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Il Gladiatore's 1971 DB Beta Release!
Il Gladiatore
A new historical project! This project will be from the year 1971. The year Merckx won the Tour de France and became World Champion. But also the year Ocaña had to give up in the Tour while he weared the yellow yersey with more then 7 minutes lead.

This DB will contain all the teams and riders from 1971. And also the correct races. It will also come with a lot of graphics, like faces and bicycles.

Shirts: 34/40
Database: 90%
Stages: 1/?

Merckx and Ocaña Pernia fighting for the yellow in the Tour.

Zoetemelk attacking on the Puy de Dôme

The peloton chasing Zoetemelk on the Puy de Dôme.

This is a big project. All help is welcome. If you want to help PM/Mail me.
Edited by Il Gladiatore on 19-01-2009 18:25
Good luck! Smile
Yes, good luck Smile Can you please add faces to Merckx, Ocana etc.?
I think it sounds good
So what are the teams that are being included?
Will you recreated similar races tot eh ones at the time?
Il Gladiatore
MrContador wrote:
Yes, good luck Smile Can you please add faces to Merckx, Ocana etc.?
i hope i can, there are not many photo's from that time, but big riders like merckx must be possible

are you going to do simular races?

yes, it will feature the right races, as much as possible
Now this is a great DB (I started watching cycling by then), I shall be looking forward to it! Banana
This is really a interesting project
Wow this looks like a good Project.
if this actually happens it would be very cool Smile
Macquet wrote:

"We all know that wasn't the real footage of the Worlds anyway. That was just the staged footage to perpetuate the coverup that it was actually Vinokourov that won the race."
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good luck Wink
Looks very interesting - though if it's released after Dankan's DB, it will probably have a very high standard to live up to.

Good Luck.Smile
Il Gladiatore
Hi everybody,

Just wanted to let you know we're working hard. And I still need somebody to help me with stages.
Cool that your still working on it Banana
Macquet wrote:

"We all know that wasn't the real footage of the Worlds anyway. That was just the staged footage to perpetuate the coverup that it was actually Vinokourov that won the race."
Il Gladiatore
t-baum wrote:
Cool that your still working on it Banana

Why should I stopPfft
Il Gladiatore
I uploaded some more screensWink
Cool, nice Grin
Looking good ! Grin
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When is it finished? 1 month, 2 months, to weeks, to days, foru hours, fem months, one week? Smile
Never ask that, it annoys the hell out of people. It's out when it's finished and tested properly.
Maggot wrote:
Never ask that, it annoys the hell out of people. It's out when it's finished and tested properly.

*applauds loudly*
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