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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Cont-Man-Game] C2HC/C2 Results
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Tour de Vineyards - Stage 6
Tour de Vineyards - Stage 6

Stage Profile


We have the hilly stage on day 6. At 181 km it's actually the longest stage of the race. It's a circuit stage that is mostly flat apart from the one hill on it. The riders have to negotiate that hill 11 times, three of those count as cat. 3 KOMs, so 18 pts on offer to decide the KOM jersey. Let's begin!


We get the first attack from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pol.png Brockhoff who is the KOM hunt and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mck.png Eisenhart.


The first attack was unsuccessful. The next one comes from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pol.png Gallego Martin and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sva.png Oelerich. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/esc.png Moreno Hernandez is trying to follow the move.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mck.png Brown and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/bnz.png Marryatt have also joined, so we have 5 riders now that are tackling the hill for the 1st time.


Another attack from the peloton is with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/esc.png Joeaar, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/duo.png Cornu and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/bnz.png Gough.


Interestingly the KOM point is actually on the descent of the hill as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sva.png Oelerich takes 6 pts ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mck.png Brown and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pol.png Gallego Martin. The German started today with 6 pts, so that's 12. 20 is the mark he needs to beat to win the jersey. Meanwhile we see the rest of the breakaway has lost contact, but the front 3 have almost 4 minutes on the peloton.


On the 2nd KOM sprint we see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sva.png Oelerich will take it again ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pol.png Gallego Martin and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/duo.png Cornu. The gap is at 2'38''.


Back in the peloton we see many teams contributing to the catch. From pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gsc.png Guave's, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Sauber, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/lph.png Los Pollos, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ssr.png Sotto and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Glanbia all seen at the front.


Coming off the hill for the 7th time, we have our first split in the peloton. More than half of the riders are in group 2, including pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/car.png Chammoro and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Craddock. 68 km of the stage remaining.


We have only a select group of leaders and domestiques coming out of the hill next, but the rest are in a huge group behind and will come back on.


A group of 30 riders has now been established with 47 km to go. They are 2'13'' behind the escapees, but more importantly 45'' ahead of the big group of 98 riders. That 2nd group contains riders like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/lph.png Marquez, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/trg.png Lunke, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/trg.png Cort Nielsen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/car.png Chammoro, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/duo.png Barbio, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/nel.png Moschella and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Craddock.


Back at the front of the race pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sva.png Oelerich sweeps the KOMs and with that wins himself the KOM jersey. A great performance by him. That's the 9th ascent of the hill done by the breakaway.


Off the penultimate hill we see pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/cdb.png Bertilson putting on the hurt as we have a group of 23 riders only. They are 1'04'' behind the breakaway with 23 km remaining. All the GC men are on this group except pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/duo.png Barbio. It's an interesting with puncheurs like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gsc.png Le Gac and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny, but also a few sprinters like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tst.png Mezgec, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/phi.png Kreder and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ssr.png Pelucchi.


The GC guys don't really seem interested in pushing the pace here. So it's all the others that are trying to keep it going, but it's not organised at all and the break's advantage is holding.


Almost at the top of the final hill and it's pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny that attacks!! Looks like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Ranaweera has given him the green light here. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass is following. 11 km to go.


And those two have a gap now and are only 37'' behind the original break. This might have been the perfect move.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/phi.png Keinath did a short turn in front, but now he leaves the work to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ssr.png Pelucchi and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ssr.png Battaglin.


Less than 8 km to go. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass have bridged to the breakaway. Will they go straight past them? They have a one minute gap to the group of favourites.


They move to the front of the group. Or lets say pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny does, because he's been doing all the work. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass has been sitting one the wheel.


And now with just over 5 km to go pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass has made his move! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny did too much and looks like the group will be caught by the favourites-


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/phi.png Keinath has launched an attack now, he still thinks he can win this, or at least get some GC bonus seconds! And look behind he's split the group! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/lph.png Marquez and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/cdb.png Warbasse have been caught out!


Under the flamme rouge for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass, he has 21'' seconds ahead of the pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny group, who has another 28'' on the leaders group. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/lph.png Marquez is a further 30'' behind. This is turning out to be an important GC stage!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gla.png Hass has done it! Perfect tactics from the Glanbia rider to win the stage!


A tired sprint from the group behind, but it's pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/esc.png Moreno Hernandez in 2nd and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mck.png Brown in 3rd. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/esc.png Joeaar is 4th, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Frankiny for all his work is 5th. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sva.png Oelerich completes his KOM win with a 6th place on the stage, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pol.png Gallego Martin is 7th and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/duo.png Cornu 8th. This group came 35'' behind the winner, what about the GC?


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/cdb.png Bertilson wins the sprint in that group, but why didn't he drop back?! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/cdb.png Warbasse is not in this group! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Ranaweera and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/phi.png Keinath are here, but no pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/lph.png Marquez.


Here is the Spaniard, 1'01'' behind the winner and 36'' behind the leader's group. This is a big blow after what was a very good performance in the mountain stage. This time loss will also hurt pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/cdb.png Warbasse.


So the new GC podium ahead of the final day team time-trial is pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Ranaweera with 34'' ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/phi.png Keinath and 39'' ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/trg.png Lunke. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/lph.png Marquez and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/cdb.png Warbasse drop to 5th and 6th.

In the other classifications pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gsc.png Coutinho and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sva.png Oelerich are confirmed points and KOM winners, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/spr.png Ranaweera is pretty much a shoe in for the white jersey.

Stage result

1Nathan HaasGlanbia Foods Cycling Project4h41'58
2Salvador Moreno HernandezEddie Stobarts.t.
3Connor W BrownMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
4Gert JoeaarEddie Stobarts.t.
5Kilian FrankinySauber Petronas Racings.t.
6Jan OelerichStravas.t.
7Juan Abenhamar Gallego MartinPolars.t.
8Dominique CornuDuolingos.t.
9Regan GoughBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
10Jake MarryattBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
11Christian BertilssonCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 35
12Olivier Le GacGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
13Jakub NovakCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
14Matteo PelucchiSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
15Thibaut PinotProject: Africas.t.
16Luka MezgecTrans Cycling Teams.t.
17Nico KeinathPhilipss.t.
18Sindre Skjostad LunkeTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
19Suranga RanaweeraSauber Petronas Racings.t.
20Magnus Cort NielsenTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
21Florentino MarquezLos Pollos Hermanos+ 1'01
22Youcef ReguiguiProject: Africas.t.
23Lawrence WarbasseCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
24Erick RowsellCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
25Juan Ernesto ChamorroCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
26Jonathan CamargoTrans Cycling Teams.t.
27Enrico BattaglinSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
28Lawson CraddockGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
29Niklas EgCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
30Gyung Gu JangCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
31Joonas HenttalaPhilipss.t.
32Michel KrederPhilips+ 2'27
33Zhihui JiangSauber Petronas Racings.t.
34Antonio BarbioDuolingos.t.
35Nicholas SchultzBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
36Jan BrockhoffPolars.t.
37Jan GhyselinckCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
38Andre SteensenTrans Cycling Teams.t.
39Marco CanolaSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
40Meron RussomProject: Africas.t.
41Geert Van der SandenPhilipss.t.
42Kevin FeiereisenGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
43Tadej PogacarTrans Cycling Teams.t.
44Rasmus MygindStravas.t.
45Mikhail IgnatievTrans Cycling Teams.t.
46Bjorn Tore HoemTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
47Lionel CoutinhoGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
48Andrea Enrico MaccagliSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
49Rudy BarbierGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
50Romain BardetPhilipss.t.
51Giovanni LonardiSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
52Ajay Pandit ChhetriSauber Petronas Racings.t.
53Asbjorn Kragh AndersenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
54Bruno SilvaSauber Petronas Racings.t.
55Fulgencio BruLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
56Alessandro MonacoSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
57Julien BerardSauber Petronas Racings.t.
58Mikayil KrasnoperovNordica - Enels.t.
59Roger KlugeStravas.t.
60Mohamed Harrif SallehTrans Cycling Teams.t.
61Kristofer GunnlaugssonMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
62Brandon McNultyMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
63Davide MalacarneEddie Stobarts.t.
64Johannes SchinnagelStravas.t.
65Romeo QuicibalLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
66Patrick OlesenCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
67Metkel KiflayProject: Africas.t.
68Sean DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
69Sondre SortveitNordica - Enels.t.
70Connor McConveyGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
71Hakon Frengstad BergerEddie Stobarts.t.
72Pier-Andre CoteGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
73Kevin InkelaarPhilipss.t.
74Norman VahtraDuolingos.t.
75Riccardo LuccaSotto il sole di Riccione+ 3'34
76Genki YamamotoGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
77Yoshimitsu HiratsukaDuolingos.t.
78Jose Gerardo UlloaLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
79Luke MudgwayBNZ Cycling Team+ 3'58
80Kristian SobotaDuolingos.t.
81Steele Von HoffBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
82Ide SchellingPhilipss.t.
83Tom DumoulinPhilipss.t.
84Nandra Eko WahyudiGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
85Shane ArchboldDuolingos.t.
86James OramGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
87Jamal HibatullahSauber Petronas Racings.t.
88Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racings.t.
89Siim KiskonenDuolingo+ 4'45
90Davide MartinelliNordica - Enels.t.
91Maris BogdanovicsEddie Stobarts.t.
92Anthony LavoineCarrefour - ESPN+ 5'11
93Wen Hao LiCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
94Mohammad GanjkhanlouTrans Cycling Teams.t.
95Laurens HuysCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
96Leonardo MarchioriGuave's Sunlight Cyclings.t.
97Sven BurgerTrans Cycling Teams.t.
98Karl Patrick LaukPolars.t.
99Sean HahessyGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
100Zeke MostovMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
101Alexandr KulikovskiyDuolingos.t.
102Taylor EisenhartMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 5'50
103Byron MuntonProject: Africas.t.
104Andre Alexander GonzalesLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
105Neil Van der PloegEddie Stobarts.t.
106Noah GraniganMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
107Sten StenersenPolars.t.
108Magnus Bak KlarisTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
109Narankhuu BaterdeneBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
110Nacer BouhanniStravas.t.
111Emil AnderssonEddie Stobarts.t.
112Mustafa CarsiNordica - Enels.t.
113Munkhtulga ErdenesurenBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
114Luc WirtgenMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
115Darren YoungCarrefour - ESPNs.t.
116Artemio MoschellaNordica - Enels.t.
117Rasmus QuaadeCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
118Alexander KriegerTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
119Carlos Alexandre ManarelliLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
120Juan Van HeerdenProject: Africas.t.
121Erik Nordsaeter ResellCarlsberg - Danske Banks.t.
122Mathias NorsgaardTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
123Aksel NommelaTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
124Vitalii NovakowskyiLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
125Frederik RodenbergTryg - Ritter Sports.t.
126Geoffrey CurranMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
127Luca SterbiniLos Pollos Hermanos+ 7'41
128Richard Laningo LaizerProject: Africas.t.
129Faycal HamzaProject: Africas.t.
130Pavel KelemenBNZ Cycling Team+ 8'54
131Thibault GuernalecPolar+ 9'35
132Mark DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Projects.t.
133Aggrey SebrightGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 10'02
134Shaun LewisEddie Stobart+ 10'28
135Gregorio FerriStravas.t.
136Ilja TjagunovsPolar+ 13'26
137Damien GaudinStravas.t.
138Raimondas RumsasNordica - Enel+ 20'23


1Suranga RanaweeraSauber Petronas Racing18h14'01
2Nico KeinathPhilips+ 34
3Sindre Skjostad LunkeTryg - Ritter Sport+ 39
4Jakub NovakCarrefour - ESPN+ 56
5Florentino MarquezLos Pollos Hermanos+ 57
6Lawrence WarbasseCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 1'14
7Thibaut PinotProject: Africa+ 1'20
8Magnus Cort NielsenTryg - Ritter Sport+ 1'28
9Kilian FrankinySauber Petronas Racing+ 1'36
10Youcef ReguiguiProject: Africa+ 1'50
11Juan Ernesto ChamorroCarrefour - ESPN+ 2'20
12Lawson CraddockGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 2'44
13Niklas EgCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 2'52
14Enrico BattaglinSotto il sole di Riccione+ 3'20
15Antonio BarbioDuolingo+ 3'29
16Meron RussomProject: Africas.t.
17Jonathan CamargoTrans Cycling Team+ 3'40
18Bjorn Tore HoemTryg - Ritter Sport+ 3'41
19Mikayil KrasnoperovNordica - Enel+ 3'42
20Nicholas SchultzBNZ Cycling Team+ 3'43
21Gyung Gu JangCarrefour - ESPN+ 3'57
22Tadej PogacarTrans Cycling Team+ 4'25
23Joonas HenttalaPhilips+ 4'29
24Sondre SortveitNordica - Enel+ 4'42
25Erick RowsellCarrefour - ESPN+ 4'57
26Davide MalacarneEddie Stobart+ 5'21
27Dominique CornuDuolingo+ 5'40
28Ajay Pandit ChhetriSauber Petronas Racing+ 5'46
29Romain BardetPhilips+ 5'48
30Patrick OlesenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 6'05
31Nathan HaasGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 6'17
32Connor W BrownMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 6'35
33Rasmus MygindStrava+ 6'46
34Marco CanolaSotto il sole di Riccione+ 6'47
35Kevin InkelaarPhilips+ 7'03
36Luka MezgecTrans Cycling Team+ 7'24
37Johannes SchinnagelStrava+ 7'43
38Sean DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 8'09
39Yoshimitsu HiratsukaDuolingos.t.
40Jan GhyselinckCarrefour - ESPN+ 8'15
41Juan Abenhamar Gallego MartinPolar+ 8'22
42Salvador Moreno HernandezEddie Stobart+ 8'33
43Lionel CoutinhoGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 8'36
44Bruno SilvaSauber Petronas Racing+ 8'53
45Matteo PelucchiSotto il sole di Riccione+ 8'54
46Connor McConveyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 9'09
47Giovanni LonardiSotto il sole di Riccione+ 9'25
48Artemio MoschellaNordica - Enel+ 9'45
49Regan GoughBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'05
50Zhihui JiangSauber Petronas Racing+ 10'14
51Roger KlugeStrava+ 10'17
52Andrea Enrico MaccagliSotto il sole di Ricciones.t.
53Jose Gerardo UlloaLos Pollos Hermanos+ 10'22
54Brandon McNultyMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 10'47
55Kevin FeiereisenGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 10'48
56Hakon Frengstad BergerEddie Stobart+ 10'58
57Andre SteensenTrans Cycling Team+ 11'01
58Alexandr KulikovskiyDuolingo+ 11'27
59Olivier Le GacGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 11'35
60Byron MuntonProject: Africa+ 11'55
61Jan OelerichStrava+ 11'56
62Julien BerardSauber Petronas Racing+ 12'14
63Taylor EisenhartMcCormick Pro Cyclings.t.
64Alessandro MonacoSotto il sole di Riccione+ 12'18
65Ide SchellingPhilips+ 12'19
66Steele Von HoffBNZ Cycling Team+ 12'21
67Christian BertilssonCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 12'25
68Jake MarryattBNZ Cycling Team+ 12'43
69Luc WirtgenMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 12'48
70Siim KiskonenDuolingo+ 13'18
71Michel KrederPhilips+ 13'24
72Mikhail IgnatievTrans Cycling Team+ 13'26
73Sean HahessyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 13'29
74Karl Patrick LaukPolar+ 13'35
75Jan BrockhoffPolar+ 13'55
76Romeo QuicibalLos Pollos Hermanoss.t.
77Munkhtulga ErdenesurenBNZ Cycling Team+ 14'28
78Riccardo LuccaSotto il sole di Riccione+ 14'30
79Mohamed Harrif SallehTrans Cycling Team+ 14'36
80Rudy BarbierGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 14'57
81Jamal HibatullahSauber Petronas Racing+ 15'12
82Shane ArchboldDuolingo+ 15'27
83Geert Van der SandenPhilips+ 15'38
84Tom DumoulinPhilips+ 15'39
85Genki YamamotoGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 15'44
86Andre Alexander GonzalesLos Pollos Hermanos+ 15'47
87Kristofer GunnlaugssonMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 15'58
88Luke MudgwayBNZ Cycling Teams.t.
89James OramGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 16'04
90Laurens HuysCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 16'24
91Maris BogdanovicsEddie Stobart+ 16'59
92Anthony LavoineCarrefour - ESPN+ 17'11
93Gert JoeaarEddie Stobart+ 17'18
94Fulgencio BruLos Pollos Hermanos+ 17'23
95Thibault GuernalecPolar+ 17'36
96Pier-Andre CoteGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 17'49
97Carlos Alexandre ManarelliLos Pollos Hermanos+ 17'52
98Mathias NorsgaardTryg - Ritter Sport+ 17'53
99Narankhuu BaterdeneBNZ Cycling Team+ 17'54
100Kristian SobotaDuolingo+ 18'09
101Vitalii NovakowskyiLos Pollos Hermanos+ 18'33
102Emil AnderssonEddie Stobart+ 18'45
103Norman VahtraDuolingo+ 19'04
104Alexander KriegerTryg - Ritter Sport+ 19'13
105Asbjorn Kragh AndersenCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 19'18
106Davide MartinelliNordica - Enel+ 19'23
107Metkel KiflayProject: Africa+ 19'25
108Sven BurgerTrans Cycling Teams.t.
109Nandra Eko WahyudiGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 19'30
110Mustafa CarsiNordica - Enel+ 19'34
111Zeke MostovMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 20'17
112Leonardo MarchioriGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 20'19
113Erik Nordsaeter ResellCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 20'40
114Luca SterbiniLos Pollos Hermanos+ 20'59
115Mohammad GanjkhanlouTrans Cycling Team+ 21'39
116Juan Van HeerdenProject: Africa+ 22'16
117Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racing+ 22'24
118Wen Hao LiCarrefour - ESPN+ 22'26
119Nacer BouhanniStrava+ 22'36
120Darren YoungCarrefour - ESPN+ 22'43
121Noah GraniganMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 23'03
122Magnus Bak KlarisTryg - Ritter Sport+ 23'04
123Neil Van der PloegEddie Stobart+ 23'09
124Gregorio FerriStrava+ 23'11
125Aggrey SebrightGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 25'05
126Sten StenersenPolar+ 25'17
127Mark DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 25'19
128Aksel NommelaTryg - Ritter Sport+ 26'23
129Frederik RodenbergTryg - Ritter Sport+ 26'41
130Pavel KelemenBNZ Cycling Team+ 27'22
131Faycal HamzaProject: Africa+ 28'11
132Rasmus QuaadeCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 28'40
133Shaun LewisEddie Stobart+ 28'55
134Damien GaudinStrava+ 29'21
135Ilja TjagunovsPolar+ 30'01
136Richard Laningo LaizerProject: Africa+ 30'30
137Geoffrey CurranMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 36'36
138Raimondas RumsasNordica - Enel+ 42'15


1Lionel CoutinhoGuave's Sunlight Cycling59
2Mohamed Harrif SallehTrans Cycling Team48
3Carlos Alexandre ManarelliLos Pollos Hermanos45
4Kristian SobotaDuolingo37
5Asbjorn Kragh AndersenCarlsberg - Danske Bank37
6Alexander KriegerTryg - Ritter Sport34
7Mustafa CarsiNordica - Enel34
8Dominique CornuDuolingo28
9Matteo PelucchiSotto il sole di Riccione28
10Suranga RanaweeraSauber Petronas Racing25


1Jan OelerichStrava24
2Suranga RanaweeraSauber Petronas Racing20
3Nico KeinathPhilips14
4Jan BrockhoffPolar14
5Juan Abenhamar Gallego MartinPolar13
6Florentino MarquezLos Pollos Hermanos12
7Thibaut PinotProject: Africa10
8Mikhail IgnatievTrans Cycling Team9
9Sindre Skjostad LunkeTryg - Ritter Sport8
10Lawrence WarbasseCarlsberg - Danske Bank6


1Suranga RanaweeraSauber Petronas Racing18h14'01 (1)
2Niklas EgCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 2'52 (2)
3Tadej PogacarTrans Cycling Team+ 4'25 (3)
4Connor W BrownMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 6'35 (4)
5Kevin InkelaarPhilips+ 7'03 (5)
6Johannes SchinnagelStrava+ 7'43 (6)
7Giovanni LonardiSotto il sole di Riccione+ 9'25 (7)
8Regan GoughBNZ Cycling Team+ 10'05 (8)
9Andrea Enrico MaccagliSotto il sole di Riccione+ 10'17 (9)
10Jose Gerardo UlloaLos Pollos Hermanos+ 10'22 (10)
11Brandon McNultyMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 10'47 (11)
12Alexandr KulikovskiyDuolingo+ 11'27 (12)
13Byron MuntonProject: Africa+ 11'55 (13)
14Alessandro MonacoSotto il sole di Riccione+ 12'18 (14)
15Ide SchellingPhilips+ 12'19 (15)
16Jake MarryattBNZ Cycling Team+ 12'43 (16)
17Luc WirtgenMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 12'48 (17)
18Siim KiskonenDuolingo+ 13'18 (18)
19Sean HahessyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 13'29 (19)
20Karl Patrick LaukPolar+ 13'35 (20)
21Riccardo LuccaSotto il sole di Riccione+ 14'30 (21)
22Jamal HibatullahSauber Petronas Racing+ 15'12 (22)
23Andre Alexander GonzalesLos Pollos Hermanos+ 15'47 (23)
24Kristofer GunnlaugssonMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 15'58 (24)
25Luke MudgwayBNZ Cycling Team+ 15'58 (25)
26Laurens HuysCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 16'24 (26)
27Thibault GuernalecPolar+ 17'36 (27)
28Pier-Andre CoteGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 17'49 (28)
29Mathias NorsgaardTryg - Ritter Sport+ 17'53 (29)
30Narankhuu BaterdeneBNZ Cycling Team+ 17'54 (30)
31Vitalii NovakowskyiLos Pollos Hermanos+ 18'33 (31)
32Norman VahtraDuolingo+ 19'04 (32)
33Sven BurgerTrans Cycling Team+ 19'25 (33)
34Zeke MostovMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 20'17 (34)
35Leonardo MarchioriGuave's Sunlight Cycling+ 20'19 (35)
36Erik Nordsaeter ResellCarlsberg - Danske Bank+ 20'40 (36)
37Mohammad GanjkhanlouTrans Cycling Team+ 21'39 (37)
38Mushin MisbahSauber Petronas Racing+ 22'24 (38)
39Noah GraniganMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 23'03 (39)
40Magnus Bak KlarisTryg - Ritter Sport+ 23'04 (40)
41Gregorio FerriStrava+ 23'11 (41)
42Mark DowneyGlanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 25'19 (42)
43Frederik RodenbergTryg - Ritter Sport+ 26'41 (43)
44Ilja TjagunovsPolar+ 30'01 (44)
45Geoffrey CurranMcCormick Pro Cycling+ 36'36 (45)


1Project: Africa54h46'58 (1)
2Carrefour - ESPN+ 29 (2)
3Tryg - Ritter Sport+ 31 (3)
4Sauber Petronas Racing+ 1'47 (4)
5Carlsberg - Danske Bank+ 2'34 (5)
6Philips+ 4'46 (6)
7Trans Cycling Team+ 8'31 (7)
8Duolingo+ 10'30 (8)
9Nordica - Enel+ 11'05 (9)
10Sotto il sole di Riccione+ 11'19 (10)
11Glanbia Foods Cycling Project+ 11'53 (11)
12Los Pollos Hermanos+ 13'47 (12)
13Eddie Stobart+ 14'07 (13)
14BNZ Cycling Team+ 15'09 (14)
15Strava+ 17'11 (15)
16McCormick Pro Cycling+ 18'44 (16)
17Guave's Sunlight Cycling+ 20'43 (17)
18Polar+ 26'57 (18)
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