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Very low fps
First of all sorry for bad English.I get very low fps around 20 on high settings with my gtx 1650 and i5-9300h i checked the control panel if i am running with intel graphics but no i set the setting to high performance nvidia bla bla and nothing has changed i tried many different settings but it didnt help me at all.I think the problem isnt with my pc it is with the game because i get 60 fps in medium settings in shadow of the tomb raider.
PLEASE HELP!! It is literally unplayable at the moment.
Edited by muslera2004 on 04-07-2019 19:21
i play it on 4k native resolution cause i have a 4k tv as monitor for pc and xbox
i have recommended maximum settings but works kinda laggy but on high settings works normally
i have a i5 4th gen 4460 and gtx 960 and it works on 4k res high settings some things modified
at graphics put shadows none or medium but it's better none cause has a huge impact
still at graphics lower the quality of textures,anti-aliasing
Exaclty my issue...i play divison on high at 60 and pcm runs at 30fps...i have 1050ti
I'm glad that others are having these issues,

Is there already a solution now for this problem? I have Ryzen 3 2200g and rx 590 and i have the exact same issue. Everything maxed out ik get around 20-30 fps and resident evil 2 maxed out i'm at 50-60 fps. So i really believe something might be wrong with the game.
I have an ancient computer, which has a tiny LCD screen and runs at 15Hz. Even with high settings and misty graphics, the framerate hovers around 15-20FPS most of the time. When playing League, this drops to about 10-11FPS most of the time. My card is rated at 1.5Gbps, which should be enough for high-quality HD video but isn't. When I start gaming, I make an fps test to ensure that the game will be perfect. If it's too low, I use the Nvidia app to make some changes for a better FPS. Anyway, I will get a better computer in a few weeks.
Edited by AnnaAnderson on 30-08-2021 07:59
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