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Giro d'Italia - Stage 3
Ulrich Ulriksen
Giro d’Italia


Stage 3 Report

Stage 3 of the Giro takes the peloton from San Salvo to Pescara. It is the first hilly stage of the race with 2 cat 4’s and 2 cat 3’s all packed into the last third of the 158k course. There are also a few other uncategorized climbs. 2 sprint points are placed close together near the end as well.

The stage favorites are the puncheurs but the Maglia Rosa is not only a great sprinter but also one of the best puncheurs and tops the favorites list. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/zpc.png Yates is probably his biggest rival. Although the organizers think pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/hsk.png Grosu is also strong enough to survive.


The first attack comes from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Gayral, he likes that jersey. With him is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/yor.png Suter, who is wearing white on behalf of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/akm.png Dainese who is wearing Cicliamino on behalf of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pum.png Demare. These two have 1’35. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/grm.png Lastra, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/isa.png Mraouni, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Andersen trying to join them but Polar is chasing in the peloton.


Polar, Huski and Puma shut down the chasing threesome and then another threesome but 3rd time seems to be a charm as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Otruba, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Verschaeve, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png Munoz have been allowed to build a 30 second gap. The front two have 1’35 with 30k gone and 127k to go.


8k later Otruba, Verschaeve and Munoz join up with Gayral at the front. Suter is dropped and peloton is only 52 seconds behind.


103k to go and the break finally seems settled. The prior 4 are joined by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/akm.png Van Poucke and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Pronskiy to make a 6-man break with half of them Isostar riders. Suter is back in the pack, which is at 2’13.


85k to go for the peloton, 30k to the first KOM, the breaks still being kept on a short leash, with a gap of just 1’58. Working in the peloton are Polar (Noia), Huski (Van den Berg), Zwift (Tejada), Los Pollos (Abdul Halil), De Stijl (Nur Hasan) and EA (Pelikan)


59k to go the lead is down to 1’38 as the peloton reaches the base of the first categorized climb which leads to Villamagna (Cat 4, 2.4k at 6%). 11 riders have been dropped and there have been additional splits at times.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/akm.png Van Poucke launches first and holds his lead to the top of the climb. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png Munoz and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Gayral take 2nd and 3rd.


The second categorized climb comes with 45k to ride. The Cat 3 climb is a brutal 2.2k with an average of 10.1%. De Stijl are driving the pace now. Young American star pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mol.png McNulty is looking good on the descent and has his leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mol.png Galta well positioned, as the peloton prepares to attack the climb.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png Munoz attacks first. The Isostar trio biding their time at the back. Behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/dsc.png Bol is sacrificing himself and has the peloton at 1’04.


At the top Van Poucke comes around Munoz to take maximum points. Then the there Isostars with Gayral taking 3rd on the climb pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Otruba further back and potentially done for the day.


Van Poucke and Gayral now tied for the virtual KOM lead. The peloton dropped further back on the climb but there are 18k to the next categorized climb so not clear if the break will make it. Before that the two sprint points.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Gayral takes first at the first sprint point which is at the top of a small climb. He has 16 seconds on the other 4. The peloton at 1’21, it is down to 130 riders, no stage or GC contenders dropped but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/akm.png Dainese is off the back which signals the end of his time in the White Jersey.


The break comes back to Gayral (except for Otruba, who is caught) before the 2nd sprint point but he wins it anyway. The gap to the peloton is 1’04 with 32k to go. The peloton is now down to just 55 riders with many of the key mountain domestiques, like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Blums and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/brs.png Ndayisenga, taking it easy today. Among stage contenders and GC riders only pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/ubs.png Müller is dropped. Although Aker may be disappointed to see their leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/akm.png Amezawa dropped early on a stage like this.


28k to go and 3k to the top of the 2nd Cat 3 (3.4k at 6.9%) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Gayral attacks again. He seems to have the most left thanks to the support from his teammates. De Stijl still leading the peloton behind.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/aeg.png Munoz stays with him for a while but by the time he reaches the top Gayral is on his own. This should be enough to keep the Maglia Azzurra on his shoulders. He has 1’03 on the peloton, Munoz has 19 seconds and the others are cuaght.


17k to go for the leader. He might be dreaming of adding a stage win to the KOM jersey as De Stilj has run out of riders and the chase has slowed and is back to 65 riders. The gap is 1’24. Still one more Cat 4 climb which comes with 9k left in the stage.


14k to go and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/dsc.png Meintjes decides to take things into his own hands with an attack. He needs to gain 52 seconds to reach the leader.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/hsk.png Grosu shows some interest in going with Meintjes but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Khodayari shuts them down, Evonik not interested in giving any time to a rider like Meintjes. Gayral’s lead is reduced to 36 seconds, 12k to go.


As pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Gayral hits the final Cat 4 (1.7k at 8.4%), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/dsc.png Meintjes tries again.


Meintjes is shut down again but a counter attack from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lph.png Kelderman, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/zpc.png Yates, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/eav.png Valter, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/hsk.png Grosu signals the end of Gayral’s chances.


That attack goes nowhere. Over the top it is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Hirt, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/tti.png Sivakov, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pol.png Bernal, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mol.png Galta having a go.


That attack is also closed down and a group of 44 riders completes the descent together and starts the final flat 5k togehter. Kelderman on the front. All the key contenders are there. Among the sprinters Demare and Grosu are joined by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/yor.png Cullaigh in the front group. Although he is right at the back of the group and may have nothing left.


With 3.5k to go Valter puts his head down and has another go. Meintjes, Grosu and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Oomen follow.


That ends the same way as all the prior attacks. With 2k pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Geoghegan Hart and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Hirt have a go.


Geoghegan Hart fades but under the 1k banner Hirt has a tiny lead. Next is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pol.png Bernal then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier, who has been biding his time. But the big danger has to come from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pum.png Demare, he is in a great position along the barriers to the right.


500 meters for Hirt. Bernal 2nd then Demare and Grosu followed by Lecuisinier and Geoghegan Hart.


300 meters and Hirt looks like he isn’t going to make it. Grosu trying to do on a hilly stage what he failed miserably to do on the flat stages.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/hsk.png Grosu gets a stage win. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pum.png Demare completes his set of podium finishes in the first 3 stages with 2nd. He will extend his race lead to 20 seconds, ahead of Grosu.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/mos.png Hirt holds on for 3rd. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/evo.png Lecuisinier goes by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/pol.png Bernal to take 4th.


A close contest sees pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lpu.png Oomen beat pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/brs.png Madrazo and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/eav.png Valter for 5th. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/lph.png Munoz will be happy with 9th while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2022/Micros/iso.png Geoghegan Hart gets 10th.

Demare also retains the points jersey, he is now 31 points ahead of Dainese. Bernal is the new best young rider although he is on the same time as 5 others. Gazelle take the teams lead, they are on the same time as Isostar and Evonik.

Stage Results

1Eduard GrosuHuski Chocolate3h55'04
2Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
3Jan HirtMoser - Sygics.t.
4Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKOs.t.
5Egan BernalPolars.t.
6Sam OomenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
7Angel MadrazoBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
8Attila ValterEA Vesuvios.t.
9Daniel MunozLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
10Tao Geoghegan HartIsostar - Specializeds.t.
11Joao AlmeidaDuolingos.t.
12Wilco KeldermanLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
13Fredrik Strand GaltaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
14Pavel SivakovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
15Warren BarguilTeam UBSs.t.
16Alex KirschEA Vesuvios.t.
17Primoz RoglicKing Powers.t.
18Neilson PowlessZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
19Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshires.t.
20Marc GoosAegon - Peronis.t.
21Anatoliy SosnitskiyGazelles.t.
22Miltiadis GiannoutsosELCO - ABEAs.t.
23Michail MavrikakisELCO - ABEAs.t.
24Denys KarnulinGazelles.t.
25Vadim PronskiyIsostar - Specializeds.t.
26Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
27Louis VervaekeGazelles.t.
28Simon YatesZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
29Farzad KhodayariEvonik - ELKOs.t.
30Louis MeintjesDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
31Francesco BongiornoISA - Hexactas.t.
32Joshua GayralIsostar - Specializeds.t.
33Sigurd NessetGrieg-Maersks.t.
34Matvey MamykinTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
35Ion IzagirrePolars.t.
36Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAP+ 56
37Brandon McNultyMOL Cycling Teams.t.
38Mektel EyobBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
39Keagan GirdlestoneEA Vesuvios.t.
40Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
41Pedro SequeraTeam UBSs.t.
42Yikui NiuTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
43Thery SchirTeam UBSs.t.
44Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
45Aleksey RybalkinTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
46Patrick BevinKing Powers.t.
47Robinson Steven RuizLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
48Sakari LehtinenEvonik - ELKOs.t.
49Georgios StavrakakisELCO - ABEAs.t.
50Byron MuntonEA Vesuvios.t.
51Jhonatan NarvaezZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
52Ignacio Jesus PradoMoser - Sygics.t.
53Ziga RucigajEA Vesuvios.t.
54Ruben GuerreiroDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
55Cristian MunozAegon - Peronis.t.
56Nikolaos IoannidisELCO - ABEAs.t.
57Aaron Van PouckeAker - MOTs.t.
58Viktor VerschaeveIsostar - Specializeds.t.
59Cees BolDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
60Daniel Felipe MartinezISA - Hexactas.t.
61Harold TejadaZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
62Dmitry TrakhovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
63Pedro Pablo PereyraMOL Cycling Teams.t.
64Dmitry StrakhovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
65Thomas PidcockcycleYorkshires.t.
66Kelland O'BrienTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
67Mathieu Van der PoelGrieg-Maersk+ 2'03
68Sakchai PhodingamKing Powers.t.
69Juan OsorioISA - Hexactas.t.
70Janos PelikanEA Vesuvios.t.
71Muhammad AbdurrahmanTeam UBSs.t.
72Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
73Ildar ArslanovGazelles.t.
74Patrick KonradGazelles.t.
75Dominik FuchsTeam UBSs.t.
76Getachew SendekuISA - Hexactas.t.
77Matteo JorgensonZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
78Enzo WoutersDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
79Jordi MeeusHuski Chocolates.t.
80Rune HerregodtsKing Powers.t.
81Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
82Yuttana ManoKing Powers.t.
83Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
84Valerio ContiHuski Chocolates.t.
85Inigo EloseguiDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
86Willie SmitEA Vesuvio+ 2'43
87Stefano OldaniPolars.t.
88Tim KennaughcycleYorkshires.t.
89Bas Van der KooijHuski Chocolates.t.
90Artem NychPolars.t.
91Daniel Alexander JaramilloIsostar - Specializeds.t.
92Ide SchellingHuski Chocolates.t.
93Frederico FigueiredoGazelles.t.
94Andreas LeknessundGazelles.t.
95Javier RomocycleYorkshires.t.
96Ka Hoo FungKing Powers.t.
97Valens NdayisengaBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
98Moise MugishaBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
99Dion SmithKing Powers.t.
100Jakub OtrubaMoser - Sygics.t.
101Sandy Nur HasanDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
102Michael VanthourenhoutKing Power+ 3'34
103Dominik NeumanMoser - Sygics.t.
104Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peronis.t.
105Stefan De BodDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
106Trond Hakon TrondsenGrieg-Maersks.t.
107Jannik SteimleTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
108Maurits LammertinkHuski Chocolates.t.
109Davide VillellaIsostar - Specializeds.t.
110Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
111Jonathan LastraGrieg-Maersks.t.
112Michael HepburnEA Vesuvios.t.
113Benjamin BrkicGrieg-Maersks.t.
114Davide GabburoDuolingos.t.
115Antonio BarbioTeam UBSs.t.
116Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
117Houcaine El SabbahiBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
118Jan Drago PetelinIsostar - Specializeds.t.
119Juan Pedro LopezZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
120Omer GoldsteinHuski Chocolates.t.
121Julius Van den BergHuski Chocolate+ 4'18
122Edison BravoAker - MOTs.t.
123Nik CemazarTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
124Alberto DaineseAker - MOTs.t.
125Mohamad Izzat Hilmi Abdul HalilLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
126Giovanni CarboniAegon - Peronis.t.
127Morten HulgaardGrieg-Maersks.t.
128Samuel MugishaBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
129Diego Agustin FerreyraISA - Hexactas.t.
130Alan BanaszekTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
131Akil CampbellZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
132Giovanni AleottiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
133Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexactas.t.
134Idar AndersenIsostar - Specializeds.t.
135Tim DeesGazelles.t.
136Jaka PrimozicAker - MOTs.t.
137Simon CarrZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
138Ilia KoshevoyISA - Hexactas.t.
139Stanislau BazhkouGrieg-Maersks.t.
140Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Peronis.t.
141Rigoberto UranTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
142Salah Eddine MraouniISA - Hexactas.t.
143Michal KukrleMoser - Sygics.t.
144Alexander FoliforovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
145Siim KiskonenMoser - Sygics.t.
146Patrick MüllerTeam UBSs.t.
147Alexander KampAker - MOTs.t.
148Giulio CicconeAegon - Peronis.t.
149Thomas KoepAegon - Peronis.t.
150Yuriy NatarovTeam UBS+ 5'08
151Takeaki AmezawaAker - MOTs.t.
152Alexander KonychevAker - MOTs.t.
153Joel YatesDuolingos.t.
154Carlo NoiaPolars.t.
155Joel SutercycleYorkshires.t.
156Norman VahtraDuolingos.t.
157Michael O'LoughlincycleYorkshires.t.
158Davide AppollonioMoser - Sygics.t.
159Andreas StokbroAker - MOTs.t.
160Michael Van StayenDuolingos.t.
161Karol Andrzej DomagalskiMOL Cycling Team+ 6'09
162Ivano Lo CiceroMOL Cycling Teams.t.
163George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Teams.t.
164Jimmy MuhindoMOL Cycling Teams.t.
165Elia VivianicycleYorkshires.t.
166Hector Carretero MillanMOL Cycling Teams.t.
167Piotr HavikEvonik - ELKOs.t.
168Jan BrockhoffPolars.t.
169Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
170Jasper PhilipsenPolars.t.
171Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 6'36
172Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 7'00
173Tosh Van der SandeDuolingos.t.
174Cameron ScottDuolingos.t.
175Kaden GrovesDuolingos.t.
176Charalampas KastrantasELCO - ABEA+ 7'47
177Ioannidis KiriakidisELCO - ABEAs.t.
178Stylianos FarantakisELCO - ABEAs.t.
179Aimiliano VilaELCO - ABEA+ 8'40
180Mathias NorsgaardGrieg-Maersk+ 9'07
181Itamar EinhornAegon - Peroni+ 9'37
182Edoardo AffiniDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
183Riccardo PuttiPolars.t.
184Miguel HeidemannTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
185Frederik RodenbergcycleYorkshire+ 11'23
186Matthew WallsLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
187Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
188Luca SterbiniLos Pollos Hermanos+ 16'50

GC Standings

1Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP12h00'00
2Eduard GrosuHuski Chocolate+ 20
3Simon YatesZwift Pro Cycling+ 28
4Jan HirtMoser - Sygic+ 32
5Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshire+ 40
6Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKOs.t.
7Sam OomenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
8Tao Geoghegan HartIsostar - Specializeds.t.
9Fredrik Strand GaltaMOL Cycling Teams.t.
10Egan BernalPolars.t.
11Warren BarguilTeam UBSs.t.
12Alex KirschEA Vesuvios.t.
13Primoz RoglicKing Powers.t.
14Louis MeintjesDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
15Pavel SivakovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
16Neilson PowlessZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
17Denys KarnulinGazelles.t.
18Angel MadrazoBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
19Michail MavrikakisELCO - ABEAs.t.
20Marc GoosAegon - Peronis.t.
21Joao AlmeidaDuolingos.t.
22Miltiadis GiannoutsosELCO - ABEAs.t.
23Daniel MunozLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
24Francesco BongiornoISA - Hexactas.t.
25Sigurd NessetGrieg-Maersks.t.
26Matvey MamykinTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
27Attila ValterEA Vesuvios.t.
28Wilco KeldermanLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
29Vadim PronskiyIsostar - Specializeds.t.
30Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
31Ion IzagirrePolars.t.
32Farzad KhodayariEvonik - ELKOs.t.
33Louis VervaekeGazelles.t.
34Anatoliy SosnitskiyGazelles.t.
35Cees BolDe Stijl Cycling+ 1'16
36Aaron Van PouckeAker - MOT+ 1'30
37Cristian MunozAegon - Peronis.t.
38Yikui NiuTeam Puma - SAP+ 1'36
39Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
40Georgios StavrakakisELCO - ABEAs.t.
41Mektel EyobBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
42Ziga RucigajEA Vesuvios.t.
43Nikolaos IoannidisELCO - ABEAs.t.
44Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
45Kelland O'BrienTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
46Dmitry StrakhovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
47Dmitry TrakhovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
48Robinson Steven RuizLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
49Ruben GuerreiroDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
50Thomas PidcockcycleYorkshires.t.
51Keagan GirdlestoneEA Vesuvios.t.
52Jhonatan NarvaezZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
53Pedro SequeraTeam UBSs.t.
54Ignacio Jesus PradoMoser - Sygics.t.
55Pedro Pablo PereyraMOL Cycling Teams.t.
56Viktor VerschaeveIsostar - Specializeds.t.
57Harold TejadaZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
58Thery SchirTeam UBSs.t.
59Brandon McNultyMOL Cycling Teams.t.
60Patrick BevinKing Powers.t.
61Sakari LehtinenEvonik - ELKOs.t.
62Daniel Felipe MartinezISA - Hexactas.t.
63Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
64Byron MuntonEA Vesuvios.t.
65Aleksey RybalkinTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
66Jordi MeeusHuski Chocolate+ 2'43
67Janos PelikanEA Vesuvios.t.
68Patrick KonradGazelles.t.
69Juan OsorioISA - Hexactas.t.
70Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
71Dominik FuchsTeam UBSs.t.
72Inigo EloseguiDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
73Mathieu Van der PoelGrieg-Maersks.t.
74Valerio ContiHuski Chocolates.t.
75Getachew SendekuISA - Hexactas.t.
76Enzo WoutersDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
77Muhammad AbdurrahmanTeam UBSs.t.
78Ildar ArslanovGazelles.t.
79Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
80Rune HerregodtsKing Powers.t.
81Yuttana ManoKing Powers.t.
82Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
83Sakchai PhodingamKing Powers.t.
84Matteo JorgensonZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
85Bas Van der KooijHuski Chocolate+ 3'23
86Ide SchellingHuski Chocolates.t.
87Valens NdayisengaBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
88Artem NychPolars.t.
89Daniel Alexander JaramilloIsostar - Specializeds.t.
90Stefano OldaniPolars.t.
91Andreas LeknessundGazelles.t.
92Tim KennaughcycleYorkshires.t.
93Willie SmitEA Vesuvios.t.
94Sandy Nur HasanDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
95Dion SmithKing Powers.t.
96Frederico FigueiredoGazelles.t.
97Jakub OtrubaMoser - Sygics.t.
98Moise MugishaBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
99Ka Hoo FungKing Powers.t.
100Javier RomocycleYorkshires.t.
101Trond Hakon TrondsenGrieg-Maersk+ 4'14
102Michael HepburnEA Vesuvios.t.
103Jannik SteimleTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
104Houcaine El SabbahiBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
105Michael VanthourenhoutKing Powers.t.
106Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peronis.t.
107Omer GoldsteinHuski Chocolates.t.
108Jan Drago PetelinIsostar - Specializeds.t.
109Maurits LammertinkHuski Chocolates.t.
110Dominik NeumanMoser - Sygics.t.
111Davide VillellaIsostar - Specializeds.t.
112Antonio BarbioTeam UBSs.t.
113Davide GabburoDuolingos.t.
114Benjamin BrkicGrieg-Maersks.t.
115Jonathan LastraGrieg-Maersks.t.
116Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
117Stefan De BodDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
118Juan Pedro LopezZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
119Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
120Alberto DaineseAker - MOT+ 4'38
121Alan BanaszekTinkoff - La Datcha Team+ 4'58
122Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexactas.t.
123Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Peronis.t.
124Patrick MüllerTeam UBSs.t.
125Tim DeesGazelles.t.
126Mohamad Izzat Hilmi Abdul HalilLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
127Alexander KampAker - MOTs.t.
128Giovanni CarboniAegon - Peronis.t.
129Julius Van den BergHuski Chocolates.t.
130Idar AndersenIsostar - Specializeds.t.
131Simon CarrZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
132Nik CemazarTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
133Diego Agustin FerreyraISA - Hexactas.t.
134Giulio CicconeAegon - Peronis.t.
135Akil CampbellZwift Pro Cyclings.t.
136Jaka PrimozicAker - MOTs.t.
137Siim KiskonenMoser - Sygics.t.
138Ilia KoshevoyISA - Hexactas.t.
139Morten HulgaardGrieg-Maersks.t.
140Edison BravoAker - MOTs.t.
141Salah Eddine MraouniISA - Hexactas.t.
142Michal KukrleMoser - Sygics.t.
143Rigoberto UranTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
144Stanislau BazhkouGrieg-Maersks.t.
145Thomas KoepAegon - Peronis.t.
146Alexander FoliforovTinkoff - La Datcha Teams.t.
147Giovanni AleottiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
148Samuel MugishaBralirwa - Stevenss.t.
149Joshua GayralIsostar - Specialized+ 5'29
150Joel SutercycleYorkshire+ 5'44
151Davide AppollonioMoser - Sygic+ 5'48
152Takeaki AmezawaAker - MOTs.t.
153Alexander KonychevAker - MOTs.t.
154Carlo NoiaPolars.t.
155Michael Van StayenDuolingos.t.
156Yuriy NatarovTeam UBSs.t.
157Joel YatesDuolingos.t.
158Michael O'LoughlincycleYorkshires.t.
159Jasper PhilipsenPolar+ 6'49
160Piotr HavikEvonik - ELKOs.t.
161Ivano Lo CiceroMOL Cycling Teams.t.
162Hector Carretero MillanMOL Cycling Teams.t.
163Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
164Jan BrockhoffPolars.t.
165Elia VivianicycleYorkshires.t.
166Karol Andrzej DomagalskiMOL Cycling Teams.t.
167George Alexandru StancuMOL Cycling Teams.t.
168Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 7'16
169Tosh Van der SandeDuolingo+ 7'40
170Kaden GrovesDuolingos.t.
171Cameron ScottDuolingos.t.
172Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
173Stylianos FarantakisELCO - ABEA+ 8'27
174Ioannidis KiriakidisELCO - ABEAs.t.
175Charalampas KastrantasELCO - ABEAs.t.
176Aimiliano VilaELCO - ABEA+ 9'20
177Itamar EinhornAegon - Peroni+ 10'17
178Edoardo AffiniDe Stijl Cyclings.t.
179Miguel HeidemannTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
180Riccardo PuttiPolars.t.
181Jimmy MuhindoMOL Cycling Team+ 10'30
182Andreas StokbroAker - MOT+ 11'10
183Norman VahtraDuolingo+ 12'01
184Matthew WallsLos Pollos Hermanos+ 12'03
185Frederik RodenbergcycleYorkshires.t.
186Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeams.t.
187Mathias NorsgaardGrieg-Maersk+ 13'28
188Luca SterbiniLos Pollos Hermanos+ 17'28

Points Standings

1Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP95
2Alberto DaineseAker - MOT64
3Eduard GrosuHuski Chocolate54
4Cees BolDe Stijl Cycling50
5Simon YatesZwift Pro Cycling30
6Alan BanaszekTinkoff - La Datcha Team28
7Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Peroni27
8Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshire26
9Joshua GayralIsostar - Specialized26
10Jasper PhilipsenPolar23
11Pierre-Henri LecuisinierEvonik - ELKO22
12Jan HirtMoser - Sygic22
13Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexacta20
14Egan BernalPolar17
15Sam OomenLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam15
16Tosh Van der SandeDuolingo14
17Andreas StokbroAker - MOT14
18Angel MadrazoBralirwa - Stevens13
19Attila ValterEA Vesuvio11
20Aaron Van PouckeAker - MOT10
21Cristian MunozAegon - Peroni10
22Norman VahtraDuolingo10
23Daniel MunozLos Pollos Hermanos9
24Trond Hakon TrondsenGrieg-Maersk8
25Bas Van der KooijHuski Chocolate8
26Stylianos FarantakisELCO - ABEA7
27Tao Geoghegan HartIsostar - Specialized7
28Ivano Lo CiceroMOL Cycling Team7
29Joel SutercycleYorkshire6
30Joao AlmeidaDuolingo6
31Davide AppollonioMoser - Sygic5
32Wilco KeldermanLos Pollos Hermanos5
33Luca SterbiniLos Pollos Hermanos4
34Fredrik Strand GaltaMOL Cycling Team4
35Pavel SivakovTinkoff - La Datcha Team3
36Viktor VerschaeveIsostar - Specialized3
37Vadim PronskiyIsostar - Specialized3
38Warren BarguilTeam UBS2
39Dmitry TrakhovTinkoff - La Datcha Team2

Mountain Standings

1Joshua GayralIsostar - Specialized17
2Aaron Van PouckeAker - MOT11
3Cristian MunozAegon - Peroni11
4Andreas StokbroAker - MOT6
5Jan HirtMoser - Sygic5
6Nik CemazarTeam Puma - SAP4
7Norman VahtraDuolingo4
8Pavel SivakovTinkoff - La Datcha Team3
9Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAP2
10Farzad KhodayariEvonik - ELKO2
11Egan BernalPolar1

Young Rider Standings

1Egan BernalPolar12h00'40 (1)
2Pavel SivakovTinkoff - La Datcha Team+ 0 (2)
3Joao AlmeidaDuolingo+ 0 (3)
4Miltiadis GiannoutsosELCO - ABEA+ 0 (4)
5Attila ValterEA Vesuvio+ 0 (5)
6Vadim PronskiyIsostar - Specialized+ 0 (6)
7Aaron Van PouckeAker - MOT+ 50 (7)
8Georgios StavrakakisELCO - ABEA+ 56 (8)
9Kelland O'BrienTeam Puma - SAP+ 56 (9)
10Robinson Steven RuizLos Pollos Hermanos+ 56 (10)
11Thomas PidcockcycleYorkshire+ 56 (11)
12Keagan GirdlestoneEA Vesuvio+ 56 (12)
13Jhonatan NarvaezZwift Pro Cycling+ 56 (13)
14Viktor VerschaeveIsostar - Specialized+ 56 (14)
15Harold TejadaZwift Pro Cycling+ 56 (15)
16Brandon McNultyMOL Cycling Team+ 56 (16)
17Byron MuntonEA Vesuvio+ 56 (17)
18Jordi MeeusHuski Chocolate+ 2'03 (18)
19Inigo EloseguiDe Stijl Cycling+ 2'03 (19)
20Muhammad AbdurrahmanTeam UBS+ 2'03 (20)
21Alejandro OsorioLos Pollos Hermanos+ 2'03 (21)
22Rune HerregodtsKing Power+ 2'03 (22)
23Yuttana ManoKing Power+ 2'03 (23)
24Eriks Toms GavarsEvonik - ELKO+ 2'03 (24)
25Sakchai PhodingamKing Power+ 2'03 (25)
26Matteo JorgensonZwift Pro Cycling+ 2'03 (26)
27Ide SchellingHuski Chocolate+ 2'43 (27)
28Stefano OldaniPolar+ 2'43 (28)
29Andreas LeknessundGazelle+ 2'43 (29)
30Sandy Nur HasanDe Stijl Cycling+ 2'43 (30)
31Jakub OtrubaMoser - Sygic+ 2'43 (31)
32Moise MugishaBralirwa - Stevens+ 2'43 (32)
33Ka Hoo FungKing Power+ 2'43 (33)
34Javier RomocycleYorkshire+ 2'43 (34)
35Houcaine El SabbahiBralirwa - Stevens+ 3'34 (35)
36Mauri VansevenantAegon - Peroni+ 3'34 (36)
37Maxim Van GilsLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 3'34 (37)
38Juan Pedro LopezZwift Pro Cycling+ 3'34 (38)
39Viktor PotockiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 3'34 (39)
40Alberto DaineseAker - MOT+ 3'58 (40)
41Alan BanaszekTinkoff - La Datcha Team+ 4'18 (41)
42Idar AndersenIsostar - Specialized+ 4'18 (42)
43Simon CarrZwift Pro Cycling+ 4'18 (43)
44Nik CemazarTeam Puma - SAP+ 4'18 (44)
45Diego Agustin FerreyraISA - Hexacta+ 4'18 (45)
46Jaka PrimozicAker - MOT+ 4'18 (46)
47Siim KiskonenMoser - Sygic+ 4'18 (47)
48Morten HulgaardGrieg-Maersk+ 4'18 (48)
49Giovanni AleottiLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 4'18 (49)
50Samuel MugishaBralirwa - Stevens+ 4'18 (50)
51Joshua GayralIsostar - Specialized+ 4'49 (51)
52Joel SutercycleYorkshire+ 5'04 (52)
53Alexander KonychevAker - MOT+ 5'08 (53)
54Michael O'LoughlincycleYorkshire+ 5'08 (54)
55Jasper PhilipsenPolar+ 6'09 (55)
56Guillermo Andres BeltranLos Pollos Hermanos+ 6'09 (56)
57Aaron VerwilstLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 6'36 (57)
58Kaden GrovesDuolingo+ 7'00 (58)
59Cameron ScottDuolingo+ 7'00 (59)
60Ioannidis KiriakidisELCO - ABEA+ 7'47 (60)
61Aimiliano VilaELCO - ABEA+ 8'40 (61)
62Itamar EinhornAegon - Peroni+ 9'37 (62)
63Miguel HeidemannTeam Puma - SAP+ 9'37 (63)
64Andreas StokbroAker - MOT+ 10'30 (64)
65Matthew WallsLos Pollos Hermanos+ 11'23 (65)
66Frederik RodenbergcycleYorkshire+ 11'23 (66)
67Dilmurdjon SiddikovLierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 11'23 (67)
68Mathias NorsgaardGrieg-Maersk+ 12'48 (68)

Team Standings

1Gazelle36h02'00 (1)
2Isostar - Specialized+ 0 (2)
3Evonik - ELKO+ 0 (3)
4EA Vesuvio+ 56 (4)
5ELCO - ABEA+ 56 (5)
6Tinkoff - La Datcha Team+ 56 (6)
7Los Pollos Hermanos+ 56 (7)
8Zwift Pro Cycling+ 56 (8)
9Team UBS+ 1'52 (9)
10MOL Cycling Team+ 1'52 (10)
11De Stijl Cycling+ 1'52 (11)
12Team Puma - SAP+ 1'52 (12)
13Polar+ 2'43 (13)
14King Power+ 2'59 (14)
15ISA - Hexacta+ 2'59 (15)
16Bralirwa - Stevens+ 3'39 (16)
17Moser - Sygic+ 3'39 (17)
18cycleYorkshire+ 3'39 (18)
19Huski Chocolate+ 4'06 (19)
20Aegon - Peroni+ 4'30 (20)
21Grieg-Maersk+ 5'37 (21)
22Lierse SK - Pizza Ullo PCTeam+ 7'08 (22)
23Duolingo+ 8'42 (23)
24Aker - MOT+ 9'32 (24)

Man Game: McCormick Pro Cycling
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