03
114German Dario GomezManada Coyote+ 24'16
115Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 24'32
116Milan FretinBabymetal Cycling+ 24'36
117Szymon TraczAdidas-Eurocash+ 25'37
118Paul PenhoëtLampre - Pinarello+ 26'16
119Edoardo ZambaniniSaeco+ 26'50
120Teodoro CostagliAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 26'58
121Frederik WandahlGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 27'08
122Pedro SilvaSaeco+ 28'25
123Luis Esteban MurilloManada Coyote+ 28'51
124Davur MagnussenTeam Würth MODYF+ 29'12
125Jonas KochTeam Würth MODYF+ 30'14
126Akil CampbellPodium Ambition+ 30'26
127Adam PhelanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 30'32
128Jesus Roniel MartePodium Ambition+ 32'27
129Alessio MartinelliHilcona Racing Team+ 32'30
130Samuel PokäläGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 32'46
131Mikel AgirrebeitiaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 32'53
132Alejandro FrancoSaeco+ 33'11
133Scott ThwaitesLampre - Pinarello+ 34'06
134Olli KulppiTafjord Kraft+ 34'25
135Casper Van UdenHilcona Racing Team+ 34'29
136Aleks BechkovGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 34'31
137Iver Johan KnottenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 34'46
138Takumi YamadaBabymetal Cycling+ 35'38
139Yamato ShirotaSony - Force India+ 35'43
140Thomas BoudatJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 36'03
141Ethan VernonGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 36'11
142Alessandro VerreSaeco+ 36'44
143Robin Juel SkivildSaeco+ 36'56
144Kristian VanderpoolPodium Ambition+ 37'16
145Sergio Arias VillanuevaManada Coyote+ 37'37
146Raul Garcia PiernaCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 38'15
147Benat IntxaustiCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 38'45
148Steven Manuel PolancoBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 39'18
149Tom DumoulinTeam Würth MODYF+ 40'02
150Nichol Blanca ParejaSaeco+ 41'08
151Esow AlbenSony - Force India+ 41'59
152Eric Antonio FagundezCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 42'53
153Lukas TalackaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 43'29
154Johan Price-PejtersenCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 43'52
155Phil BauhausStrava+ 46'07
156Josh BurnettAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 47'47
157Kaden HopkinsPodium Ambition+ 49'08
158Huub DeelstraBabymetal Cycling+ 49'26
159Sameera ChatarungaCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 49'48
160Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 51'34
161Adrian MaloriJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 51'42
162Alfredo BalloniCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 53'12
163Bredio RuizManada Coyote+ 56'01
164Jonathan MilanLampre - Pinarello+ 56'05
165Willhelm WallinderGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 59'30
166Kenji ItamiBabymetal Cycling+ 1h00'35
167Jenno BerckmoesCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 1h05'57
168Faycal HamzaSEE Turtles+ 1h06'48
169Matias MalmbergGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 1h09'31
170Hugues MottinBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 1h15'07
171Kevin PredatschTeam Würth MODYF+ 1h17'44
172Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 1h19'03
173Freddy CruzSEE Turtles+ 1h20'01
174Mikel DemiriStela-Vita+ 1h29'07

Points Standings

1William ChiarelloCrabbe-CC Chevigny45
2Marko PavlicGenii Hyundai N Cycling42
3Aurelien Paret-PeintreEkoi - Le Creuset39
4Kristian Haugaard JensenManada Coyote37
5Maani AltanzulCrabbe-CC Chevigny36
6Natnael BerhaneJEWA TIROL Cycling Team29
7Thanawut SanikwathiStrava25
8Alexandre MayerPodium Ambition25
9Kristian DyrnesTafjord Kraft23
10Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Team22
11Leo HayterSony - Force India22
12Sergey LuchshenkoStela-Vita21
13Inigo EloseguiTeam Würth MODYF20
14Scott ThwaitesLampre - Pinarello20
15Gonzalo SerranoCaja Rural Cycling Team19
16Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Team15
17Mikel IturriaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren14
18Thomas BoudatJEWA TIROL Cycling Team14
19Tim Van DijkeSony - Force India12
20Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo10
21Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello10
22Marc GoosStela-Vita10
23Victor LafayBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren10
24Atsushi OkaSEE Turtles10
25Marcel AreggerAdidas-Eurocash10
26Yikui NiuBabymetal Cycling10
27Martijn KeizerHilcona Racing Team8
28Matias MalmbergGenii Hyundai N Cycling8
29Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Team7
30Aberlardo AblenadoCaja Rural Cycling Team7
31Daniel MunozCaja Rural Cycling Team6
32Maximillian SchachmannAdidas-Eurocash6
33Robin Juel SkivildSaeco6
34Ethan VernonGenii Hyundai N Cycling6
35Alfredo BalloniCaja Rural Cycling Team6
36Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo6
37Ben O'ConnorPodium Ambition5
38Marc Christian GarbyTafjord Kraft5
39Christian MagerAdidas-Eurocash5
40Havard BlikraSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh5
41Andrea VendrameSaeco5
42Mathieu La LavandierTeam Würth MODYF4
43Taylor GunmanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo4
44Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling4
45Kevin PredatschTeam Würth MODYF4
46Kenji ItamiBabymetal Cycling3
47Antoine AebiHilcona Racing Team2
48Gavin MannionAdidas-Eurocash1
49Jonas KochTeam Würth MODYF1

Mountain Standings

1Kristian DyrnesTafjord Kraft40
2Mathieu La LavandierTeam Würth MODYF40
3Connor McCutcheonStela-Vita34
4Marko PavlicGenii Hyundai N Cycling32
5Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force India30
6Giulio CicconeSaeco28
7Clement ChevrierEkoi - Le Creuset26
8Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling25
9Antoine AebiHilcona Racing Team24
10Leo HayterSony - Force India22
11Martijn KeizerHilcona Racing Team22
12Natnael BerhaneJEWA TIROL Cycling Team20
13Aberlardo AblenadoCaja Rural Cycling Team20
14David WohrerStela-Vita18
15Alessio MartinelliHilcona Racing Team18
16Jose AlarconSEE Turtles17
17Tim Van DijkeSony - Force India16
18Takumi YamadaBabymetal Cycling16
19William ChiarelloCrabbe-CC Chevigny14
20Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Team12
21Sergio Arias VillanuevaManada Coyote12
22Robin Juel SkivildSaeco12
23Mikel IturriaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren10
24Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo10
25Matias MalmbergGenii Hyundai N Cycling10
26Inigo EloseguiTeam Würth MODYF8
27Joao GasparManada Coyote8
28Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset8
29Andrea ManfrediSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh8
30Marc GoosStela-Vita6
31Clement RussoEkoi - Le Creuset6
32Aurelien Paret-PeintreEkoi - Le Creuset5
33Pavel PotockiLampre - Pinarello4
34Alexandre MayerPodium Ambition4
35Kristian Haugaard JensenManada Coyote4
36Kevin VauquelinEkoi - Le Creuset4
37Pedro SilvaSaeco4
38Luis Esteban MurilloManada Coyote4
39Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo3
40Daniel MunozCaja Rural Cycling Team2
41Joey RosskopfGjensidige Pro Cycling Team2
42Viktor VerschaeveBabymetal Cycling2
43Akil CampbellPodium Ambition2
44Kaden HopkinsPodium Ambition2
45Kevin PredatschTeam Würth MODYF2
46Marc Christian GarbyTafjord Kraft1
47Albert KirevaCrabbe-CC Chevigny1

Young Rider Standings

1Inigo EloseguiTeam Würth MODYF18h54'47 (1)
2Gijs LeemreizeSony - Force India+ 3'25 (2)
3Alexandre MayerPodium Ambition+ 5'00 (3)
4Leo HayterSony - Force India+ 6'00 (4)
5Mick Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 6'27 (5)
6Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset+ 8'02 (6)
7Michael AntonelliLampre - Pinarello+ 8'07 (7)
8Antoine AebiHilcona Racing Team+ 8'09 (8)
9Karel CamrdaLampre - Pinarello+ 10'35 (9)
10Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 11'26 (10)
11Reuben ThompsonEkoi - Le Creuset+ 13'51 (11)
12Maximilian KabasJEWA TIROL Cycling Team+ 14'21 (12)
13Dylan HopkinsEkoi - Le Creuset+ 15'48 (13)
14Sergio ChumilManada Coyote+ 16'24 (14)
15Bryan Fernando MendozaManada Coyote+ 16'25 (15)
16Joris DelboveEkoi - Le Creuset+ 17'52 (16)
17Tim Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 18'18 (17)
18Abner GonzalezPodium Ambition+ 18'36 (18)
19Brent Van MoerGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 18'37 (19)
20Edoardo SandriLampre - Pinarello+ 18'45 (20)
21Olav KooijLampre - Pinarello+ 18'51 (21)
22Hannes WilkschAdidas-Eurocash+ 19'35 (22)
23Martin TjottaGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 19'48 (23)
24Kevin VauquelinEkoi - Le Creuset+ 20'31 (24)
25Viktor VerschaeveBabymetal Cycling+ 20'33 (25)
26Scott McGillBabymetal Cycling+ 20'50 (26)
27German Dario GomezManada Coyote+ 22'03 (27)
28Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 22'19 (28)
29Milan FretinBabymetal Cycling+ 22'23 (29)
30Szymon TraczAdidas-Eurocash+ 23'24 (30)
31Paul PenhoëtLampre - Pinarello+ 24'03 (31)
32Edoardo ZambaniniSaeco+ 24'37 (32)
33Frederik WandahlGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 24'55 (33)
34Pedro SilvaSaeco+ 26'12 (34)
35Luis Esteban MurilloManada Coyote+ 26'38 (35)
36Jesus Roniel MartePodium Ambition+ 30'14 (36)
37Alessio MartinelliHilcona Racing Team+ 30'17 (37)
38Mikel AgirrebeitiaBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 30'40 (38)
39Alejandro FrancoSaeco+ 30'58 (39)
40Casper Van UdenHilcona Racing Team+ 32'16 (40)
41Aleks BechkovGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 32'18 (41)
42Iver Johan KnottenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 32'33 (42)
43Takumi YamadaBabymetal Cycling+ 33'25 (43)
44Ethan VernonGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 33'58 (44)
45Alessandro VerreSaeco+ 34'31 (45)
46Robin Juel SkivildSaeco+ 34'43 (46)
47Sergio Arias VillanuevaManada Coyote+ 35'24 (47)
48Raul Garcia PiernaCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 36'02 (48)
49Steven Manuel PolancoBordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 37'05 (49)
50Nichol Blanca ParejaSaeco+ 38'55 (50)
51Esow AlbenSony - Force India+ 39'46 (51)
52Eric Antonio FagundezCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 40'40 (52)
53Johan Price-PejtersenCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 41'39 (53)
54Josh BurnettAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 45'34 (54)
55Kaden HopkinsPodium Ambition+ 46'55 (55)
56Huub DeelstraBabymetal Cycling+ 47'13 (56)
57Bredio RuizManada Coyote+ 53'48 (57)
58Jonathan MilanLampre - Pinarello+ 53'52 (58)
59Willhelm WallinderGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 57'17 (59)
60Jenno BerckmoesCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 1h03'44 (60)
61Matias MalmbergGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 1h07'18 (61)
62Mikel DemiriStela-Vita+ 1h26'54 (62)

Team Standings

1JEWA TIROL Cycling Team55h16'04 (1)
2Team Würth MODYF+ 1'09 (2)
3Caja Rural Cycling Team+ 1'12 (3)
4Tafjord Kraft+ 2'38 (4)
5Podium Ambition+ 2'38 (5)
6Stela-Vita+ 3'12 (6)
7Ekoi - Le Creuset+ 3'14 (7)
8Bordeaux Métropole - Euskotren+ 3'48 (8)
9SEE Turtles+ 4'34 (9)
10Sony - Force India+ 5'41 (10)
11Gjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 6'23 (11)
12Genii Hyundai N Cycling+ 6'54 (12)
13Adidas-Eurocash+ 9'03 (13)
14Simba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 9'28 (14)
15Air New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 10'59 (15)
16Lampre - Pinarello+ 11'13 (16)
17Strava+ 11'48 (17)
18Crabbe-CC Chevigny+ 13'21 (18)
19Hilcona Racing Team+ 14'07 (19)
20Saeco+ 25'38 (20)
21Manada Coyote+ 29'09 (21)
22Babymetal Cycling+ 51'59 (22)

Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
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