Ive seen a few posts here already but none that really serviced my questions. This one goes out to all the really good DB editors here.In brief, I've just downloaded PCM2008 and began editing the hell out of it...The fact that the entire peleton is using 2 frames is just mind blowing. Maybe have a few frame types with a team texture would have been better. Anyway, I want to blow out the equipment plus add a few teams. Ive struck trouble straight away because the layout of the tables seems a lot different. In previous version of PCM , using Kicker STA_TGA was massive. With all the team and equipment detail. I wanted to add some mini's and I go through Hannes and there is no team references at all. Second part of the problem is adding equipment. Assigning frames etc was easy , but going over to STA_TGA there are no directories etc. What am I supposed to do here??? I can add frame in directory 12 , but half the data is missing. I dont want to use what some people have already put out. The graphics are crap and the DB's have been edited poorly. Im looking to start from scratch. First issue is the mini's. Where in the team files am I supposed to assign a mini ID from STA_TGA???? Secondly, is there a thorough tutorial on editing in PCM2008???? A lot of Data seems to be missing. Is there a concise list of information about the directories. When using Kicker it was easy, but PCM2008 STA_TGA has directory information missing.
Thanks for the help..
Edited by roadie on 29-08-2008 23:28
first of all:
you'll need sta_tga only for small things now(equipment selection pictures for example)...the whole info for equipment is in 2 tables: sta_equipment and sta_equipment_marques now
assignment for teams goes with dyn_team
for adding minis:
only the filename situated in dyn_team "gene_z_jersys", i think its called, is needed.
Then it all comes to directories:gui/team_shirt/ for minis...
for directory info you should stick to sta_directory
it's funny to see you saying poorly edited db's while you haven't even had a look at db-structures.
whereas on the graphical department you might be right
Edited by eeyor on 30-08-2008 05:44
Thanks for the information. Much appreciated. However there are some clear errors in the description. gene_z_jerseys is no longer in DYN_TEAM. so where are mini's allocated??? to what table??? For 2006 and 2007 with Kicker they were drafted in STA_TGA, so now where are they assigned????
But Im right about poor editing. Ive looked at a lot of the DB's that have been released. Lots of simple errors and important details ommitted.
I downloaded a few because I thought it might be benefitial. It turned out to be otherwise. I would have had more editing to do than if I started from the beginning.
Edited by roadie on 30-08-2008 15:05
You just need to edit "jersey_sz_abbreviation" in DYN_team to add minis. But this cloumn is also connected with normal shirts and accessories.
Edited by Adams55 on 30-08-2008 15:41