Welcome to out first stage. Todays stage looks like some demonic blade with its jagged edges, combined with the moonscape terrain and the temperature's it should be a hellish day for the break.
Alex Moos(Molteni) is the biggest man and of 5 escapees he is the only one to do anything. 48km's to go and Moos has 3'06" on the pack.
Moos has some good time at the bottom of a particularly steep climb. Pre Race favorite Angel Vicioso of Gatorade makes his move and quickly closes the gap to Moos.
He and Moos work together briefly.
As two rider chase the leading duo.
Lobato and Pluchkin
Those two are snapped up by a chasing group of 8 including Mori (Sony B) Zaballa (Pearl Jam) Chris froom, Ben Jaques-Maynes (ProCycling) Proni, Ivanov, and Txurruka (Molteni) Ribeiro (Benfica)
Moos falls back and makes 11 with 14km's to go and 55" to Vicioso when Txurruka, Froome and Zaballa atack
Zaballa and Froome hold the gap, Txurruka is swept up.