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PCM 2017 error
Posted on 24-03-2019 18:57
Posts: 1
Joined: 17-10-2014
PCM$: 200.00
I can not start the game, until I have formatted the computer.
The mistake is:
<COLLECTION_DABASE> is missing or corrupted.
The log:
..\File\File.cpp(0532): 18:59:44 | ASSERT ! Failed to open file C:\Users\jesus\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Temp\decompress.tmp with errno=13:
Permission denied (0)
Does anyone know how to fix it?
Thank you all!
Posted on 30-05-2019 16:16
Posts: 12
Joined: 25-12-2007
PCM$: 200.00
If your copy is original one, try this:
Go to steam, library, games, and then right click over the game. Select properties.
then open "local files", and click on check files integrity.
This will force steam/game to check if everything is ok with the instalation folder, and repair as necessary.
Vincenzo Nibali
Posted on 31-03-2020 18:07
Junior Rider
Posts: 29
Joined: 03-04-2018
PCM$: 300.00
Is there anyone who can help me with exactly what is wrong?
18:21:39 | *****************************************************************************
18:21:39 | GAME VERSION =
18:21:39 | PRODUCT NAME = Pro Cycling Manager 2017
18:21:39 | BUILD DATE = Sep 8 2017
18:21:39 | COMMAND LINE =
18:21:39 | *****************************************************************************
18:21:39 | Game_Cycling::LogLocales BEGIN
18:21:39 | User locale: Danish_Denmark.1252
18:21:39 | Current locale: LC_ALL = C
18:21:39 | Current locale: LC_COLLATE = C
18:21:39 | Current locale: LC_CTYPE = C
18:21:39 | Current locale: LC_MONETARY = C
18:21:39 | Current locale: LC_NUMERIC = C
18:21:39 | Current locale: LC_TIME = C
18:21:39 | Game_Cycling::LogLocales END
18:21:39 | Local.cdb Loading...
18:21:39 | Local.cdb [Database\Local.cdb] Loaded.
18:21:39 | <COLLECTION_DATABASE> Loading...
18:21:39 | <COLLECTION_DATABASE> [Database\OfficialRelease.cdb] Loaded.
18:21:39 | Users.cdb Loading...
18:21:39 | Users.cdb [C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Users.cdb] Loaded.
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField english(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField french(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField german(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField dutch(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField italian(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField spanish(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField danish(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField polish(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField portuguese(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField norvegian(1)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField japanese(0)
18:21:42 | SetLanguageBitField hungarian(0)
18:21:42 | [Steam] Steam initialized!
18:21:42 | Steam ID: 76561198014489401
18:21:42 | Steam Language: danish
..\Net\Net_CTCPServer.cpp(0244): 18:21:42 | 16:21:42 | [LOG_P2P][0x141d50] Server bind to port 17851
..\Net\Net_CTCPServer.cpp(0277): 18:21:42 | 16:21:42 | [LOG_P2P][0x141d50] Net_CTCPServer::Closed iError=0
18:21:43 | OS = Windows 10 Home 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (18362.19h1_release.190318-1202)
18:21:43 | HARDWARE OS Windows 10 Home 64-bit
18:21:43 | HARDWARE Proc Desc AMD Ryzen 5 3500U with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx
18:21:43 | HARDWARE Proc CORECOUNT 8
18:21:43 | HARDWARE Proc Speed 2096
18:21:43 | HARDWARE RAM 14282
18:21:43 | HARDWARE DirectXVersion DirectX 12
18:21:43 | HARDWARE DisplayWidth 1920
18:21:43 | HARDWARE DisplayHeight 1080
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU Name AMD Radeon(TM) Vega 8 Graphics
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU Manufacturer Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU DriverDate 18-10-2019 02:00:00
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU TotalVRam 9173
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU DedicatedVRam 2032
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU Vendor-DeviceId 1002-15d8
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU Score 5.00
18:21:43 | HARDWARE GPU DB Match 0
18:21:43 | Startup selected Preset : 1 (0 = best)
18:21:43 | Main Window: Creating...
18:21:43 | Main Window: Created.
18:21:43 | Sound Device: Creating...
18:21:43 | Sound Device: Created.
18:21:43 | Sound Device: Script Binding Starting...
18:21:43 | Sound Device: Script Binding Finished.
18:21:43 | Game_Cycling::Initialize BEGIN
18:21:43 | DirectX Version: Checking...
18:21:46 | DirectX Version: Checked.
18:21:46 | CTStageApplication: Initializing...
18:21:46 | CTStageApplication: Initialized.
18:21:46 | Game Frame: Initializing...
18:21:46 | Game Frame: Initialized.
18:21:46 | Game Post Process: Initialization Starting...
18:21:46 | Game Post Process: Initialization Finished.
18:21:46 | Game Shader: Configuration Starting...
18:21:46 | Game Shader: Configuration Finished.
18:21:46 | Renderer creation: Checking...
18:21:46 | Renderer creation: Checked.
18:21:46 | Game World: Creating...
18:21:46 | Game World: Created.
18:21:46 | Game_Cycling::Initialize END
18:21:48 | CreateSystem BEGIN
18:21:48 | Begin page creation
18:21:48 | Dialbox_Console_Init
18:21:48 | ManagerComponent(g_gcManager)
18:21:48 | CreateSystem END
18:21:48 | CreateFieldBuilders BEGIN
18:21:48 | CreateFieldBuilders END
18:21:48 | [game] switching from state 11 to state 14 with action 1
18:21:48 | CloseAllDialog
18:21:48 | DisplayPage: Page_Intro(13) [from: None or Invalid(-1)]
18:21:48 | [game] state transition ok
18:21:48 | GameManager_FireDoAction:1 State:14
18:21:48 | [Steam] Steam is running
18:21:48 | MessageConnectionAccepted
18:21:54 | [game] switching from state 14 to state 15 with action 12
18:21:54 | CloseAllDialog
18:21:54 | DisplayPage: Page_Home(0) [from: Page_Intro(13)]
..\File\File.cpp(0536): 18:21:54 | Failed to open file ./Gui/Single/LogoPCM/PCM_logo_DAN.tga with errno=2: No such file or directory
18:21:54 | DestroyFieldBuilders BEGIN
18:21:54 | DestroyFieldBuilders END
18:21:54 | CreateFieldBuilders BEGIN
18:21:54 | CreateFieldBuilders END
18:21:54 | AbstractPage_OnDestroy AbstractPage of Page_Intro(13)
18:21:54 | Unable to load tutorial file at: Xml/Tutorials/OK : Error = Failed to open file on row 0, col 0, canceling
18:21:54 | Unable to load tutorial file at: Xml/Tutorials/OK : Error = Failed to open file on row 0, col 0, canceling
18:21:54 | Unable to load tutorial file at: Xml/Tutorials/OK : Error = Failed to open file on row 0, col 0, canceling
18:21:54 | Login with user JokkeBille(2)
18:21:54 | Mail
18:21:54 | [game] state transition ok
18:21:54 | GameManager_FireDoAction:12 State:15
18:21:54 | [Steam] Got auth session ticket
DBS_Database.cpp(0442): 18:21:55 | DBS_CDatabase::Save _szFilename=C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Users.cdb bCompress=1
18:22:17 | CreateSpecificSaveGame [file exists] szInfoFileName=C:\Users\Joachim\Documents\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Cloud\JokkeBille\Team CSC.cdi
18:22:17 | CreateSlotInfo iNewSlotId=2 _szGameName=Team CSC _iTempDbId=9 _eSaveType=0 iDate=1171540800 iGameMode=1 iStageId=1304 szTeamName=Team CSC szStageName=Vuelta a Andalucia - Ruta Del Sol
18:22:17 | SetGameSlot _iSlot=2
18:22:17 | [game] switching from state 15 to state 21 with action 6
18:22:17 | CloseAllDialog
18:22:17 | DisplayPage: Page_ConnexionReseau(12) [from: Page_Home(0)]
18:22:17 | AbstractPage_OnDestroy AbstractPage of Page_Home(0)
18:22:17 | [game] state transition ok
18:22:17 | GameManager_FireDoAction:6 State:21
18:22:17 | GetNetworkMode() = 0
18:22:17 | MenuServer_Constructor _szInitDatabase=C:\Users\Joachim\Documents\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Mod\Default\OfficialRelease.cdb _szDatabase=C:\Users\Joachim\Documents\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Cloud\JokkeBille\Team CSC.cdb _bIsNewGame=0 _iNewGameMode=1 _iGameType=0
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_sponsor_regions (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_sponsor_regions (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
18:22:17 | MenuServer_Constructor _bIsNewGame=0 szWorkshopModName=Pro Tour : Saison 2007 szWorkshopModId=1121478971 szBaseHash=f9aaadb94b7588854b10baa41fc4df5a
18:22:17 | CreateServerAncestor
18:22:17 | [menuserver] creating local server
18:22:17 | [menuserver] guest connection, sending database md5 to *Local*:0
18:22:17 | GetNetworkMode() = 0
18:22:17 | GameManager_GetMachineState() = 21
18:22:17 | NetClient_GetDistantIP(_client) = *Local*
18:22:17 | MenuServerConnectCB
18:22:17 | Game_Cycling: estroyGameManager
18:22:17 | Game_Cycling::CreateGameManager _iGameMode=1
18:22:17 | [game manager] precomputing race date
18:22:17 | <SFLB_GM2_CGameManager_Career_ConnectProcesses>
18:22:17 | </SFLB_GM2_CGameManager_Career_ConnectProcesses>
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 115 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=115) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 117 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=117) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 51 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=51) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 111 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=111) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 112 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=112) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 114 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=114) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 50 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=50) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 42 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=42) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 36 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=36) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (140 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=140) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 46 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=46) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 45 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=45) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 44 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=44) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 92 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=92) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 93 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=93) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 94 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=94) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 81 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=81) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 86 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=86) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 88 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=88) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 101 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=101) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 108 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=108) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 109 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=109) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 110 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=110) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 105 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=105) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 106 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=106) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 107 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=107) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (175 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=175) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (176 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=176) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (177 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=177) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (172 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=172) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (173 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=173) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (174 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=174) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (178 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=178) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (182 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=182) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (183 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=183) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (184 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=184) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (179 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=179) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (180 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=180) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (181 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=181) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (147 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=147) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (148 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=148) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (152 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=152) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (141 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=141) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (142 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=142) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (145 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=145) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (162 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=162) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (169 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=169) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (170 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=170) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (171 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=171) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (165 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0544): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! invalid key(0) in DYN_team.fkIDdivision (_iRow=165) (iKey > 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (167 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (168 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 71 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (307 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (308 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (309 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (301 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (302 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (304 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (310 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 108 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 107 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 106 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (312 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (313 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (314 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (189 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (190 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (191 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (185 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (187 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (188 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (192 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (198 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (199 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (300 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (194 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (195 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1214): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! key (196 <= 139) does not exist in table DYN_team (_iRowId <= m_iLastKey)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 44 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 45 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 46 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 59 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 58 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 42 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 50 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 64 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 65 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 69 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 51 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 58 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 59 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 93 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 92 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 88 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 105 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 101 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 94 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 86 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(1220): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! wrong key 65 in table DYN_team (iIndex >= 0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0526): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Invalid Key value : 0 on join DYN_team.fkIDdivision (0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0526): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Invalid Key value : 0 on join DYN_team.fkIDdivision (0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0526): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Invalid Key value : 0 on join DYN_team.fkIDdivision (0)
DBS_CAccessor.cpp(0526): 18:22:17 | ASSERT ! Invalid Key value : 0 on join DYN_team.fkIDdivision (0)
18:22:17 | Send weather information
18:22:17 | Send weather to 1 client
18:22:18 | fnMSDatabase_Get _szDatabasePath=C:\Users\Joachim\Documents\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Cloud\JokkeBille\Team CSC.cdb _iNetworkMode=0
helpers to debug GetNetworkMode(): GameManager_Mode()=1 Server_IsHost()=1 Server_GetCurrentTournamentId()=0
18:22:18 | [gameclient] sending default login
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
DBS_TableData.cpp(0487): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! Wrong Primary key in table DYN_physician (m_diKeyToIndex[iTemp] == 0)
18:22:18 | Receive new weather information
18:22:18 | [menuserver] user <JokkeBille> trying to login
18:22:18 | JokkeBille login as user 1
18:22:18 | send database to client
18:22:18 | [menuserver] sending full database <DATABASE_SERVER> to new user
18:22:18 | Send weather information
18:22:18 | Send weather to 1 client
18:22:18 | [menuserver] user 1 connect before prerace wizard
18:22:18 | UCOTH mUser_GameTeamSelectionFinished
18:22:18 | [gameclient] received database <DATABASE_SERVER> from menuserver
18:22:18 | Receive new weather information
18:22:18 | [gameclient] logged with no team (guest)
18:22:18 | ### GuestOK
18:22:18 | ### iGameMode : 1
18:22:18 | ### bNewGame : 0
18:22:18 | ### Server_IsHost() : 1
18:22:18 | iNumUsersHaveChoosen=1
18:22:18 | GuestOK bLoadGame=1 GetNetwormode()=0 Server_IsHost()=1 Server_GetCurrentTournamentId()=0
18:22:18 | GuestOK load the game
18:22:18 | System_CM5_OnInitGame iMode=1 iGameSlot=2 iType=0
18:22:18 | [game] switching from state 21 to state 2 with action 28
18:22:18 | CloseAllDialog
18:22:18 | DisplayPage: Page_Principale(7) [from: Page_ConnexionReseau(12)]
18:22:18 | AbstractPage_OnDestroy AbstractPage of Page_ConnexionReseau(12)
18:22:18 | PageHeader_OnClick
18:22:18 | DisplaySubPage(0) : TM_Nouvelles
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
..\Gui\GUI_CShell.cpp(0799): 18:22:18 | ASSERT ! markup should use a-z & A-Z & 0-9 chars only!
Attention aux accolades! (((*p1|32)>=('A'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('Z'|32))||((*p1|32)>=('0'|32) && (*p1|32)<=('9'|32)))
18:22:18 | [game] state transition ok
18:22:18 | GameManager_FireDoAction:28 State:2
18:22:18 | System_CM5_LoginOk
18:22:18 | bNewGame=0
18:22:18 | bTeamChoosen=0
18:22:18 | GetNetworkMode=0
18:22:18 | GetMySeasonTeamId=21
18:22:18 | GameMode=1
18:22:18 | IRC_IsClientRunning=0
18:22:18 | CloseAllDialog
18:22:18 | DisplayPage: No display?
18:22:18 | PageHeader_OnClick
18:22:18 | DisplaySubPage(0) : TM_Nouvelles
18:22:18 | System_CM5_OnTeamSelectionFinished
18:22:18 | GetNetworkMode=0
18:22:18 | GetMySeasonTeamId=21
18:22:18 | GetCurrentPageIndex=7
18:22:18 | _bRaceWizardAlreadyStarted=0
18:22:18 | _bRaceAlreadyStarted=0
18:22:18 | _bFromTeamManagerSelection=0
18:22:18 | IRC_IsClientRunning=0
18:22:18 | PageHeader_OnClick
18:22:18 | DisplaySubPage(0) : TM_Nouvelles
18:22:18 | <MenuServer_InitGame>
DBS_Database.cpp(0442): 18:22:18 | DBS_CDatabase::Save _szFilename=C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Users.cdb bCompress=1
DBS_Database.cpp(0442): 18:22:18 | DBS_CDatabase::Save _szFilename=C:\Users\Joachim\AppData\Roaming\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\Users.cdb bCompress=1
18:22:18 | _bIsNewGame : 0
18:22:18 | _iNewGameMode : 1
18:22:18 | _iGameType : 0
18:22:18 | iStartingDate : 1171540800
18:22:18 | [game manager] selecting start date 15/2/2007...
18:22:18 | [game manager] precomputing race date
18:22:18 | [game manager] ===> stage index is 46
18:22:18 | [game manager] stage id : 1304
18:22:18 | [game manager] race id : 304
18:22:18 | start day is 15/2/2007
18:22:18 | m_iNextStageSortedIndex is 46
18:22:18 | </MenuServer_InitGame>
18:22:18 | [menuserver] sending game init ok
18:22:29 | NEWfnVoteContinue
18:22:29 | g_bVoteNewContinueWhenRaceRelease = 1
18:22:29 | g_bNoWizardAtAll = 0
18:22:29 | iNumUsers:1
18:22:29 | GameMode=1
18:22:29 | User 0 got team 21 State :4
18:22:29 | User:0 Team:Team CSC Simuler løbet
18:22:29 | iWait=0
18:22:29 | GameManager_GetGameServerState=0
18:22:29 | Current Date:15/02/2007 (1171540800)
18:22:29 | Current Stage:1304
18:22:29 | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GameManager_IsStageDay()
18:22:29 | iStageId --> 1304
18:22:29 | iRaceId --> 304
18:22:29 | iTeamRace --> 304
18:22:29 | iUserTeam --> 21
18:22:29 | iServerTeamRace --> 304
18:22:29 | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IsStageForUserTeam() =1
18:22:29 | firstday=1 lastday=0
18:22:29 | iPlayRace=0 , iSimulateRace=1
18:22:29 | [game] switching from state 2 to state 5 with action 26
18:22:29 | CloseAllDialog
18:22:29 | DisplayPage: Page_PreRace(17) [from: Page_Principale(7)]
18:22:29 | AbstractPage_OnDestroy AbstractPage of Page_Principale(7)
18:22:30 | Prepare Stage 1304
18:22:30 | [game] state transition ok
18:22:30 | GameManager_FireDoAction:26 State:5
StrategyMemory\TeamStrategy.cpp(0054): 18:22:31 | ASSERT ! Invalid parameter (0)
18:22:31 | DisplayDialBox(23) : Dialbox_RaceProgressBar pdtData.iOpenedDialboxIndex = -1
18:22:31 | DisplayDialBox : Done; pdtData.iOpenedDialboxIndex = 0
18:22:31 | NEWfnVoteContinue
18:22:31 | g_bVoteNewContinueWhenRaceRelease = 0
18:22:31 | g_bNoWizardAtAll = 0
18:22:31 | iNumUsers:1
18:22:31 | GameMode=1
18:22:31 | User 0 got team 21 State :3
18:22:31 | User:0 Team:Team CSC Kør løbet
18:22:31 | iWait=0
18:22:31 | GameManager_GetGameServerState=0
18:22:31 | Current Date:15/02/2007 (1171540800)
18:22:31 | Current Stage:1304
18:22:31 | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GameManager_IsStageDay()
18:22:31 | iStageId --> 1304
18:22:31 | iRaceId --> 304
18:22:31 | iTeamRace --> 304
18:22:31 | iUserTeam --> 21
18:22:31 | iServerTeamRace --> 304
18:22:31 | >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IsStageForUserTeam() =1
18:22:31 | firstday=1 lastday=0
18:22:31 | iPlayRace=1 , iSimulateRace=0
18:22:31 | Launch race...
18:22:31 | MS : Prepare To Race:
18:22:31 | RaceId:304
18:22:31 | StageId:1304
18:22:31 | Date:1171540800
18:22:31 | <SaveDatabase>
18:22:31 | iGameMode=1
18:22:31 | szPath=C:\Users\Joachim\Documents\Pro Cycling Manager 2017\
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