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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] HC/C1 Results
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Tour Down Under - Stage 6
Tour Down Under
Stage 6
Marion - Adelaide


It’s pancake flat from Marion to Adelaide as the riders finish their route around the South of Australia. Without any real challenges on the horizon, GC should be settled outside of the bonus seconds at the finish line. This one should be a race for the sprinters as long as the breakaway doesn’t find surprise success.


The breakaway begins to form right from the line with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Gogl wanting a shot for the first time this race. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Skala is quick to follow. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortega is the next to jump after about a 5 second gap. 30 seconds back, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Garibian, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Hermans, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Gunman try to jump before the peloton begins pacing. It’s McCormick Pro Cycling doing most the chasing with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Seigle to bring this group back and they’re all back together after 8km on the front.


As the first breakaway ends, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Gunman jumps off the front again and easily establishes a small gap. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Zegklis tries to join, but can’t close a 10 second gap while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Garibian is in a group with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortega, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Pibernik, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Skala just off the front of the peloton. It’s Glanbia leading the peloton this time trying to make sure no one gets away as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png McCambridge pushes hard at the front. He lets up as the group of four is absorbed into the group.


Another group of four think it might be their time to find opportunity. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi leads the charge followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Phelan, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Hermans, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly. Team Popo4ever p/b Morshynska closes them down immediately and the fight for the breakaway is absolutely furious and there’s only 75km to go at this point. Upon getting caught, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Hermans and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly make a duo attempt which does not bring a reaction from the peloton. They bridge to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Zegklis while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Gunman is still alone. Almost everyone in the attacks is struggling from the hard formation stage.


Just when the attacks seemed complete, more jump away from the peloton. It’s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/crc.png Barbero leading the crew this time after Caja Rural Cycling Team found breakaway success earlier this race. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/tlt.png Pibernik is right on his wheel while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Rota, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Medvedev also want part of the action. The peloton doesn’t appreciate this attempt very much and brings them back. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Rota and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Tesfaye Heyi break away again and the peloton reacts after a smaller group of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Skala, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Le Gac, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortega fight to join the front. While everything is hectic behind, the front four finally comes together and have 1:07 over the peloton - 65km to go.


This is the final aspect of break formation and the four leaders ride happily together with no more attacks. With 50km to go, all four seem to have recovered and are pulling normally. That’s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Zegklis, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Hermans, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Gunman. With 50km to go, the lead is 2:30 and the riders continue around Adelaide’s coast.


Behind in the peloton, the pace has risen. Glanbia and McCormick are both offering forces on behalf of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett. Team Popo4ever is also represented for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Varga (2nd GC) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn. Tryg-Gobyk is then well positioned to take over when needed as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare should be the top favorite for the sprint. They don’t need to take the pace though as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare’s GC win is more easily secured with the break up the road. 40km to go and the peloton has brought the gap to 2:00.


The peloton and breakaway are still working as before at 30km to go. The gap is just less than 1:30 and the peloton seems prepared to ensure a bunch sprint at the finish. Of the GC men, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Haller, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Van der Sande are all near the front of the peloton in case the race gets more complicated. 25km to go comes and goes and the breakaway’s gap is falling quickly to 1:08.


The breakaway has less than a minute under the 20km to go banner and the peloton shows no signs of letting up. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly is clearly pushing hard to give the breakaway any chance he can, but the gap is 51 seconds and descending. Everyone else is still working hard, but there’s just no difference being made. It’s McCormick Pro Cycling with 4 of the first 5 men in the pace line ensuring the peloton keeps pushing.


The McCormick Pro Cycling train is now created in full with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid on the end of it as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Seigle is the man on the front. The break has only 36seconds at 15km to the line and there’s little they can do to stop this train. The rest of the sprint and GC teams have not created any major trains while most leaders just have one man shepherding them to the front. It will be interesting to see if anyone tries to challenge the McCormick train.


It’s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly jumping off the front of the group after believing the others are holding him back on the way to the line. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/dev.png Zegklis is trying to pull him back on behalf of the other three, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly holds him off for over a kilometer before all coming together at 11km to go. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/t3a.png Kelly’s attack did keep the lead at 30seconds over the chase but the pace in the breakaway delays once he’s caught.


With the peloton just 10km from the line, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Hermans is the next man to try an escape but no gap is created. Each member of the breakaway senses the desperation with only 22 seconds on the peloton. They can turn around and see the full line of blue and white of McCormick Pro Cycling ready to pounce.


The catch is made! The efforts of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Naud, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Seigle, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Simmons are successful in ensuring the catch and the breakaway gives up. No last minute attempts. It’s 8km to the line and sprinters seem prepared unless a surprise attack comes from the rest of the field. Besides the McCormick Pro Cycling group up front, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare is separated from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Summerhill and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Honore who seem prepared to usher pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare to the line. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn is stuck on pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid’s wheel while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ghn.png Kiskonen is attached their hip. Behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Haller with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Vesely slotted with them. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol is the other major player boxed in on the curb in 7th or 8th row from the front.


The pace slows as McCormick attempts to regain their train after the breakaway is caught. They stay at the front, but Tryg-Gobyk is now also contributing 4 to the front. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Losch have moved up right behind the pace setters, while most other sprinters are further back behind the lineup of McCormick and Tryg-Gobyk riders. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare surprisingly has fallen back to about 35th wheel and will need to reposition for a sprint chance.


The front cameras are struggling for a good shot at the peloton so the helicopter must show us where everyone is. It’s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Bagioli leading out pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Narvaez and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid at the front where McCormick has shown they want this win. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Losch and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic are splitting pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid’s wheel. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard are in the same plane as them ahead of the rest. In row 3 of sprinters it is (L-R) pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Russo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett trying to find his way there. It’s chaos behind with main favorites pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Vesely, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Haller and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Van der Sande all on the outside looking in.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Bagioli still leads on the front and the McCormick train is still intact on the front. Row 1 of sprinters has not changed, except pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero is now able to take full control of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid’s wheel which may be crucial for the aging sprinter. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Matthews has entered the frame in row 2 as has pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/anz.png Scully in their attempts at the first major results of the tour. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Van der Sande is very boxed in while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare has room on the open side of the round but lots of distance to cover. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Vesely could easily cover that move for success if pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare can find the room. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Varga is well back on the right and will have to find many gaps to find anyone to nip pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare for an extra bonus second.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Bagioli is off the front and allowing pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Narvaez to make the final leadout. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Wippert is going early on the right to find open space. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic has bullied pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero off pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid’s wheel and is ready to catapult to victory while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard is beginning to be boxed on the left. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Losch and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle seem well composed with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett ready to pay back his teammates for work earlier in the stage too. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Varga is well back but has moved up enough to make pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare potentially work for it as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare continues to be back in the front pack. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol is best positioned of the top 10 right on pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett’s wheel and could stand to move up a place or two with a high placing.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Narvaez is still strong on the front but when will pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid decide to go. McCormick has put together an absolute stunner of a train to not leave pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid in top position. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard is best of the rest so far and there’s a group of 10 starting to gap the rest of the field. They include pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Losch (sitting on pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid’s wheel if he can follow}, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Wippert. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Russo is behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic without room to accelerate while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol is on the outside with tons of room to pick a route, but also the most ground to catch up. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett is best of the rest, but there’s a full bike length between him and the rest of the sprinters up ahead.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid has finally moved out from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Narvaez’s wheel and he’s still the leader, but the race is 9 sprinters wide with more coming strongly from behind. If the race ended now, the order appears to be pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Narvaez, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Losch, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Wippert, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Russo. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett has closed the gap to this group and is flying to make an effort while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Matthews are also hoping to pick off anyone faltering down the stretch. It could really be anyone’s race.


The race has gotten even closer! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid is holding on strong, but everyone can sense a chance at victory. It’s tough to even tell who might be edging closest with 200m to go but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle may be next. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard is clearly making a strong attempt while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Loschi and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic still have a chance. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Wippert and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol look just too far to beat everyone in front of them, but passing 2-3 of those in front still seems reasonable. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett is pushing hard too as he’s overtaken pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Russo. We suspect a photo finish.


It’s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid! He holds the field off after an unbelievable sprint and fantastic leadout from his teammates! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/xr0.png Houle does hold for second in the closest finish of the entire Tour Down Under. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/lmp.png Dzamastagic ends up getting the final podium spot in 3rd while looking poised to have taken the win with an extra 300m. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/zal.png Losch and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sct.png Wippert close out the top 5 with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/jur.png Bol the top GC contender in 6th. He’ll wait to see if those 8 seconds end up moving him into a higher position. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/snz.png Howard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/eko.png Russo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/gla.png Kennett and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/fas.png Matthews hold out the top 10 while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/ade.png Lo Cicero falls all the way to 11th after good positioning. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/kmm.png Haller, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/sfi.png Vesely and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/muw.png Van der Sande all maintain pots in the top 20 to protect their GC. The rest of the field easily rolls in.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/mck.png Walscheid takes the podium for the stage win.


A fantastic GC win. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2023/Micros/trg.png Demare displays his skillset across the entire parcours to gain top finishes and earn the top spot with the tiniest of margins.


Blouwe’s one-day 22 point haul was enough to take the top spot and a nice result for Mercatone Uno – Weba.


Similarly, Demare deserved the points jersey after consistently high finishes across all stages.


Kraftwerk Man Machine was barely able to hold onto the team classification over Team Popo4Ever p/b Morshysnka. Top results from Haller, De Buyst, Rumac, and Kanerva all helped support this team win.


Stannard earns a well-deserved white jersey finishes 12th overall.

Stage Results:
1Maximilian WalscheidMcCormick Pro Cycling1h52'57
2Hugo HouleXero Racings.t.
3Mark DzamastagicLampre - Pinarellos.t.
4Max LoschDK Žalgiriss.t.
5Wouter WippertSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
6Cees BolJura GIANTSs.t.
7Leigh HowardSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
8Clement RussoEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
9Dylan KennettGlanbias.t.
10Michael MatthewsFastneds.t.
11Ivano Lo CiceroAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
12Tosh Van der SandeMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
13Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
14Siim KiskonenGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
15Andrea GuardiniCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
16Marco HallerKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
17Tom ScullyAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
18Tom Van AsbroeckTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
19Arnaud DemareTryg - Gobyks.t.
20Daniel VeselySony - Force Indias.t.
21Jonas RickaertAssa Abloys.t.
22Piotr HavikSony - Force Indias.t.
23Luka PibernikTrans Looney Tuness.t.
24Esow AlbenSony - Force Indias.t.
25Peter VargaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
26Josip RumacKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
27Henri UhligKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
28William Blume LevyTryg - Gobyks.t.
29Nikias ArndtDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
30Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tuness.t.
31Bernard Van AertAssa Abloys.t.
32Mauri VansevenantFastneds.t.
33Carlos RodriguezSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
34Connor WhitePodium Ambitions.t.
35Jhonatan NarvaezMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
36Wataru MutsuminePodium Ambitions.t.
37Patrick MüllerTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
38Jack BobridgeSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
39Karel CamrdaLampre - Pinarellos.t.
40Gianni MosconDK Žalgiriss.t.
41Jasper De BuystKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
42Joni KanervaKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
43Elie GesbertAssa Abloys.t.
44Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tuness.t.
45Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambitions.t.
46Anthony TurgisLampre - Pinarellos.t.
47Dmytro KachurTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
48Xavier QuevedoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
49Mauro SchmidJura GIANTSs.t.
50Andrea BagioliMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
51Robert StannardDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
52Danny SummerhillTryg - Gobyks.t.
53Sam BennettGlanbias.t.
54Eduard Alexander BeltranTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
55Aleksandr BereznyakDK Žalgiriss.t.
56Kent MainGlanbias.t.
57Patrick NaudMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
58Mateo FrankovicDK Žalgiriss.t.
59Luke MudgwaySpark-BNZ Racings.t.
60David BoilyKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
61Quinn SimmonsMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
62Jaako HänninenAssa Abloys.t.
63Olav KooijLampre - Pinarellos.t.
64Linus KvistAssa Abloys.t.
65Jacopo MoscaAssa Abloys.t.
66Jacob KellyPodium Ambitions.t.
67Christopher LaganePodium Ambitions.t.
68Johan Esteban ChavesAssa Abloys.t.
69Dylan TeunsEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
70Taylor GunmanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
71Xandro MeurisseLampre - Pinarellos.t.
72Daniel HoelgaardTryg - Gobyks.t.
73Nikolaos ZegklisDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
74Ramon DomeneCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
75Mikiel HabtomSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
76Manuel StockerJura GIANTSs.t.
77Roman SeigleMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
78Marko KumpTryg - Gobyks.t.
79Arvin MoazemiKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
80Tom BohliTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
81Yacine HamzaXero Racings.t.
82Cameron ScottSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
83Gergely SzarkaJura GIANTSs.t.
84Quinten HermansSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
85Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
86Zeke MostovMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
87Marcel AreggerAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
88Alexandr KulikovskiyDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
89Hayden McCormickSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
90Simone VelascoGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
91Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
92Andrii BratashcukTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
93Gaetan PonsPodium Ambitions.t.
94Jan TratnikSony - Force Indias.t.
95Mikkel HonoreTryg - Gobyks.t.
96Yosukue MatsumotoAssa Abloys.t.
97Heiko RedeckerSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
98Leo HayterSony - Force Indias.t.
99Sam BewleyAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
100Mario VogtAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
101Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
102Oleksandr PrevarTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
103Mick Van DijkeSony - Force Indias.t.
104Rok KorosecTrans Looney Tuness.t.
105Martin LaasDK Žalgiriss.t.
106Nils BrunTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
107Johan JacobsTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
108Edward TheunsJura GIANTSs.t.
109Stavros TheorpanousKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
110Matteo MoschettiMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
111Lilian CalmejaneTrans Looney Tuness.t.
112Charles MatteMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
113Carlos BarberoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
114Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
115Nils SchomberXero Racings.t.
116Juan SossaDK Žalgiriss.t.
117Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racings.t.
118Nicolo BurattiMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
119Guillaume Van KeirsbulckLampre - Pinarellos.t.
120Adam PhelanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
121Sean McKennaGlanbias.t.
122Norman VahtraDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
123Gonzalo SerranoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
124Tim Van DijkeSony - Force Indias.t.
125Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobyks.t.
126Scott ThwaitesLampre - Pinarellos.t.
127Lukas SpenglerTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
128Jason OsborneAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
129Francis JuneauGlanbias.t.
130Nico DenzFastneds.t.
131Alexandre MayerPodium Ambitions.t.
132Rick PluimersFastneds.t.
133Ramon SinkeldamCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
134Reuben ThompsonEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
135Nathan Van HooydonckFastneds.t.
136Louis BlouweMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
137Joel YatesSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
138Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
139Martin WeissSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
140Bob JungelsSony - Force Indias.t.
141Momchil RobovGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
142Edvald Boasson HagenMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
143Santiago MontenegroDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
144Christian MagerAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
145Joel PonceDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
146Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
147Valentin StoenchevGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
148Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
149Grzegorz StepniakAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
150Logan CurrieTryg - Gobyks.t.
151Abner GonzalezPodium Ambitions.t.
152Michel HessmannFastneds.t.
153Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tuness.t.
154Roel van SintmaartensdijkFastneds.t.
155Sergey MedvedevLampre - Pinarellos.t.
156Renus UhiriweGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
157Ben TulettTrans Looney Tuness.t.
158Jake MarryattSpark-BNZ Racings.t.
159Brandon RodriguezDK Žalgiriss.t.
160Andy Alihonay Diaz SuarezDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
161Hugo PageJura GIANTSs.t.
162Alan BoileauXero Racings.t.
163Elia BlumTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
164Lorenzo RotaSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
165Aljaz JarcGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
166Ben TurnerMercatone Uno - Webas.t.
167Evgeny ShalunovAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
168Olivier Le GacEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
169Eddie Van HeerdenSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
170Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tuness.t.
171Maurice BallerstedtAdidas-Eurocashs.t.
172Jesus EzquerraCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
173Michael GoglSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
174Kees DuyvesteynXero Racings.t.
175Joris DelboveEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
176Aleks BechkovGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
177Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
178Oier LazkanoXero Racings.t.
179Daniel Ricardo DiazAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
180Cedric Bakke ChristophersenJura GIANTSs.t.
181Rasmus GuldhammerDK Žalgiriss.t.
182Arman GaribianEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
183Gustas RaugalaJura GIANTSs.t.
184Dylan HopkinsEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
185Aaron WadeGlanbias.t.
186Jhon Stiven RamirezXero Racings.t.
187Kevin McCambridgeGlanbias.t.
188Teodoro CostagliAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
189Archie RyanGlanbias.t.
190Finn Fisher-BlackFastneds.t.

Final GC Standings:
1Arnaud DemareTryg - Gobyk17h44'17
2Peter VargaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 1
3Marco HallerKraftwerk Man Machine+ 22
4Daniel VeselySony - Force India+ 35
5Anthony TurgisLampre - Pinarello+ 39
6Cees BolJura GIANTS+ 40
7Gianni MosconDK Žalgiris+ 48
8Elie GesbertAssa Abloy+ 49
9Jack BobridgeSpark-BNZ Racing+ 51
10Tosh Van der SandeMercatone Uno - Weba+ 52
11Robert StannardDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 55
12Patrick MüllerTeam UBS - Tissot+ 1'02
13Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes+ 1'03
14Joni KanervaKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
15Mauri VansevenantFastneds.t.
16Josip RumacKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
17Mark DzamastagicLampre - Pinarello+ 1'26
18Jasper De BuystKraftwerk Man Machine+ 1'43
19Xavier QuevedoCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 1'45
20Oleksandr PrevarTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
21Nikias ArndtDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 1'46
22Eduard Alexander BeltranTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 1'54
23Mauro SchmidJura GIANTS+ 2'04
24Wouter WippertSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 2'43
25Leigh HowardSpark-BNZ Racing+ 2'47
26Dylan TeunsEkoi - Le Creuset+ 3'16
27Jonas RickaertAssa Abloy+ 3'18
28Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tunes+ 3'30
29David BoilyKraftwerk Man Machine+ 3'31
30Jacopo MoscaAssa Abloys.t.
31Mario VogtAdidas-Eurocash+ 3'37
32Xandro MeurisseLampre - Pinarello+ 3'44
33Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 3'45
34Christopher LaganePodium Ambition+ 4'08
35Sean McKennaGlanbias.t.
36Jhonatan NarvaezMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 4'11
37Hayden McCormickSpark-BNZ Racing+ 4'18
38Martin LaasDK Žalgiris+ 4'19
39Alexandr KulikovskiyDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
40Jaako HänninenAssa Abloys.t.
41Yosukue MatsumotoAssa Abloys.t.
42Cameron ScottSpark-BNZ Racing+ 4'22
43Gaetan PonsPodium Ambition+ 4'28
44Rasmus GuldhammerDK Žalgiris+ 4'33
45Christian MagerAdidas-Eurocash+ 4'38
46Maximilian WalscheidMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 4'40
47Alexandre MayerPodium Ambition+ 4'47
48Edward TheunsJura GIANTS+ 4'50
49Marko KumpTryg - Gobyk+ 5'01
50Gergely SzarkaJura GIANTSs.t.
51Louis BlouweMercatone Uno - Weba+ 5'10
52Eddie Van HeerdenSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
53Andrea BagioliMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 5'13
54Carlos BarberoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
55Quinten HermansSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
56Andrii BratashcukTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynskas.t.
57Mateo FrankovicDK Žalgiris+ 5'23
58Danny SummerhillTryg - Gobyks.t.
59Tom BohliTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
60Rok KorosecTrans Looney Tuness.t.
61Nikolaos ZegklisDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
62Guillaume Van KeirsbulckLampre - Pinarellos.t.
63Mikkel HonoreTryg - Gobyks.t.
64Johan Esteban ChavesAssa Abloy+ 5'25
65Hugo HouleXero Racing+ 5'26
66Piotr HavikSony - Force India+ 5'44
67Max LoschDK Žalgiris+ 6'05
68Arvin MoazemiKraftwerk Man Machine+ 6'09
69Johan JacobsTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
70Tom Van AsbroeckTeam UBS - Tissot+ 6'17
71Luka PibernikTrans Looney Tunes+ 6'20
72Olav KooijLampre - Pinarellos.t.
73Lilian CalmejaneTrans Looney Tunes+ 6'22
74Linus KvistAssa Abloys.t.
75Edvald Boasson HagenMercatone Uno - Weba+ 6'23
76Lorenzo RotaSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
77Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing+ 6'26
78Martin WeissSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 6'29
79Gonzalo SerranoCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 6'39
80Patrick NaudMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 6'51
81Clement RussoEkoi - Le Creuset+ 7'01
82Michael GoglSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
83Momchil RobovGenii Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
84Daniel HoelgaardTryg - Gobyk+ 7'05
85Jan TratnikSony - Force Indias.t.
86Ben TulettTrans Looney Tunes+ 7'08
87Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
88Joel YatesSpark-BNZ Racing+ 7'19
89Santiago MontenegroDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
90Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 7'23
91Manuel StockerJura GIANTS+ 7'27
92Taylor GunmanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
93Leo HayterSony - Force Indias.t.
94Luke MudgwaySpark-BNZ Racing+ 7'34
95Bernard Van AertAssa Abloys.t.
96Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tuness.t.
97Norman VahtraDuckDuckGo - Everestings.t.
98Nils BrunTeam UBS - Tissots.t.
99Joel PonceDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 7'36
100Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambition+ 7'39
101Roman SeigleMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 7'52
102Juan SossaDK Žalgiris+ 7'58
103Michael MatthewsFastned+ 7'59
104Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset+ 8'03
105Jason OsborneAdidas-Eurocash+ 8'11
106Lukas SpenglerTeam UBS - Tissot+ 8'12
107Siim KiskonenGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 8'24
108Quinn SimmonsMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
109Adam PhelanAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeos.t.
110Hugo PageJura GIANTSs.t.
111Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 8'30
112Jacob KellyPodium Ambition+ 8'32
113Stavros TheorpanousKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
114Karel CamrdaLampre - Pinarello+ 8'33
115Nico DenzFastneds.t.
116Mick Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 8'41
117Matteo MoschettiMercatone Uno - Weba+ 9'03
118Cedric Bakke ChristophersenJura GIANTSs.t.
119Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobyk+ 9'11
120Sam BewleyAdidas-Eurocash+ 9'13
121Sergey MedvedevLampre - Pinarello+ 9'16
122Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 9'29
123Olivier Le GacEkoi - Le Creuset+ 9'34
124Abner GonzalezPodium Ambition+ 9'38
125Wataru MutsuminePodium Ambition+ 9'42
126Charles MatteMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 9'53
127Kent MainGlanbia+ 9'54
128Nathan Van HooydonckFastned+ 10'01
129Evgeny ShalunovAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 10'06
130Scott ThwaitesLampre - Pinarello+ 10'12
131Tim Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 10'16
132Reuben ThompsonEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
133Simone VelascoGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 10'23
134Connor WhitePodium Ambition+ 10'27
135Arman GaribianEkoi - Le Creuset+ 10'31
136Aleksandr BereznyakDK Žalgiris+ 10'34
137Heiko RedeckerSimba Cement - Tanga Freshs.t.
138Bob JungelsSony - Force India+ 10'45
139Dylan KennettGlanbia+ 10'51
140Andy Alihonay Diaz SuarezDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 10'52
141Yacine HamzaXero Racing+ 10'57
142Zeke MostovMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 10'59
143Marcel AreggerAdidas-Eurocash+ 11'12
144Jesus EzquerraCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 11'17
145Ramon SinkeldamCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
146Joris DelboveEkoi - Le Creusets.t.
147Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 11'19
148Francis JuneauGlanbia+ 11'22
149Alan BoileauXero Racing+ 12'13
150Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 12'28
151Gustas RaugalaJura GIANTS+ 12'37
152Kees DuyvesteynXero Racing+ 12'51
153Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tunes+ 12'53
154Mikiel HabtomSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 12'54
155Carlos RodriguezSpark-BNZ Racing+ 13'02
156Nicolo BurattiMercatone Uno - Weba+ 13'29
157Dylan HopkinsEkoi - Le Creuset+ 13'52
158Logan CurrieTryg - Gobyks.t.
159Grzegorz StepniakAdidas-Eurocash+ 14'17
160Renus UhiriweGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 14'27
161Ben TurnerMercatone Uno - Weba+ 14'40
162Brandon RodriguezDK Žalgiris+ 14'52
163Valentin StoenchevGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 14'58
164Elia BlumTeam UBS - Tissot+ 15'03
165Oier LazkanoXero Racing+ 15'29
166Roel van SintmaartensdijkFastned+ 15'54
167Michel HessmannFastned+ 15'56
168William Blume LevyTryg - Gobyk+ 16'01
169Aleks BechkovGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 16'10
170Jake MarryattSpark-BNZ Racing+ 16'58
171Jhon Stiven RamirezXero Racing+ 17'07
172Aljaz JarcGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 17'16
173Finn Fisher-BlackFastned+ 17'37
174Dmytro KachurTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 17'51
175Sam BennettGlanbia+ 17'54
176Archie RyanGlanbia+ 18'22
177Esow AlbenSony - Force India+ 18'28
178Nils SchomberXero Racing+ 18'31
179Maurice BallerstedtAdidas-Eurocash+ 18'34
180Tom ScullyAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 18'45
181Andrea GuardiniCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 18'49
182Daniel Ricardo DiazAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 19'25
183Rick PluimersFastned+ 19'57
184Aaron WadeGlanbia+ 20'10
185Ivano Lo CiceroAdidas-Eurocash+ 22'36
186Kevin McCambridgeGlanbia+ 23'04
187Teodoro CostagliAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 23'59
188Henri UhligKraftwerk Man Machine+ 27'50
189Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 28'04
190Ramon DomeneCaja Rural Cycling Team+ 31'05

Points Classification:
1Arnaud DemareTryg - Gobyk71
2Marco HallerKraftwerk Man Machine47
3Maximilian WalscheidMcCormick Pro Cycling44
4Peter VargaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska37
5Daniel VeselySony - Force India37
6Max LoschDK Žalgiris36
7Cees BolJura GIANTS34
8Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska32
9Mark DzamastagicLampre - Pinarello31
10Anthony TurgisLampre - Pinarello28
11Wouter WippertSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh28
12Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Team25
13Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset25
14Hugo HouleXero Racing25
15Tom Van AsbroeckTeam UBS - Tissot24
16Tosh Van der SandeMercatone Uno - Weba22
17Francis JuneauGlanbia22
18Jack BobridgeSpark-BNZ Racing21
19Eduard Alexander BeltranTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska21
20Leigh HowardSpark-BNZ Racing21
21Michael MatthewsFastned20
22Michel HessmannFastned20
23Elie GesbertAssa Abloy19
24Sean McKennaGlanbia18
25Charles MatteMcCormick Pro Cycling18
26Ben TurnerMercatone Uno - Weba18
27Henri UhligKraftwerk Man Machine18
28Gianni MosconDK Žalgiris16
29Dylan KennettGlanbia15
30Nils SchomberXero Racing12
31Robert StannardDuckDuckGo - Everesting11
32Patrick MüllerTeam UBS - Tissot11
33Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes10
34Jacob KellyPodium Ambition10
35Clement RussoEkoi - Le Creuset9
36Xandro MeurisseLampre - Pinarello8
37Finn Fisher-BlackFastned8
38Jasper De BuystKraftwerk Man Machine7
39Nikias ArndtDuckDuckGo - Everesting7
40Christopher LaganePodium Ambition6
41Hayden McCormickSpark-BNZ Racing6
42Louis BlouweMercatone Uno - Weba6
43Eddie Van HeerdenSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh6
44Ben TulettTrans Looney Tunes6
45Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo6
46Arman GaribianEkoi - Le Creuset6
47Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling6
48Nicolo BurattiMercatone Uno - Weba6
49Ivano Lo CiceroAdidas-Eurocash5
50Mauri VansevenantFastned4
51Renus UhiriweGenii Hyundai N Cycling4
52Gasper KatrasnikTrans Looney Tunes3
53Luke MudgwaySpark-BNZ Racing3
54Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska3
55Edvald Boasson HagenMercatone Uno - Weba2
56Jason OsborneAdidas-Eurocash2
57Siim KiskonenGenii Hyundai N Cycling2
58Tom ScullyAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo2
59Cameron ScottSpark-BNZ Racing1
60Andrea GuardiniCaja Rural Cycling Team1

Mountain Classification:
1Louis BlouweMercatone Uno - Weba22
2Eddie Van HeerdenSimba Cement - Tanga Fresh16
3Renus UhiriweGenii Hyundai N Cycling16
4Peter VargaTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska14
5Sean McKennaGlanbia14
6Nicolo BurattiMercatone Uno - Weba14
7Arman GaribianEkoi - Le Creuset12
8Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset10
9Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling10
10Finn Fisher-BlackFastned10
11Nils SchomberXero Racing10
12Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand-Alfa Romeo8
13Jacob KellyPodium Ambition8
14Maurice BallerstedtAdidas-Eurocash8
15Gaetan PonsPodium Ambition6
16Elie GesbertAssa Abloy4
17Francis JuneauGlanbia4
18Ben TurnerMercatone Uno - Weba3
19Xavier QuevedoCaja Rural Cycling Team2
20Florian ScheitCaja Rural Cycling Team2
21Leo HayterSony - Force India2
22Nathan Van HooydonckFastned2
23Henri UhligKraftwerk Man Machine1

Team Classification:
RankTeamGeneral Time
1Kraftwerk Man Machine53h16'00 (1)
2Team Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 11 (2)
3Lampre - Pinarello+ 2'31 (3)
4Jura GIANTS+ 3'16 (4)
5DuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 4'01 (5)
6Trans Looney Tunes+ 4'04 (6)
7Spark-BNZ Racing+ 4'13 (7)
8Assa Abloy+ 4'27 (8)
9DK Žalgiris+ 4'46 (9)
10McCormick Pro Cycling+ 6'41 (10)
11Mercatone Uno - Weba+ 6'58 (11)
12Caja Rural Cycling Team+ 7'33 (12)
13Tryg - Gobyk+ 8'12 (13)
14Team UBS - Tissot+ 8'25 (14)
15Podium Ambition+ 8'28 (15)
16Ekoi - Le Creuset+ 8'33 (16)
17Sony - Force India+ 8'51 (17)
18Simba Cement - Tanga Fresh+ 9'46 (18)
19Fastned+ 10'53 (19)
20Adidas-Eurocash+ 12'17 (20)
21Xero Racing+ 16'05 (21)
22Glanbia+ 18'14 (22)
23Air New Zealand-Alfa Romeo+ 19'01 (23)
24Genii Hyundai N Cycling+ 19'37 (24)

Youth Classification:
RankNameTeamGeneral Time
1Robert StannardDuckDuckGo - Everesting17h45'12 (1)
2Mauri VansevenantFastned+ 8 (2)
3Mauro SchmidJura GIANTS+ 1'09 (3)
4Christopher LaganePodium Ambition+ 3'13 (4)
5Cameron ScottSpark-BNZ Racing+ 3'27 (5)
6Alexandre MayerPodium Ambition+ 3'52 (6)
7Gergely SzarkaJura GIANTS+ 4'06 (7)
8Louis BlouweMercatone Uno - Weba+ 4'15 (8)
9Andrea BagioliMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 4'18 (9)
10Olav KooijLampre - Pinarello+ 5'25 (10)
11Linus KvistAssa Abloy+ 5'27 (11)
12Ben TulettTrans Looney Tunes+ 6'13 (12)
13Alexandre BalmerTeam UBS - Tissot+ 6'13 (13)
14Santiago MontenegroDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 6'24 (14)
15Leo HayterSony - Force India+ 6'32 (15)
16Nils BrunTeam UBS - Tissot+ 6'39 (16)
17Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambition+ 6'44 (17)
18Juan SossaDK Žalgiris+ 7'03 (18)
19Panagiotis KaratsivisEkoi - Le Creuset+ 7'08 (19)
20Quinn SimmonsMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 7'29 (20)
21Hugo PageJura GIANTS+ 7'29 (21)
22Jacob KellyPodium Ambition+ 7'37 (22)
23Stavros TheorpanousKraftwerk Man Machine+ 7'37 (23)
24Karel CamrdaLampre - Pinarello+ 7'38 (24)
25Mick Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 7'46 (25)
26Cedric Bakke ChristophersenJura GIANTS+ 8'08 (26)
27Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobyk+ 8'16 (27)
28Abner GonzalezPodium Ambition+ 8'43 (28)
29Tim Van DijkeSony - Force India+ 9'21 (29)
30Reuben ThompsonEkoi - Le Creuset+ 9'21 (30)
31Connor WhitePodium Ambition+ 9'32 (31)
32Arman GaribianEkoi - Le Creuset+ 9'36 (32)
33Aleksandr BereznyakDK Žalgiris+ 9'39 (33)
34Andy Alihonay Diaz SuarezDuckDuckGo - Everesting+ 9'57 (34)
35Joris DelboveEkoi - Le Creuset+ 10'22 (35)
36Francis JuneauGlanbia+ 10'27 (36)
37Alan BoileauXero Racing+ 11'18 (37)
38Husein SelimovicGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 11'33 (38)
39Gustas RaugalaJura GIANTS+ 11'42 (39)
40Kees DuyvesteynXero Racing+ 11'56 (40)
41Bostjan MurnTrans Looney Tunes+ 11'58 (41)
42Carlos RodriguezSpark-BNZ Racing+ 12'07 (42)
43Nicolo BurattiMercatone Uno - Weba+ 12'34 (43)
44Dylan HopkinsEkoi - Le Creuset+ 12'57 (44)
45Logan CurrieTryg - Gobyk+ 12'57 (45)
46Renus UhiriweGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 13'32 (46)
47Ben TurnerMercatone Uno - Weba+ 13'45 (47)
48Brandon RodriguezDK Žalgiris+ 13'57 (48)
49Elia BlumTeam UBS - Tissot+ 14'08 (49)
50Oier LazkanoXero Racing+ 14'34 (50)
51Roel van SintmaartensdijkFastned+ 14'59 (51)
52Michel HessmannFastned+ 15'01 (52)
53William Blume LevyTryg - Gobyk+ 15'06 (53)
54Aleks BechkovGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 15'15 (54)
55Jhon Stiven RamirezXero Racing+ 16'12 (55)
56Aljaz JarcGenii Hyundai N Cycling+ 16'21 (56)
57Finn Fisher-BlackFastned+ 16'42 (57)
58Dmytro KachurTeam Popo4Ever p/b Morshynska+ 16'56 (58)
59Archie RyanGlanbia+ 17'27 (59)
60Esow AlbenSony - Force India+ 17'33 (60)
61Maurice BallerstedtAdidas-Eurocash+ 17'39 (61)
62Rick PluimersFastned+ 19'02 (62)
63Aaron WadeGlanbia+ 19'15 (63)
64Kevin McCambridgeGlanbia+ 22'09 (64)
65Henri UhligKraftwerk Man Machine+ 26'55 (65)

MG Manager - SEE Turtles
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