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Balkans International - Stage 6
Ulrich Ulriksen
Balkans International


Stage 6 Report

Today the riders reach the end of the race but first they have to survive the toughest stage. 226km from Berat to Ioannina concluding with the race’s signature climb to Ligkiades. In between 3 Cat 4s, 2 Cat 3s, a Cat 2 and a Cat 1. And that doesn’t include the last three climbs of the race which are all pretty tough but the only KOM points on those are at the finish which awards Cat 3 points.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Lopez tops the favorites for the stage and is also the favorite to take the GC. But his lead is just 22 second over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kng.png Gidich, who also features on the favorites list. That deficit can be covered very easily on the closing climb and which is where the stage is usually decided.


The first Cat 4 comes just 4.4k into the race. KOM leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/hla.png Hermans is attentive and goes for it but settles for 1 point as he is beaten by the two stronger climbers with him, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Monsalve and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gct.png Lavery.


20k gone the three mentioned before have been joined by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png De Bie, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/p4e.png Tanovitchii, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/duo.png Debesay, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gct.png Laengen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Lasinis. Good news for Hermans as none of the guys in this group have any mountain points. But more riders trying to come across. De Bie seems to have read the Hagen play book which calls for last stage heroics.


1k to the top of the 2nd Cat 4. Laengen dropped from the lead group. Hermans will want to score here as the group of 5 at 33 seconds includes pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png Denz (2nd in KOM, 9 points behind and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Van Niekerk (10th in KOM, 40 points behind), as well as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/duo.png Goh, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Tatarinov, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Affonso. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ela.png Giannoutsos trying to come across behind that group. The peloton 1’53 down.


De Bie takes maximum points, none for Hemans. De Bie not too big to help look after his teammate’s KOM interest. Will be interesting to see how the Aegon duo ride if Denz makes it across. Right now that group is still 31 seconds down.


A few k later the Denz group makes it across.

Not such good teammating at the third of the early Cat 4s as De Bie goes over first and Denz has to settle for third. He is back to 8 points behind Hermans. The Cat 1 climb is and soon that will be the big one. Giannoutsos and Laengen are 1 minute down and the peloton 3’56.


8k to the top of the Cat 1 climb and 183k to go in the stage. This 1 climb totals 11.1k at 5.2%. The two chasers have not been able to catch the front 12 yet, deficit now is 1’29. Peloton just over 5 minutes down.


1k to the top, Monsalve opens up the competition for the points. Lavery behind him. Denz chose a bad moment to go back to the car and is badly positioned.


Great riding by Hermans and he takes first and 16 points. Denz gets just 4 dropping him 20 points behind. There are still 22 points on the course (plus 6 at the finish) so it isn’t over yet but perhaps that clarifies what Aegon’s priorities will be on the day. Debesay is dropped on the climb.


149k to go for the peloton. cycleYorkshire (Atkins), Xero (Young), Volcanica (Kump), EA (Van der Lijke) and MOL (Walscheid) are the teams working. The lead had gone out over 6 minutes but is now down to 4’41. The wind is pretty strong which will complicate the chase. The best placed on GC in the break is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Tatarinov at 4’47 with both De Bie and Van Niekerk at just over 5 minutes. Debesay was able to rejoin the front but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ela.png Giannoutsos and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gct.png Laengen are stuck in between and it isn’t looking good for them.


The break is on the Cat 2 (7.0k at 5.6%), the first of the three remaining categorized climbs which all come fairly quickly now. They have 104k to go in the stage and a lead of 3’47. Strava has also been contributing to the chase. The two in between have been caught by the peloton.


1.5k from the top Monsalve again starts the action. Looks like Denz is focused on protecting De Bie.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/hla.png Hermans has the best kick at the top and takes maximum points. He will be the Balkans International King of the Mountains for this year. The riders who weren’t contesting the KOM, including the Aegon duo, were distanced a little. Lead over the peloton is back to 4’39.


Over the top the break comes back together except for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Lasinis who looks spent.

85k to go for the peloton. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/yor.png Carthy must be feeling good because cycleYorkshire are all over the front and have been going really hard. They have the lead down to 2’07 and the peloton split in two, with 64 riders in the front group. Bad news for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kng.png Gidich as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kng.png Sosa (14th on GC) is one of the riders missing. The others from the top 20 missing are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/vlf.png Chaves (17th) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Ssabagwanya (19th).


At the next climb a Cat 3, De Bie takes first. Peloton just 1’36 behind with the front group down to 55 riders. 80k to ride.


1k to top of the final categorized climb. The break is down to 6, Goh, De Bie, Affonso, Tatarinov, Monsalve and Van Niekerk. Peloton has eased off and is 2’37 down and back to 75 riders. All 3 riders from the top 20 who were missing have made it back across.


De Bie attacks and takes the points at the top he is up to 6th in the KOM. Tatarinov and Van Niekerk struggling.


50k for the front 4, they have almost 2 minutes over Tatarinov who is the next rider on the road, so it doesn’t look like any others will be getting back on. The lead over the peloton is back to 3’50 as the peloton hesitates. From here it is mostly flat or downhill except for a few bumps until the riders reach the two finishing climbs.


35k to go for the peloton. Efforts from cycleYorkshire, Volanica, Xero and Strava have cut back the lead to 2’28. But pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/vlf.png Quintana and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Areruya are sitting 3rd and 4th wheel, so not many domestiques left.


20k to go. The front four have reached the climb to Mazia (7.3k at 5.3%), the first of the two finishing climbs. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/duo.png Goh immediately attacks. The peloton is 2’03 behind with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Dall'Oste and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/yor.png Holmes doing the bulk of the work. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Ssabagwanya is the only top 20 GC rider dropped.


After a brief turn from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Stannard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Novak launches the first attack from the peloton about 1k into the climb to Mazia.


The others were all able to follow Goh but when pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Affonso counters it is the Duolingo rider who is dropped. Behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Areruya and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Sicard have joined Novak but their gap is small with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Poljanec and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Blums chasing.


When pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mol.png Kwiatkowski attempts to bridge over to the initial attackers the other big guns decide to follow. Up front Goh has rejoined the other 3.


2k from the top pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png De Bie attacks the break and gets a gap. Areruya is the only attacker to maintain a gap from the peloton but his advantage is just 10 seconds. The action has cut the lead of the break to about a minute and led to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/vlf.png Chaves being dropped, but that isn’t a surprise as he had done a ton of work on the front.


As he reaches the top, De Bie is on his own and has opened up a minute on the three chasers. They have been joined by Areruya and Sicard, another 12 seconds behind them is a group with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Lopez, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Sagan, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Beltran, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mol.png Kwiatkowski. They have another 16 seconds on a 20-rider group being led by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Novak. The only additional top 20 GC rider dropped is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Errazkin.


9k to ride. The two attacking GC favorite groups come together on the descent and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/yor.png Carthy is able to bridge over to make it an 11-rider group. Novak still leading the chase 15 seconds back. De Bie still has 55 seconds on the front group. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kng.png Gidich (2nd on GC), who is the highest place rider not in the front GC group, still has two helpers with him in Sosa and Quita.


5k banner for De Bie his lead is 49 seconds. He is on the final climb which is 5.7k at 6.7%, pretty steady but the last k is the steepest. The chase groups have merged. Sagan leading the chase.


It looks like heartbreak for De Bie. 3.3k to ride his lead is down to 39 seconds and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Sicard has attacked the peloton.


2.9k and De Bie is caught. Sicard and 5 others have a small gap. They are Areruya, Kwiatkowski, Sagan and Beltran. Lopez trying to close the gap.


2.2k, Lopez has made it across to the attackers while De Bie is quickly dropped their gap is 29 seconds. Gidich needs to react.


1.4k. Areruya (8th on GC), Sicard (7th), Beltran (3rd) and Sagan (6th) move clear of Lopez (1st) and Kwiatkowski (4th). Then 23 seconds back to a group being led by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Boily (11th) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Arndt (10th) that also includes Gidich, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Gesbert (20th), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/yor.png Carthy (12th), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Novak (15th), and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png De Plus (9th). pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/eav.png Valter, 5th on GC is the highest placed rider not in one of those groups.


1k banner, Areruya looks strongest. 12 seconds to Lopez and Kwiatkowski. 21 seconds to the Kraftwerk led chasers, a number of other riders including Valter are latched on to the back of that group, but he is barely hanging on.


600 meters. Lopez still trailing the leaders by 14 seconds, Beltran is the closest of these at 47 seconds so his GC position looks secure. Kwiatkowski has dropped back to the next group 12 seconds down. Valter dropped from that group officially now.


300 meters it looks like Sicard vs Areruya vs Sagan for the stage win. Beltran is back with Lopez 22 seconds down. Sagan could be taking over 2nd on the GC here.


100 meters, the picture much the same. 28 seconds behind Boily, Arndt and Gesbert have reached Lopez and Beltran.


After a quiet race, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Areruya is strongest on stage 6. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Sagan 2nd, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Sicard pays back the work of his team with a podium place. These three all get the same time.


A great finish from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Gesbert as he rockets past Lopez to take 4th, 20 seconds down. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Lopez 5th then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Boily 6th, both on 27 seconds. Not the greatest day for Lopez but with his closest GC competitors behind him on the stage he will the GC by 33 seconds. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kmm.png Arndt finishes 7th, 39 seconds down.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Beltran (+0’48) fades at the end and takes 8th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png De Plus (+0’54).


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mol.png Kwiatkowski leads home the next group for 10th, he loses 1’15. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/kng.png Gidich loses 1’35 and finishes 13th.


Gidich is a big loser on the day as he slips from 2nd to 6th. Beltran does better than him but not good enough, he falls off the podium to 5th as Sagan moves up from 6th and Sicard from 7th to take the two GC podium spots. Strava and Moser will both be very glad of those points. Areruya’s stage win is enough to move him up to 4th on the GC. Kwiatkowski slips to 7th, disappointment for him.

Kraftwerk will be happy though as Arndt and Boily move up to 8th and 9th. Kraftwerk also take the teams competition by a big margin. Perhaps the biggest loser on the day is Valter who finishes the stage in 23rd 2’42 down. He falls from 5th to 12th on GC. Still, he wins the young rider competition and before race 12th would have seemed like a pretty good return.

Back-to-back winner and the first two-time winner of the Balkans International, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Miguel Angel Lopez.


Stage Results

1Joseph AreruyaXero Racing6h26'26
2Peter SaganMoser - Sygics.t.
3Romain SicardStravas.t.
4Elie GesbertAssa Abloy+ 20
5Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO+ 27
6David BoilyKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
7Nikias ArndtKraftwerk Man Machine+ 39
8Eduard Alexander BeltranCedevita+ 48
9Laurens De PlusLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 54
10Michal KwiatkowskiMOL Cycling Team+ 1'15
11Hugh CarthycycleYorkshires.t.
12Jaime RosonGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 1'29
13Yevgeniy GidichKing Power+ 1'35
14Oleksandr PrevarTeam Popo4Evers.t.
15Yonathan MonsalveAssa Abloy+ 1'44
16Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
17Choon Huat GohDuolingos.t.
18Sean De BieAegon - Peronis.t.
19Murilo AffonsoRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
20Enrico BarbinAegon - Peroni+ 1'59
21Clement KoretzkyELCO - ABEA+ 2'04
22Nairo QuintanaVolcanica - Fox+ 2'29
23Attila ValterEA Vesuvio+ 2'42
24Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever+ 3'12
25Ivan SosaKing Power+ 3'21
26Ronnilan QuitaKing Power+ 3'52
27Andrii BratashcukTeam Popo4Ever+ 4'20
28Simone PonziMoser - Sygics.t.
29Leo VincentISA - Hexactas.t.
30Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexactas.t.
31Eduardo SepulvedaISA - Hexactas.t.
32Quinten HermansHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
33Piotr BrozynaMOL Cycling Team+ 4'35
34Joao AlmeidaDuolingos.t.
35Xuban ErrazkinRed Bull Zalgiris+ 4'40
36Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
37Awet GebremedhinAssa Abloys.t.
38Kevin InkelaarMOL Cycling Teams.t.
39Gennadiy TatarinovKraftwerk Man Machine+ 5'07
40Pavel PotockiHelloFresh - Lampre+ 5'18
41Andreas MiltiadisELCO - ABEA+ 5'25
42Gilles HeymesHelloFresh - Lampre+ 5'45
43Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 5'49
44Abel KenyeresMOL Cycling Teams.t.
45Joao GasparHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
46Willie SmitEA Vesuvios.t.
47Ho San ChiuKing Powers.t.
48Kashyapa SiriwardenaRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
49Charalampas KastrantasELCO - ABEAs.t.
50Dominik NeumanMoser - Sygics.t.
51Carter JonesZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
52Jan DieterenKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
53Miha PoljanecCedevitas.t.
54Philip LaveryGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
55Jefferson Cepeda HernandezISA - Hexactas.t.
56Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
57Florian ScheitKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
58Oscar CabanasRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
59Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvios.t.
60Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africas.t.
61Mark DzamastagicHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
62Diego UlissiEA Vesuvios.t.
63Petr VakocISA - Hexactas.t.
64Josef HosekMoser - Sygics.t.
65Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Evers.t.
66Adam ToupalikMoser - Sygics.t.
67Gaetan PonsDuolingos.t.
68Nico DenzAegon - Peronis.t.
69Robert StannardXero Racing+ 6'16
70Jhonatan NarvaezZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
71Daniele Dall'OsteStravas.t.
72Elias Abou RachidDuolingo+ 6'27
73Matthew HolmescycleYorkshires.t.
74Sakchai PhodingamKing Powers.t.
75Mantas JanuskeviciusRed Bull Zalgiris+ 6'35
76Thanakhan ChaiyasombatKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
77Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
78Peeter TarvisStravas.t.
79Johan Esteban ChavesVolcanica - Fox+ 6'51
80Tim KennaughcycleYorkshire+ 7'27
81Vincenzo AlbanesecycleYorkshire+ 7'34
82Guillaume Van KeirsbulckHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
83Nicolae TanovitchiiTeam Popo4Ever+ 7'44
84Anders SkaarsethcycleYorkshire+ 8'17
85Michail MavrikakisELCO - ABEAs.t.
86Connor SwiftcycleYorkshires.t.
87George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Teams.t.
88Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
89Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
90Stan DewulfZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
91Gregory BrenesVolcanica - Fox+ 8'29
92Amanuel GebrezgabihierProject: Africas.t.
93Jack BobridgeDuolingo+ 8'35
94Lorenzo DelcoELCO - ABEA+ 8'39
95Stepan KurianovGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
96Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peroni+ 8'46
97Mekseb DebesayDuolingos.t.
98Alessandro CoviLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
99Jean Bosco NsengimanaELCO - ABEAs.t.
100Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanos+ 9'13
101Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africas.t.
102David GauduCedevitas.t.
103Luis Enrique Lopez NolascoLos Pollos Hermanos+ 9'21
104Vegard Stake LaengenGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
105Andres Camilo ArdilaCedevitas.t.
106Rune HerregodtsKing Powers.t.
107Volodymyr DzhusTeam Popo4Evers.t.
108Johan Fredrik ZieslerGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
109Ziga RucigajEA Vesuvio+ 9'37
110Sjoerd BaxEA Vesuvios.t.
111John SalazarKing Powers.t.
112Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
113Ivan SiricCedevitas.t.
114Eddie Van HeerdenProject: Africas.t.
115Ahmad ArissolISA - Hexactas.t.
116Jesper HansenStravas.t.
117Pello BilbaoKraftwerk Man Machines.t.
118Albert KirevaProject: Africas.t.
119Rachmad Noka WibisonoLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
120Casper PedersenGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
121Kevin GenietsEA Vesuvios.t.
122Matus StocekMoser - Sygics.t.
123Torkil VeyheAssa Abloys.t.
124Daan HooleLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
125Tosh Van der SandeDuolingos.t.
126Adel BarbaricycleYorkshires.t.
127Lars Van der HaarAssa Abloys.t.
128Giovanni AleottiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
129Santiago BuitragoCedevitas.t.
130Venantas LasinisRed Bull Zalgiris+ 10'09
131Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
132Pascal AckermannZwift Pro Cycling+ 11'13
133Ioannis SpanopoulosELCO - ABEA+ 12'59
134Miltiadis GiannoutsosELCO - ABEA+ 13'14
135Hannes Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy+ 14'34
136William MaesenStravas.t.
137Jesus HerradaVolcanica - Foxs.t.
138Bachirou NikiemaXero Racings.t.
139Erick HerreraVolcanica - Foxs.t.
140Sarawut SirironnachaiKing Powers.t.
141Joel YatesDuolingo+ 14'45
142Henry Antonio RojasVolcanica - Foxs.t.
143Louis VisserProject: Africas.t.
144Florian VermeerschXero Racing+ 14'55
145Gerben ThijssenEvonik - ELKOs.t.
146Hector Carretero MillanMOL Cycling Teams.t.
147Jhonatan RestrepoISA - Hexactas.t.
148Kees DuyvesteynCedevitas.t.
149Marko KumpVolcanica - Foxs.t.
150Yesid Albeiro PiraLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
151Kevin RiveraVolcanica - Foxs.t.
152Mihkel RäimRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
153Erik Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloys.t.
154Kristers AnsonsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
155Veljko StojnicLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
156Yoeri HavikMOL Cycling Teams.t.
157Fred WrightCedevitas.t.
158Yacine HamzaXero Racings.t.
159Simon CarrZwift Pro Cycling+ 16'48
160Taco Van der HoornAegon - Peronis.t.
161Giorgi TediashviliRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
162Andriy OrlovTeam Popo4Evers.t.
163Cesare Di MaggioMoser - Sygics.t.
164Heiko RedeckerTeam Popo4Evers.t.
165Linus KvistAssa Abloys.t.
166Didier MunyanezaProject: Africas.t.
167Nelson OliveiraEA Vesuvios.t.
168Jaume SuredaZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
169Jaako HänninenEvonik - ELKOs.t.
170Luke RoweHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
171Jasper BovenhuisAegon - Peronis.t.
172Ludovic RobeetAegon - Peronis.t.
173Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexactas.t.
174Adomaitis RojusGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
175Arvid De KleijnAegon - Peronis.t.
176Scott ThwaitesHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
177Aviv YechezkelZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
178Iver Johan KnottenGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
179Davide AppollonioMoser - Sygics.t.
180Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
181Felix GrossLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
182David DekkerZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
183Jens DebusschereStrava+ 17'33
184Marco MathisKraftwerk Man Machine+ 27'56
185Maximilian WalscheidMOL Cycling Team+ 28'14
186Bert-Jan LindemanStrava+ 29'46
187Regan GoughXero Racing+ 29'55
188Darren YoungXero Racing+ 36'16
189Clenne Morvan MoulinguiProject: Africa+ 40'32
190George AtkinscycleYorkshire+ 42'04

GC Standings

1Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO28h07'47
2Peter SaganMoser - Sygic+ 33
3Romain SicardStrava+ 46
4Joseph AreruyaXero Racing+ 53
5Eduard Alexander BeltranCedevita+ 1'08
6Yevgeniy GidichKing Power+ 1'30
7Michal KwiatkowskiMOL Cycling Team+ 1'37
8Nikias ArndtKraftwerk Man Machine+ 2'03
9David BoilyKraftwerk Man Machine+ 2'14
10Laurens De PlusLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 2'15
11Hugh CarthycycleYorkshire+ 3'07
12Attila ValterEA Vesuvio+ 3'18
13Jaime RosonGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 3'21
14Elie GesbertAssa Abloy+ 3'35
15Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 3'47
16Nairo QuintanaVolcanica - Fox+ 4'40
17Ivan SosaKing Power+ 5'15
18Clement KoretzkyELCO - ABEA+ 5'25
19Sean De BieAegon - Peroni+ 6'19
20Xuban ErrazkinRed Bull Zalgiris+ 6'55
21Choon Huat GohDuolingo+ 7'48
22Ronnilan QuitaKing Power+ 8'19
23Yonathan MonsalveAssa Abloy+ 8'42
24Johan Esteban ChavesVolcanica - Fox+ 9'02
25Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKO+ 9'16
26Gennadiy TatarinovKraftwerk Man Machine+ 9'21
27Oleksandr PrevarTeam Popo4Evers.t.
28Jefferson Cepeda HernandezISA - Hexacta+ 10'17
29Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africa+ 10'25
30Murilo AffonsoRed Bull Zalgiris+ 10'27
31Joao GasparHelloFresh - Lampre+ 10'45
32Joao AlmeidaDuolingo+ 10'51
33Charalampas KastrantasELCO - ABEA+ 11'02
34Awet GebremedhinAssa Abloy+ 11'25
35Philip LaveryGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 11'26
36Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever+ 11'39
37Diego UlissiEA Vesuvio+ 11'53
38Michail MavrikakisELCO - ABEA+ 11'55
39Kevin InkelaarMOL Cycling Team+ 12'01
40Leo VincentISA - Hexacta+ 12'03
41Piotr BrozynaMOL Cycling Team+ 12'05
42Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africa+ 12'20
43Eduardo SepulvedaISA - Hexacta+ 12'22
44Daniele Dall'OsteStrava+ 12'23
45Andrii BratashcukTeam Popo4Evers.t.
46Andreas MiltiadisELCO - ABEA+ 12'35
47Simone PonziMoser - Sygic+ 12'39
48Anatoliy BudyakTeam Popo4Ever+ 12'41
49Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peroni+ 12'44
50Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexacta+ 12'46
51Josef HosekMoser - Sygic+ 12'59
52Pavel PotockiHelloFresh - Lampre+ 13'01
53Nico DenzAegon - Peroni+ 13'05
54Robert StannardXero Racing+ 13'23
55Kashyapa SiriwardenaRed Bull Zalgiris+ 13'30
56Petr VakocISA - Hexacta+ 13'35
57Jan DieterenKraftwerk Man Machine+ 14'07
58Matthew HolmescycleYorkshire+ 14'20
59Mark DzamastagicHelloFresh - Lampre+ 14'22
60Carter JonesZwift Pro Cycling+ 14'28
61Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKO+ 14'30
62Tim KennaughcycleYorkshire+ 14'52
63Quinten HermansHelloFresh - Lampre+ 14'55
64Willie SmitEA Vesuvio+ 14'58
65Amanuel GebrezgabihierProject: Africas.t.
66David GauduCedevita+ 15'22
67Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvio+ 15'26
68Vincenzo AlbanesecycleYorkshire+ 15'44
69Sjoerd BaxEA Vesuvio+ 15'51
70Abel KenyeresMOL Cycling Team+ 15'59
71Dominik NeumanMoser - Sygic+ 16'16
72Vegard Stake LaengenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 16'18
73Florian ScheitKraftwerk Man Machine+ 16'22
74Adam ToupalikMoser - Sygic+ 16'26
75Connor SwiftcycleYorkshire+ 16'27
76Peeter TarvisStrava+ 16'30
77Santiago BuitragoCedevita+ 16'35
78Ioannis SpanopoulosELCO - ABEA+ 16'36
79Miha PoljanecCedevita+ 16'59
80Enrico BarbinAegon - Peroni+ 17'10
81Mekseb DebesayDuolingo+ 17'12
82Oscar CabanasRed Bull Zalgiris+ 17'19
83Thanakhan ChaiyasombatKraftwerk Man Machine+ 17'27
84George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Team+ 17'44
85Jhonatan NarvaezZwift Pro Cycling+ 17'59
86Miltiadis GiannoutsosELCO - ABEA+ 18'00
87Jack BobridgeDuolingo+ 18'09
88Kevin GenietsEA Vesuvio+ 18'18
89Giovanni AleottiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 18'20
90Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 18'21
91Rune HerregodtsKing Power+ 18'25
92Ziga RucigajEA Vesuvio+ 18'32
93Johan Fredrik ZieslerGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 18'42
94Gregory BrenesVolcanica - Fox+ 18'48
95Venantas LasinisRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
96Mantas JanuskeviciusRed Bull Zalgiris+ 18'52
97Lorenzo DelcoELCO - ABEAs.t.
98Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanos+ 19'06
99Sakchai PhodingamKing Power+ 19'13
100Volodymyr DzhusTeam Popo4Ever+ 19'16
101Elias Abou RachidDuolingo+ 19'44
102Nicolae TanovitchiiTeam Popo4Evers.t.
103Andres Camilo ArdilaCedevita+ 20'22
104Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 20'30
105Eddie Van HeerdenProject: Africa+ 20'33
106Ho San ChiuKing Power+ 20'35
107Gaetan PonsDuolingo+ 20'36
108Gilles HeymesHelloFresh - Lampre+ 21'00
109Albert KirevaProject: Africa+ 21'35
110Pello BilbaoKraftwerk Man Machine+ 21'36
111Stepan KurianovGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 21'46
112Guillaume Van KeirsbulckHelloFresh - Lampres.t.
113Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 22'11
114Jesus HerradaVolcanica - Fox+ 22'20
115Anders SkaarsethcycleYorkshire+ 22'28
116Lars Van der HaarAssa Abloy+ 22'51
117Tosh Van der SandeDuolingo+ 23'04
118Daan HooleLos Pollos Hermanos+ 23'34
119Jean Bosco NsengimanaELCO - ABEA+ 23'43
120Luis Enrique Lopez NolascoLos Pollos Hermanos+ 23'52
121Rachmad Noka WibisonoLos Pollos Hermanos+ 24'08
122Nelson OliveiraEA Vesuvio+ 24'19
123Torkil VeyheAssa Abloy+ 24'36
124Jhonatan RestrepoISA - Hexacta+ 25'24
125Pascal AckermannZwift Pro Cycling+ 25'41
126Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKO+ 25'43
127Stan DewulfZwift Pro Cycling+ 25'45
128Marko KumpVolcanica - Fox+ 25'59
129Jesper HansenStrava+ 26'18
130Alessandro CoviLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 26'19
131Ivan SiricCedevita+ 26'21
132Simon CarrZwift Pro Cycling+ 27'14
133Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanos+ 27'45
134Sarawut SirironnachaiKing Power+ 29'03
135Hannes Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy+ 29'12
136Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 29'59
137Joel YatesDuolingo+ 30'04
138William MaesenStrava+ 30'06
139Ahmad ArissolISA - Hexacta+ 30'17
140Bachirou NikiemaXero Racing+ 30'31
141Jaako HänninenEvonik - ELKO+ 31'45
142Casper PedersenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 31'50
143Henry Antonio RojasVolcanica - Fox+ 31'51
144Kevin RiveraVolcanica - Fox+ 31'52
145Louis VisserProject: Africa+ 33'11
146Giorgi TediashviliRed Bull Zalgiris+ 33'45
147Hector Carretero MillanMOL Cycling Team+ 34'07
148Erick HerreraVolcanica - Fox+ 34'08
149Matus StocekMoser - Sygic+ 35'47
150Adel BarbaricycleYorkshire+ 35'56
151Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexacta+ 36'00
152Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 36'01
153John SalazarKing Power+ 36'29
154Fred WrightCedevita+ 36'50
155David DekkerZwift Pro Cycling+ 37'13
156Kristers AnsonsEvonik - ELKO+ 37'20
157Linus KvistAssa Abloy+ 37'30
158Yesid Albeiro PiraLos Pollos Hermanos+ 37'31
159Arvid De KleijnAegon - Peroni+ 37'39
160Veljko StojnicLos Pollos Hermanos+ 38'20
161Kees DuyvesteynCedevita+ 38'32
162Florian VermeerschXero Racing+ 40'11
163Jaume SuredaZwift Pro Cycling+ 40'24
164Luke RoweHelloFresh - Lampre+ 41'53
165Adomaitis RojusGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 42'32
166Ludovic RobeetAegon - Peroni+ 42'50
167Gerben ThijssenEvonik - ELKO+ 44'20
168Mihkel RäimRed Bull Zalgiris+ 45'06
169Taco Van der HoornAegon - Peroni+ 47'46
170Yoeri HavikMOL Cycling Team+ 48'53
171Jasper BovenhuisAegon - Peroni+ 49'09
172Iver Johan KnottenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 49'34
173Yacine HamzaXero Racing+ 49'42
174Heiko RedeckerTeam Popo4Ever+ 52'55
175Felix GrossLos Pollos Hermanos+ 53'07
176Cesare Di MaggioMoser - Sygic+ 54'02
177Jens DebusschereStrava+ 54'39
178Marco MathisKraftwerk Man Machine+ 55'01
179Didier MunyanezaProject: Africa+ 55'37
180Erik Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy+ 56'20
181Scott ThwaitesHelloFresh - Lampre+ 58'06
182Andriy OrlovTeam Popo4Ever+ 1h00'25
183Davide AppollonioMoser - Sygic+ 1h04'41
184Maximilian WalscheidMOL Cycling Team+ 1h11'33
185Regan GoughXero Racing+ 1h12'23
186Aviv YechezkelZwift Pro Cycling+ 1h16'51
187Darren YoungXero Racing+ 1h18'57
188Bert-Jan LindemanStrava+ 1h28'12
189Clenne Morvan MoulinguiProject: Africa+ 1h28'49
190George AtkinscycleYorkshire+ 1h52'25

Points Standings

1Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO71
2Eduard Alexander BeltranCedevita49
3Yevgeniy GidichKing Power46
4Michal KwiatkowskiMOL Cycling Team40
5David BoilyKraftwerk Man Machine35
6Peter SaganMoser - Sygic35
7Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africa31
8Romain SicardStrava31
9Attila ValterEA Vesuvio30
10Joseph AreruyaXero Racing30
11Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvio27
12Jefferson Cepeda HernandezISA - Hexacta25
13Elie GesbertAssa Abloy23
14Laurens De PlusLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam22
15Florian ScheitKraftwerk Man Machine20
16Yoeri HavikMOL Cycling Team20
17Nikias ArndtKraftwerk Man Machine19
18Kashyapa SiriwardenaRed Bull Zalgiris16
19Jhonatan RestrepoISA - Hexacta16
20Arvid De KleijnAegon - Peroni16
21Casper PedersenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team16
22Tosh Van der SandeDuolingo14
23Luis Enrique Lopez NolascoLos Pollos Hermanos14
24Jaime RosonGjensidige Pro Cycling Team13
25Connor SwiftcycleYorkshire13
26Scott ThwaitesHelloFresh - Lampre13
27Xuban ErrazkinRed Bull Zalgiris12
28Jean Bosco NsengimanaELCO - ABEA12
29Sean De BieAegon - Peroni11
30Hugh CarthycycleYorkshire10
31Clement KoretzkyELCO - ABEA10
32Nico DenzAegon - Peroni10
33Quinten HermansHelloFresh - Lampre10
34Marko KumpVolcanica - Fox10
35Torkil VeyheAssa Abloy10
36Louis VisserProject: Africa10
37Luke RoweHelloFresh - Lampre9
38Pavel PotockiHelloFresh - Lampre8
39Matthew HolmescycleYorkshire8
40Andrii BratashcukTeam Popo4Ever8
41Mekseb DebesayDuolingo8
42Guillaume Van KeirsbulckHelloFresh - Lampre8
43Joel YatesDuolingo8
44Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam8
45Davide AppollonioMoser - Sygic8
46Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peroni7
47Gennadiy TatarinovKraftwerk Man Machine7
48Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam7
49Adomaitis RojusGjensidige Pro Cycling Team7
50Johan Esteban ChavesVolcanica - Fox6
51Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexacta6
52Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanos6
53Simon CarrZwift Pro Cycling6
54Nicolae TanovitchiiTeam Popo4Ever6
55Rachmad Noka WibisonoLos Pollos Hermanos6
56Linus KvistAssa Abloy6
57Heiko RedeckerTeam Popo4Ever6
58Didier MunyanezaProject: Africa6
59Vincenzo AlbanesecycleYorkshire5
60Albert KirevaProject: Africa5
61Daan HooleLos Pollos Hermanos5
62Ivan SosaKing Power4
63Joao GasparHelloFresh - Lampre4
64Thanakhan ChaiyasombatKraftwerk Man Machine4
65Mantas JanuskeviciusRed Bull Zalgiris4
66Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanos4
67Domen NovakLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam3
68Yonathan MonsalveAssa Abloy3
69Oleksandr PrevarTeam Popo4Ever3
70Hannes Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy3
71Adel BarbaricycleYorkshire3
72Ronnilan QuitaKing Power2
73Amanuel GebrezgabihierProject: Africa2
74Sarawut SirironnachaiKing Power2
75Gaetan PonsDuolingo2
76Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam2
77David DekkerZwift Pro Cycling2
78Peeter TarvisStrava1

Mountain Standings

1Quinten HermansHelloFresh - Lampre82
2Nico DenzAegon - Peroni54
3Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africa40
4Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexacta35
5Amanuel GebrezgabihierProject: Africa34
6Sean De BieAegon - Peroni32
7Florian ScheitKraftwerk Man Machine31
8Jefferson Cepeda HernandezISA - Hexacta30
9Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africa22
10Oleksandr PrevarTeam Popo4Ever20
11Matthew HolmescycleYorkshire20
12Nicolae TanovitchiiTeam Popo4Ever18
13Philip LaveryGjensidige Pro Cycling Team17
14Luis Enrique Lopez NolascoLos Pollos Hermanos16
15Miguel Angel LopezEvonik - ELKO14
16Choon Huat GohDuolingo12
17Murilo AffonsoRed Bull Zalgiris12
18Oscar CabanasRed Bull Zalgiris12
19Kashyapa SiriwardenaRed Bull Zalgiris11
20Gilles HeymesHelloFresh - Lampre11
21Yonathan MonsalveAssa Abloy10
22Mekseb DebesayDuolingo9
23Lorenzo DelcoELCO - ABEA9
24Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam9
25Eduard Alexander BeltranCedevita8
26Willie SmitEA Vesuvio8
27Jhonatan RestrepoISA - Hexacta8
28Daan HooleLos Pollos Hermanos8
29William MaesenStrava8
30Arvid De KleijnAegon - Peroni8
31Joseph AreruyaXero Racing6
32Connor SwiftcycleYorkshire6
33Jean Bosco NsengimanaELCO - ABEA6
34Roman GladyshTeam Popo4Ever5
35Torkil VeyheAssa Abloy5
36Yevgeniy GidichKing Power4
37Peter SaganMoser - Sygic4
38Romain SicardStrava4
39Laurens De PlusLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam4
40Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanos4
41Elias Abou RachidDuolingo4
42Sarawut SirironnachaiKing Power4
43Joel YatesDuolingo4
44Carter JonesZwift Pro Cycling3
45Simon CarrZwift Pro Cycling3
46Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam3
47Didier MunyanezaProject: Africa3
48Louis VisserProject: Africa2
49Ivan SosaKing Power1
50Thanakhan ChaiyasombatKraftwerk Man Machine1
51Mantas JanuskeviciusRed Bull Zalgiris1

Young Rider Standings

1Attila ValterEA Vesuvio28h11'05 (1)
2Ivan SosaKing Power+ 1'57 (2)
3Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africa+ 7'07 (3)
4Joao AlmeidaDuolingo+ 7'33 (4)
5Kevin InkelaarMOL Cycling Team+ 8'43 (5)
6Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peroni+ 9'26 (6)
7Robert StannardXero Racing+ 10'05 (7)
8Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKO+ 11'12 (8)
9Santiago BuitragoCedevita+ 13'17 (9)
10Thanakhan ChaiyasombatKraftwerk Man Machine+ 14'09 (10)
11Jhonatan NarvaezZwift Pro Cycling+ 14'41 (11)
12Miltiadis GiannoutsosELCO - ABEA+ 14'42 (12)
13Kevin GenietsEA Vesuvio+ 15'00 (13)
14Giovanni AleottiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 15'02 (14)
15Rune HerregodtsKing Power+ 15'07 (15)
16Venantas LasinisRed Bull Zalgiris+ 15'30 (16)
17Mantas JanuskeviciusRed Bull Zalgiris+ 15'34 (17)
18Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanos+ 15'48 (18)
19Sakchai PhodingamKing Power+ 15'55 (19)
20Andres Camilo ArdilaCedevita+ 17'04 (20)
21Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 17'12 (21)
22Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 18'53 (22)
23Daan HooleLos Pollos Hermanos+ 20'16 (23)
24Luis Enrique Lopez NolascoLos Pollos Hermanos+ 20'34 (24)
25Rachmad Noka WibisonoLos Pollos Hermanos+ 20'50 (25)
26Alekss KrastsEvonik - ELKO+ 22'25 (26)
27Stan DewulfZwift Pro Cycling+ 22'27 (27)
28Alessandro CoviLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 23'01 (28)
29Ivan SiricCedevita+ 23'03 (29)
30Simon CarrZwift Pro Cycling+ 23'56 (30)
31Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanos+ 24'27 (31)
32Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 26'41 (32)
33Bachirou NikiemaXero Racing+ 27'13 (33)
34Jaako HänninenEvonik - ELKO+ 28'27 (34)
35Henry Antonio RojasVolcanica - Fox+ 28'33 (35)
36Kevin RiveraVolcanica - Fox+ 28'34 (36)
37Louis VisserProject: Africa+ 29'53 (37)
38Giorgi TediashviliRed Bull Zalgiris+ 30'27 (38)
39Matus StocekMoser - Sygic+ 32'29 (39)
40Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 32'43 (40)
41John SalazarKing Power+ 33'11 (41)
42Fred WrightCedevita+ 33'32 (42)
43David DekkerZwift Pro Cycling+ 33'55 (43)
44Kristers AnsonsEvonik - ELKO+ 34'02 (44)
45Linus KvistAssa Abloy+ 34'12 (45)
46Yesid Albeiro PiraLos Pollos Hermanos+ 34'13 (46)
47Veljko StojnicLos Pollos Hermanos+ 35'02 (47)
48Kees DuyvesteynCedevita+ 35'14 (48)
49Florian VermeerschXero Racing+ 36'53 (49)
50Adomaitis RojusGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 39'14 (50)
51Gerben ThijssenEvonik - ELKO+ 41'02 (51)
52Iver Johan KnottenGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 46'16 (52)
53Yacine HamzaXero Racing+ 46'24 (53)
54Felix GrossLos Pollos Hermanos+ 49'49 (54)
55Erik Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy+ 53'02 (55)

Team Standings

1Kraftwerk Man Machine84h33'47 (1)
2King Power+ 4'58 (2)
3Lierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 9'14 (3)
4Assa Abloy+ 10'00 (4)
5ELCO - ABEA+ 12'06 (5)
6MOL Cycling Team+ 13'13 (6)
7EA Vesuvio+ 13'15 (7)
8Aegon - Peroni+ 13'33 (8)
9Evonik - ELKO+ 13'52 (9)
10Moser - Sygic+ 14'16 (10)
11Red Bull Zalgiris+ 15'04 (11)
12Volcanica - Fox+ 16'45 (12)
13HelloFresh - Lampre+ 16'48 (13)
14Cedevita+ 17'22 (14)
15Team Popo4Ever+ 18'11 (15)
16Strava+ 18'13 (16)
17ISA - Hexacta+ 18'45 (17)
18cycleYorkshire+ 19'21 (18)
19Gjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 19'22 (19)
20Duolingo+ 20'21 (20)
21Project: Africa+ 24'58 (21)
22Xero Racing+ 34'41 (22)
23Zwift Pro Cycling+ 40'22 (23)
24Los Pollos Hermanos+ 50'37 (24)

Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
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