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PCM.daily 2022 Database: Support/FAQ

In this thread, you can ask your general support questions and report any problems and bugs you find.

Before you do, make sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thoroughly to see if your problem has been listed there. If the solution offered in the FAQ below doesn't work for you, please mention this in your post.

Already reported bugs and the solutions (or fixing progress) can be found in the Reported bugs post below this.

Thread Rules

1. Don't ask questions about future release dates - updates will be done when they're done
2. No PMs to DB Team members. If you need support, we'll provide it in here
3. If you'd like to request something to be added in future updates, please use the wishlist thread

Please keep in mind that we're volunteers and we do this in our sometimes limited free time. Most of us are working or studying next to this, so be patient if you don't get a reply or we can't find a solution immediately.

In this post you can find the bugs that have been reported in the Support requests thread since the latest update of the PCM.daily 2022 Database. We will explain the bugs and provide you with a (temporary) solution if possible.

Pink Minijerseys / Quebec Stages / No Equipment

If you downloaded the full pack from the website before March 1st, ~6PM CET, you will notice a few Minijerseys not showing up/being pink, as well as Equipment not showing up properly and, in a few select cases, the default Quebec stage where it shouldn't be.

You can our Patch 1 files and follow the installation instructions detailed in Post #12 of this thread to fix these issues.

If you've downloaded the pack after the stated time, no need to worry as the whole pack has been fixed by now.
Edited by cunego59 on 01-03-2022 17:28

In this post you will find answers for the most frequently asked questions of the support thread and the support threads for previous databases.

Can I use other DBs with this installed?

Generally, yes. Be aware though that the changes to the Regen and Simulation xml files as well as some of the graphics changes affect all careers, even those with other DBs.

Is this DB available in the Steam workshop?

Yes! We've made our full DB available there, you can check it out here. Please be aware that you need to complete a few extra steps after subscribing to it to enjoy the full content. Those steps are detailed in the Steam description.

Is there a way to download only the .cdb file?

Hey guys,

I downloaded and installed the DB (full package) as instructed. So far so good, but in game the correct bikes still don't show up, just a lot of Cya Road frames. I rechecked and all frames are in my main 3D folder.
Cycling isn't a sport, it's a passion.
I think the .cdb file in the downloaded version of the database is not the one for the full version (with equipments).
Oof, the perils of releasing a dual DB ... @longimanus, can you check if everything works with the cdb linked in the FAQ right above your post?
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@Cunego59: That did the trick. Launched the Australian NC and both bikes and helmets are ok now.

Just noticed two pink squares in the loading screen where 2 'minishirts' don't show (global 6 cyclling & L39ion LA). Same in-game( next to ridername). No big deal for me, just wanted to let you know
Cycling isn't a sport, it's a passion.
longimanus wrote:
@Cunego59: That did the trick. Launched the Australian NC and both bikes and helmets are ok now.

Just noticed two pink squares in the loading screen where 2 'minishirts' don't show (global 6 cyclling & L39ion LA). Same in-game( next to ridername). No big deal for me, just wanted to let you know

Alright, good to hear. Must have been a mixup with the cdb files, we'll fix that. We're aware of those pink jerseys, too. There's going to be a small quick fix package available early tomorrow.
Some races logos (Strade bianche, Saudi tour, uae tour...) and some rider pictures (maybe not linked in the DB?) are missing
Hi there, you did a good job with this DB. I´ve installed it like explained, but I miss a lot of jearseys (pink screens and all similar kids in races) and all new add races are similar. What am I doing wrong? :-) Should all riders have a photo now? The are not shown in my game.
hunterkiller wrote:
Some races logos (Strade bianche, Saudi tour, uae tour...) and some rider pictures (maybe not linked in the DB?) are missing

Thanks for letting us know. Indeed, some constants in the DB have changed and I have missed changing the logo file names. Will be included in the patch coming up shortly as well.

MartinVee wrote:
Hi there, you did a good job with this DB. I´ve installed it like explained, but I miss a lot of jearseys (pink screens and all similar kids in races) and all new add races are similar. What am I doing wrong? :-) Should all riders have a photo now? The are not shown in my game.

This sounds like the files did not end up in the correct folders. Is it possible that you have Steam/PCM installed in a different folder than the standard one? The folder that you put all the contents from our Program Files folder into should look like this:


Note that you shouldn't extract the folder "Program Files" from our pack, but instead the folders within, so 3D, CM_Stages, Database, Gui and Xml.
PCM.daily 2022 DB - Patch 1

Note: If you've downloaded the database from our website after March 1st at around 3pm CET, you will not need this as the full pack has been updated as well. You also don't need this if you've installed the DB through Steam, that has been updated already, too.

Patch Notes

- Properly implements the equipment
- Fixes faulty minijerseys that had shown up pink
- Adds some race logos that hadn't worked properly
- Fixes some stages that showed up as the default Quebec stage


1. Download the Patch files.

2. Move the Mod folder to %AppData%/Pro Cycling Manager 2021. When asked to overwrite files, say yes.

3. Move the Gui and CM_Stages folders to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pro Cycling Manager 2021 or your respective main PCM directory. When asked to overwrite files, say yes.

4. That should do it! Let us know if you spot any other errors.
felipe_rincon wrote:
First of all thank you for the great work you do. I have the problem that the real bicycles do not appear even with the update, what have I done wrong?

Hmm, that's a bit weird. Could you try again to put this cdb file into the PCM21 -> Mod -> PCM.daily 2022 DB folder in %AppData%? That seemed to work for longimanus. Also, no need to post your question in two threads Wink
Vuelta A San Juan jersey leaders dont appear in the game, they have wrong size

I've seen that you added new regions (for regens ?). But the regions are not correct for a lot of actual riders. Will you work on that ?
If not, it is not a big problem for the gameplay and the DB is really good.
If you want, I can help with belgian riders.
Edited by -Alex- on 03-03-2022 12:00
Hey, possible to have In PCM 20 (Like The 2021) ?
hunterkiller wrote:
Vuelta A San Juan jersey leaders dont appear in the game, they have wrong size

Thanks, we'll fix that.

-Alex- wrote:

I've seen that you added new regions (for regens ?). But the regions are not correct for a lot of actual riders. Will you work on that ?
If not, it is not a big problem for the gameplay and the DB is really good.
If you want, I can help with belgian riders.

Regions is definetely something we want to address in a future update, yes. It would be great to get some help, I'll reach out per PM in the next few days to talk about how we can get you on board Smile

TheGameOfGame wrote:
Hey, possible to have In PCM 20 (Like The 2021) ?

Unfortunately not, no. It takes significant effort to convert the DB to PCM20, and we don't typically do that.
Other question : why is Wallays unavailable ?
- The 4th stage of the tour of sicily is broken at the end (flat finish, not mountain finish)

- There are two same stages at the Giro Italia 2020
For the Giro bug, the fix from here seems to still be working : https://pcmdaily....rowstart=0
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