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PCM.daily » Pro Cycling Manager 2006-2020 » Pro Cycling Manager 2019
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PCM.daily 2020 DB: Support/FAQ

In this thread, you can ask your general support questions and report any problems and bugs you find.

Before you do, make sure to read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) thoroughly to see if your problem has been listed there. If the solution offered in the FAQ below doesn't work for you, please mention this in your post to avoid getting your post ignored.

Already reported bugs and the solutions (or fixing progress) can be found in the Reported bugs post below this.

Thread rules

There's two simple rules you need to follow:

1. Don't ask questions about future release dates
2. No PMs to DB Team members. If you need support, we'll provide it in here

Please keep in mind that we're volunteers and we don't get paid to do this. In fact, we built this db up without a single experienced db creator. Most of us are working or studying next to this, so be patient if you don't get a reply or we can't find a solution immediately.
Edited by cunego59 on 24-01-2020 21:50

In this post you can find the bugs that have been reported in the Support requests thread since the latest update of the PCM.daily Database Pack. We will explain the bugs and provide you with a (temporary) solution if possible.



There is a fix: Click here

- 154 current Rider pics, including all reported missing PCT and WT rider + a few current CT Pics
- all Race Leader Shirts
- current Fundacion-Orbea shirt & graphicst

Fix for the W52 missing graphics

Equipment from Team W52 / FC Porto
Put it in your Game directory: Steam/steamapps/common/ProCyclingManager2019/ 3D/Cyclists/Cloth/Team
Edited by Croatia14 on 15-04-2020 22:21

In this post you will find answers for the most frequently asked questions of the support thread and the support threads for previous databases.
Thx guys!!

For the next update:

The team is not Coldeportas -> The correct is COLDEPORTES BICICLETAS STRONGMAN
Hi guys, awesome job re the pcm daily 2020 DB. I instantly bought PCM 2019 and downloaded the pcm daily 2o20 database. Installed it in a fresh folder and followed the instructions. I dont think anything could be wrong but still, when selecting default database when starting a career it still doesnt trigger the 2020 teams etc. Tom Dumoulin still on sunweb etc. Have I done something wrong? Is the official release file working okay? Dunno whats going wrong.........Would appreciate some help thanks.
I found it. In my case, but maybe for everyone. I also needed to replace to officialrelease file in steamapps/common/pcm19/database wit the new file. now it works. Great jo guys!
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Posted on 09-02-2025 02:01
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Sometimes steam will overwrite the officialRelease.cdb in your default folder. Copy our officialRelease.cdb. Start the Game, minimized it(alt+ctr) put our OfficialRelease.cdb in the folder again. Go back in Game and choose default.
Please for the next udate add the National Japan Championship ! ! ! I dont know how you add N.C. for Bolivia, Malaysia, Venezuela,... and dont add for Japan which have a lot of riders in Europe Embarassed
Thank you very much for this awesome work. I found in the race schedule ZLM Tour and Ster ZLM Toer GP Jan Van Heeswijk. Are they the same races?

the same mistake as every year. Wink yes the second race can be canceled. comes in the first update.
Guys, I downloaded your DB like every year, so I know how I must install, but this year... I dont know why, but I copy your DB in My Documents / PCM 2019 / Mod / Default /

But when I start a new career the game show me this:
And my riders and teams are the default teams: I dont have Gilbert, i have Gilbart, I dont have Team Ineos, etc etc... and I do the same every year

id 8466 and 8689 are the same rider.

Do you add Team Monti, it's young team for Deceuninck Quick Step ?

thx for this note thats the rider is twice Wink
Team Monti will be add in the next update. but first we need a Trikot.
GP Kanton Aargau - Gippingen in the game is 1.1 it must be 1.HC
GP Citta di Peccioli - Coppa Sabatini in the game is 1.HC it must be 1.1
Copa Bernocchi in the game is 1.HC, it must be 1.1
Are you shure you have select the right DB? Coppa bernochi is a 1.pro Race this year.
Grosser Preis des Kantons Aargau is a 1.1 this year.
68th Coppa Sabatini is a 1.pro this year. WE have no more 1.HC . In your DB it is,. pro
Jajajaja Seriously??? I have your DB with 2020 roster (Bahrein-McLaren for example) but the races categories are the same thar last year. I dont know why... Sad
It is importend to replace the local.cdb to your gamedirection.
Finally i can play with all new races UWT and Pro
Edited by AiZaK on 26-01-2020 13:57
Why is number of teams at Tour of Slovenia limited to 15?
Alberto Contador
Great work as usual. Wink
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