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Tour of South Africa - Stage 5
Ulrich Ulriksen
Tour of South Africa


Stage 5 Report

Stage 5 of the Tour of South Africa is the hardest stage. 217k including 14 ascents of a 5k climb near Knysna that averages 5.1% but maxes at over 16%. 4 of those ascents will award Cat 3 Mountain points. The stage is also the longest at 217k. Last year Ian Boswell won the stage from the break while the peloton disintegrated behind him.

At the start of the day pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ino.png Borges has a 42 second lead in the GC. Which is a nice little cushion but last year he lost over 5 minutes on this stage. Some managers looked at the results from last year and thought this race might favor stronger climbers, two of the best in that category, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Habtemichael and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/cdb.png Aranburu , sit 2nd and 3rd on GC.

The organizers have faith in Borges, he is second on the favorites list.


KOM leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Dall'Oste and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/spr.png Hirschi use the first ascent to open up a gap of almost 2 minutes on the peloton. Others trying to attack now they have completed the ascent


2nd ascent complete and the breakaway has grown to 9. Added are: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Poljanski, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Hoelgaard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pns.png Juul-Jensen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/t3a.png Le Court, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bdx.png Doubey, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Ivanov, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Skala. Some strong climbers in this group and Hirschi only 2’18 back in GC so the peloton can’t let them have too much time. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/spr.png Liphongyu another 32 seconds behind this group of 9. The peloton at 1’40, others still trying to attack.


1.7k to go to the top the third time around. KOM points available this time and Dall’Oste can take a commanding lead in that competition with a good day today, which is perhaps why Poljanski is driving the break. Liphongyu has bridged up but Skala and Juul-Jensen have been dropped. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Fabbro has attacked from the peloton and is 39 seconds behind the leaders with Juul-Jensen. But Glanbia and Project Africa aren’t happy with the break and have the peloton just 1’33 behind.


Dall’Oste takes maximum points ahead of his teammate and Le Court. He now has a 22 point lead in the KOM competition. Peloton has slowed down now and the gap is up to 2’11.


4th ascent is complete. Fabbro as well as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tlt.png Cuming and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Petrovski have reached the front bringing the break to 11 riders. Peloton at 1’57 being led by Indosat, all the riders who were dropped from the break have been caught and no recent attacks, so nobody in between at this point. 166k to ride.


Peloton between the 5th and 6th ascents. The lead got up about 3’15 but the peloton has been chasing hard on the flats, they aren’t willing to let a dangerous break like this get too far ahead. Contributing teams include Cedevita, Phillips and Carlsberg. Strava also prominent near the front but not clear what their agenda is. Peloton is down to 93 riders already, but nobody significant dropped. The 6th ascent has KOM points.


At the top of the climb Le Court gets the jump and she and Doubey take 1st and 2nd with Dall’Oste settling for 3rd. Le Court now in a three-way tie for 2nd in the KOM competition, she won’t catch Dall’Oste but could take sole possession of 2nd today. Next points are on the 9th ascent.


The peloton have completed the 8th ascent and is down to just 35 riders. The teams working include Phillips, Carlsberg, Glanbia, Indosat and Red Bull Zalgiris. About 100k to go. They have been keeping the pace high and are 1’51 behind the break. In the break, Le Court, Petrovski, Liphongyu and Cuming have been dropped. In the peloton some top 20 GC riders have been dropped but only ones like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ino.png Novak who owed their placings to the TTT. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Houle the most prominent name to be dropped but this was never the stage for him.


Dall’Oste attacks to take 6 more points at the top of the 9th ascent. Only pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/sva.png Poljanski, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Hoelgaard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Ivanov, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/spr.png Hirschi able to stay with him, although the others might be able to make it back still. Their lead over the peloton is 1’47. Another 90k to ride.


Over the top pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/anz.png Fabbro and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bdx.png Doubey are able to rejoin. So still 7 left in the break.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Seibeb leads the peloton over the 10th ascent with the gap at 1’28. The break is down to 6 as Poljanski is dropped after doing a lot of work for Dall’Oste. The peloton is still 35 strong but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ino.png Rohendi is struggling at the back. He is 2nd on GC and also pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ino.png Borges’ last helper in the front group.


The peloton got as close as 1 minute on the flat section before the 11th ascent but then lost ground on the climb, with the gap going as high as 2’12 minutes. The gap 1’38 now as they are on the 12th ascent. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Borisavljevic and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Xandri doing the chasing but both are struggling. The peloton down to 30 riders, Rohendi dropped for good. Still 6 riders in the break.


Dall’Oste unable to add any more points at the top of the climb as he crosses last in the group but he has a big lead in the KOM competition at this point and should have that jersey secure. The break’s lead up to 2’06. Two ascents and 44k to go.


As the peloton reaches the climb for the 13th time, they trail by 2’34 which puts Hirschi in virtual Yellow. With Ivanov just 6 seconds behind him in virtual 2nd. The GC favorites will need to take this into their own hands if they don’t want to concede the race lead to the break.


It is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/jur.png Moscon who takes accountability, he not only reduces the gap to the front group to 1’18 over the top but forces his way clear along with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/voy.png Kinoshita, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ino.png Borges, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Van Niekerk, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ced.png Gaudu. The remaining favorites group of 19 is 18 seconds behind these 5 and being led by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png McKenna. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Seibeb and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Ssabagwanya, 5th and 7th on GC at the start of the day, have both been dropped from the favorites group.


Borges attacks his group, only Kinoshita and Van Niekerk able to stay with him and they get a small gap on the other two. Behind the chasing group is breaking up with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/spr.png Van Garderen and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/cdb.png Aranburu breaking free. They can be seen coming around the corner and are just 9 seconds behind Moscon and Gaudu. 7 seconds behind them is the suprising duo of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Piaskowy and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/trg.png Johannessen. Then another 12 seconds to a group of 6 which most notably includes pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pfi.png Benoot, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Habtemichael and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Errazkin. Trans having a bad day as both pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tlt.png Bystrom and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tlt.png Calmejane are further back.


16k to go the riders are on the flat between the 13th and 14th climbs. Aranburu and Van Garderen have reached the first 5 attackers who have also regrouped to create a 7-rider Yellow Jersey group. They are Borges, Moscon, Kinoshita, Gaudu, Van Niekerk, Aranburu and Van Garderen. They got as close to the break as 18 seconds but nobody wants to work and that has stretched back to 44 seconds. They have 39 seconds on Pisakowy and Johannessen who are next on the road, but they have almost been caught by the next group which has swelled to 12 as the Trans riders have been able to rejoin, among others.


14k to ride, the break is on the final ascent. Their lead reached 1’37 as nobody was willing to work behind and all the lead groups combined back to a 21-rider chase group. But an attack from Kinoshita, Van Niekerk and Moscon has brought those 3 back to within 1’07.


About 1k to the top of the climb, Kinoshita is back to within 20 seconds of the leading 6 (Eddie Stobart rider is lapped). Another 19 seconds behind Borges, Van Garderen, Gaudu and Aranburu have joined Van Niekerk and Moscon. Benoot was with them but was dropped and is with the next group which is another 45 seconds back. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/oph.png Le Gac, 14th on GC is the most significant name missing from that group.


10k to go, Kinoshita reached the breakaway followed by the 6 chasers which prompted another attack from the Voyagin man. He is 2’28 down on GC so they don’t need to chase him at this point. The second group on the road is 11 strong and 56 seconds behind. That group includes Calmejane, Bystrom, Benoot, Piaskowy, and Johannessen. Plus, Petrovski and Poljanski who were in the break, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Meyer, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bdx.png Pacher, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/bdx.png Wackermann, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tlt.png Iino, all of whom started the day well down on GC. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/xr0.png Habtemichael, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/gla.png McKenna and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/rbz.png Errazkin are another 1’03 behind and look to be losing ground on the GC.


Kinoshita is brought back and as they start the final descent Van Niekerk attacks. Van Garderen and Borges follow. Behind the Calmejane group has almost reach the first chase group.


4k to ride. Van Niekerk leading on the downhill and their gap is 15 seconds. The two groups behind have merged to form a 15-rider chase group.


1.7k to go for the leaders. Van Niekerk still doing all the work, which is generous of him. Kinoshita leading the chase. Gap is still 15 seconds.


Under the 1k banner Van Niekerk’s generosity comes to the end and the chasers catch them which prompts Van Garderen to open the sprint.


300 meters. Van Garderen with a small edge on Kinoshita and Borges. Aranburu and Moscon the other two involved.


Looking at the picture you would think Borges had taken his second stage. But the judges say it is Kinoshita who takes it, making it his 2nd stage win and 4th podium in 5 stages. He also extends his points lead. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ino.png Borges was apparently second on the stage but he can still be very pleased with his day, he defended the leader’s jersey in style, never looking in trouble and often taking the race to his opponents. The bonus seconds will mean his GC lead has grown. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/spr.png Van Garderen takes 3rd but has missed out on two stage wins by the narrowest of margins. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/cdb.png Aranburu and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/jur.png Moscon take 4th and 5th.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tlt.png Calmejane with a clear 6th followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Meyer, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/afr.png Van Niekerk, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/spr.png Hirschi. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tlt.png Iino completes the top 10.


The first 24 get the same time. Habtemichael, McKenna and Errazkin come in next, 2’09 down. Frustration for them as they were very close to hanging on to the front group.

With Habtemichael losing time Borges’ GC lead goes up to 56 seconds ahead of Aranburu, Van Niekerk into 3rd. The latter is also the best young rider. Gaudu and Van Garderen complete the top 5.

Trans have Calmejane and Bystrom in 6th and 7th and take over the teams lead ahead of CT outfit Oktal Pharma. Benoot is 8th. Kinoshita moves back into the top 10 in 9th and Hirschi’s day in the break works out pretty well as he moves into 10th in the GC.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Drapac and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Dahlberg miss the time limit.

There will be a couple of unplanned rest days now before the race wraps up early next week.

Stage Results

1Tomohiro KinoshitaVoyagin - Bird5h42'52
2Bruno BorgesIndosat Ooredoos.t.
3Tejay Van GarderenSauber Petronas Racings.t.
4Alex AranburuCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
5Gianni MosconJura GIANTSs.t.
6Lilian CalmejaneTrans Looney Tuness.t.
7Travis MeyerEddie Stobarts.t.
8Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africas.t.
9Marc HirschiSauber Petronas Racings.t.
10Tomoyuki IinoTrans Looney Tuness.t.
11Luca WackermannBordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.
12Quentin PacherBordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.
13Matteo FabbroAir New Zealands.t.
14Emanuel PiaskowyOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
15David GauduCedevitas.t.
16Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tuness.t.
17Daniel HoelgaardTryg - Gobiks.t.
18Borislav IvanovOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
19Fabien DoubeyBordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.
20Stefan PetrovskiOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
21Pawel PoljanskiStravas.t.
22Tobias Halland JohannessenTryg - Gobiks.t.
23Daniele Dall'OsteStravas.t.
24Tiesj BenootPhilips - Force Indias.t.
25Sean McKennaGlanbia+ 2'09
26Xuban ErrazkinRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
27Daniel HabtemichaelXero Racings.t.
28Olivier Le GacOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 3'16
29Cristian RaileanuPhilips - Force Indias.t.
30Michael VinkAir New Zealand+ 4'21
31Lennard KämnaCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
32Milos BorisavljevicCedevitas.t.
33Jan XandriPhilips - Force Indias.t.
34Costa SeibebProject: Africa+ 5'37
35Felix GrossschartnerRed Bull Zalgiris+ 6'29
36Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africa+ 6'55
37Remy RochasBordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.
38Michael CumingTrans Looney Tuness.t.
39Lawson CraddockGlanbias.t.
40Marko PavlicCedevitas.t.
41Christopher Juul-JensenPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
42Simone VelascoPhilips - Force Indias.t.
43Kashyapa SiriwardenaRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
44Nawuti LiphongyuSauber Petronas Racings.t.
45Andris SmirnovsRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
46Nikita NovikovTrans Looney Tuness.t.
47Sebastian SchönbergerRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
48Joonas HenttalaPhilips - Force Indias.t.
49Marcel AreggerJura GIANTSs.t.
50Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition+ 8'23
51Youcef ReguiguiProject: Africa+ 9'14
52Mauro SchmidJura GIANTSs.t.
53Niklas EgCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
54Kent MainProject: Africas.t.
55Conor DunneGlanbias.t.
56Hugo HouleXero Racings.t.
57Teten RohendiIndosat Ooredoos.t.
58Johann Van ZylXero Racings.t.
59Vadim RatiyPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
60Nikita UmerbekovEddie Stobart+ 11'10
61Mick Van DijkePhilips - Force Indias.t.
62Robert GesinkIndosat Ooredoos.t.
63Nathan AlexanderPodium Ambitions.t.
64Andrew NorbertPodium Ambitions.t.
65Gregory HugentoblerEddie Stobarts.t.
66Juraj BellanTryg - Gobiks.t.
67Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobiks.t.
68Tyler BrandtGlanbias.t.
69Sachin DulanjanaSauber Petronas Racings.t.
70Oscar CabanasRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
71Aleksa CrncevicCedevitas.t.
72Daniel MartinGlanbias.t.
73Nathan HaasGlanbias.t.
74Jonathan BellisSauber Petronas Racings.t.
75Michael ChristodoulosCedevitas.t.
76Izidor PenkoCedevitas.t.
77Mathias KrigbaumCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
78Reinhardt Janse van RensburgProject: Africas.t.
79Gyasi SulvaranCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
80Antoine DuchesneVoyagin - Birds.t.
81Jakub NovakIndosat Ooredoo+ 12'18
82Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobarts.t.
83Kemp OroscoPodium Ambitions.t.
84Cristian RodriguezBordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.
85Floris De TierEddie Stobarts.t.
86Michael KolarIndosat Ooredoos.t.
87Alexandros MatsangosJura GIANTSs.t.
88Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tunes+ 14'00
89Kristaps BudenieksStrava+ 15'40
90William MaesenStravas.t.
91Atsushi OkaVoyagin - Birds.t.
92Jesper HansenStravas.t.
93Jonathan CroesPodium Ambition+ 16'17
94Dylan RedyPodium Ambition+ 16'38
95Morne Van NiekerkXero Racing+ 19'03
96Hugo ForssellCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
97Mattias Skjelmose JensenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
98Simon PellaudSauber Petronas Racings.t.
99Elia FavilliPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
100Jiri PolnickyVoyagin - Birds.t.
101Adam PhelanAir New Zealands.t.
102Rasmus SteroboOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
103Albert KirevaProject: Africas.t.
104Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racings.t.
105Shiki KuroedaPhilips - Force Indias.t.
106Simone ConsonniRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
107Arturs BelevicsCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
108Florian VermeerschXero Racings.t.
109Andreas Odie Purnama SetiawaIndosat Ooredoos.t.
110Noam CohenJura GIANTSs.t.
111Firdaus AhmadIndosat Ooredoos.t.
112Christoph JanssenJura GIANTSs.t.
113Jan GhyselinckTrans Looney Tuness.t.
114Shoi MatsudaVoyagin - Birds.t.
115Muhammad Suhaimi GhaniSauber Petronas Racings.t.
116Miori KawasakiVoyagin - Birds.t.
117Gabor FejesOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 22'05
118Dealton Nur Arif PrayogoIndosat Ooredoo+ 22'29
119Sonny ColbrelliStrava+ 22'58
120Miles ScotsonGlanbias.t.
121John ArchibaldOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
122Samuel GazeAir New Zealands.t.
123Bob SchoonbroodtSauber Petronas Racings.t.
124Sirak TesfomProject: Africas.t.
125Matic GroseljCedevitas.t.
126Michael MatthewsPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
127Manuel StockerJura GIANTSs.t.
128Jordan CheyneGlanbias.t.
129Thanawut SanikwathiStravas.t.
130Taylor GunmanAir New Zealands.t.
131Tom DumoulinPhilips - Force Indias.t.
132Roger AdriaTryg - Gobiks.t.
133Julius JohansenPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
134Felix Emilio BesadaPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
135Nils BrunBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 24'28
136Tyler ColePodium Ambition+ 26'15
137Gabriel ChavanneJura GIANTS+ 35'26
138Yudai ArashiroVoyagin - Bird+ 36'36
139Cristian PerezPodium Ambition+ 38'26
140Fatiu AbolajiTryg - Gobik+ 40'03
141Oier LazkanoBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 41'27
142Maris BogdanovicsEddie Stobart+ 44'54
143Christoph TaubelPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 45'26
144Owain DoullTrans Looney Tuness.t.
145Oliver NaesenAir New Zealands.t.
146Darren YoungXero Racing+ 46'07
147Jakub SkalaAir New Zealands.t.
148Wen Hao LiRed Bull Zalgiris+ 49'04
149Alexis RenardBordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.
150Nils SchomberXero Racing+ 50'00
151Michael Valgren AndersenOktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.
152Shane ArchboldAir New Zealand+ 52'27

GC Standings

1Bruno BorgesIndosat Ooredoo18h52'01
2Alex AranburuCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 56
3Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africa+ 1'04
4David GauduCedevita+ 1'13
5Tejay Van GarderenSauber Petronas Racing+ 1'18
6Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes+ 1'45
7Lilian CalmejaneTrans Looney Tunes+ 1'59
8Tiesj BenootPhilips - Force India+ 2'01
9Tomohiro KinoshitaVoyagin - Bird+ 2'20
10Marc HirschiSauber Petronas Racing+ 2'30
11Emanuel PiaskowyOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 2'34
12Borislav IvanovOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 2'36
13Stefan PetrovskiOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 2'39
14Tomoyuki IinoTrans Looney Tunes+ 2'55
15Daniel HabtemichaelXero Racing+ 3'03
16Gianni MosconJura GIANTS+ 3'12
17Sean McKennaGlanbia+ 3'40
18Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand+ 3'54
19Xuban ErrazkinRed Bull Zalgiris+ 4'18
20Olivier Le GacOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 4'55
21Daniel HoelgaardTryg - Gobik+ 5'15
22Tobias Halland JohannessenTryg - Gobiks.t.
23Fabien DoubeyBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 5'36
24Lennard KämnaCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 6'10
25Cristian RaileanuPhilips - Force India+ 6'16
26Milos BorisavljevicCedevita+ 6'32
27Daniele Dall'OsteStrava+ 6'37
28Costa SeibebProject: Africa+ 6'39
29Jan XandriPhilips - Force India+ 7'16
30Quentin PacherBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 7'56
31Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africa+ 8'01
32Michael VinkAir New Zealand+ 8'19
33Travis MeyerEddie Stobart+ 8'33
34Marko PavlicCedevita+ 9'03
35Lawson CraddockGlanbia+ 9'32
36Felix GrossschartnerRed Bull Zalgiris+ 9'33
37Teten RohendiIndosat Ooredoo+ 9'46
38Michael CumingTrans Looney Tunes+ 9'47
39Simone VelascoPhilips - Force India+ 9'53
40Nikita NovikovTrans Looney Tunes+ 9'55
41Sebastian SchönbergerRed Bull Zalgiris+ 9'59
42Kashyapa SiriwardenaRed Bull Zalgiriss.t.
43Andris SmirnovsRed Bull Zalgiris+ 10'03
44Marcel AreggerJura GIANTS+ 10'04
45Hugo HouleXero Racing+ 10'58
46Johann Van ZylXero Racings.t.
47Niklas EgCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 11'03
48Pawel PoljanskiStrava+ 11'09
49Kent MainProject: Africa+ 11'11
50Youcef ReguiguiProject: Africas.t.
51Conor DunneGlanbia+ 11'48
52Nawuti LiphongyuSauber Petronas Racing+ 11'49
53Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition+ 12'13
54Robert GesinkIndosat Ooredoo+ 12'37
55Christopher Juul-JensenPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 12'41
56Gyasi SulvaranCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 12'59
57Mathias KrigbaumCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 13'05
58Aleksa CrncevicCedevita+ 13'18
59Jonathan BellisSauber Petronas Racing+ 13'40
60Tyler BrandtGlanbia+ 13'46
61Jakub NovakIndosat Ooredoo+ 13'49
62Michael KolarIndosat Ooredoo+ 13'56
63Remy RochasBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 14'47
64Antoine DuchesneVoyagin - Bird+ 15'00
65Reinhardt Janse van RensburgProject: Africa+ 15'30
66Mauro SchmidJura GIANTS+ 15'41
67Nathan HaasGlanbia+ 16'07
68Kemp OroscoPodium Ambition+ 16'09
69Oscar CabanasRed Bull Zalgiris+ 16'39
70Andrew NorbertPodium Ambition+ 17'09
71Mick Van DijkePhilips - Force India+ 17'28
72Joonas HenttalaPhilips - Force India+ 17'49
73Cristian RodriguezBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 17'51
74Izidor PenkoCedevita+ 19'04
75Michael ChristodoulosCedevita+ 19'06
76Roman SenyenovTrans Looney Tunes+ 19'15
77Luca WackermannBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 20'16
78Daniel MartinGlanbia+ 20'28
79Nathan AlexanderPodium Ambition+ 20'41
80Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racing+ 20'47
81Mattias Skjelmose JensenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 20'52
82Hugo ForssellCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 20'56
83Albert KirevaProject: Africa+ 21'05
84Simon PellaudSauber Petronas Racing+ 21'33
85Rasmus SteroboOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 21'37
86Shiki KuroedaPhilips - Force India+ 21'58
87Sachin DulanjanaSauber Petronas Racing+ 22'17
88Atsushi OkaVoyagin - Bird+ 22'18
89Dylan RedyPodium Ambition+ 22'46
90Andreas Odie Purnama SetiawaIndosat Ooredoo+ 22'55
91Florian VermeerschXero Racing+ 23'13
92Jiri PolnickyVoyagin - Bird+ 23'18
93Shoi MatsudaVoyagin - Birds.t.
94Miori KawasakiVoyagin - Bird+ 23'20
95Nikita UmerbekovEddie Stobarts.t.
96Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobart+ 24'33
97Kristaps BudenieksStrava+ 24'44
98Simone ConsonniRed Bull Zalgiris+ 25'34
99Floris De TierEddie Stobart+ 26'05
100Gregory HugentoblerEddie Stobart+ 26'11
101Muhammad Suhaimi GhaniSauber Petronas Racing+ 26'17
102Dealton Nur Arif PrayogoIndosat Ooredoo+ 26'19
103Samuel GazeAir New Zealand+ 26'52
104Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobik+ 26'58
105Matic GroseljCedevita+ 27'29
106Jan GhyselinckTrans Looney Tunes+ 27'39
107Jordan CheyneGlanbia+ 27'41
108Bob SchoonbroodtSauber Petronas Racing+ 27'51
109Adam PhelanAir New Zealand+ 27'57
110Arturs BelevicsCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 28'14
111Noam CohenJura GIANTS+ 28'22
112Morne Van NiekerkXero Racing+ 28'24
113Juraj BellanTryg - Gobiks.t.
114Jesper HansenStrava+ 28'54
115Manuel StockerJura GIANTS+ 28'59
116Sirak TesfomProject: Africa+ 29'09
117Gabor FejesOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 29'14
118Taylor GunmanAir New Zealand+ 29'15
119Jonathan CroesPodium Ambition+ 30'48
120Michael MatthewsPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 30'58
121Miles ScotsonGlanbia+ 31'23
122Alexandros MatsangosJura GIANTS+ 31'47
123Sonny ColbrelliStrava+ 32'12
124Firdaus AhmadIndosat Ooredoo+ 32'21
125Tyler ColePodium Ambition+ 32'23
126Elia FavilliPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 33'26
127Vadim RatiyPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 34'26
128Thanawut SanikwathiStrava+ 35'03
129Felix Emilio BesadaPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 36'44
130John ArchibaldOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 38'12
131William MaesenStrava+ 38'13
132Tom DumoulinPhilips - Force India+ 39'06
133Roger AdriaTryg - Gobik+ 42'13
134Yudai ArashiroVoyagin - Bird+ 46'05
135Gabriel ChavanneJura GIANTS+ 47'05
136Oliver NaesenAir New Zealand+ 49'23
137Nils BrunBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 50'04
138Christoph JanssenJura GIANTS+ 50'51
139Maris BogdanovicsEddie Stobart+ 53'41
140Nils SchomberXero Racing+ 56'58
141Jakub SkalaAir New Zealand+ 57'31
142Julius JohansenPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1h01'09
143Cristian PerezPodium Ambition+ 1h01'23
144Fatiu AbolajiTryg - Gobik+ 1h04'25
145Alexis RenardBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 1h05'43
146Darren YoungXero Racing+ 1h06'34
147Shane ArchboldAir New Zealand+ 1h10'27
148Owain DoullTrans Looney Tunes+ 1h13'48
149Oier LazkanoBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 1h13'50
150Wen Hao LiRed Bull Zalgiris+ 1h14'07
151Christoph TaubelPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1h18'04
152Michael Valgren AndersenOktal Pharma - TotalTV+ 1h19'27

Points Standings

1Tomohiro KinoshitaVoyagin - Bird86
2Bruno BorgesIndosat Ooredoo60
3Tejay Van GarderenSauber Petronas Racing43
4Alex AranburuCarlsberg - Danske Bank42
5Antoine DuchesneVoyagin - Bird41
6Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes41
7Lilian CalmejaneTrans Looney Tunes26
8Tiesj BenootPhilips - Force India24
9Gianni MosconJura GIANTS23
10Travis MeyerEddie Stobart23
11Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africa20
12Xuban ErrazkinRed Bull Zalgiris20
13Sean McKennaGlanbia19
14Marc HirschiSauber Petronas Racing19
15Daniele Dall'OsteStrava16
16David GauduCedevita15
17Hugo HouleXero Racing14
18Jordan CheyneGlanbia14
19Adam PhelanAir New Zealand14
20Olivier Le GacOktal Pharma - TotalTV12
21Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobik12
22Costa SeibebProject: Africa10
23Kristaps BudenieksStrava10
24Samuel SsabagwanyaProject: Africa6
25Stefan PetrovskiOktal Pharma - TotalTV6
26Tomoyuki IinoTrans Looney Tunes6
27Marcel AreggerJura GIANTS6
28Luca WackermannBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren5
29Oliver NaesenAir New Zealand4
30Quentin PacherBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren4
31Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand3
32Teten RohendiIndosat Ooredoo2
33Emanuel PiaskowyOktal Pharma - TotalTV2
34Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition2
35Gabor FejesOktal Pharma - TotalTV2

Mountain Standings

1Daniele Dall'OsteStrava43
2Kim Le CourtPodium Ambition13
3Travis MeyerEddie Stobart13
4Kristaps BudenieksStrava13
5Remy RochasBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren8
6Pawel PoljanskiStrava8
7Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobart7
8Jesper HansenStrava7
9Marc HirschiSauber Petronas Racing6
10Gianni MosconJura GIANTS6
11Adam PhelanAir New Zealand6
12Nils BrunBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren6
13Tejay Van GarderenSauber Petronas Racing5
14Antoine DuchesneVoyagin - Bird5
15Borislav IvanovOktal Pharma - TotalTV4
16Matteo FabbroAir New Zealand4
17Jordan CheyneGlanbia4
18Fabien DoubeyBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren4
19Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobik4
20William MaesenStrava4
21Hugo HouleXero Racing3
22Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes3
23Tomohiro KinoshitaVoyagin - Bird3
24Jonathan BellisSauber Petronas Racing2
25Bruno BorgesIndosat Ooredoo1
26Sean McKennaGlanbia1

Young Rider Standings

1Aidan Van NiekerkProject: Africa18h53'05 (1)
2Marc HirschiSauber Petronas Racing+ 1'26 (2)
3Daniel HabtemichaelXero Racing+ 1'59 (3)
4Tobias Halland JohannessenTryg - Gobik+ 4'11 (4)
5Mauro SchmidJura GIANTS+ 14'37 (5)
6Kemp OroscoPodium Ambition+ 15'05 (6)
7Andrew NorbertPodium Ambition+ 16'05 (7)
8Mick Van DijkePhilips - Force India+ 16'24 (8)
9Michael ChristodoulosCedevita+ 18'02 (9)
10Nathan AlexanderPodium Ambition+ 19'37 (10)
11Mattias Skjelmose JensenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 19'48 (11)
12Hugo ForssellCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 19'52 (12)
13Dylan RedyPodium Ambition+ 21'42 (13)
14Florian VermeerschXero Racing+ 22'09 (14)
15Shoi MatsudaVoyagin - Bird+ 22'14 (15)
16Miori KawasakiVoyagin - Bird+ 22'16 (16)
17Georgios KaloniatisTryg - Gobik+ 25'54 (17)
18Jonathan CroesPodium Ambition+ 29'44 (18)
19Alexandros MatsangosJura GIANTS+ 30'43 (19)
20Firdaus AhmadIndosat Ooredoo+ 31'17 (20)
21Tyler ColePodium Ambition+ 31'19 (21)
22Roger AdriaTryg - Gobik+ 41'09 (22)
23Nils BrunBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 49'00 (23)
24Christoph JanssenJura GIANTS+ 49'47 (24)
25Julius JohansenPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1h00'05 (25)
26Cristian PerezPodium Ambition+ 1h00'19 (26)
27Fatiu AbolajiTryg - Gobik+ 1h03'21 (27)
28Alexis RenardBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 1h04'39 (28)
29Oier LazkanoBordeaux Metropole - Euskotren+ 1h12'46 (29)

Team Standings

1Trans Looney Tunes17h08'3655h03'19 (1)
2Oktal Pharma - TotalTVs.t.+ 37 (2)
3Bordeaux Metropole - Euskotrens.t.+ 4'31 (3)
4Sauber Petronas Racing+ 6'55+ 7'28 (4)
5Philips - Force India+ 7'37+ 8'35 (5)
6Project: Africa+ 12'32+ 10'42 (6)
7Cedevita+ 11'16+ 11'27 (7)
8Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 13'35+ 13'27 (8)
9Red Bull Zalgiris+ 15'33+ 16'40 (9)
10Jura GIANTS+ 16'09+ 17'21 (10)
11Glanbia+ 18'18+ 18'55 (11)
12Indosat Ooredoo+ 20'24+ 18'59 (12)
13Xero Racing+ 20'37+ 20'24 (13)
14Tryg - Gobik+ 11'10+ 24'59 (14)
15Air New Zealand+ 23'24+ 26'16 (15)
16Voyagin - Bird+ 26'50+ 29'08 (16)
17Strava+ 15'40+ 30'43 (17)
18Podium Ambition+ 30'43+ 33'26 (18)
19Eddie Stobart+ 22'20+ 34'51 (19)
20Pas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 35'12+ 47'56 (20)

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