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PCM.daily Expansion Pack: Support & FAQ

In this thread, you can ask your general support questions and report any problems and bugs you find.

Before you do, make sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thoroughly to see if your problem has been listed there. If the solution offered in the FAQ below doesn't work for you, please mention this in your post.

Already reported bugs and the solutions (or fixing progress) can be found in the Reported bugs post below this.

Thread Rules

1. Don't ask questions about future release dates - updates will be done when they're done
2. No PMs to DB Team members. If you need support, we'll provide it in here
3. If you'd like to request something to be added in future updates, please use the wishlist thread

Please keep in mind that we're volunteers and we do this in our sometimes limited free time. Most of us are working or studying next to this, so be patient if you don't get a reply or we can't find a solution immediately.

In this post you can find the bugs that have been reported in the Support requests thread since the latest update of the PCM.daily 2023 Expansion Pack. We will explain the bugs and provide you with a (temporary) solution if possible.

In this post you will find answers for the most frequently asked questions of the support thread and the support threads for previous databases.

Can I use other DBs with this installed?

Generally, yes. There might be some unintended consequences, so we can't guarantee there won't be any issues, but typically, you should be able to have this and other mods installed simultaneously.

Is this DB available in the Steam workshop?

Yes! We've made our full DB available there, you can look for it in the Workshop or check it out here. Please be aware that you need to complete a few extra steps after subscribing to it to enjoy the full content. Those steps are detailed in the Steam description.
Hi, thanks so much for getting this update out so quickly after release date!

I had a question which may or may not be an issue. I've downloaded the update and copied the files into the locations where they are meant to be copied into. When I start a new Career game, I select your database but in the bottom-right, there's only a green icon/light next to 'Database', all the other items have a red icon/light. A part of me thinks that this means that the PCM database has loaded properly but not the other elements.

Is that normal? Is there a way to prove that everything has been copied over properly? I can tell that the names of things have been updated (e.g. Remco Evenepoel, Giro) but not icons etc.

That is indeed normal. The dots only show what has been put into the Mod folder (in our case, that's only the database file). Since our other files are copied into the main PCM folder, the game doesn't register that as a modification.

We're doing it this way for two reasons: one, because some files (like the local.cdb and some of the equipment) can't be added through the mod folder anyway. And two, because we want to avoid blowing up the My Documents folder for people who have their Steam folder on another hard drive specifically to avoid overloading the primary one.

New icons for WT etc. will follow in an update hopefully pretty soon.
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Hello, big, big fan of everyone's work here !
I noticed that the Jaén Paraiso classic is not available in the calendar when starting a Career/Pro Cyclist, and is not there when doing an one-off race.

Did I miss something with the database installation ?

Thanks !
i play only custom career as manager career
what custom team has the most NC and special shirts?
lpayer wrote:
Hello, big, big fan of everyone's work here !
I noticed that the Jaén Paraiso classic is not available in the calendar when starting a Career/Pro Cyclist, and is not there when doing an one-off race.

Did I miss something with the database installation ?

Thanks !

That actually seems to be an oversight on our part, we didn't have that in our race list. We'll add it in the next update!

superider2010 wrote:
i play only custom career as manager career
what custom team has the most NC and special shirts?

Most of our custom sponsors have a lot of NC and WC shirts. I can't tell you with certainty which one has the most, but just from a brief sample, PMU has 26, Zalando has 28, Veo has 36, Amstel has 47, Cattelan Italia has 67, the list goes on.

Not every single sponsor has that many, but many of them do. You can look through the folders yourself if you're interested in a particular sponsor, either in the workshop folder (steamapps\workshop\content\2063610\2988400359\Jersey\Team) or the PCM folder (steamapps\common\Pro Cycling Manager 2023\3D\Cyclists\Cloth\Team), depending on where you got our DB from.
Hey guys! Have a lproblem, is the PCM fast Editor working for PCM 2023? When i try edit something like propoints in start a procyclist or stats and potenial of my cyclist these chagnes not save at all.
And what up with te variants? I dont play 2-3 PCM version and i comeback to play PCM 2023 ale old variants from pcm 2022 dont work? they changed something in game and we must wait to you publish variants for PCM 2023 ?
Old variants should work just fine. Are you sure they're named correctly? Look at the stages folder and see what the race you want to add variants to has as its file name and if need be adjust your stage file names accordingly.

As for the editing, I don't have a lot of experience editing Pro Cyclist stuff. You could try a different editor like the Excel Editor.
Hello, I have a problem, my pc does not work with the installed equipment graphics, so I installed everything except that, but when I start a race my cyclists appear without a bicycle, how can I do there to make it work?
hs123 wrote:
Hey guys! Have a lproblem, is the PCM fast Editor working for PCM 2023? When i try edit something like propoints in start a procyclist or stats and potenial of my cyclist these chagnes not save at all.

I have the same problem neither PCM fast editor og PCMtools by Davys work on PCM 2023. Hope anyone knows what database editor works for PCM 2023?
I be stupid because i edit wekkly saves pro cyclist and not the date from the pro cyclist data for all carrer that's why it didn't work it was my mistake because I went back to PCM after a few years and forgot which ones were edited xD
All the riders' attributes lowest attributes are 60 instead of 50 like the usual game and so there are no 1 star or lower riders in my game.

Is this supposed to happen?

Julian090 wrote:
Hello, I have a problem, my pc does not work with the installed equipment graphics, so I installed everything except that, but when I start a race my cyclists appear without a bicycle, how can I do there to make it work?

Apologies for the late answer, busy couple of days here. The database file links to the equipment that is included in the download files for many teams, so if you don't include it, the teams will indeed show up without bicycles. Can you maybe elaborate on your initial problem - did no equipment at all work, or only some?

masoonbasoon wrote:
All the riders' attributes lowest attributes are 60 instead of 50 like the usual game and so there are no 1 star or lower riders in my game.

Is this supposed to happen?


That is correct, yes. We did some extensive testing a few years ago and found the stat matrix with 60 as the worst stat worked really well to create more realistic gameplay. In the past, we were able to manipulate regen stats to conform to that matrix. Since that's not possible anymore, it might be in order to adjust our stats, to fit in more with generated riders. But we haven't gotten around to testing and potentially implementing that yet, and it hasn't presented any real issues yet either.
Hi, i encounter an issue preventing me from slecting the any database when starting a gameplay (career/procyclist/onedayrace). Happened after installing the mod and I've tried different screensetting and seems to come from the game directly (see screenshot here https://ibb.co/2t...
maximehj wrote:
Hi, i encounter an issue preventing me from slecting the any database when starting a gameplay (career/procyclist/onedayrace). Happened after installing the mod and I've tried different screensetting and seems to come from the game directly (see screenshot here https://ibb.co/2t...

As you already mentioned, this probably comes from the game itself and not from our side. I tried to replicate this glitch, but when using our database, I don't get this glitch. Only advise that I can give you is try to re-install and be careful when following steps to install mods
Willemaarts wrote:
maximehj wrote:
Hi, i encounter an issue preventing me from slecting the any database when starting a gameplay (career/procyclist/onedayrace). Happened after installing the mod and I've tried different screensetting and seems to come from the game directly (see screenshot here https://ibb.co/2t...

As you already mentioned, this probably comes from the game itself and not from our side. I tried to replicate this glitch, but when using our database, I don't get this glitch. Only advise that I can give you is try to re-install and be careful when following steps to install mods

Issue appeared only after installing the mod though, hence pointing toward a clash due to the mod.

edit: after some testing, the issue comes from installing specifically the gui folder of your mod.
In addition, i get the "mod checking failed" message when starting a game with the mod, ulimately leading to a crash. to note the vanilla works ok and i've the last updates.
Edited by maximehj on 25-06-2023 22:38
cunego59 wrote:
lpayer wrote:
Hello, big, big fan of everyone's work here !
I noticed that the Jaén Paraiso classic is not available in the calendar when starting a Career/Pro Cyclist, and is not there when doing an one-off race.

Did I miss something with the database installation ?

Thanks !

That actually seems to be an oversight on our part, we didn't have that in our race list. We'll add it in the next update!

First of all thanks for your great work !

There are also several missing/cancelled/wrong dated races across the calendar.
Do you need me to write down those I found ?
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