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Tour de France - Stage 15
Tour de France
Stage 15

For the first time in more than a week, the peloton is back on flat terrain again - well, at least for the final third of this stage. The main issue, except of course for the stage win, is the fight for the points classification. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Herklotz leads pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen by 2 points, but it could be argued that the Belgian is still in the driver seat.

There are two flat stages left, today and in Paris, which offer a total of 100 points (though even two second places bring that down to 60). The four remaining mountain stages, 17 through 20, give pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Herklotz the opportunity to score 80 points - with four stage wins, that is. But if we factor in likely at least one or two breakaway wins and the fact that he has only scored one third place in the three mountain stages in the Pyrenees, it doesn’t seem all that likely that he comes close to that number.

And then there’s one hill stage left, the one tomorrow. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Herklotz has bested pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen at every opportunity so far, but the finish comes after a relatively long downhill stretch and the stage also seems poised for another breakaway win. Obviously, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen is under pressure to score big today, but either way, we might be in a situation where the points jersey will be won or lost on the Champs Élysées.


There is of course also the possibility of a breakaway win, so naturally, a few riders try and get away from the pack. The first handful are pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mos.png Hepburn, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/akm.png Vangstad, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas. There are a few mountain points to be won on this stage as well, but the Greek is not in a position to get the polkadots jersey back today.


A few kilometers later, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Vanthourenhout, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec attack as well. Swisslion continue to make their mark on breakaways here.


In fact, here’s the third: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Antonijevic followed an attack by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Vliegen, but now the peloton has started to up the pace.


The sprinter teams bring pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Antonijevic back but then seem to be fine with the other 10 riders ahead.



It took a bit, but those 10 riders eventually come together and quickly gain 3 minutes on the peloton. No threat to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ubs.png Abreu’s mountain jersey, but a few good puncheurs, namely pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Vliegen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas, as well as pretty good rouleurs all around.


There were no real attacks for the mountain points, instead it was just a sprint to the line in the final 700 meters or so. Unsurprisingly, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane is the fastest. 4 and 2 points go to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Vliegen and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec.


Weirdly, after their brief efforts earlier, the sprinter teams actually show no interested in the stage so far - maybe they’re simply too exhausted after the past few days. The gap goes up to more than 10 minutes pretty quickly as the GC teams take calm turns at the front of the peloton.



The second mountain sprint goes to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane again, this time ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mos.png Hepburn and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora. The lead of the group is by now at 15 minutes, it’s pretty clear that this stage is theirs. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane, by the way, is 50th in the GC at + 21’27, he could make a significant jump in the GC today, depending on how much they’ll be allowed to keep, time-wise.


16 minutes was apparently the maximum limit, now the peloton has picked up the pace. At the intermediate sprint, the gap is down to 13 minutes.



The escapees reach the Col de l’Escrinet, which isn’t very steep, but with 8,9 kilometers at a pretty steady 5,6%, it’s definetely a challenge for the weaker climbers in the group, depending on how the others approach it. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart in particular could be in trouble.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart does well to hang on, but in the final few hundred meters, as the others attack for the mountain points, he loses contact. However, that should be a manageable distance to get back.


The sprint once again goes to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane. He’s collected the maximum number of points today, 21, which puts him at 26 in total. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas collects 6 here to go up to 35. Their lead has remained at 13 minutes for the entire climb, putting the Isostar rider in the virtual Top 15.


Rakuten has done the most work in the peloton recently, presumably to defend pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/rak.png Quintana’s 13th place (?), but work may be an overstatement, since as I said the gap hasn’t come down much.


Meanwhile, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart makes it back to the rest of the group even before the bottom of the descent.



As the finish comes closer, some of the weaker sprinters among the breakaway have decided that it doesn’t do them any good to wait for the final sprint. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas get a gap to the rest and surely hope for some indecisiveness behind them.


Into the final 8 kilometers, the trio is still ahead, even if only by 15 seconds. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec and above all pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane are the favorites for a sprint, if they catch the leaders. The peloton is now “only” around 10 minutes behind them, likely keeping the latter out of the Top 20 in the GC.


Just over 3 kilometers left and the main group just can’t seem to close the gap! Among the first three, there’s not a real favorite in case of a sprint. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora may be the fastest, but his two companions have a higher acceleration.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas goes for it very early, hoping to catch the others off-guard, but he has to be careful not to burn out too soon. This could be Festina’s third stage win of the race!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora struggle to keep up as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec brings the group closer. You’d imagine one big acceleration could bridge the gap, maybe even to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas, but does anyone have that kind of energy left?


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas is back in the saddle under the flamme rouge, his upper body moving heavily. He shot his shot, but now his chasers come closer quickly. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec leads the best two sprinters, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane, and they catch up to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora, who try to muster one final effort.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung actually accelerates really well and stops pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec from overtaking him, at least for now. There’s a small gap to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane and another to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Vanthourenhout.


There comes pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane, he’s the fastest on the road right now but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung still looks well, too. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas is not, but if the others start to crack as well, he might still have a chance!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane jumps past pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora, who in turn keeps pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart behind him. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas hasn’t given up yet either! The other four are out of contention.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung runs out of energy 500 meters too early. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane passes him on the left and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora apparently has still some juice in him as well.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec is going backwards now while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart has found another gear and attacks pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas, who are both moving pretty slowly. The rest of the group is coming closer now as well, too late for the stage win but still fighting for the other places.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart shows his speed and comes closer to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora. He’s also much faster than pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane right now, but surely that gap has to be enough for the Isostar rider?


It is! After a dominant performance all day, it’s no surprise that pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Lilian Calmejane wins Stage 15 of the Tour de France! pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Ligthart finishes second, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/azt.png Mora rewards himself for the courageous late attack and finishes third, the best results for all three teams so far in this race.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Vliegen finishes 4th ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mos.png Hepburn and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/akm.png Vangstad, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Kung drops down to 7th after losing a lot of steam in the final meters.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Kastrantas finishes 9th behind pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Vanthourenhout and hits a sign, to add insult to injury, but he continues his and his team’s aggressive performance in this race so far. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Poljanec simply started too early and only finishes 10th.


And oh, right, there’s still a peloton coming. They’re 7 kilometers away as the leaders pass the finish line and all of a sudden, the sprinter teams have some energy again. There are 6 points left on the table for whomever finishes 11th, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen needs to finish 14th to regain the lead in the points classification.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Becis and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Dzamastagic set him up beautifully, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Van Poppel latches on and then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Chiarello blocks access to the train. But the other sprinters are pretty far behind them anyway, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Santos in the middle and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Holloway to the right are closest.


As pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Dzamastagic takes over, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Nizzolo and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mos.png Soupe have found their slipstream as well. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Halvorsen brings pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Ahlstrand to the front and on pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/sct.png Saber’s wheel, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov actually shows up for once - today of all days …


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen moves to the front just inside the Flamme Rouge. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Ahlstrand leaves pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Halvorsen’s slipstream as well, still a few bike lengths behind.


This does not seem to be pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen’s day in any way, shape or form as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Van Poppel and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Santos come side to side with him with apparent ease.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Santos can’t keep it up though and neither can pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Nizzolo and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mos.png Soupe over the middle. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Ahlstrand is fast, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen could still hang on to score the necessary points.


Okay, hold on: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen seems to have simply conserved his energy. While all others including pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Ahlstrand slow down, he’s able to keep up a decent pace.


And indeed, he wins the sprint handily, alas, it’s only for 11th place. He’ll be very frustrated that his team did not do more for him today - this could have been a massive boost for the green jersey. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Van Poppel and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Holloway, who complete the “podium”, would have preferred that to be a podium without quotation marks as well.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Santos and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Ahlstrand collect the remaining 2 and 1 points. And then? Why, time gaps, of course. At least those obviously matters much less today than they did earlier in this race.

So, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen is “properly” back in green, but he still has to be salty to leave that many points to a breakaway. For what it’s worth, it’s a feeling that main rival pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Herklotz’s manager knows all too well from last year, when he had the sprinter competing against the stage racer - with the better end for the sprinter, so there’s hope for Evonik yet.

Still, while a stage win today would have almost locked green for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen, he now has to hope for more breakaways that might take away points from pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Herklotz in the mountains. But before that, the two could butt heads again tomorrow, where we have one more hilly stage finishing in Gap. That one, too, looks taylor-made for a breakaway, though.

But let’s also give props where props are due: pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane really delivered today, unlocking his potential as a breakaway artist that his manager knew he had in him. In the GC, this vaulted him up to 23rd. As an additional bonus, Isostar also takes over the team classification for a second time this race, and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Aegon slips into second place ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gzl.png Gazelle.

Stage Result


1Lilian CalmejaneIsostar - Specialized4h43'46
2Pim LigthartIndosat Ooredoos.t.
3Ernesto MoraAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
4Loic VliegenAegon - Peronis.t.
5Michael HepburnMoser - Sygics.t.
6Andreas VangstadAker - MOTs.t.
7Stefan KungGeneralis.t.
8Michael VanthourenhoutKing Powers.t.
9Charalampas KastrantasFestina - OAKAs.t.
10Miha PoljanecSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
11Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKO+ 9'14
12Danny Van PoppeleBuddys.t.
13Dan HollowayEA Vesuvios.t.
14Emerson SantosISA - Hexactas.t.
15Jonas AhlstrandVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
16Geoffrey SoupeMoser - Sygics.t.
17Artem SamolenkovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
18Lahcen SaberSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
19Sondre Holst EngercycleYorkshires.t.
20Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKOs.t.
21Kristoffer HalvorsenVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
22Giacomo NizzoloFestina - OAKAs.t.
23Fabio JakobsenKing Powers.t.
24William ChiarelloEvonik - ELKO+ 9'58
25Romain VanderbiestIndosat Ooredoos.t.
26Armands BecisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
27Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvios.t.
28Ho-Ting KwokAir France - KLMs.t.
29Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoos.t.
30Remi CavagnaTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
31Lasse Norman HansenGrieg-Maersks.t.
32Trond Hakon TrondsenAker - MOTs.t.
33Barry MarkusIndosat Ooredoos.t.
34Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
35Filippo GannaTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
36Angel MadrazoGazelles.t.
37Simon SpilakGeneralis.t.
38Jakub KaczmarekeBuddys.t.
39Romain SicardAir France - KLMs.t.
40Joseph DombrowskieBuddys.t.
41Daan OlivierAegon - Peronis.t.
42Warren BarguilMoser - Sygics.t.
43Nathan BrownGeneralis.t.
44King Lok CheungRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
45Glenn O'SheaBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
46Lars BoomAegon - Peronis.t.
47Primoz RoglicIsostar - Specializeds.t.
48Gregory BrenesIndosat Ooredoos.t.
49Benjamin ThomasTeam UBSs.t.
50Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
51Gabriel MarinSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
52Max LoschAker - MOTs.t.
53Jose AlarconVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
54Louis MeintjescycleYorkshires.t.
55Ryan EastmanAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
56German Nicolas TivaniAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
57Patrick SchellingTeam UBSs.t.
58Alex WohlerBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
59Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshires.t.
60Nairo QuintanaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
61Martin ReimerEA Vesuvios.t.
62Adam RobergeAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
63Ian StannardcycleYorkshires.t.
64Andy SchleckEA Vesuvios.t.
65Ian BibbyGazelles.t.
66Sebastian SchönbergerMoser - Sygics.t.
67Marc GoosEA Vesuvios.t.
68Edoardo ZardiniAegon - Peronis.t.
69Morgan KneiskyEA Vesuvios.t.
70Johan Esteban ChavesAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
71Caio GodoyEA Vesuvios.t.
72Tobias LudvigssonGeneralis.t.
73Kasper AsgreenVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
74Artur GrigrianTeam UBSs.t.
75Mathieu BernaudeauAir France - KLMs.t.
76Manuele BoaroGazelles.t.
77Roy JansIsostar - Specializeds.t.
78Michel KochAir France - KLMs.t.
79Silvan DillierTeam UBSs.t.
80Clement RussoIsostar - Specializeds.t.
81Rei OnoderaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
82Dusan RajovicSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
83Nelson OliveiraGeneralis.t.
84Natnael BerhaneISA - Hexactas.t.
85Robert PowerBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
86Aleksandar RomanIsostar - Specializeds.t.
87Guillaume MartinAir France - KLMs.t.
88Gianluca BrambillaeBuddys.t.
89Hampus AnderbergAker - MOTs.t.
90Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoos.t.
91Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
92Nans PetersIsostar - Specializeds.t.
93Daniil FominykhTeam UBSs.t.
94Timothy RoeBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
95Havard BlikraVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
96Georgios KaratziosFestina - OAKAs.t.
97Enric MasEvonik - ELKOs.t.
98Richard Antonio CarapazVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
99Benjamin DyballGeneralis.t.
100Oscar RiesebeekEvonik - ELKOs.t.
101Ignacio Jesus PradoMoser - Sygics.t.
102Muhamad Zawawi AzmanKing Powers.t.
103Denys KarnulinGazelles.t.
104William BartaFestina - OAKAs.t.
105Michal KukrleMoser - Sygics.t.
106Mikel BizkarraIsostar - Specializeds.t.
107Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKAs.t.
108Julien VermoteGrieg-Maersks.t.
109Rafael VallsAegon - Peronis.t.
110Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
111Sigurd NessetGrieg-Maersks.t.
112Thomas DekkerAegon - Peronis.t.
113Casper PedersenAker - MOTs.t.
114Alexander FoliforovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
115Tanel KangertGazelles.t.
116Dayer QuintanaAker - MOTs.t.
117Nikita NovikovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
118Uri Martins SandovalAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
119Yevgeniy GidichKing Powers.t.
120Dion SmithKing Powers.t.
121Daniel TeklehaimanotKing Powers.t.
122Jose GoncalvesTeam UBSs.t.
123Piotr BrozynaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
124Kenny ElissondeIndosat Ooredoos.t.
125Dylan Van BaarlecycleYorkshires.t.
126Gavin MannionAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
127Yuriy VasylivTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
128Tomoyuki IinoRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
129Matvey MamykinTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
130Jianhua JiISA - Hexactas.t.
131Domen NovakIsostar - Specializeds.t.
132Jonathan LastraGrieg-Maersks.t.
133Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
134Matic GroseljSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
135Goran AntonijevicSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
136Cameron BaylyBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
137Jaime SuazaAzteca - NBCSNs.t.
138Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
139Jorge AbreuTeam UBSs.t.
140Ben O'ConnorBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
141Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOTs.t.
142Marildo YzeirajAker - MOTs.t.
143Chun Kai FengISA - Hexactas.t.
144Ronan Van ZandbeekVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
145Thomas KoepAegon - Peronis.t.
146Brendan CantyBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
147Tao Geoghegan HartGazelles.t.
148Giulio CicconeAegon - Peronis.t.
149Mamyr StashKing Powers.t.
150Michal SchlegelMoser - Sygics.t.
151David RoschAir France - KLMs.t.
152Gabor FejesGazelles.t.
153Tushantha RajapakshageRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
154Fabio ArueBuddys.t.
155Neilson PowlessGazelles.t.
156Mikel IturriaGrieg-Maersks.t.
157Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
158Rohan DennisGeneralis.t.
159Anders SkaarsethcycleYorkshires.t.
160Jose FernandesGeneralis.t.
161Justin WolfIndosat Ooredoos.t.
162Johann van ZylAir France - KLMs.t.
163Jasha SütterlinTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
164Luke DurbridgecycleYorkshires.t.
165Nils PolittTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
166Aleksey RybalkinTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
167Omer GoldsteineBuddys.t.
168Jakub KratochvilaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
169Pavel SivakovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
170Nicholas DlaminiISA - Hexactas.t.
171Andrew TennantcycleYorkshires.t.
172Rhys GillettGrieg-Maersks.t.
173Murilo AffonsoISA - Hexactas.t.
174Steven LammertinkeBuddys.t.
175Aydar ZakarinTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
176Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexactas.t.
177Michael Valgren AndersenAir France - KLMs.t.
178Sergey ChernetskiyTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
179Oscar RodriguezeBuddys.t.
180David BoilyFestina - OAKAs.t.
181Michael ChristodoulosSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
182Matija MestricSwisslion Cycling Teams.t.
183Anatoliy BudyakFestina - OAKAs.t.
184Teodoro CostagliRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
185Piter CamperoISA - Hexactas.t.
186Phan Age HaugardVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
187Panagiotis VlatosFestina - OAKAs.t.
188Thomas RevardKing Powers.t.
189Gilles HeymesEA Vesuvios.t.
190Felix GrossschartnerGrieg-Maersks.t.
191Sebastien IvarsTeam UBS+ 13'07

General Classification

1Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP61h44'14
2Angel MadrazoGazelle+ 15
3Romain SicardAir France - KLM+ 24
4Simon SpilakGenerali+ 1'22
5Joseph DombrowskieBuddy+ 3'11
6Daan OlivierAegon - Peroni+ 3'44
7Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitchelton+ 3'46
8Warren BarguilMoser - Sygic+ 4'06
9Primoz RoglicIsostar - Specialized+ 4'16
10Patrick SchellingTeam UBS+ 4'26
11Louis MeintjescycleYorkshire+ 4'32
12Jose AlarconVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 4'48
13Nairo QuintanaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 6'41
14Natnael BerhaneISA - Hexacta+ 8'22
15Marc GoosEA Vesuvio+ 9'09
16Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOTs.t.
17Tanel KangertGazelles.t.
18William ChiarelloEvonik - ELKO+ 9'25
19Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 9'30
20Caio GodoyEA Vesuvio+ 9'37
21Ryan EastmanAzteca - NBCSN+ 9'52
22Matvey MamykinTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 10'58
23Lilian CalmejaneIsostar - Specialized+ 11'03
24Colin StüssiTeam Puma - SAP+ 12'25
25Andy SchleckEA Vesuvio+ 12'29
26Alexander FoliforovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 13'58
27Denys KarnulinGazelle+ 15'12
28Rafael VallsAegon - Peroni+ 15'14
29Benjamin DyballGenerali+ 15'44
30Gianluca BrambillaeBuddy+ 15'47
31Nikita NovikovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 16'09
32Ian BibbyGazelle+ 16'18
33Ignacio Jesus PradoMoser - Sygic+ 17'07
34Domen NovakIsostar - Specialized+ 17'13
35Jorge AbreuTeam UBS+ 17'18
36Dion SmithKing Power+ 17'23
37Tao Geoghegan HartGazelle+ 17'25
38Yuriy VasylivTeam Puma - SAP+ 17'52
39Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKO+ 18'44
40Neilson PowlessGazelle+ 18'51
41Johan Esteban ChavesAzteca - NBCSN+ 19'02
42Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexacta+ 19'15
43Edoardo ZardiniAegon - Peroni+ 19'31
44Mikel BizkarraIsostar - Specialized+ 19'32
45Jose GoncalvesTeam UBS+ 19'44
46Daniel TeklehaimanotKing Power+ 19'52
47Aleksey RybalkinTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 20'09
48Aleksandar RomanIsostar - Specialized+ 20'43
49Tobias LudvigssonGenerali+ 21'04
50Dayer QuintanaAker - MOT+ 21'21
51Fabio ArueBuddy+ 21'36
52Artur GrigrianTeam UBS+ 21'59
53Rohan DennisGenerali+ 22'15
54Enric MasEvonik - ELKO+ 22'28
55Richard Antonio CarapazVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 22'59
56Stefan KungGenerali+ 23'40
57Jianhua JiISA - Hexacta+ 23'54
58Nelson OliveiraGenerali+ 24'49
59Robert PowerBennelong - Mitchelton+ 25'11
60Sigurd NessetGrieg-Maersk+ 25'13
61Guillaume MartinAir France - KLM+ 25'52
62Brendan CantyBennelong - Mitchelton+ 26'30
63Charalampas KastrantasFestina - OAKAs.t.
64Nans PetersIsostar - Specialized+ 27'03
65Sergey ChernetskiyTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 27'31
66Gregory BrenesIndosat Ooredoo+ 27'50
67Cameron BaylyBennelong - Mitchelton+ 27'52
68Dylan Van BaarlecycleYorkshire+ 28'04
69Thomas KoepAegon - Peroni+ 28'13
70Piotr BrozynaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 28'20
71Oscar RiesebeekEvonik - ELKO+ 29'02
72Tomoyuki IinoRakuten Pro Cycling+ 29'19
73Michel KochAir France - KLM+ 29'37
74Ben O'ConnorBennelong - Mitchelton+ 30'06
75Jonathan LastraGrieg-Maersk+ 30'26
76Michal SchlegelMoser - Sygic+ 30'55
77David BoilyFestina - OAKA+ 31'34
78Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKA+ 31'39
79William BartaFestina - OAKA+ 32'24
80Yevgeniy GidichKing Power+ 32'33
81Jose FernandesGenerali+ 32'40
82Murilo AffonsoISA - Hexacta+ 32'41
83Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKO+ 33'53
84Kenny ElissondeIndosat Ooredoo+ 34'07
85Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAP+ 34'36
86Gavin MannionAzteca - NBCSN+ 34'50
87Mikel IturriaGrieg-Maersk+ 35'59
88David RoschAir France - KLM+ 36'03
89Thomas DekkerAegon - Peroni+ 37'07
90Oscar RodriguezeBuddy+ 37'25
91Sebastian SchönbergerMoser - Sygic+ 37'28
92Loic VliegenAegon - Peroni+ 38'15
93Timothy RoeBennelong - Mitchelton+ 38'24
94Chun Kai FengISA - Hexacta+ 38'30
95Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKO+ 39'47
96Muhamad Zawawi AzmanKing Power+ 40'16
97Trond Hakon TrondsenAker - MOT+ 41'59
98Teodoro CostagliRakuten Pro Cycling+ 43'24
99Giulio CicconeAegon - Peroni+ 43'31
100Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvio+ 44'53
101Jakub KaczmarekeBuddy+ 46'09
102Armands BecisEvonik - ELKO+ 46'16
103Johann van ZylAir France - KLM+ 46'28
104Miha PoljanecSwisslion Cycling Team+ 46'46
105Rhys GillettGrieg-Maersk+ 48'11
106Anders SkaarsethcycleYorkshire+ 48'48
107Remi CavagnaTeam Puma - SAP+ 52'19
108Artem SamolenkovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 53'06
109Filippo GannaTeam Puma - SAP+ 53'27
110Nathan BrownGenerali+ 53'51
111Pavel SivakovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 53'57
112Anatoliy BudyakFestina - OAKA+ 55'02
113Jakub KratochvilaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 56'02
114Uri Martins SandovalAzteca - NBCSN+ 56'13
115Nicholas DlaminiISA - Hexacta+ 58'32
116Hampus AnderbergAker - MOT+ 59'02
117Michael VanthourenhoutKing Power+ 59'27
118Martin ReimerEA Vesuvio+ 59'46
119Gabor FejesGazelle+ 1h01'08
120Havard BlikraVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 1h02'11
121Michal KukrleMoser - Sygic+ 1h02'40
122Morgan KneiskyEA Vesuvio+ 1h03'28
123Sondre Holst EngercycleYorkshire+ 1h04'42
124Geoffrey SoupeMoser - Sygic+ 1h04'46
125Gilles HeymesEA Vesuvio+ 1h05'03
126Ernesto MoraAzteca - NBCSN+ 1h06'28
127Marildo YzeirajAker - MOT+ 1h08'47
128Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKO+ 1h09'13
129Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 1h09'21
130Rei OnoderaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 1h10'01
131Michael HepburnMoser - Sygic+ 1h11'23
132Sebastien IvarsTeam UBS+ 1h11'38
133Aydar ZakarinTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 1h13'58
134Lahcen SaberSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h15'00
135Felix GrossschartnerGrieg-Maersk+ 1h15'11
136Lars BoomAegon - Peroni+ 1h15'45
137Romain VanderbiestIndosat Ooredoo+ 1h15'55
138Nils PolittTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h16'31
139Dan HollowayEA Vesuvio+ 1h16'46
140Andrew TennantcycleYorkshire+ 1h17'08
141Adam RobergeAzteca - NBCSN+ 1h17'47
142Emerson SantosISA - Hexacta+ 1h20'11
143Danny Van PoppeleBuddy+ 1h20'15
144Omer GoldsteineBuddy+ 1h20'33
145Kasper AsgreenVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
146Jaime SuazaAzteca - NBCSN+ 1h23'01
147Clement RussoIsostar - Specialized+ 1h24'09
148Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic+ 1h26'41
149Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoo+ 1h27'44
150Manuele BoaroGazelle+ 1h27'49
151Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshire+ 1h30'45
152Casper PedersenAker - MOTs.t.
153Alex WohlerBennelong - Mitchelton+ 1h31'00
154Jonas AhlstrandVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 1h33'48
155German Nicolas TivaniAzteca - NBCSN+ 1h34'23
156Piter CamperoISA - Hexacta+ 1h34'43
157Tushantha RajapakshageRakuten Pro Cycling+ 1h35'40
158Lasse Norman HansenGrieg-Maersk+ 1h35'48
159Jasha SütterlinTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h35'59
160King Lok CheungRakuten Pro Cycling+ 1h36'12
161Kristoffer HalvorsenVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 1h38'12
162Georgios KaratziosFestina - OAKA+ 1h42'53
163Michael ChristodoulosSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h43'20
164Daniil FominykhTeam UBS+ 1h46'09
165Goran AntonijevicSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h47'48
166Benjamin ThomasTeam UBS+ 1h50'08
167Thomas RevardKing Power+ 1h50'23
168Matija MestricSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h50'44
169Matic GroseljSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h51'06
170Fabio JakobsenKing Power+ 1h52'55
171Roy JansIsostar - Specialized+ 1h55'12
172Phan Age HaugardVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 1h58'54
173Mathieu BernaudeauAir France - KLM+ 1h59'19
174Gabriel MarinSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h59'50
175Luke DurbridgecycleYorkshire+ 2h00'05
176Ronan Van ZandbeekVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 2h03'12
177Ho-Ting KwokAir France - KLM+ 2h10'13
178Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoo+ 2h10'28
179Julien VermoteGrieg-Maersk+ 2h13'33
180Michael Valgren AndersenAir France - KLM+ 2h13'41
181Pim LigthartIndosat Ooredoo+ 2h14'36
182Mamyr StashKing Power+ 2h15'21
183Glenn O'SheaBennelong - Mitchelton+ 2h22'14
184Dusan RajovicSwisslion Cycling Team+ 2h28'55
185Giacomo NizzoloFestina - OAKA+ 2h29'01
186Barry MarkusIndosat Ooredoo+ 2h31'53
187Justin WolfIndosat Ooredoo+ 2h41'32
188Ian StannardcycleYorkshire+ 2h45'21
189Max LoschAker - MOT+ 2h47'29
190Silvan DillierTeam UBS+ 3h02'09
191Panagiotis VlatosFestina - OAKA+ 3h08'52

Points Classification


1Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKO186
2Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP182
3Jonas AhlstrandVolvo acc. by Spotify133
4Angel MadrazoGazelle123
5Lahcen SaberSwisslion Cycling Team114
6Romain SicardAir France - KLM98
7Simon SpilakGenerali91
8Sondre Holst EngercycleYorkshire86
9Lilian CalmejaneIsostar - Specialized79
10Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvio70
11Geoffrey SoupeMoser - Sygic63
12Romain VanderbiestIndosat Ooredoo63
13Daan OlivierAegon - Peroni54
14Giacomo NizzoloFestina - OAKA53
15Jorge AbreuTeam UBS52
16Sergey ChernetskiyTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha50
17Danny Van PoppeleBuddy50
18Joseph DombrowskieBuddy45
19Louis MeintjescycleYorkshire43
20Emerson SantosISA - Hexacta43
21Jose AlarconVolvo acc. by Spotify42
22Fabio JakobsenKing Power42
23Warren BarguilMoser - Sygic39
24Pim LigthartIndosat Ooredoo35
25Patrick SchellingTeam UBS34
26Dion SmithKing Power30
27Sigurd NessetGrieg-Maersk30
28Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKA30
29Johan Esteban ChavesAzteca - NBCSN30
30Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitchelton29
31Jonathan LastraGrieg-Maersk29
32Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexacta28
33Panagiotis VlatosFestina - OAKA26
34Primoz RoglicIsostar - Specialized26
35Charalampas KastrantasFestina - OAKA26
36Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKO25
37Dan HollowayEA Vesuvio25
38Casper PedersenAker - MOT24
39Michal SchlegelMoser - Sygic23
40Sebastian SchönbergerMoser - Sygic21
41Kristoffer HalvorsenVolvo acc. by Spotify21
42Ernesto MoraAzteca - NBCSN20
43Michael HepburnMoser - Sygic20
44Tushantha RajapakshageRakuten Pro Cycling20
45Daniil FominykhTeam UBS20
46Teodoro CostagliRakuten Pro Cycling19
47Loic VliegenAegon - Peroni18
48Luke DurbridgecycleYorkshire18
49Rohan DennisGenerali16
50Nans PetersIsostar - Specialized16
51Andreas VangstadAker - MOT15
52Mikel BizkarraIsostar - Specialized15
53Jakub KratochvilaRakuten Pro Cycling15
54Edoardo ZardiniAegon - Peroni14
55Stefan KungGenerali14
56Miha PoljanecSwisslion Cycling Team14
57Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoo13
58Michael VanthourenhoutKing Power12
59Phan Age HaugardVolvo acc. by Spotify12
60Daniel TeklehaimanotKing Power11
61Uri Martins SandovalAzteca - NBCSN11
62Nicholas DlaminiISA - Hexacta11
63Dylan Van BaarlecycleYorkshire10
64Murilo AffonsoISA - Hexacta10
65Jakub KaczmarekeBuddy10
66Caio GodoyEA Vesuvio9
67Glenn O'SheaBennelong - Mitchelton9
68Ho-Ting KwokAir France - KLM8
69Nathan BrownGenerali7
70Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT7
71Marildo YzeirajAker - MOT7
72Matic GroseljSwisslion Cycling Team7
73Natnael BerhaneISA - Hexacta6
74Tanel KangertGazelle6
75Tomoyuki IinoRakuten Pro Cycling6
76Johann van ZylAir France - KLM6
77Remi CavagnaTeam Puma - SAP6
78Hampus AnderbergAker - MOT6
79Morgan KneiskyEA Vesuvio6
80Lasse Norman HansenGrieg-Maersk6
81Neilson PowlessGazelle5
82Daniel TurekMoser - Sygic5
83Barry MarkusIndosat Ooredoo5
84Brendan CantyBennelong - Mitchelton4
85Muhamad Zawawi AzmanKing Power4
86Michael ChristodoulosSwisslion Cycling Team4
87Ryan EastmanAzteca - NBCSN3
88Jianhua JiISA - Hexacta3
89Nairo QuintanaRakuten Pro Cycling2
90William ChiarelloEvonik - ELKO2
91Cameron BaylyBennelong - Mitchelton2
92Oscar RiesebeekEvonik - ELKO2
93Martin ReimerEA Vesuvio2
94Jasha SütterlinTeam Puma - SAP2
95Thomas RevardKing Power2
96Matija MestricSwisslion Cycling Team2
97Andy SchleckEA Vesuvio1
98Aleksandar RomanIsostar - Specialized1
99Felix GrossschartnerGrieg-Maersk1
100Silvan DillierTeam UBS1

Mountain Classification

1Jorge AbreuTeam UBS55
2Jonathan LastraGrieg-Maersk47
3Mikel BizkarraIsostar - Specialized42
4Dion SmithKing Power40
5Michal SchlegelMoser - Sygic36
6Charalampas KastrantasFestina - OAKA35
7Angel MadrazoGazelle34
8Romain SicardAir France - KLM32
9Silvio HerklotzTeam Puma - SAP30
10David BoilyFestina - OAKA28
11Lilian CalmejaneIsostar - Specialized26
12Sigurd NessetGrieg-Maersk24
13Teodoro CostagliRakuten Pro Cycling24
14Simon SpilakGenerali21
15Casper PedersenAker - MOT20
16Felix GrossschartnerGrieg-Maersk17
17Joseph DombrowskieBuddy16
18Jose AlarconVolvo acc. by Spotify16
19Jianhua JiISA - Hexacta16
20Sergey ChernetskiyTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha16
21Yevgeniy GidichKing Power16
22Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitchelton14
23Aleksandar RomanIsostar - Specialized14
24Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexacta12
25Loic VliegenAegon - Peroni12
26Primoz RoglicIsostar - Specialized11
27Daniel TeklehaimanotKing Power10
28Cameron BaylyBennelong - Mitchelton10
29Uri Martins SandovalAzteca - NBCSN10
30Daan OlivierAegon - Peroni8
31Oscar RiesebeekEvonik - ELKO8
32Michael VanthourenhoutKing Power8
33Benjamin DyballGenerali7
34Nicholas DlaminiISA - Hexacta7
35Thomas RevardKing Power7
36Andreas VangstadAker - MOT6
37Tomoyuki IinoRakuten Pro Cycling6
38Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKA6
39Murilo AffonsoISA - Hexacta6
40Miha PoljanecSwisslion Cycling Team6
41Louis MeintjescycleYorkshire5
42Neilson PowlessGazelle4
43Chun Kai FengISA - Hexacta4
44Johann van ZylAir France - KLM4
45Fredrik Strand GaltaAker - MOT3
46Alexander FoliforovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha3
47Muhamad Zawawi AzmanKing Power3
48Ernesto MoraAzteca - NBCSN3
49Michael HepburnMoser - Sygic3
50Piter CamperoISA - Hexacta3
51Warren BarguilMoser - Sygic2
52Natnael BerhaneISA - Hexacta2
53Nans PetersIsostar - Specialized2
54Sebastian SchönbergerMoser - Sygic2
55Fabio ArueBuddy1
56Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKO1
57Jakub KaczmarekeBuddy1
58Marildo YzeirajAker - MOT1

Youth Classification

1Caio GodoyEA Vesuvio61h53'51 (1)
2Domen NovakIsostar - Specialized+ 7'36 (2)
3Tao Geoghegan HartGazelle+ 7'48 (3)
4Martins BlumsEvonik - ELKO+ 9'07 (4)
5Neilson PowlessGazelle+ 9'14 (5)
6Aleksandar RomanIsostar - Specialized+ 11'06 (6)
7Enric MasEvonik - ELKO+ 12'51 (7)
8Robert PowerBennelong - Mitchelton+ 15'34 (8)
9Piotr BrozynaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 18'43 (9)
10Ben O'ConnorBennelong - Mitchelton+ 20'29 (10)
11Michal SchlegelMoser - Sygic+ 21'18 (11)
12Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKA+ 22'02 (12)
13William BartaFestina - OAKA+ 22'47 (13)
14Yevgeniy GidichKing Power+ 22'56 (14)
15Jose FernandesGenerali+ 23'03 (15)
16Oscar RodriguezeBuddy+ 27'48 (16)
17Miha PoljanecSwisslion Cycling Team+ 37'09 (17)
18Anders SkaarsethcycleYorkshire+ 39'11 (18)
19Remi CavagnaTeam Puma - SAP+ 42'42 (19)
20Filippo GannaTeam Puma - SAP+ 43'50 (20)
21Pavel SivakovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 44'20 (21)
22Anatoliy BudyakFestina - OAKA+ 45'25 (22)
23Nicholas DlaminiISA - Hexacta+ 48'55 (23)
24Hampus AnderbergAker - MOT+ 49'25 (24)
25Rei OnoderaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 1h00'24 (25)
26Adam RobergeAzteca - NBCSN+ 1h08'10 (26)
27Omer GoldsteineBuddy+ 1h10'56 (27)
28Kasper AsgreenVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 1h10'57 (28)
29Clement RussoIsostar - Specialized+ 1h14'32 (29)
30Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoo+ 1h18'07 (30)
31Gabriel CullaighcycleYorkshire+ 1h21'08 (31)
32Casper PedersenAker - MOT+ 1h21'09 (32)
33German Nicolas TivaniAzteca - NBCSN+ 1h24'46 (33)
34Kristoffer HalvorsenVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 1h28'35 (34)
35Michael ChristodoulosSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h33'43 (35)
36Benjamin ThomasTeam UBS+ 1h40'31 (36)
37Thomas RevardKing Power+ 1h40'46 (37)
38Matija MestricSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h41'07 (38)
39Matic GroseljSwisslion Cycling Team+ 1h41'29 (39)
40Fabio JakobsenKing Power+ 1h43'18 (40)
41Dusan RajovicSwisslion Cycling Team+ 2h19'18 (41)

Team Classification

1Isostar - Specialized184h17'20 (1)
2Aegon - Peroni+ 6'19 (2)
3EA Vesuvio+ 8'42 (3)
4Gazelle+ 9'05 (4)
5Generali+ 10'20 (5)
6Team Puma - SAP+ 13'18 (6)
7Moser - Sygic+ 15'42 (7)
8Evonik - ELKO+ 17'07 (8)
9ISA - Hexacta+ 17'20 (9)
10eBuddy+ 17'53 (10)
11Team UBS+ 19'31 (11)
12Team Tinkoff - La Datcha+ 19'52 (12)
13Aker - MOT+ 20'34 (13)
14Air France - KLM+ 25'25 (14)
15Bennelong - Mitchelton+ 30'05 (15)
16Rakuten Pro Cycling+ 32'26 (16)
17Azteca - NBCSN+ 34'38 (17)
18King Power+ 39'46 (18)
19cycleYorkshire+ 51'44 (19)
20Festina - OAKA+ 53'44 (20)
21Volvo acc. by Spotify+ 56'57 (21)
22Grieg-Maersk+ 1h06'14 (22)
23Indosat Ooredoo+ 1h44'20 (23)
24Swisslion Cycling Team+ 3h13'38 (24)
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