Hi everyone, can someone help me with implementing new NC's? With the Fast Editor, I just copied in STA_race and STA_stage everything from another NC, only replacing the country name of course. I also copied some stages, named them accordingly. The problem is that they don't show up ingame (no Plouay glitch/crash)
I figured out that when I simulate through the days, I can play them and they work fine. The only thing is that they don't appear in my calendar, planner or objective window.
And the only riders competing are my own riders... while there are also other riders from that nation (Ecuador f.e.)
Did you do this during the season to a save game or to a clean DB? If a save game you need to do it after the season but before Jan 1 and I think it will work but not sure. If a clean DB it should work fine
I am not clear on what error you are getting - does the race show up with the wrong parcours or not show up? Does it crash on playing?
A few ideas:
Make sure you named the stage files correctly.
When you copied the rows in sta_race you also must change the race ID to an unused number and the first and last stage id (I think they should be 1XXX where XXX is the race ID, but look at some others as I say that from memory). Then in Sta_stage make sure the stage and race ID columns match sta_race.
Only signed riders will ride NCs so if you have all the signed riders from that country you might be the only team riding.
Thanks for your answer! I checked all these things but they were all fine, but I found the answer. For some reason, the column with firststage and laststage in STA_race were blank for every race, so I thought I did not have to fill them in, but they did apparantly refer to CONSTANT in STA_stage (which was also blank for every stage). Now everything should be fine!