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Tour of America | Stage 2
Tour of America

Stage 2 / 21: Flat, 127.8km

New York - New York





Welcome to day number 2 of the 2022 Tour of America! We're back in New York, where we'll again stay all day long - the riders will stay on a roughly 20km long circuit, ridden 6 times. Plus a final lap - just around Central Park.

They'll start to the West of Central Park, next to the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir. We'll discover all the sights and places on the circuit following the riders on the first lap, so we won't go into more detail here.

Let's rather talk about what's at stake today! In total - given that we've got two intermediate sprints, both just next to Flat Iron Building - there are 32 bonus seconds and 70 sprint points available. Which means that 83 riders theoretically are within reach of the race lead - if the stage ends in a bunch sprint like we all expect, that is.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck is the top candidate to take the yellow jersey from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Pluchkin's shoulders, as he's only 4" back - winning an intermediate sprint would already be sufficient to overtake the Moldovan. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Frame and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Mareczko (both + 12") would need the equivalent of a 2nd-place finish (or two bonus sprints), while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash (+ 14"), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat (+ 18") and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Edmondson (+ 19") are all within one stage win's worth of bonus seconds, too. So those seem to be the most likely names to get to wear the leader jersey tonight.

Of those, however, the bookies only really fancy pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck's chances, awarding him three stars. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ccc.png Eislers and defending points champion pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller are on top of their list, too. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Coutinho, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Krieger are next, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat should still have some slim hopes, as he rounds off the list alongside pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Aniolkowski, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Nizzolo. Let's find out who really takes that win today!

What happened so far


It's a beautiful day here in New York, as we have almost clear skies above us. No wind today, so echelons shouldn't be a factor - despite the pretty twisting course. As said before, the start line - crossed 7 times in total - was just to the West of Central Park, next to the Reservoir.


About one kilometer into the race, the riders arrived next to The Lake, with the Bow Bridge crossing it - and that was when pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bwt.png Richardson launched the very first attack of this race! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf immediately joined him.


As the peloton arrived at Columbus Circle, the three escapees were about to enter the Broadway - one of the few non-perpendicular roads here, and of course a famous one with its dozens of theatres! However, for once the biggest show of the day will take place on the final stretch on 5th Avenue, and not in the Theatre district.


Riding along the Broadway, the peloton eventually encounters the Flat Iron Building, unmistakeable by its triangular - or flat iron - shape.


Madison Square Park is in the surroundings as well, but the riders won't have time to take a break on the swings, or just enjoy a tree's shadow.


The riders then descend to East River - or almost - recognizing Williamsburg Bridge from the distance. They won't cross that one today, though, taking the other direction.


But it's not as if there weren't any bridges to the North, of course! Queensboro Bridge, connecting Manhattan and Long Island and passing over Roosevelt Island, is already well recognizable - the riders will actually even get a closer look of it.


First, however, they pass next to the UN Headquarters - this stretch is the only one that's significantly rising.


The already mentioned Queensboro Bridge then marks the point where the peloton heads back to Central Park. On the first lap, we still had only the three escapees mentioned before - let's just recall their names: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bwt.png Richardson, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf. A CT-only breakaway so far!


Once the riders reach the intersection of 59th Street and 5th Avenue, they turn right to start circling Central Park. To the left, they'd have ridden past St. Patrick's Cathedral - but now only the Directeurs Sportifs will be able to spot it in their rear mirrors.

By the way, we can see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Healy accelerating - he didn't make it to the front group, just like many others who tried before him.


Right after the finish line, the riders get to see this buildling - which ought to be the Metropolitan Museum, or Met. It changed appearance quite a lot for this race, though.

First lap done, the three escapees only had a 47" advantage, and attacks were still happening in the peloton - to no avail, though.


The Harlem Meer marks the end of Central Park, and so the riders turn at Duke Ellington Circle to head back to the start line.


The last riders would still be able to see the Empire State Buildling (leftmost of the tall ones) behind them, if they were interested. From this perspective, we can also see that the final kilometer is slightly ascending, so timing the sprint right could be more crucial than elsewhere here!


On the second lap, we had the first intermediate sprint, as mentioned before just next to the Flat Iron Building. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy is clearly the fastest of the group and easily takes those points and seconds, ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bwt.png Richardson.


Behind, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole had attacked and took two points, and so the sprinters battled it out for one single final point - and pretty much everyone was there! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller - who else - won this first big battle.

Sprint - Flat Iron Building #1

1.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy10-6"
2.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf6-4"
3.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bwt.png Richardson4-2"
4.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole2
5.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller1

None of these riders had any points before, and none are relevant in terms of GC - if there are no time gaps, of course!


By the time the escapees reached Queensboro Bridge for the second time, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole had finally made contact - and the gap to the peloton reached its maximum extent of almost 3 minutes.

None of them is a clearly superior rider compared to the others, although the pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Podium Ambition duo are clearly the fastest sprinters. But could they make it to the line?


Lap #3, and here's yet another sight that was forgotten before - Washington Square Park with the Judson Memorial Church in the background.

80km left to ride for the breakaway of the day, 2'31" of advantage over the pack.


Intermediate sprint number 2 saw the exactly same order on the first 4 positions. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole had to pay for his previous efforts and was distanced here - and soon caught by the pack. At least teammate pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy won the sprint again.


In the peloton, there even were a couple of leadouts - and all just for one tiny point left on offer!


It was almost a dead race for that one point, but in the end the officials awarded it to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Nizzolo.

Sprint - Flat Iron Building #2

1.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy10 (20)-6"
2.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf6 (12)-4"
3.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bwt.png Richardson4 (8)-2"
4.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole2 (4)
5.pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Nizzolo1 (1)

But now let's fast forward to about 40km to go, and let's find out who wins the first road stage of the 2022 Tour of America!



One might think it's the UCI HQ here, but no, that's still the UN's home. It's the second-to-last time the riders are passing here - but the first time since the start lap that the breakaway is in the pack's sighting distance!

35km to go, and as you can see, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole caught up with the others again after the sprint. 1'22" is their current advantage over a peloton led by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Gallopin. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Destribois and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Topchanyuk are the others frequently taking turns - clearly the sprinter teams won't give that stage away!?!


With 30km to go, the riders enter the final full lap! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Mosca is leading the pack over the finish line - unlikely he'll do the same 30km later. But maybe pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Coutinho will?

The escapees are still holding onto a 1-minute lead, but they're losing their advantage second by second.


We saw the first attack of the race right next to The Lake and Bow Bridge - and some 100km later pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy attacks his companions at the exact same place! The reason for this desperate operation is clear - the pack is closing in quickly, so accelerating is the only way to go at this point!


He obviously didn't go far - the only thing he achieved was shaking off teammate pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole...

As the breakaway riders arrive at Madison Square Park and the Flat Iron Building, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bwt.png Richardson are just 59" seconds clear of the pack with a bit more than 20km to go!


The 20km bow - right after the sprint point - marks the end of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole's breakaway adventure. He joined the party late and left it early - not the best strategy I guess.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Magnusson and 2nd overall pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Groselj are pulling in the pack, which is trailing the escapees by just 48".


One final view from the distance of Queensboro Bridge, as we can see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf accelerating this time! The pack is still 42" back, 16.6km left!


But their lead is clearly dwindling, as one they have reached Queensboro Bridge, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Stoltz can already see them just around the corner! 13km to go!


At least they enter the final lap ahead of the pack - 10 kilometers to go, which is one lap around Central Park! With the Empire State Building in the background, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy looks to be the last man standing, as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Eenkhoorn is already about to sweep up pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Nolf!


But soon after, even pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Redy's dreams go down the drain - or rather are sunk in Harlem Meer. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Magnusson is leading the pack, as we can clearly see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Assa Abloy and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Philips putting some serious manpower into the pacemaking! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Xandri, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Squire and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Eenkhoorn are next in the line, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Nerz is the first rider not from these two teams.


The riders are next to the Reservoir, which means 5km to go - the finish line being on the opposite side of the Park!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller already has his train nicely lined up, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Rumac and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst ahead of him, while the other sprinters are just following the pacemakers right now.


Uh-oh, things have changed as the front of the pack arrives at Columbus Circle, as 9 riders are looking to break free! Up front we have pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Nerz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Stoltz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Rumac, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Squire, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ccc.png Campenaerts and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Eenkhoorn pretty much sitting up and opening the gap!

If this should really result in a gap, and if pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Nerz can stay up front, that could be a huge day for him already!


But by the time we reach the final turn of the stage - with 2km left - pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Nerz has dropped back - and those behind have closed the gap!

Only pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Kraftwerk have managed to build up a sprint train, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Rumac and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst leading out pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck are next, followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff is about to make the jump as well, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger in the next row.

However, many others are even further back and could already be out of it - pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Nizzolo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Krieger and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn should have the highest chances to still join those up front, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Feiereisen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/caa.png Itami, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Moschetti, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Aniolkowski, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Mareczko, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Coutinho, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ccc.png Eislers and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Kristoff might be too far back already!


And indeed, a group of 11 has managed to break free, and this gap should now be decisive with 1,500m to go!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Rumac is done with his leadout - but on the slightly ascending final stretch pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst now has to do a massive job to not release pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller too early!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin still keeps the Austrian's wheel, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck is getting his proper leadout by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett have some ground to make up!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst is still up front under the red kite, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin following closely! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco however is about to overtake the pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Kraftwerk train with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck on his wheel, who in turn is followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett have a small gap, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat apparently hasn't been able to follow all those accelerations!

In the background, we can see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Squire making a desperate attempt to bring the peloton back - but it doesn't look great for them to say the least.


With 800m left, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller is about to leave pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst's slipstream, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck is already sprinting! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin is currently 3rd of the sprinters, followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat - ignoring leadouts pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png De Buyst and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller is now in front with 500m to go, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck is looking faster! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin is going strong, too, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff right behind him!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger is on his own, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat can still benefit from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff's slipstream!


Oh, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller has cracked badly! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck with a clear lead with just 300m to go, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash are fighting for 2nd! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin probably did too much too early as well and has dropped behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat are looking for some space to pass on the wide side of the road!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger is slowing down as well, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash is closing in on pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck! 200m to go, is there enough road left for the Russian to take the win?

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Zariff is about to be overtaken by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett and has pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat in his wheel, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Boivin and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Haller are losing even more spots!

The riders from the pack have launched their sprint as well, but all they can hope for is to not lose any time today! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Krieger, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Coutinho and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Nizzolo are the first sprinters back there, followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Feiereisen and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Moschetti.


100m to the line, and it's still looking great for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck - who'd take the race lead even with a 2nd place behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash, who clearly hasn't thrown in the towel, though! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger seems to have found a second wind and is still on track for 3rd place!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Stash is now clearly the faster of the two leading riders - but he might be running out of road! Can pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck hold on?

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Berger is still in 3rd place, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Boudat is the fastest man on the road and is looking to claim that final podium spot!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Tom Van Asbroeck wins! After yesterday's great 3rd place, he even goes two better today to claim the 2nd stage here in New York - and the GC and points leader jerseys as well! Congratulations!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Mamyr Stash gave him a great fight, though, and is rewarded by a nice 2nd place! 3rd goes to CT as well, as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Thomas Boudat might have launched too late but was extremely fast on the final meters!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Hakon Frengstad Berger even makes it 3 in a row for CT, before pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Nur Aiman Zariff can break that streak in 5th place. 6th place goes to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Sam Bennett.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Marco Haller just edges out pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Guillaume Boivin - yet another CT sprinter - for 7th. Clearly not the result he was looking for - but his team probably just went too early, and as we all know it's incredibly tricky to time a leadout right. They definitely failed today - but the others will thank them, as they drastically reduced the competition for the top spots by their high pace!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Jasper De Buyst and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Simone Velasco round off the Top 10, before pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Nizzolo wins the sprint of the pack. Next is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Rumac - not visible here, he's at the left hand rail - ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Krieger, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Lutsyshyn and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Coutinho.

Lots of disappointed sprinters today - most of them just weren't attentive enough when it mattered!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Tom Van Asbroeck definitely was attentive - and furthermore got a great leadout by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Velasco! Although pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Mamyr Stash got really close in the end, the Belgian timed his effort just well enough to hold onto the win, congratulations!

3rd place goes to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Thomas Boudat, who went all the way from last position (in the front group) to the podium - good job despite a subpar timing!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Tom Van Asbroeck is also our new GC leader, turning a 4" deficit into a 16" advantage over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Aleksandr Pluchkin! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Matic Groselj also drops one spot and is now 3rd, 17" back.


And as all good things come in threes, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Tom Van Asbroeck also takes over the points lead! And he does so with a solid margin, thanks to his 3rd place yesterday, as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Mamyr Stash is already 36 points off the Belgian's 66 points! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Aleksandr Pluchkin drops down to 3rd with 25 points.

Given that we'll have hilly stages with only 30 points available for the winner in the next couple of days, this jersey might stay with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Van Asbroeck for some stages now.


After they were leading almost every classification after the prologue, the only appearance of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Team Popo4Ever on the podium today is for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Martin Papanov's U25 lead. There weren't any notable changes today, so he still leads 1" ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Pascal Eenkhoorn and 4" over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Nathan Alexander.


With no time gaps today (except for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Cole who finished behind the peloton), the Team Standings are identical to yesterday's, meaning pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Philips - Force India keep their 7" lead over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Team Popo4Ever. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Xero Racing are 3rd, 9" down.

And that's all from today's first road stage of the 2022 Tour of America! We'll have the first hilly stage tomorrow - including the first KoM points and therefore a first KoM jersey wearer after the stage - and the profile could allow several different scenarios. From a full bunch sprint to a sprint of a reduced group, a breakaway win or a late attacker taking it all - let's find out tomorrow! I hope you'll be back - see you!

Stage 2 result

1Tom Van AsbroeckPhilips - Force India2h49'55
2Mamyr StashAir New Zealands.t.
3Thomas BoudatBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
4Hakon Frengstad BergerEddie Stobarts.t.
5Nur Aiman ZariffCedevitas.t.
6Sam BennettGlanbias.t.
7Marco HallerKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
8Guillaume BoivinLe Creusets.t.
9Jasper De BuystKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
10Simone VelascoPhilips - Force Indias.t.
11Giacomo NizzoloBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
12Josip RumacKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
13Alexander KriegerTryg - Gobiks.t.
14Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Evers.t.
15Lionel CoutinhoAssa Abloys.t.
16Kevin FeiereisenMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
17Ingus EislersCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
18Matteo MoschettiPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
19Kenji ItamiColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
20Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racings.t.
21George BennettXero Racings.t.
22Jakub MareczkoLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
23Arvin MoazemiKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
24Corbin StrongXero Racings.t.
25Stanislaw AniolkowskiTeam Popo4Evers.t.
26Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
27Paolo ScarponiAssa Abloys.t.
28Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Evers.t.
29Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
30Yaroslav ParashchakTeam Popo4Evers.t.
31Ki Ho ChoiPhilips - Force Indias.t.
32Marcus Faglum KarlssonAssa Abloys.t.
33Pascal EenkhoornPhilips - Force Indias.t.
34Victor CampenaertsCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
35Clement ChampoussinPhilips - Force Indias.t.
36Richard Antonio CarapazCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
37Ryan ChristensenAmaysim Cervelos.t.
38Dominik NerzKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
39Kristjan HocevarBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
40Timofey KritskiyGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
41Aleksandr PluchkinTeam Popo4Evers.t.
42Michael AntonelliSauber Petronas Racings.t.
43Alexander KristoffPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
44Marcus CuleyAmaysim Cervelos.t.
45Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
46Suranga RanaweeraKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
47Kim MagnussonAssa Abloys.t.
48Artem TopchanyukTeam Popo4Evers.t.
49Fabio Van Den BosscheCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
50Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
51Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
52Robbie SquireAssa Abloys.t.
53Yannick StoltzPhilips - Force Indias.t.
54Piter CamperoSauber Petronas Racings.t.
55Lars Van den BergBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
56Yuriy VasylivBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
57Jacopo MoscaAssa Abloys.t.
58Sepp KussMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
59Max KroonenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
60Fabio AruPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
61Robert PowerAmaysim Cervelos.t.
62Sep VanmarckePas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
63Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racings.t.
64William BartaPhilips - Force Indias.t.
65Lucas HamiltonAmaysim Cervelos.t.
66Roger AdriaTryg - Gobiks.t.
67Franck BonnamourBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
68Kemp OroscoPodium Ambitions.t.
69German Anibal OrueBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
70Jenthe BiermansLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
71Timothy RoeBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
72Hayden McCormickCedevitas.t.
73Simon SpilakTeam Popo4Evers.t.
74Cameron BaylyAmaysim Cervelos.t.
75Michel KochKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
76David De la CruzGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
77Georg ZimmermannTryg - Gobiks.t.
78Zouzou AndriafenomananiainaTeam Popo4Evers.t.
79Kristoffer SkjerpingGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
80Salim KipkemboiXero Racings.t.
81Geoffrey BouchardCedevitas.t.
82Jan XandriPhilips - Force Indias.t.
83Aleksandar RomanCedevitas.t.
84Johann Van ZylXero Racings.t.
85Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambitions.t.
86Joshua EdmondsonBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
87James FoucheXero Racings.t.
88Ben HealyGlanbias.t.
89Alex HoehnMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
90Matic GroseljCedevitas.t.
91Alessandro FedeliLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
92Mohammad Saufi Mat SenanSauber Petronas Racings.t.
93Rhys GillettAmaysim Cervelos.t.
94Andrew FennBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
95Thomas RevardMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
96Patrick LaneAmaysim Cervelos.t.
97Cristian PerezPodium Ambitions.t.
98Shane ArchboldAir New Zealands.t.
99Andrew NorbertPodium Ambitions.t.
100Idan ShapiraPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
101Nathan AlexanderPodium Ambitions.t.
102Mark DonovanCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
103Abolfazl GilanipoorColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
104Tormod JacobsenBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
105Thymen ArensmanGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
106Yoan KolevBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
107Gasper KatrasnikCedevitas.t.
108Brendan CantyAmaysim Cervelos.t.
109Nick ReddishAir New Zealands.t.
110Conor DunneGlanbias.t.
111Sebastian HenaoLe Creusets.t.
112Tyler BrandtGlanbias.t.
113Antonio PedreroBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
114Alex FrameGlanbias.t.
115Romain BardetCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
116Stan Van TrichtCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
117Gavin MannionGlanbias.t.
118Wout Van AertLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
119Jonathan McEvoyLe Creusets.t.
120Elia FavilliPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
121Federico OleiColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
122Nawuti LiphongyuSauber Petronas Racings.t.
123Frederik NolfAir New Zealands.t.
124Andrea ManfrediCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
125Mario VogtPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
126Dinmukhammed UlysbayevGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
127Nils SchomberXero Racings.t.
128Welle JallaysMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
129Alexander EdmondsonBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
130Daniel BonelloColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
131Jay VineBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
132Tony GallopinAssa Abloys.t.
133Munkhtulga ErdenesurenBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
134Brendan RhimMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
135Torjus SleenTryg - Gobiks.t.
136Jamal HibatullahSauber Petronas Racings.t.
137Carlos BetancourtColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
138Lucas ErikssonCedevitas.t.
139Dylan RedyPodium Ambitions.t.
140Martijn TusveldBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
141Calvin WatsonBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
142Juraj BellanTryg - Gobiks.t.
143Jonathan CroesPodium Ambitions.t.
144Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
145Daniel HoelgaardTryg - Gobiks.t.
146Jan-Andre FreulerAssa Abloys.t.
147Alex Ariya DestriboisKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
148Teodoro CostagliAir New Zealands.t.
149Hermann PernsteinerBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
150Louis VerhelstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
151Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobiks.t.
152Jonas Iversby HvidebergGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
153Sean McKennaGlanbias.t.
154Andrea AquilaniColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
155Sachin DulanjanaSauber Petronas Racings.t.
156Stan MartinoColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
157Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealands.t.
158Gregory HugentoblerEddie Stobarts.t.
159Freddy CruzGlanbias.t.
160Ziga HorvatAir New Zealands.t.
161Fabien TaillefourEddie Stobarts.t.
162Martin LaasBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
163Chequan RichardsonBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
164Winner AnaconaSauber Petronas Racings.t.
165Luigi GiuliettiColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
166Samuel GazeAir New Zealands.t.
167Alexandre BalmerLe Creusets.t.
168Vadim RatiyPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
169Thomas BonninBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
170Asmund Romstad LovikEddie Stobarts.t.
171Charles MatteMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
172Deins KanepejsBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
173Ingvar OmarssonTryg - Gobiks.t.
174Marko PavlicCedevitas.t.
175Floris De TierEddie Stobarts.t.
176Maxime La LavandierLe Creusets.t.
177Dmitri MedvedevEddie Stobarts.t.
178Rokas KmieliauskasLe Creusets.t.
179James PiccoliLe Creusets.t.
180Gert JoeaarEddie Stobarts.t.
181Salvador Moreno HernandezEddie Stobarts.t.
182Mathieu La LavandierBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
183Clement ChevrierLe Creusets.t.
184Tyler ColePodium Ambition+ 2'19


1Tom Van AsbroeckPhilips - Force India2h56'17
2Aleksandr PluchkinTeam Popo4Ever+ 16
3Matic GroseljCedevita+ 17
4Mamyr StashAir New Zealand+ 18
5Wout Van AertLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 22
6Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 24
7Marcus Faglum KarlssonAssa Abloys.t.
8Nils SchomberXero Racings.t.
9Tormod JacobsenBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 25
10Thomas BoudatBonduelle - Eesti Energia+ 26
11Dominik NerzKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
12Yuriy VasylivBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
13Juraj BellanTryg - Gobiks.t.
14Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever+ 27
15Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racings.t.
16Welle JallaysMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
17Jakub MareczkoLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 28
18Pascal EenkhoornPhilips - Force Indias.t.
19William BartaPhilips - Force Indias.t.
20David De la CruzGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
21Alex FrameGlanbias.t.
22Sepp KussMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 29
23Timothy RoeBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
24Brendan CantyAmaysim Cervelos.t.
25Victor CampenaertsCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 31
26Nathan AlexanderPodium Ambitions.t.
27Freddy CruzGlanbias.t.
28Ingvar OmarssonTryg - Gobiks.t.
29Rhys GillettAmaysim Cervelo+ 32
30Marko PavlicCedevitas.t.
31Torjus SleenTryg - Gobik+ 33
32Luigi GiuliettiColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
33Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racing+ 34
34Suranga RanaweeraKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
35Thymen ArensmanGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
36Nawuti LiphongyuSauber Petronas Racings.t.
37Vadim RatiyPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
38Alexander EdmondsonBonduelle - Eesti Energia+ 35
39George BennettXero Racing+ 36
40Ki Ho ChoiPhilips - Force Indias.t.
41Jacopo MoscaAssa Abloy+ 38
42Roger AdriaTryg - Gobiks.t.
43Hayden McCormickCedevitas.t.
44Paolo ScarponiAssa Abloy+ 39
45Timofey KritskiyGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
46Yannick StoltzPhilips - Force Indias.t.
47Alex HoehnMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
48Rokas KmieliauskasLe Creusets.t.
49Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racing+ 40
50Simon SpilakTeam Popo4Evers.t.
51Martijn TusveldBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
52Charles MatteMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
53Chequan RichardsonBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
54Dylan RedyPodium Ambitions.t.
55Shane ArchboldAir New Zealand+ 41
56Hakon Frengstad BergerEddie Stobart+ 42
57Marco HallerKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
58Richard Antonio CarapazCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
59Thomas RevardMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
60Andrew FennBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
61Andrew NorbertPodium Ambitions.t.
62Tony GallopinAssa Abloys.t.
63Jonathan CroesPodium Ambitions.t.
64Nur Aiman ZariffCedevita+ 43
65Lars Van den BergBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
66Jasper De BuystKraftwerk Man Machine+ 44
67Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
68Louis VerhelstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
69Michel KochKraftwerk Man Machine+ 45
70Nick ReddishAir New Zealands.t.
71Manuel SenniLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 46
72Piter CamperoSauber Petronas Racings.t.
73Cristian PerezPodium Ambitions.t.
74Sachin DulanjanaSauber Petronas Racings.t.
75Gert JoeaarEddie Stobarts.t.
76Stanislaw AniolkowskiTeam Popo4Ever+ 47
77Jan XandriPhilips - Force Indias.t.
78James FoucheXero Racings.t.
79Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
80Salvador Moreno HernandezEddie Stobarts.t.
81Tyler BrandtGlanbia+ 48
82Teodoro CostagliAir New Zealands.t.
83Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobiks.t.
84Abolfazl GilanipoorColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 49
85Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever+ 50
86Ben HealyGlanbias.t.
87Daniel BonelloColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
88Michael AntonelliSauber Petronas Racing+ 51
89Deins KanepejsBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
90Cameron BaylyAmaysim Cervelo+ 52
91Kristoffer SkjerpingGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
92Gasper KatrasnikCedevitas.t.
93Gavin MannionGlanbias.t.
94Alex Ariya DestriboisKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
95Alexander KristoffPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 53
96Lucas ErikssonCedevitas.t.
97Stan MartinoColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
98Arvin MoazemiKraftwerk Man Machine+ 54
99Lucas HamiltonAmaysim Cervelos.t.
100Andrea AquilaniColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
101Clement ChevrierLe Creusets.t.
102Kevin FeiereisenMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 55
103Zouzou AndriafenomananiainaTeam Popo4Evers.t.
104Joshua EdmondsonBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
105Fabien TaillefourEddie Stobarts.t.
106Jenthe BiermansLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 56
107Frederik NolfAir New Zealands.t.
108Marcus CuleyAmaysim Cervelo+ 57
109Kemp OroscoPodium Ambitions.t.
110Idan ShapiraPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
111Martin LaasBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
112Winner AnaconaSauber Petronas Racings.t.
113Robert PowerAmaysim Cervelo+ 58
114Mark DonovanCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
115Jan-Andre FreulerAssa Abloys.t.
116James PiccoliLe Creuset+ 59
117Sam BennettGlanbia+ 1'00
118Giacomo NizzoloBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
119Mohammad Saufi Mat SenanSauber Petronas Racings.t.
120Dmitri MedvedevEddie Stobarts.t.
121Ryan ChristensenAmaysim Cervelo+ 1'01
122Matteo MoschettiPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1'02
123Conor DunneGlanbias.t.
124Andrea ManfrediCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
125Simone VelascoPhilips - Force India+ 1'03
126Josip RumacKraftwerk Man Machine+ 1'04
127Guillaume BoivinLe Creusets.t.
128Kristjan HocevarBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
129Yoan KolevBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
130Mario VogtPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
131Jay VineBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
132Daniel HoelgaardTryg - Gobiks.t.
133Sean McKennaGlanbias.t.
134German Anibal OrueBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 1'05
135Jonas Iversby HvidebergGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
136Sep VanmarckePas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1'06
137Johann Van ZylXero Racings.t.
138Federico OleiColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
139Calvin WatsonBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
140Samuel GazeAir New Zealands.t.
141Geoffrey BouchardCedevita+ 1'07
142Antonio PedreroBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
143Sebastian HenaoLe Creusets.t.
144Dinmukhammed UlysbayevGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
145Salvatore PuccioAir New Zealands.t.
146Georg ZimmermannTryg - Gobik+ 1'08
147Thomas BonninBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
148Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambition+ 1'09
149Jonathan McEvoyLe Creusets.t.
150Mathieu La LavandierBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
151Stan Van TrichtCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 1'10
152Ziga HorvatAir New Zealands.t.
153Fabio AruPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1'11
154Alexander KriegerTryg - Gobik+ 1'12
155Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
156Clement ChampoussinPhilips - Force Indias.t.
157Fabio Van Den BosscheCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
158Salim KipkemboiXero Racings.t.
159Ingus EislersCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 1'13
160Elia FavilliPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
161Hermann PernsteinerBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
162Patrick LaneAmaysim Cervelo+ 1'14
163Alessandro FedeliLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 1'15
164Jamal HibatullahSauber Petronas Racings.t.
165Brendan RhimMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 1'16
166Gregory HugentoblerEddie Stobarts.t.
167Alexandre BalmerLe Creuset+ 1'19
168Robbie SquireAssa Abloy+ 1'20
169Kenji ItamiColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 1'23
170Yaroslav ParashchakTeam Popo4Ever+ 1'24
171Romain BardetCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 1'25
172Munkhtulga ErdenesurenBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 1'26
173Asmund Romstad LovikEddie Stobarts.t.
174Corbin StrongXero Racing+ 1'27
175Lionel CoutinhoAssa Abloy+ 1'29
176Floris De TierEddie Stobarts.t.
177Artem TopchanyukTeam Popo4Ever+ 1'30
178Franck BonnamourBonduelle - Eesti Energia+ 1'31
179Kim MagnussonAssa Abloy+ 1'35
180Maxime La LavandierLe Creuset+ 1'36
181Carlos BetancourtColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 1'37
182Aleksandar RomanCedevita+ 1'46
183Max KroonenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 1'54
184Tyler ColePodium Ambition+ 3'01


1Tom Van AsbroeckPhilips - Force India66
2Mamyr StashAir New Zealand30
3Aleksandr PluchkinTeam Popo4Ever25
4Matic GroseljCedevita20
5Thomas BoudatBonduelle - Eesti Energia20
6Dylan RedyPodium Ambition20
7Hakon Frengstad BergerEddie Stobart18
8Nur Aiman ZariffCedevita16
9Wout Van AertLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam14
10Sam BennettGlanbia14
11Marco HallerKraftwerk Man Machine13
12Nils SchomberXero Racing12
13Frederik NolfAir New Zealand12
14Marcus Faglum KarlssonAssa Abloy10
15Guillaume BoivinLe Creuset10
16Sindre Skjostad LunkeGjensidige Pro Cycling Team9
17Tormod JacobsenBWT Hyundai N Cycling8
18Chequan RichardsonBWT Hyundai N Cycling8
19Jasper De BuystKraftwerk Man Machine8
20Dominik NerzKraftwerk Man Machine7
21Giacomo NizzoloBNZ-Superhero Racing7
22Simone VelascoPhilips - Force India7
23Juraj BellanTryg - Gobik6
24Yuriy VasylivBNZ-Superhero Racing5
25Josip RumacKraftwerk Man Machine5
26Henok Tesfaye HeyiXero Racing4
27Tyler ColePodium Ambition4
28Alexander KriegerTryg - Gobik4
29Welle JallaysMcCormick Pro Cycling3
30Roman LutsyshynTeam Popo4Ever3
31Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever2
32Lionel CoutinhoAssa Abloy2
33Alex FrameGlanbia1




1Martin PapanovTeam Popo4Ever2h56'44
2Pascal EenkhoornPhilips - Force India+ 1
3Nathan AlexanderPodium Ambition+ 4
4Torjus SleenTryg - Gobik+ 6
5Luigi GiuliettiColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 6
6Thymen ArensmanGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 7
7Roger AdriaTryg - Gobik+ 11
8Alex HoehnMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 12
9Rokas KmieliauskasLe Creuset+ 12
10Diego RossiSauber Petronas Racing+ 13
11Dylan RedyPodium Ambition+ 13
12Thomas RevardMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 15
13Andrew NorbertPodium Ambition+ 15
14Jonathan CroesPodium Ambition+ 15
15Nur Aiman ZariffCedevita+ 16
16Lars Van den BergBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 16
17Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 17
18Cristian PerezPodium Ambition+ 19
19Stanislaw AniolkowskiTeam Popo4Ever+ 20
20James FoucheXero Racing+ 20
21Sasha WeemaesLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 20
22Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobik+ 21
23Ben HealyGlanbia+ 23
24Daniel BonelloColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 23
25Michael AntonelliSauber Petronas Racing+ 24
26Stan MartinoColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 26
27Andrea AquilaniColombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 27
28Kemp OroscoPodium Ambition+ 30
29Mark DonovanCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 31
30Kristjan HocevarBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 37
31Yoan KolevBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 37
32Jonas Iversby HvidebergGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 38
33Dinmukhammed UlysbayevGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 40
34Georg ZimmermannTryg - Gobik+ 41
35Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambition+ 42
36Stan Van TrichtCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 43
37Ziga HorvatAir New Zealand+ 43
38Eirik LunderGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 45
39Clement ChampoussinPhilips - Force India+ 45
40Fabio Van Den BosscheCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 45
41Salim KipkemboiXero Racing+ 45
42Jamal HibatullahSauber Petronas Racing+ 48
43Alexandre BalmerLe Creuset+ 52
44Yaroslav ParashchakTeam Popo4Ever+ 57
45Corbin StrongXero Racing+ 1'00
46Max KroonenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 1'27
47Tyler ColePodium Ambition+ 2'34


1Philips - Force India8h50'07
2Team Popo4Ever+ 7
3Xero Racing+ 9
4Gjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 10
5Cedevita+ 11
6Tryg - Gobik+ 14
7Lierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 18
8McCormick Pro Cycling+ 19
9BNZ-Superhero Racing+ 22
10Assa Abloy+ 25
11Kraftwerk Man Machine+ 26
12Glanbia+ 31
13BWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 31
14Amaysim Cervelo+ 37
15Podium Ambition+ 39
16Air New Zealand+ 40
17Bonduelle - Eesti Energia+ 44
18Sauber Petronas Racing+ 44
19Crabbe-CC Chevigny+ 55
20Colombini-Adler Aalterpaint+ 56
21Eddie Stobart+ 59
22Pas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1'08
23Le Creuset+ 1'16

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