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Betonexpressz GP
Betonexpressz GP

Welcome to the 2022 Betonexpressz GP! Today we have lovely sunny & mild conditions - perfect for racing!


Here we are on the start line here in Hungary – here’s hoping for an exciting race!


10 riders easily ride away from the pack and quickly open a gap of 3 minutes – they are:
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/caa.png Aguilar Mendezpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/caa.png Waerenskjoldpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Van den Bergpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Johansen
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Nzekepcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png La Lavandierpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortegapcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Gonzalez
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/esc.png Savinipcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Pajur

Interestingly, 3 teams have sent 2 riders so it will be interesting to see their strategy unfold.


We skip to the halfway point and the gap is down to 2’30 after peaking at just under 5 minutes. Glanbia, Tryg, Tafjord, Caja and Strava are all contributing to the chase.


We skip a little further and with 41km to go, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortega, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Pajur and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Johansen attack! The pack has closed in to within a minute of the break now and these three want to extend their vacation in front of the pack for a little bit longer.


The break continues to attack and crack each other as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bia.png Manakov and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Bernas explode out of the ack with 28km to go! They quickly blast past a few of the former BOTD members on their way to the 4 surviving members - pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Johansen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortega, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lec.png Nzeke and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/caa.png Waerenskjold – these 4 have 32” to the pack, whilst Manakov and Bernas have 20”.


They are quickly brought back before reaching the break, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bia.png Manakov goes again! In strange scenes behind, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanter and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert have both done turns on the front and now pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Keough is second wheel in the peloton behind teammate pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Feiereisen.


He’s again brought back leaving pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Morales Ortega solo in front of the peloton for a few kilometres before he is now also caught. The frantic pace in the peloton is causing some splits, we will have to see if any of them stick.


Under the 10k banner and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Cheyne leads the peloton, driving a hard pace. There’s a fight for position amongst the top sprinters behind, it doesn’t appear anybody is out of position at this point.


There’s a moment of hesitation between Cheyne pulling off and Frame taking over, and straight away pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bia.png Dakteris and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aab.png Veyhe launch an attack! 4.7km to go, Glanbia riders line up now to chase.


This sets off a chain reaction and now pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/taf.png Breen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Yzeiraj, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/caa.png Dzervus and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Jans try to go too. The front 2 have an 11” gap with 3.1km remaining. There’s no organisation behind Glanbia and all sprinters are in it for themselves, things are very disorganised!


They are all caught with 2.1km remaining as most sprinters are looking for the right wheel. The sprinters are positioned like this:
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Frame
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Willwohlpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Rajovicpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Matthews
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanterpcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Banicek
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/taf.png Bertilsson
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/cct.png Guardinipcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bia.png Gibbons
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Keough

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Colbrelli, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Major and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bee.png Merlier are behind this group and will need something special for a good result.


Frame pulls off and releases Bennett with 1.1km to go. Everyone else lined up behind him in the same order more or less.


They round the corner 500m from the line and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Willwohl has the lead! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert next with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett hanging on in 3rd and then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Matthews.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert comes flying out of the slipstream around the corner and looks to match pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Willwohl! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett is struggling, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanter who has been stuck behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Matthews desperately wants to pass him. 300m.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanter manages to get around Mathews and boy is he flying! He flies straight past pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Willwohl, but is still behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert who he is faster than. Behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Keough is starting to get a move on as well as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Rajovic who has turned on the afterburners and is flying through the middle!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanter still has the lead as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Rajovic blows past pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Willwohl and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert! Has he timed his run to perfection?


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Rajovic draws level with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanter! The order behind remains the same with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/taf.png Bertilsson making a late charge.


And pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bns.png Rajovic takes it! What a fantastic sprint from the Serbian! He played his cards perfectly and is rewarded for his fantastic ride with victory in Hungary!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Kanter seemingly did everything right, it appeared that he had come off of Mathew’s wheel at the perfect moment but he can only place 2nd behind Rajovic. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Wippert, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/taf.png Bertilsson and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/stb.png Willwohl round out the top-5.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Matthews, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bia.png Gibbons, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mck.png Keough, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/cct.png Guardini and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png Bennett complete the top-10 here in Hungary. Bennett will be disappointed with his result considering the work his team put in, unfortunately Glanbia pay the price for putting in the hard yards today when a lot of others took it much easier.

Today’s winner of the Betonexpressz GP – Dusan Rajovic

Full Result
1Dusan RajovicBNZ-Superhero Racing4h49'28
2Max KanterTryg - Gobiks.t.
3Wouter WippertOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
4Christian BertilssonTafjord Krafts.t.
5Willi WillwohlStaffbase - BHPs.t.
6Michael MatthewsPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
7Ryan GibbonsBianchi - Panerais.t.
8Luke KeoughMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
9Andrea GuardiniCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
10Sam BennettGlanbias.t.
11Deni BanicekOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
12Janis DakterisBianchi - Panerais.t.
13Alex FrameGlanbias.t.
14Torkil VeyheAssa Abloys.t.
15Darijus DzervusColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
16Thanawut SanikwathiStravas.t.
17Clement RussoBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
18Marildo YzeirajOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
19Vegard BreenTafjord Krafts.t.
20Sonny ColbrelliStravas.t.
21Aksel NommelaBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
22Joanis Albert NielsenStravas.t.
23Tim MerlierBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
24Rudy BarbierBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
25Roy JansStaffbase - BHPs.t.
26Mikiel HabtomBianchi - Panerais.t.
27Pawel BernasStravas.t.
28German Nicolas TivaniOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
29Bert-Jan LindemanStravas.t.
30Michael GoglLe Creusets.t.
31Jonathan McEvoyLe Creusets.t.
32Federico OleiColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
33Nathan HaasGlanbias.t.
34Jakob RatheMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
35Oskari VainionpääColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
36Jay MajorPodium Ambitions.t.
37Darren MatthewsPodium Ambitions.t.
38Liam CurleyGlanbias.t.
39Kim MagnussonAssa Abloys.t.
40Filip KvasinaOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
41Mikhail KochetkovBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
42Emil AnderssonTafjord Krafts.t.
43Noah GraniganMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
44Alexander EdmondsonBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
45Viktor ManakovBianchi - Panerais.t.
46Jesse KaislavuoTafjord Krafts.t.
47Andrea AquilaniColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
48Loic VliegenColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
49Francis JuneauGlanbias.t.
50Paolo ScarponiAssa Abloys.t.
51Jordan CheyneGlanbias.t.
52Connor WhitePodium Ambitions.t.
53Syver WaerstedTafjord Krafts.t.
54Nihal SilvaBianchi - Panerais.t.
55Miles ScotsonGlanbias.t.
56Soren WaerenskjoldColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
57Maral-Erdene BatmunkhBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
58Jonas KochStaffbase - BHPs.t.
59Kemp OroscoPodium Ambitions.t.
60Linus KvistAssa Abloys.t.
61Matis LouvelLe Creusets.t.
62Staffan ArvidssonAssa Abloys.t.
63Kevin FeiereisenMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
64Tim DeclerqCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
65Zeke MostovMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
66Davur MagnussenAssa Abloys.t.
67Joris DelboveLe Creusets.t.
68Andrew NorbertPodium Ambitions.t.
69Geremie NzekeLe Creusets.t.
70Dylan SunderlandStaffbase - BHPs.t.
71Jens DebusschereStravas.t.
72James PiccoliLe Creusets.t.
73Madushanka PereraOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
74Samuel WelsfordBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
75Damion DrapacEddie Stobarts.t.
76Marek KonwaCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
77Alexander KriegerTryg - Gobiks.t.
78Maani AltanzulBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
79Clement ChevrierLe Creusets.t.
80Maxime La LavandierLe Creusets.t.
81Ramon DomeneCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
82Phil BauhausStaffbase - BHPs.t.
83Andre Alexander GonzalesColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
84Trond LarsenBianchi - Panerais.t.
85Alfredo BalloniCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
86Luke MudgwayBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
87Gianni VermeerschStaffbase - BHPs.t.
88Dylan RedyPodium Ambitions.t.
89Ramon SinkeldamCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
90Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
91Sep VanmarckePas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
92Christoph TaubelPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
93Jose Pablo Aguilar MendezColombini-Adler Aalterpaints.t.
94Markus KopfaufBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
95Fabien TaillefourEddie Stobarts.t.
96Vegard Robinson BuggeTafjord Krafts.t.
97Felix EngelhardtStaffbase - BHPs.t.
98Philip LindauTafjord Krafts.t.
99Karel HnikBianchi - Panerais.t.
100Narankhuu BaterdeneBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
101Maximillian SchachmannStaffbase - BHPs.t.
102Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobiks.t.
103Linus DahlbergEddie Stobarts.t.
104Munkhtulga ErdenesurenBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
105Salvador Moreno HernandezEddie Stobarts.t.
106Ramunas NavardauskasBianchi - Panerais.t.
107Johan Price-PejtersenPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
108Alexander KristoffPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
109Similo NyoniTryg - Gobiks.t.
110Roger AdriaTryg - Gobiks.t.
111Rasmus IversenTryg - Gobiks.t.
112Juraj BellanTryg - Gobiks.t.
113Erik Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy+ 3'20
114Davide MalacarneEddie Stobarts.t.
115Jacob Morales OrtegaPodium Ambitions.t.
116Julius JohansenPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
117Sandis EislersTafjord Krafts.t.
118Alexander RichardsonOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
119Herizo AdriamihajanarivoCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
120Xabier Mikel AzparrenCaja Rural Cycling Teams.t.
121Abner GonzalezPodium Ambition+ 4'12
122Gert JoeaarEddie Stobarts.t.
123Dmitri MedvedevEddie Stobarts.t.
124Hannes Bergstrom FriskAssa Abloy+ 4'35
125Daniel SaviniEddie Stobarts.t.
126Lars Van den BergBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 5'35
127Markus PajurBonduelle - Eesti Energias.t.
128David JabukaOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 6'40
129Ben HealyGlanbia+ 7'04

Indosat - ANZ HQ

"This Schleck sandwich is going to cause serious indigestion for Evans" - Phil Liggett
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