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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] C2HC/C2 Results
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Volta a Catalunya - Stage 4

The pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Aramco boys did what they had to yesterday and put their leader Mas in a great position to possibly win the GC. Today is the first chance for his competitors to regain some time on him in an interesting 200+ km mountain stage.


A break of 31 (!) riders are allowed some freedom. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bwt.png Kochetkov is definitely not the best climber here, but the others wait too long to start their sprint, so the Hyundai rider wins 16 KoM-points on the Alt de Coubet of first category. Other riders scoring decent points are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Lovik, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Hacecky, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bns.png Bevin and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Henao. Other decent climbers in this group are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Aasvold, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Lavery, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Shapira, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Martin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png McNulty, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Pavlic, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png Revard, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/sva.png Azman, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/sva.png Ji, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Medvedev and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/sva.png Palini. Both Strava and McCormick with five riders in the break, some other teams with three or four riders. This is definitely not a mission impossible. The peloton, led by Volcanica, HelloFresh, yellow jersey team Aramco and Glanbia are 5’30 behind with 180 km to the finish line. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Chaves and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Gaspar already on domestique duties.


6.5 km left to climb on the Collada de Toses. It’s percentage means nothing (3,2%), but its length is (32.5km) is what makes this mountain a climb of first category as well. Mostly the teams with some domestiques to spare that are doing the work in the breakaway, whereas the peloton is now 4’30” behind.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png Chaiyasombat and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png Hecht add some points to their KoM-tally at the top, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Henao does take the sixteen points ahead of them. 130 km to the finish. Peloton at 3’45”, thanks to some great work by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Tikhonin. Long descent now, before the riders head onto the two mountains hors catégorie!


Interesting! Five leaders who were at the back of the large breakaway see a gap forming between them and the 26 others ahead of them. It started raining, so the communication must be out, as none of the domestiques come back to help their leaders! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Shapira, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Martin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png McNulty, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/sva.png Ji and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Medvedev now wasting some unnecessary energy!


And we’re on the Port del Canto (HC)! 23 km at 4.7%, but the five first km are definitely not easy with most of the parts above ten percent. The peloton only 2’ behind with 18.5 km to climb.


Strava, Tafjord and McCormick keep the tempo high enough in the leading group, as rider after rider gets dropped and a breakaway of 18 remaining riders is 2’15” ahead of a peloton of less than fifty riders! The most important names dropped in the breakaway are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Medvedev and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Martin, while in the peloton the biggest names dropping so far are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bns.png Schleck and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/tlt.png Krasnoperov.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Henao and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Hacecky decide the time to attack has come! They instantly get a 40” lead over the rest of the breakaway riders, where Strava and McCormick are trying to reel them back in! Five km to climb and the gap of these two over the peloton is 1’45”! The peloton existing out of only 20-ish riders now, as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador himself is setting the pace there, already dropping pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Ratiy!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Hacecky drops pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Henao on his way to the top! 39 km left for the Mikeller rider, can he actually do it?!


Two minutes later pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bns.png Bevin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png Hecht and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bns.png Gillett take most of the remaining points. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador and the rest of the favourites a little bit behind this breakaway group still, but it’s important to notice that pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Chaves, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Herrada, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Salinas, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Gaspar and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gla.png Brandt have been dropped. Yellow jersey pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Paez still at the back of the Amador group.


The two leaders are back together as they start their climb of the Port-Ainé, also hors catégorie! In the valley, the domestiques of Strava and McCormick worked very hard, reducing the difference to 50”! The group of favourites an additional 50” behind. 14.5 km to the finish line!


The two at the front seem to be running out of energy, as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/esc.png Lovik makes the jump towards them in a matter of seconds! The other 14 breakaway riders only 20” behind though, as the group of favourites is also coming closer! 13 km to climb and this section of 16+% is definitely not the easiest!


The group of favourites joins the fourteen breakaway riders before they manage to reel the leading trio back in. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Brenes comes to the front, and everybody expects it will be to do some work for leader Amador. That’s not the case though, as Brenes attacks! He tries to bridge the gap towards the leading trio with 11.5 km to climb!


Was pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Hacecky playing games?! He feels the Volcanica rider coming closer and attacks again, is the stage win still possible for Mikeller?! Less than 10 km to go now! In the distance we can see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Brenes getting caught again by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Battaglin and the rest of the peloton.


The Pas Normal rider building a gap of 30+ seconds over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Henao, but here come the big guns! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Mas follows an attack of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/tlt.png Iino to make sure the yellow jersey stays inside the Aramco DP camp, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador is with them as well!


Never mind, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador is not with them! The Costa Rican can’t match the acceleration of the other two and has to make up fifteen seconds with 6.5 km to the finish line! The peloton, led by Strava, at an additional 30”!


The Volcanica rider makes it back to the front of the race with 5.7 km to go, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Mas immediately accelerates again, with nobody able to follow him! The Aramco rider now has 5 km to the finish line and 25” over his three chasers, where pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Hacecky is close to getting dropped. The other favourites now at 1’10” of the race lead, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bwt.png Barta in trouble there!


3.5 km left as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Mas’ gap over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/tlt.png Iino is still exactly 25”! Three men left the rest of the peloton behind and are at exactly 1’ of the race lead: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bwt.png Kozhatayev, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Potocki and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Roson!


Victory is coming closer for Aramco, but they are not there yet! Still 25” on his first chasers, who have just gained a man! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Potocki joined pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/tlt.png Iino with an amazing acceleration, can he perform that trick one more time to join the lead of the race?! The group of favourites now being split in several pieces, most recent victims dropping include pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gla.png Martin, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Borisavljevic, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bns.png Schultz, yellow jersey pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Paez and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Brenes.


Final km for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Mas, but he’s having trouble! The three chasers now at 15”!


Half a km left and gap now 10”! Good news for the Aramco rider is that it’s slightly descending towards the finish line now!


200 meters left, can he hold on?!


Yes! Close, but definitely a deserved victory for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/adp.png Mas! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/tlt.png Iino (2nd) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/vlf.png Amador (3rd) complete the podium ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Potocki (4th).


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bwt.png Kozhatayev finishing fifth at 35”, whereas pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/gct.png Roson in sixth comes in at an additional 20”.


At 1’20” of the first four, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Hacecky comes in seventh ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/sva.png Azman. The other riders crossing the line just behind them are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/bns.png Gillett, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Pavlic, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/taf.png Lavery, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png Diaz, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/hlf.png De Vos, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/sva.png Moschella, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/pns.png Shapira, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png Kuss and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2021/Micros/mck.png Hecht. Other riders lose at least another minute.


1Enric MasAramco DP5h45'56
2Tomoyuki IinoTrans Looney Tuness.t.
3Andrei AmadorVolcanica - Foxs.t.
4Pavel PotockiHelloFreshs.t.
5Bakhtiyar KozhatayevBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 34
6Jaime RosonGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 49
7Martin HaceckyPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 1'21
8Muhamad Zawawi AzmanStravas.t.
9Rhys GillettBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
10Marko PavlicTafjord Krafts.t.
11Philip LaveryTafjord Krafts.t.
12Daniel Ricardo DiazHelloFresh+ 1'48
13Sepp KussMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
14Adam De VosHelloFreshs.t.
15Artemio MoschellaStravas.t.
16Idan ShapiraPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
17Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
18Sebastian HenaoTafjord Kraft+ 2'49
19Andres PaezAramco DPs.t.
20Gregory BrenesVolcanica - Foxs.t.
21Milos BorisavljevicAramco DPs.t.
22Johan Esteban ChavesVolcanica - Foxs.t.
23Nicholas SchultzBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
24Brandon McNultyMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
25asmund Romstad LovikEddie Stobarts.t.
26Lorents Ola AasvoldGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
27Daniel MartinGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
28Enrico BattaglinHelloFresh+ 3'16
29Gilles HeymesHelloFresh+ 3'37
30Jianhua JiStravas.t.
31William BartaBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 4'49
32Andrea PaliniStrava+ 5'15
33Patrick BevinBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
34Thomas RevardMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
35Rudy MolardStravas.t.
36Roman SeigleMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
37Jesus HerradaVolcanica - Fox+ 6'18
38Jonathan SalinasGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
39Josue Gonzalez CortesVolcanica - Fox+ 7'00
40Benoit CosnefroyAramco DP+ 7'32
41Alexandre GeniezTrans Looney Tuness.t.
42Maher HasnaouiAramco DPs.t.
43Andy SchleckBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
44Guillaume MartinGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
45Cristian MunozTrans Looney Tuness.t.
46Anders Halland JohannessenTafjord Krafts.t.
47Lawson CraddockGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
48Vadim RatiyPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
49Joao GasparHelloFreshs.t.
50Tyler BrandtGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
51Carlos BarberoVolcanica - Fox+ 8'10
52Mario VogtPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
53Gregory DanielGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 8'33
54Matteo JorgensonVolcanica - Foxs.t.
55Peeter TarvisStravas.t.
56Nikita UmerbekovEddie Stobarts.t.
57Mikayil KrasnoperovTrans Looney Tuness.t.
58Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobart+ 9'03
59Jonathan McEvoyTrans Looney Tunes+ 9'56
60Anthon CharmigPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
61James KnoxTrans Looney Tuness.t.
62Stefano AgostiniEddie Stobarts.t.
63Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes+ 10'34
64Savva NovikovHelloFreshs.t.
65Valentin StoenchevBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
66Thymen ArensmanGjensidige Pro Cycling Teams.t.
67Thanakhan ChaiyasombatMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
68Eliot LietaerCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
69Wesley KrederStravas.t.
70Asbjorn HellemosePas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
71Maani AltanzulBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
72Dmitri MedvedevEddie Stobarts.t.
73Jaime CastrilloAramco DPs.t.
74Mikhail KochetkovBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
75Idar AndersenTafjord Kraft+ 11'21
76Daniel SaviniEddie Stobart+ 12'44
77Nathan HaasGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 14'14
78Romain VanderbiestCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 14'52
79Evgenii TikhoninHelloFreshs.t.
80Krzysztof MarchewkaBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
81Emils LiepinsCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
82Jonas Iversby HvidebergTafjord Kraft+ 15'18
83Eirik LunderTafjord Kraft+ 16'05
84Oleksandr ShevchenkoPas Normal Studios - Mikkellers.t.
85Kevin RiveraVolcanica - Foxs.t.
86Sean DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 17'01
87Mantas JanuskeviciusMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
88Michael O'LoughlinGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
89Alexandr KulikovskiyCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
90Siim KiskonenBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
91Stan Van TrichtCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 17'44
92Axel ZingleGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 20'07
93Cameron ScottBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 20'43
94Sep VanmarckePas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 21'01
95Jake MarryattBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 21'25
96James OramGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
97Regan GoughBNZ-Superhero Racings.t.
98Victor CampenaertsCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
99Benjamin ThomasAramco DPs.t.
100Emil AnderssonEddie Stobarts.t.
101Jasper PhilipsenBWT Hyundai N Cyclings.t.
102Sven VandousselaereCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
103Jarrad DriznersCrabbe-CC Chevignys.t.
104Carlo NoiaAramco DP+ 23'10
105Hugues MottinTrans Looney Tunes+ 25'44
106Oscar AvelinoGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 27'02
107Fabien TaillefourEddie Stobart+ 28'38
108Sam BennettGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 32'09
109Michael Valgren AndersenBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 34'57
110Christian RanneriesTafjord Kraft+ 36'11
111Dennis Van WindenMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 37'04


1Enric MasAramco DP14h32'11
2Tomoyuki IinoTrans Looney Tunes+ 44
3Pavel PotockiHelloFresh+ 1'32
4Andrei AmadorVolcanica - Fox+ 1'52
5Bakhtiyar KozhatayevBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 2'01
6Andres PaezAramco DP+ 2'54
7Milos BorisavljevicAramco DP+ 2'58
8Daniel Ricardo DiazHelloFresh+ 3'18
9Adam De VosHelloFreshs.t.
10Sepp KussMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 3'38
11Jaime RosonGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 3'47
12Muhamad Zawawi AzmanStrava+ 3'55
13Daniel MartinGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 3'58
14Artemio MoschellaStrava+ 4'20
15Brandon McNultyMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 4'34
16Gregory BrenesVolcanica - Fox+ 4'45
17Johan Esteban ChavesVolcanica - Fox+ 4'47
18Philip LaveryTafjord Kraft+ 4'56
19Marko PavlicTafjord Krafts.t.
20Martin HaceckyPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 4'58
21Nicholas SchultzBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 5'03
22Gilles HeymesHelloFresh+ 5'07
23Idan ShapiraPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 5'31
24Lorents Ola AasvoldGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 5'49
25Enrico BattaglinHelloFresh+ 5'52
26William BartaBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 6'19
27Sebastian HenaoTafjord Kraft+ 6'21
28Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 6'49
29Jianhua JiStrava+ 6'55
30Roman SeigleMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 7'29
31Maher HasnaouiAramco DP+ 7'41
32Benoit CosnefroyAramco DP+ 7'42
33Andrea PaliniStrava+ 7'47
34Thomas RevardMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 7'48
35Jesus HerradaVolcanica - Fox+ 8'14
36Tyler BrandtGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 8'43
37Lawson CraddockGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 8'45
38Joao GasparHelloFresh+ 9'06
39asmund Romstad LovikEddie Stobart+ 9'15
40Jonathan SalinasGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 9'18
41Josue Gonzalez CortesVolcanica - Fox+ 9'42
42Rudy MolardStrava+ 9'49
43Carlos BarberoVolcanica - Fox+ 10'06
44Andy SchleckBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 10'32
45Cristian MunozTrans Looney Tunes+ 10'44
46Alexandre GeniezTrans Looney Tunes+ 10'46
47Patrick BevinBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 10'51
48Vadim RatiyPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 11'15
49Sven Erik BystromTrans Looney Tunes+ 11'24
50Jaime CastrilloAramco DP+ 11'29
51Gregory DanielGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 11'31
52Anders Halland JohannessenTafjord Kraft+ 11'43
53Jonathan McEvoyTrans Looney Tunes+ 11'47
54Peeter TarvisStrava+ 11'51
55Mario VogtPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 11'55
56Maani AltanzulBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 12'44
57Mikayil KrasnoperovTrans Looney Tunes+ 12'51
58Guillaume MartinGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 12'52
59Matteo JorgensonVolcanica - Fox+ 12'55
60Wesley KrederStrava+ 13'03
61Rhys GillettBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 13'42
62Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobart+ 13'52
63Thanakhan ChaiyasombatMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 14'00
64Mikhail KochetkovBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 14'21
65Valentin StoenchevBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 14'23
66Savva NovikovHelloFresh+ 14'26
67James KnoxTrans Looney Tunes+ 15'39
68Asbjorn HellemosePas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 16'39
69Nikita UmerbekovEddie Stobart+ 17'30
70Nathan HaasGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 17'45
71Thymen ArensmanGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 18'25
72Siim KiskonenBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 18'33
73Eliot LietaerCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 18'38
74Idar AndersenTafjord Kraft+ 19'53
75Sean DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 20'32
76Stefano AgostiniEddie Stobart+ 20'41
77Mantas JanuskeviciusMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 21'08
78Anthon CharmigPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 21'27
79Benjamin ThomasAramco DP+ 22'20
80Jonas Iversby HvidebergTafjord Kraft+ 22'21
81Dmitri MedvedevEddie Stobarts.t.
82Romain VanderbiestCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 22'54
83Kevin RiveraVolcanica - Fox+ 23'00
84Evgenii TikhoninHelloFresh+ 23'14
85Eirik LunderTafjord Kraft+ 23'59
86Michael O'LoughlinGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 24'16
87James OramGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 24'56
88Alexandr KulikovskiyCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 25'09
89Jasper PhilipsenBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 25'15
90Krzysztof MarchewkaBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 25'42
91Emils LiepinsCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 26'10
92Daniel SaviniEddie Stobart+ 26'11
93Oleksandr ShevchenkoPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 27'35
94Emil AnderssonEddie Stobart+ 27'51
95Cameron ScottBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 29'12
96Carlo NoiaAramco DP+ 30'12
97Axel ZingleGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 30'43
98Sep VanmarckePas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 30'50
99Stan Van TrichtCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 30'51
100Regan GoughBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 31'26
101Jake MarryattBNZ-Superhero Racing+ 32'23
102Sven VandousselaereCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 34'40
103Victor CampenaertsCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 36'08
104Jarrad DriznersCrabbe-CC Chevigny+ 38'14
105Hugues MottinTrans Looney Tunes+ 39'37
106Sam BennettGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 42'51
107Oscar AvelinoGjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 42'52
108Fabien TaillefourEddie Stobart+ 45'20
109Michael Valgren AndersenBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 46'54
110Dennis Van WindenMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 49'17
111Christian RanneriesTafjord Kraft+ 49'57


1Mario VogtPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller40
2Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cycling40
3Martin HaceckyPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller39
4Sebastian HenaoTafjord Kraft36
5Anders Halland JohannessenTafjord Kraft24
6Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobart24
7Stefano AgostiniEddie Stobart24
8Rhys GillettBNZ-Superhero Racing21
9Enric MasAramco DP20
10Thanakhan ChaiyasombatMcCormick Pro Cycling20
11Patrick BevinBNZ-Superhero Racing20


1Jonathan McEvoyTrans Looney Tunes33
2Enric MasAramco DP32
3Wesley KrederStrava30
4Emils LiepinsCrabbe-CC Chevigny25
5Tomoyuki IinoTrans Looney Tunes20
6Romain VanderbiestCrabbe-CC Chevigny20
7Philip LaveryTafjord Kraft17
8Gihan PushpakumaraEddie Stobart17
9Andres PaezAramco DP16
10Andrei AmadorVolcanica - Fox16
11Maani AltanzulBNZ-Superhero Racing16
12Martin HaceckyPas Normal Studios - Mikkeller15
13Pavel PotockiHelloFresh14
14Siim KiskonenBWT Hyundai N Cycling14
15Carlos BarberoVolcanica - Fox14


1Brandon McNultyMcCormick Pro Cycling14h36'45 (1)
2William BartaBWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 1'45 (2)
3Gage HechtMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 2'15 (3)
4Thomas RevardMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 3'14 (4)
5Cristian MunozTrans Looney Tunes+ 6'10 (5)
6Jaime CastrilloAramco DP+ 6'55 (6)
7Anders Halland JohannessenTafjord Kraft+ 7'09 (7)
8Matteo JorgensonVolcanica - Fox+ 8'21 (8)
9Thanakhan ChaiyasombatMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 9'26 (9)
10Savva NovikovHelloFresh+ 9'52 (10)


1HelloFresh42h00'29 (1)
2Aramco DP+ 41 (2)
3Volcanica - Fox+ 2'28 (3)
4McCormick Pro Cycling+ 3'04 (4)
5Tafjord Kraft+ 4'00 (5)
6Strava+ 4'12 (6)
7BNZ-Superhero Racing+ 7'19 (7)
8Gjensidige Pro Cycling Team+ 7'48 (8)
9Pas Normal Studios - Mikkeller+ 9'18 (9)
10Trans Looney Tunes+ 10'48 (10)
11BWT Hyundai N Cycling+ 12'18 (11)
12Glanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 13'56 (12)
13Eddie Stobart+ 24'07 (13)
14Crabbe-CC Chevigny+ 50'12 (14)

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