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PCM.daily » PCM.daily's Management Game » [Man-Game] Results PT/PTHC
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Ronde van Nederland - Stage 2

The profile for stage two looks to be pancake flat with a few pointy hills. Looking around the area of St. Willebrord, there appears to be no such hill, with the highest point being a speed bump on the town's main road. Turns out the profile is scaled between 0 and 50 centimeters, hence that speedbump stands out. The local comedy club even put a mountain sprint on top of it.


The race director still waves his flag, but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Andersen attacks to defend his title as King of the Speedbumps.


And the first of those speedbumps indeed goes to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Andersen. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Bolor-Erdene attacked as well to take second and will join the Dane after the "descent". Third place went to pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png De Buyst as leader of the peloton.


Despite numerous attempts to change the situation by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gzl.png Teunissen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Boonratanathanakorn, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Beukeboom, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/akm.png Yzeiraj, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Serrano and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov, these two stay leaders for a while. Eventually, three do manage to join:

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Serrano
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png De Gendt
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov

Their lead is three minutes with 140 kilometer left to cover.


Three minutes also turns out to be the maximum lead before the chase comes into action. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Puma, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Vesuvio, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ubs.png UBS, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/bnm.png Bennelong and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Xero lead the chase, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png ISA with one rider protecting GC-leader pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Degenkolb at the front.


Speedbump two is won by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov by a huge margin, close finish for second but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Bolor-Erdene second and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Andersen third. As long as he keeps scoring points, nothing much can go wrong for the Dane.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Serrano turns out to not be very proficient at riding up speedbumps and lost contact there, and would be caught by the peloton at 100 kilometer to go. The gap between the peloton and the now-four leaders fluctuates between two minutes and two minutes thirty.


The last ascent of the speedbump provides another close finish but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png De Gendt is first this time, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov second and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Andersen third apparently. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Andersen still leads the mountains classification, 30 points against his name with a lead of 18 over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Quita and 20 over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov, but a maximum of 54 points can still be earned on the final stage. 60 kilometer to go, gap 1'30.


At 35k the gap is just over one minute, as pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Andersen attempts to ride away. Previously, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov tried to do the same but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Bolor-Erdene brought him back. The Dane has a much bigger lead than the Russian ever had, but it proved to be futile as well.


A good twenty kilometer from the line the adventure of the breakaway is over, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Cherkasov with one final do-or-die attempt but would be caught by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ubs.png UBS, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/bnm.png Bennelong and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Puma.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Stoltz and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Riesebeek leading for Evonik in the countryside of Noord-Brabant, and they create a crack after 60th position. The sprinters are in front as they were already preparing their trains, although some puncheurs like pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Yates and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Gastauer are caught behind.


At 3500 meters the gap between the two groups is one minute and in full sprint preparation there is no chance of coming back. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Evonik with train on the left consisting of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Becis, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Dzamastagic and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen, going for a more active approach today. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu has pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Vermeltfoort as leadout with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Groenewegen stuck on his wheel, while pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Degenkolb tries to find a teammate.


Some moving around but with two kilometer to go we have two trains. approach today. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Evonik on the right with
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Dzamastagic
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Groenewegen
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Degenkolb

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png eBuddy on the left with
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Vermeltfoort
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Vanderbiest
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Houle
pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/afk.png Kennaugh
though pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Vermeltfoort is moving aside already.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/yor.png Enger, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/fes.png Nizzolo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Van der Lijke and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Demare not attached to any train and somewhat behind.


As his leadout was gone too early, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu had no choice but to join the pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Evonik train, the others in his line elect to do it without train. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Van Garderen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Bakelants and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Mohoric in the positions behind as safety measure and with a possible chance of bonus secondss, together with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/yor.png Enger who might challenge for a lower top ten as well. Only much further down we find pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Demare.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen released by his train but at 500m pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Groenewegen and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Degenkolb are alongside with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu close behind. The sprint for fifth led by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Vanderbiest and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Houle and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/afk.png Kennaugh.


No telling who will win yet but pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu has dropped back and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/afk.png Kennaugh and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Houle suddenly found an extra burst of speed. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/yor.png Enger the only other sprinter behind the leaders.


Two lines, as the finish line is also the start line! Confusing, but at this one it seems a dead heat between pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Degenkolb and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/afk.png Kennaugh for the win, and a dead heat between pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Houle and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov for third.


But it turns out to be the second line, which makes it clear pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/afk.png Peter Kennaugh. The reigning champion does it again, after winning two stages last year he adds another one in St. Willebrord. It even got close between pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Houle and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png Degenkolb but the jury seems to be in the German's back pocket, the yellow jersey takes second and the Canadian third. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov fourth, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen fifth, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Groenewegen sixth.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/yor.png Enger seventh, with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Van Garderen, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Mohoric and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Bakelants completing the top ten and picking up perhaps important bonus seconds for the GC. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Dzamastagic eleventh, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu falling back to twelfth and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Vanderbiest thirteenth. There might be a gap to the next group!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Demare was caught napping at the start of the sprint but made his way back to fourteenth ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Lutsenko and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ubs.png Ponzi. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Van der Lijke, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/bnm.png Howard and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/rak.png Hayakawa could not impress today, finishing 20th to 22nd. The jury saves them from a time gap.


After the 53rd rider a gap is awarded of 1'39. This caught out pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/des.png Yates, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/gen.png Teuns, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Gastauer, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/yor.png Bellis, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Calmejane, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ubs.png Müller, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/rak.png Serry and white jersey pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/vlv.png Eriksson.

Second place is enough for pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png John Degenkolb to stay in the yellow jersey heading into the final stage. He leads by seventeen seconds over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Groenewegen and eighteen over pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/afk.png Kennaugh. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/xr0.png Houle and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Van der Lijke tied for fifth at 28 seconds, followed by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ebd.png Grosu and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/tti.png Samolenkov at 31. At 33 seconds we find the first true GC contenders, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Demare and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/evo.png Van Stayen. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/bnm.png Bobridge (35), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/eav.png Van Garderen (39), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ubs.png Ponzi (39), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/mos.png Sagan (41), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Mohoric (41), pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/kng.png Lutsenko (42) and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/ino.png Bakelants (42) go into tomorrow's stage with a small time advantage (<43) as well, but the bonus seconds are also awarded tomorrow.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/isa.png John Degenkolb also leads the points classification but the green jersey will still be worn by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/aeg.png Groenewegen tomorrow. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/grm.png Soren Kragh Andersen extended his lead in the mountains classification but is not yet assured of the win. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/pum.png Filippo Ganna is the new leader in the young rider classification and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2020/Micros/iso.png Isostar - Specialized is the new leader in the teams classification, though eight teams are still in the same time.


1Peter KennaughAir France - KLM4h27'10
2John DegenkolbISA - Hexactas.t.
3Hugo HouleXero Racings.t.
4Artem SamolenkovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
5Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKOs.t.
6Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Peronis.t.
7Sondre Holst EngercycleYorkshires.t.
8Tejay Van GarderenEA Vesuvios.t.
9Matej MohoricIsostar - Specializeds.t.
10Jan BakelantsIndosat Ooredoos.t.
11Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKOs.t.
12Eduard GrosueBuddys.t.
13Romain VanderbiestIndosat Ooredoos.t.
14Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
15Alexey LutsenkoKing Powers.t.
16Simone PonziTeam UBSs.t.
17Sean De BieAegon - Peronis.t.
18Jack BobridgeBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
19Peter SaganMoser - Sygics.t.
20Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvios.t.
21Leigh HowardBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
22Tomohiro HayakawaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
23Davide GabburoIsostar - Specializeds.t.
24Raymond KrederISA - Hexactas.t.
25Jay McCarthycycleYorkshires.t.
26Clement KoretzkyFestina - OAKAs.t.
27Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
28Armands BecisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
29Floris GertseBuddys.t.
30Petr VakocISA - Hexactas.t.
31Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexactas.t.
32Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
33Oscar RiesebeekEvonik - ELKOs.t.
34Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexactas.t.
35Maurits LammertinkeBuddys.t.
36Omer GoldsteineBuddys.t.
37Daniel JuarezISA - Hexactas.t.
38Martin ReimerEA Vesuvios.t.
39Jonas RickaertIsostar - Specializeds.t.
40Kazushige KubokiRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
41Coen VermeltfoorteBuddys.t.
42Timo RooseneBuddys.t.
43Chun Kai FengISA - Hexactas.t.
44Patrick NaudEvonik - ELKOs.t.
45Marcus CuleyBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
46Ronnilan QuitaKing Powers.t.
47Giacomo NizzoloFestina - OAKAs.t.
48Jay MajorAir France - KLMs.t.
49Ho-Ting KwokAir France - KLMs.t.
50Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoos.t.
51Jhonatan RestrepoISA - Hexactas.t.
52Nur Amirul MarzukiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
53Filippo GannaTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
54Jasper De BuystGenerali+ 1'39
55Lucas Manuel GadayGeneralis.t.
56Nihal SilvaAker - MOTs.t.
57Jakub KaczmarekeBuddys.t.
58Simon YatesDesiguals.t.
59Moreno HoflandGazelles.t.
60Dylan TeunsGeneralis.t.
61Blaz FurdiGazelles.t.
62Ben GastauerEA Vesuvios.t.
63Fausto MasnadaGeneralis.t.
64Benoit CosnefroyGrieg-Maersks.t.
65Edward TheunsGeneralis.t.
66Georgios BouglasFestina - OAKAs.t.
67Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg-Maersks.t.
68Dylan KennettBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
69Trond Hakon TrondsenAker - MOTs.t.
70Jonathan BelliscycleYorkshires.t.
71Max LoschAker - MOTs.t.
72Gabor FejesGazelles.t.
73Jo Kogstad RingheimGrieg-Maersks.t.
74Roy JansIsostar - Specializeds.t.
75Jaume SuredaDesiguals.t.
76Jonel CarcuevaGazelles.t.
77Mads WürtzGrieg-Maersks.t.
78Sebastien ReichenbachTeam UBSs.t.
79Adam ToupalikAegon - Peronis.t.
80Jonathan FumeauxTeam UBSs.t.
81Gonzalo SerranoGrieg-Maersks.t.
82Omar FraileDesiguals.t.
83Stef KrulMoser - Sygics.t.
84Nathan Van HooydonckAegon - Peronis.t.
85Mads PedersenGrieg-Maersk+ 2'48
86Joeri StallaertVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
87Eric YoungDesiguals.t.
88David PerIsostar - Specializeds.t.
89Willie SmitEA Vesuvios.t.
90Yudai ArashiroRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
91Andres PaezAir France - KLMs.t.
92Mathieu van der PoelAegon - Peronis.t.
93Mekseb DebesayXero Racings.t.
94Lilian CalmejaneIsostar - Specializeds.t.
95Viktor ManakovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
96Soren Kragh AndersenGrieg-Maersks.t.
97Yikui NiuTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
98Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racings.t.
99Guy SagivTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
100Jacob HennessycycleYorkshires.t.
101Christophe LaporteGeneralis.t.
102Raul Granjel CabreraMoser - Sygics.t.
103Barry MarkusIndosat Ooredoos.t.
104Peeter TarvisIsostar - Specializeds.t.
105Alex WohlerBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
106Florian SenechalTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
107Mike TeunissenGazelles.t.
108Matthew GossIndosat Ooredoos.t.
109Shiki KuroedaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
110Tom BohliTeam UBSs.t.
111Dion BeukeboomVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
112Joanis Albert NielsenKing Powers.t.
113Tom DavidBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
114Laurens SweeckVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
115Ian BoswelleBuddys.t.
116Josef CernyMoser - Sygics.t.
117Andrew FenncycleYorkshires.t.
118Rasmus TillerVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
119Ryan ChristensenBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
120Thomas BoudatcycleYorkshires.t.
121Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
122Varsham DarbinyanKing Powers.t.
123Hugo HofstetterGrieg-Maersks.t.
124Casper PedersenAker - MOTs.t.
125Michael VanthourenhoutKing Powers.t.
126Maxime BouetAir France - KLMs.t.
127Ronan Van ZandbeekVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
128Karel HnikMoser - Sygics.t.
129Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
130Hamish SchreursXero Racings.t.
131David GauduAir France - KLMs.t.
132Marcel AreggerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
133Hampus AnderbergAker - MOTs.t.
134Marildo YzeirajAker - MOTs.t.
135Thurakit BoonratanathanakornKing Powers.t.
136Sergey LuchshenkoIndosat Ooredoos.t.
137Taylor GunmanBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
138Mario VogtTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
139Bambang SuryadiIndosat Ooredoos.t.
140Alexander VlasovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
141Jan PolancIsostar - Specializeds.t.
142Sergey ChernetskiyTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
143Mamyr StashKing Powers.t.
144Saya KuroedaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
145Jasper StuyvenAegon - Peronis.t.
146Simon ClarkeAir France - KLMs.t.
147Loic VliegenAegon - Peronis.t.
148Bachirou NikiemaXero Racings.t.
149Ian StannardcycleYorkshires.t.
150Taco van der HoornAegon - Peronis.t.
151Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
152Olivier Lecourt De BillotGeneralis.t.
153Rafael SilvaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
154Sarawut SirironnachaiKing Powers.t.
155Matthew HolmescycleYorkshires.t.
156Syver WaerstedXero Racings.t.
157Charalampas KastrantasFestina - OAKAs.t.
158Michal KukrleMoser - Sygics.t.
159Jorge AbreuTeam UBSs.t.
160Nejc KosicVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
161Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
162Jan-Andre FreulerAker - MOTs.t.
163Aime De GendtGeneralis.t.
164Jiri PolnickyMoser - Sygics.t.
165Federico OleiDesiguals.t.
166Sven FritschEA Vesuvios.t.
167Fredrik LudvigssonAir France - KLMs.t.
168Lucas ErikssonVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
169Dmitry TrakhovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
170Carter JonesDesiguals.t.
171Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKAs.t.
172Leo VincentTeam UBSs.t.
173Patrick MüllerTeam UBSs.t.
174Conor DunneDesiguals.t.
175Daniel HabtemichaelXero Racings.t.
176Elie GesbertEA Vesuvios.t.
177Pieter SerryRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
178Victor CampenaertsVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
179Ioannidis KiriakidisFestina - OAKAs.t.
180Juan OsorioFestina - OAKAs.t.
181Dmitry StrakhovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
182Sjoerd BaxEA Vesuvios.t.
183Marc PottsGazelles.t.
184James FoucheXero Racings.t.
185Nicolay CherkasovDesiguals.t.
186Anatoliy BudyakFestina - OAKAs.t.
187Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoos.t.
188Roman SenyenovGazelles.t.
189Michel SibillaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
190Ivan SosaAker - MOTs.t.
191Basilio Ramos TiconaTeam UBS+ 4'10
192Ildar ArslanovGazelle+ 11'45


1John DegenkolbISA - Hexacta8h51'18
2Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Peroni+ 17
3Peter KennaughAir France - KLM+ 18
4Hugo HouleXero Racing+ 28
5Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvios.t.
6Eduard GrosueBuddy+ 31
7Artem SamolenkovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
8Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP+ 33
9Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKOs.t.
10Jack BobridgeBennelong - Mitchelton+ 35
11Tomohiro HayakawaRakuten Pro Cycling+ 37
12Sondre Holst EngercycleYorkshires.t.
13Tejay Van GarderenEA Vesuvio+ 39
14Simone PonziTeam UBSs.t.
15Peter SaganMoser - Sygic+ 41
16Matej MohoricIsostar - Specializeds.t.
17Alexey LutsenkoKing Power+ 42
18Jan BakelantsIndosat Ooredoos.t.
19Romain VanderbiestIndosat Ooredoo+ 43
20Sean De BieAegon - Peronis.t.
21Clement KoretzkyFestina - OAKAs.t.
22Leigh HowardBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
23Jay McCarthycycleYorkshires.t.
24Martin ReimerEA Vesuvios.t.
25Petr VakocISA - Hexactas.t.
26Yannick StoltzEvonik - ELKOs.t.
27Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKOs.t.
28Giacomo NizzoloFestina - OAKAs.t.
29Davide GabburoIsostar - Specializeds.t.
30Jonas RickaertIsostar - Specializeds.t.
31Maurits LammertinkeBuddys.t.
32Emiliano ContrerasISA - Hexactas.t.
33Floris GertseBuddys.t.
34Filippo GannaTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
35Raymond KrederISA - Hexactas.t.
36Oscar RiesebeekEvonik - ELKOs.t.
37Nur Amirul MarzukiEvonik - ELKOs.t.
38Coen VermeltfoorteBuddys.t.
39Ilnur ZakarinISA - Hexactas.t.
40Patrick NaudEvonik - ELKOs.t.
41Armands BecisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
42Jhonatan RestrepoISA - Hexactas.t.
43Krists NeilandsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
44Chun Kai FengISA - Hexactas.t.
45Daniel JuarezISA - Hexactas.t.
46Kazushige KubokiRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
47Timo RooseneBuddys.t.
48Marcus CuleyBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
49Jay MajorAir France - KLMs.t.
50Ho-Ting KwokAir France - KLMs.t.
51Omer GoldsteineBuddys.t.
52Isaac SpeirsIndosat Ooredoos.t.
53Simon YatesDesigual+ 2'22
54Dylan TeunsGeneralis.t.
55Jasper De BuystGeneralis.t.
56Blaz FurdiGazelles.t.
57Lucas Manuel GadayGeneralis.t.
58Ben GastauerEA Vesuvios.t.
59Fausto MasnadaGeneralis.t.
60Mads WürtzGrieg-Maersks.t.
61Edward TheunsGeneralis.t.
62Jakub KaczmarekeBuddys.t.
63Roy JansIsostar - Specializeds.t.
64Adam ToupalikAegon - Peronis.t.
65Gabor FejesGazelles.t.
66Omar FraileDesiguals.t.
67Georgios BouglasFestina - OAKAs.t.
68Jonathan BelliscycleYorkshires.t.
69Dylan KennettBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
70Benoit CosnefroyGrieg-Maersks.t.
71Jonel CarcuevaGazelles.t.
72Stef KrulMoser - Sygics.t.
73Nihal SilvaAker - MOTs.t.
74Jaume SuredaDesiguals.t.
75Moreno HoflandGazelles.t.
76Trond Hakon TrondsenAker - MOTs.t.
77Sebastien ReichenbachTeam UBSs.t.
78Gonzalo SerranoGrieg-Maersks.t.
79Jo Kogstad RingheimGrieg-Maersks.t.
80Nathan Van HooydonckAegon - Peronis.t.
81Max LoschAker - MOTs.t.
82Lucas ErikssonVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 3'29
83Mads PedersenGrieg-Maersk+ 3'31
84David PerIsostar - Specializeds.t.
85Tom BohliTeam UBSs.t.
86Ian BoswelleBuddys.t.
87Christophe LaporteGeneralis.t.
88Guy SagivTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
89Mathieu van der PoelAegon - Peronis.t.
90Peeter TarvisIsostar - Specializeds.t.
91Tom DavidBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
92Yikui NiuTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
93David GauduAir France - KLMs.t.
94Mario VogtTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
95Andres PaezAir France - KLMs.t.
96Taylor GunmanBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
97Shiki KuroedaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
98Willie SmitEA Vesuvios.t.
99Jamalidin NovardiantoXero Racings.t.
100Alexander VlasovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
101Matthew GossIndosat Ooredoos.t.
102Olivier Lecourt De BillotGeneralis.t.
103Matthew HolmescycleYorkshires.t.
104Yudai ArashiroRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
105Taco van der HoornAegon - Peronis.t.
106Tim DeclerqTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
107Joanis Albert NielsenKing Powers.t.
108Mike TeunissenGazelles.t.
109Jan PolancIsostar - Specializeds.t.
110Florian SenechalTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
111Mekseb DebesayXero Racings.t.
112Pieter SerryRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
113Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
114Thurakit BoonratanathanakornKing Powers.t.
115Alex WohlerBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
116Sergey LuchshenkoIndosat Ooredoos.t.
117Michael VanthourenhoutKing Powers.t.
118Mamyr StashKing Powers.t.
119Ryan ChristensenBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
120Leo VincentTeam UBSs.t.
121Karel HnikMoser - Sygics.t.
122Marc PottsGazelles.t.
123Jorge AbreuTeam UBSs.t.
124Aime De GendtGeneralis.t.
125Marcel AreggerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
126Nicolay CherkasovDesiguals.t.
127Jiri PolnickyMoser - Sygics.t.
128Eric YoungDesiguals.t.
129Varsham DarbinyanKing Powers.t.
130Viktor ManakovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
131Joeri StallaertVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
132Lilian CalmejaneIsostar - Specializeds.t.
133Josef CernyMoser - Sygics.t.
134Michal KukrleMoser - Sygics.t.
135Rafael SilvaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
136Carter JonesDesiguals.t.
137Bachirou NikiemaXero Racings.t.
138Daniel TurekMoser - Sygics.t.
139Saya KuroedaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
140Hamish SchreursXero Racings.t.
141Barry MarkusIndosat Ooredoos.t.
142Ioannidis KiriakidisFestina - OAKAs.t.
143Sergey ChernetskiyTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
144Conor DunneDesiguals.t.
145Raul Granjel CabreraMoser - Sygics.t.
146Hugo HofstetterGrieg-Maersks.t.
147Elie GesbertEA Vesuvios.t.
148Thomas BoudatcycleYorkshires.t.
149Charalampas KastrantasFestina - OAKAs.t.
150Sven FritschEA Vesuvios.t.
151Federico OleiDesiguals.t.
152Laurens SweeckVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
153Dion BeukeboomVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
154Jasper StuyvenAegon - Peronis.t.
155Jan-Andre FreulerAker - MOTs.t.
156Rasmus TillerVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
157Simon ClarkeAir France - KLMs.t.
158Fredrik LudvigssonAir France - KLMs.t.
159Hampus AnderbergAker - MOTs.t.
160Sjoerd BaxEA Vesuvios.t.
161Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
162Sarawut SirironnachaiKing Powers.t.
163Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoos.t.
164Marildo YzeirajAker - MOTs.t.
165Casper PedersenAker - MOTs.t.
166Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKAs.t.
167James FoucheXero Racings.t.
168Loic VliegenAegon - Peronis.t.
169Dmitry StrakhovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
170Bambang SuryadiIndosat Ooredoos.t.
171Patrick MüllerTeam UBSs.t.
172Daniel HabtemichaelXero Racings.t.
173Dmitry TrakhovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
174Roman SenyenovGazelles.t.
175Syver WaerstedXero Racings.t.
176Michel SibillaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
177Anatoliy BudyakFestina - OAKAs.t.
178Ivan SosaAker - MOTs.t.
179Ronnilan QuitaKing Power+ 3'51
180Basilio Ramos TiconaTeam UBS+ 4'53
181Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg-Maersk+ 5'31
182Juan OsorioFestina - OAKA+ 6'23
183Andrew FenncycleYorkshire+ 6'40
184Ronan Van ZandbeekVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
185Nejc KosicVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
186Jonathan FumeauxTeam UBS+ 6'42
187Soren Kragh AndersenGrieg-Maersk+ 7'14
188Maxime BouetAir France - KLM+ 7'17
189Ian StannardcycleYorkshire+ 7'37
190Jacob HennessycycleYorkshire+ 8'20
191Victor CampenaertsVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 8'51
192Ildar ArslanovGazelle+ 12'28


1John DegenkolbISA - Hexacta45
2Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Peroni30
3Peter KennaughAir France - KLM30
4Eduard GrosueBuddy18
5Nick Van der LijkeEA Vesuvio16
6Artem SamolenkovTeam Tinkoff - La Datcha16
7Hugo HouleXero Racing16
8Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP14
9Michael Van StayenEvonik - ELKO12
10Jack BobridgeBennelong - Mitchelton10
11Tomohiro HayakawaRakuten Pro Cycling9
12Tejay Van GarderenEA Vesuvio9
13Sondre Holst EngercycleYorkshire9
14Simone PonziTeam UBS8
15Peter SaganMoser - Sygic7
16Alexey LutsenkoKing Power7
17Matej MohoricIsostar - Specialized7
18Romain VanderbiestIndosat Ooredoo6
19Jan BakelantsIndosat Ooredoo6
20Soren Kragh AndersenGrieg-Maersk6
21Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKO5
22Lucas ErikssonVolvo acc. by Spotify4
23Martin ReimerEA Vesuvio4
24Ronnilan QuitaKing Power2


1Soren Kragh AndersenGrieg-Maersk30
2Ronnilan QuitaKing Power12
3Nicolay CherkasovDesigual10
4Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoo8
5Aime De GendtGenerali6
6Joanis Albert NielsenKing Power6
7Lucas ErikssonVolvo acc. by Spotify4
8Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg-Maersk4
9Jasper De BuystGenerali2
10Andrew FenncycleYorkshire2


1Filippo GannaTeam Puma - SAP8h52'01
2Jay MajorAir France - KLMs.t.
3Omer GoldsteineBuddys.t.
4Adam ToupalikAegon - Peroni+ 1'39
5Benoit CosnefroyGrieg-Maersks.t.
6Jonel CarcuevaGazelles.t.
7Stef KrulMoser - Sygics.t.
8Jaume SuredaDesiguals.t.
9Nathan Van HooydonckAegon - Peronis.t.
10Lucas ErikssonVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 2'46
11Mads PedersenGrieg-Maersk+ 2'48
12David PerIsostar - Specializeds.t.
13Mathieu van der PoelAegon - Peronis.t.
14David GauduAir France - KLMs.t.
15Andres PaezAir France - KLMs.t.
16Alexander VlasovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
17Yudai ArashiroRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
18Valentin MadouasTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
19Ryan ChristensenBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
20Leo VincentTeam UBSs.t.
21Nicolay CherkasovDesiguals.t.
22Bachirou NikiemaXero Racings.t.
23Saya KuroedaRakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
24Ioannidis KiriakidisFestina - OAKAs.t.
25Elie GesbertEA Vesuvios.t.
26Federico OleiDesiguals.t.
27Rasmus TillerVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
28Hampus AnderbergAker - MOTs.t.
29Sjoerd BaxEA Vesuvios.t.
30Enkhtaivan Bolor-ErdeneIndosat Ooredoos.t.
31Casper PedersenAker - MOTs.t.
32Aidan Van NiekerkFestina - OAKAs.t.
33James FoucheXero Racings.t.
34Dmitry StrakhovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
35Patrick MüllerTeam UBSs.t.
36Daniel HabtemichaelXero Racings.t.
37Dmitry TrakhovTeam Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
38Syver WaerstedXero Racings.t.
39Anatoliy BudyakFestina - OAKAs.t.
40Ivan SosaAker - MOTs.t.
41Ronnilan QuitaKing Power+ 3'08
42Juan OsorioFestina - OAKA+ 5'40
43Jacob HennessycycleYorkshire+ 7'37


1Isostar - Specialized26h36'03
2Evonik - ELKOs.t.
3Indosat Ooredoos.t.
4Air France - KLMs.t.
5Bennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
7EA Vesuvios.t.
8ISA - Hexactas.t.
9cycleYorkshire+ 1'39
10Festina - OAKAs.t.
11Aegon - Peronis.t.
12King Power+ 2'48
13Rakuten Pro Cyclings.t.
14Team Puma - SAPs.t.
15Team UBS+ 3'18
16Moser - Sygic+ 4'27
17Aker - MOT+ 4'57
22Xero Racing+ 5'36
23Team Tinkoff - La Datchas.t.
24Volvo acc. by Spotify+ 8'24

Manager of Minions
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