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Giro d'Italia - Stage 18

One of the hardest stages of this Giro on the 18th day. First the Passo Gavia (16,2km, 7,9%) with only a Cat.1 rating followed by the Passo Dello Stelvio (21,7km, 7,1%) with the HC rating and last but not least the finish on the Val Martello Martelltal (22km, 6,4%).

That`s some heavy amount of uphill kilometers on just 138km in total in especially!

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ubs.png Amador in a decent position after yesterdays ITT, though only 6s ahead of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_eav.png Schleck, who was the better climber so far and might still have best chances.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ebd.png Dombrowski, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnm.png Morton and in especially pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_hug.png Alarcon are the top climbers under pressure when they want to improve their GC position!


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_evo.png Vosekalns was one of the most active riders on basically every uphill stage. So far he got a stage win and a comfortable lead in the KoM ranking. Having some more points scored today, the jersey should be guaranteed.

And so it`s no surprise to see him yet again in the attack. With him pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_afr.png Quintana, who sits in 15th GC a bit under 15min down on Amador but a lot less on the late top10 riders, which is most likely his aim.

Behind the ITT winner pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_des.png Fraile also trying to join them but is the weaker climber.


Boom and Koep were chasing a lot in the early kilometers and the reason is simple. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_aeg.png Dekker as 13th in the GC was afraid of Quintana and more important wanted to attack as well. With him pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_mji.png Choi as GC`s 19th.

A bit behind them pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnm.png Smith on the KoM hunt but he is not strong enough to join!


And in fact also Fraile and more important Vosekalns are neither as strong as the other three. That`s a small hit in the attempt to secure the KoM jersey today but all the attacks so far and also the climbing skills in general are in favour of the trio ahead.


Behind Pantano Gomez, who had a anonymous and weak race so far was working a lot for Henao Montoya (12th GC) as the trio in front is a threat for his GC position. And with Fraile being dropped, also Nibali himself chasing now as GC`s 14th.
This leads to a small favourite group only with 23 riders around Amador and just 1:45 gap for the break.


Most big names around the top riders with Preidler, Ricco, Kruijswijk etc. being the ones being dropped for mid 20`s or 30`s GCs.


Nibali is a great descender and with support of Pantano Gomez they are flying down the descent with Amador sitting right behind them.
The gap down to 1'10 now.


The Stelvio just started only but on the early sections already pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_aeg.png Dekker proves to be strongest today. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_afr.png Quintana as best on paper actually got dropped earlier already but is now back with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_mji.png Choi a bit behind the Dutch. 86km would be a long solo though.


But the "peloton" seems to catch them anyway. Nibali going really crazy today having now passed the two dropped riders and just 40s to Dekker!

It`s 18 riders only with them as more have lost contact such as Vosekalns, Chamorro, Goos, Fraile!

This means basically most GC riders are isolated here! Philips with 2 surely and also Morton seems to have a helper left.


But easy to see, that the pace was really slow once Nibali stopped working! With no team mates around the GC riders decided to wait and allowed ~60 riders to re-join making it a group of 82 riders and Ivars/Schir moving to the front to work for Amador.


It`s pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_aeg.png Dekker again to attack with 7,5km to the top!
Behind him a trio of pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_prp.png Figueiredo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bgc.png Bartl and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_des.png Teklehaimanot.

Then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_rbc.png Giogieri and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_mji.png Choi, who is struggling though.

Oliveira immediately chasing again for Desigual as Dekker is not the rider they want in the attack. Maybe they then shouldn`t have send Teklehaimanot into the group as well in first place though.


Out of nowhere pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_mji.png Choi did attack again and passed the Dekker group to get the big points, which means he already collected 36 pts today in addition to 38, he already had. He is into 2nd in the KoM ranking now but still 62 pts behind Vosekalns, who attacked for 3rd here with 12 points behind Dekker.


Wow. That`s some attack. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ubs.png Amador must feel great today and the descent is a big advantage over Schleck and with just 6s advantage, he decides to attack on the long way down with 65km to go.

Behind him pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_des.png Nibali and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_afr.png Quintana. Later a horrible descender though.


Van der Velde and Majka immediately higher the pace behind as they appear stronger than Vesuvio`s support today.


Amador, Dekker and Choi are together now with Nibali and Vosekalns following 40s later. Quite surprising as the Italian is the better descender but also has worked a lot already on the Gavia.

They have almost 2min to the group of 70!


But the flat section then was not to their favour. With Vesuvio and eBuddy working with several riders, it`s 75 riders together in the first group with 30km to go!

Bad luck for Dekker/Choi, who have tried twice today but were victims of bigger GC attacks.


And with 18km to go, which is basically the start of the final climb, it`s the big guys making their moves now and not giving them a chance to attack a third time.

pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ebd.png Dombrowski first and joined by pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_eav.png Schleck.
Then pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_ubs.png Amador and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_fes.png Lecuisinier with pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_pum.png Bongiorno, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_gzl.png Formolo, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_phc.png Henao Montoya, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_prp.png Machado, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_mos.png Hirt, pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_hug.png Alarcon all attacking as well now.


Amador not able to close the gap to Schleck and Dombrowski, while Lecuisinier actually is!

The GC leader now in a sixtett aroudn Henao, Alarcon, Bongiorno, Fromolo and Hirt and having a 33s gap.
Same gap to the next solist in Machado and then another bit to the peloton.


And now the Costa Rican also losing contact to the other riders and is slowly dropping back! Wow. That`s some heavy throwback for him.


Mainly Alarcon did lead the groups together but it`s not all riders. Formolo and Bongiorno couldn`t follow and are back in the pack but biggest news that also Amador is dropped! Either a really bad day or his earlier attack now comes back to him. Maybe also forgotten to eat on the descent?

Lecuisinier and Henao Montoya look really good today with following Alarcon instantly while the others having a small gap.


pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bnm.png Morton and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_akm.png Guldhammer missed the first attacks and now chasing while also pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_bgc.png Cattaneo and pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_vlv.png Abal follow. Those two might become the big winner in the fight of Dekker/Nibali/Choi/Quintana today as those 4 all seem too tired to attack.
Just like Amador, who is sitting with them in the peloton, though as first rider trying to chase! No team support with him that could help out really.

At least Dekker and Bongiorno regularly are able to help out.


6 riders in front, behind them Morton and Guldhammer that have bridged up to Machado now. Still 50s though for them. 30s later Abal/Cattaneo and already 3'17 in total for Group Amador! That might be the end of his GC dream!

Quintana actually already behind those after his attacks today.


Alarcon and Schleck now want to get the decision. Both accelerate and Dombrowski can`t follow! He really isn`t looking good and neither Lecuisinier/Hirt/Henao are able but those are looking a lot better in fact.


And there it is. Attack #3 on the 3rd mountain as well. pcmdaily.com/images/mg/2018/Micro/mg18_aeg.png Dekker had a good day today but missed out on the big move, mainly due to Nibali and later Amador`s attack.

Now he attacks those 2 that are behind and tries to "close" the gap to Henao, Cattaneo, Abal, who are his main rivals.


For Schleck and Alarcon it`s the final kilometer already and with a 37s gap to the next group, it`s a 1 on 1 for the stage win, while the Vesuvio rider at least should be guaranteed as GC leader and maybe winner?


400m and Alarcon from the front. Perfect position for Schleck to get another win? Or next one for Alarcon, who couldn`t show his big climbing skills yet and "only" was best in the MTT but not on a road stage yet.


It`s Alarcon! No chance for Schleck, who is fully exhausted behind as 2nd of the stage but still a big winner today. Great performance by both!


Hirt also very strong as 3rd 37s behind and gaining a few seconds on Henao Montoya and Lecuisinier!

Next Morton already at 1'10 which is 8s ahead of Dombrowski and Guldhammer. A big hit as well for eBuddy as it`s not his best day and losing that much was not to be expected. Machado next at 1'36 neither as strong as he probably would like. Apparently slowly his recovery is working against him while Alarcon though as similar one is not feeling the effects yet.


Cattaneo and Abal both with decent ride up but not as strong as very similar riders! 1'50 for them and almost up to Machado actually. And it`s the first 11 riders who all are within 2 minutes, which was it for quite some time. Huge gap to the next.


Dekker as best of the rest but already 4'50 down! Huge loss on Abal and co.
Behind at 5'17 then the GC leader. Amador with a day to forget! Worst moment for such a loss. Just one day after passing Schleck. With him Choi, Faiers, Preidler and Kolesnikov. Not the kind of riders, he is used to ride up the mountain together.

GC wise he even drops behind Dombrowski, who despite not his best day neither is gaining a spot!

Even Morton is closing to him and sitting in 4th just 55s behind. Lecuisinier as 5th at 6'43 already but being threatened by Alarcon in 6th and Hirt in 7th. Those positions 3-7 fights should still be interesting.

Machado in 8th a bit ahead of Guldhammer and Henao with Abal, Cattaneo both just outside but with a comfortable lead over Dekker as next now.


And such a day was expected to be difficult for many riders. 17 in total didn`t finish and it`s some interesting riders. Bertillsson as stage winner the biggest probably as also some time trialists such as Kittel, Salas, Van Winden, Sütterlin.
Aegon hit hard today. Now with Groenewegen being a favourite for the 21st stage, he is losing his support riders Sbaragli, Martinelli and Dumoulin.

1Jose AlarconHugo Boss4h19'34
2Andy SchleckEA Vesuvio+ 17
3Jan HirtMoser - Sygic+ 37
4Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaPhilips - Continental+ 45
5Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia+ 53
6Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitchelton+ 1'10
7Joseph DombrowskieBuddy+ 1'18
8Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOTs.t.
9Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio+ 1'36
10Mattia CattaneoBerg Cycles+ 1'50
11David AbalVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
12Thomas DekkerAegon - Lavazza+ 4'50
13Andrei AmadorTeam UBS+ 5'17
14Sergei KolesnikovTeam Tinkoffs.t.
15Ki Ho ChoiMeiji - JR Easts.t.
16Thomas FaiersIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
17Georg PreidlerT-Mobiles.t.
18Magnus Cort NielsenRBC Pro Cycling+ 5'39
19Fabio ArueBuddys.t.
20Marc GoosEA Vesuvios.t.
21Jarlinson Pantano GómezPhilips - Continentals.t.
22Ian BibbyGazelles.t.
23Daniel TeklehaimanotDesiguals.t.
24Francesco BongiornoTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
25Richard Antonio CarapazHugo Bosss.t.
26Steven KruijswijkGazelles.t.
27Juan Ernesto ChamorroFestina - Dexias.t.
28Yuriy VasylivFestina - Dexias.t.
29Davide FormoloGazelles.t.
30Aleksej KunshinTeam Tinkoff+ 6'06
31Vincenzo NibaliDesigual+ 6'21
32Andrei SakalouEvonik - ELKOs.t.
33Riccardo RiccoIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
34Théry SchirTeam UBSs.t.
35Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKOs.t.
36Matej VysnaMoser - Sygics.t.
37Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Boss+ 7'31
38David RoschAir France - KLMs.t.
39Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
40Tobias LudvigssonVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
41Nairo QuintanaAir France - KLMs.t.
42Omar FraileDesiguals.t.
43Cameron BaylyBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
44Alex KirschEA Vesuvios.t.
45Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prios.t.
46Benjamin DyballBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
47David BartlBerg Cycless.t.
48Dion SmithBennelong - Mitchelton+ 8'01
49Jan PolancIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
50Nikita NovikovTeam Tinkoff+ 9'33
51Petr IgnatenkoTeam Tinkoff+ 10'41
52Marcus Faglum KarlssonVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
53Michael KolarMoser - Sygics.t.
54Youcef ReguiguiBerg Cycless.t.
55Alexander FoliforovTeam Tinkoff+ 11'24
56Ignacio Jesus PradoMoser - Sygic+ 11'42
57Jacques Janse van RensburgGazelles.t.
58Sindre Skjostad LunkeAker - MOTs.t.
59Evgeny ShalunovTeam Tinkoffs.t.
60Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
61Nelson OliveiraDesiguals.t.
62Jesús HerradaHugo Bosss.t.
63Mike Aaron EggerEvonik - ELKOs.t.
64Matthias FrankTeam UBSs.t.
65Tyron GiogieriRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
66Rafel MajkaeBuddy+ 13'22
67Brendan CantyBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
68Sébastien IvarsTeam UBSs.t.
69Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddys.t.
70Wout PoelsPhilips - Continentals.t.
71Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Bosss.t.
72Wolfgang BurmannHugo Bosss.t.
73Gilles HeymesEA Vesuvios.t.
74Guillaume MartinAir France - KLMs.t.
75Jose GoncalvesTeam UBSs.t.
76Vegard Stake LaengenGrieg - Eftel+ 14'26
77Mikel IturriaGrieg - Eftels.t.
78Nathan BrownRBC Pro Cycling+ 20'41
79Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAP+ 21'48
80Janvier HadiTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
81Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazza+ 22'22
82Tiesj BenootRBC Pro Cycling+ 23'23
83Joey RosskopfRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
84Sho HatsuyamaMeiji - JR Easts.t.
85Hiroshi TsubakiMeiji - JR East+ 23'46
86Jonathan HivertAir France - KLMs.t.
87Zouzou AndriafenomananiainaRBC Pro Cycling+ 24'18
88Matvey MamykinTeam Tinkoff+ 25'21
89Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
90Matteo FabbroFestina - Dexia+ 27'17
91Lars BoomAegon - Lavazza+ 30'01
92Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 30'54
93Rui CostaPhilips - Continental+ 32'07
94Jacopo MoscaMoser - Sygics.t.
95Kashyapa SiriwardenaDesigual+ 33'03
96Martin LaasIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
97Tormod JacobsenBerg Cycless.t.
98Jóni BrandaoBerg Cycles+ 34'12
99Connor McCutcheonT-Mobile+ 34'39
100Mitch DockerT-Mobile+ 35'04
101Basilio Ramos TiconaTeam UBS+ 35'44
102Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg - Eftels.t.
103Marcel WyssIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
104Michael OlssonGrieg - Eftels.t.
105David PerPhilips - Continental+ 38'38
106Armands BecisEvonik - ELKOs.t.
107Wataru MutsumineMeiji - JR Easts.t.
108Sabelo MngometuluControl Teams.t.
109Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP+ 40'06
110Fabio FellineTeam Puma - SAPs.t.
111Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKOs.t.
112Luis Miguel MansillaEvonik - ELKOs.t.
113Daniel OssAker - MOTs.t.
114Philipp WalslebenAker - MOTs.t.
115Manuele BoaroGazelle+ 42'40
116Gabor FejesGazelle+ 45'38
117Rok KorosecIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
118Maani AltanzulT-Mobile+ 46'20
119Salah Eddine MraouniEA Vesuvios.t.
120Rémi CavagnaTeam Puma - SAP+ 47'14
121Giorgi NareklishviliPorto - Prios.t.
122Dusan KalabaIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
123Torkil VeyheT-Mobiles.t.
124Fabian LienhardEvonik - ELKOs.t.
125Thomas De GendtGazelles.t.
126Morgan KneiskyEA Vesuvios.t.
127Michael HepburnBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
128Gregor MuhlbergerT-Mobiles.t.
129Steven LammertinkeBuddys.t.
130Romain Le RouxFestina - Dexias.t.
131Tomohiro HayakawaMeiji - JR Easts.t.
132Emerson SantosFestina - Dexias.t.
133Bob JungelsEA Vesuvios.t.
134Fredrik LudvigssonVolvo acc. by Spotifys.t.
135Soren Kragh AndersenGrieg - Eftels.t.
136Patrick NaudRBC Pro Cyclings.t.
137Lahcen SaberPhilips - Continentals.t.
138Fabio SilvestreBerg Cycless.t.
139Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazzas.t.
140Dragan JasovicControl Teams.t.
141Ziga GroseljIsostar - Slovenijas.t.
142Husain Al BasriControl Teams.t.
143Ramunas NavardauskasPhilips - Continental+ 56'02
144Georgos TzortzakisFestina - Dexias.t.
145Yudai ArashiroMeiji - JR Easts.t.
146Daniel EatonDesiguals.t.
147Danny Van PoppeleBuddys.t.
148Libin ChenMoser - Sygics.t.
149Jaroslaw MaryczMoser - Sygics.t.
150Manuel StockerDesiguals.t.
151Alfredo BalloniBerg Cycless.t.
152Alexander EdmondsonBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
153Michael SchärTeam UBSs.t.
154Alexander KriegerPhilips - Continentals.t.
155Damien HowsoneBuddys.t.
156Shane ArchboldBennelong - Mitcheltons.t.
DNFTom DumoulinAegon - LavazzaDNF
DNFDavide MartinelliAegon - LavazzaDNF
DNFKristian SbaragliAegon - LavazzaDNF
DNFJakub SkalaAir France - KLMDNF
DNFDennis Van WindenBerg CyclesDNF
DNFCarlos VeronaDesigualDNF
DNFMarcel KittelEA VesuvioDNF
DNFTimo RooseneBuddyDNF
DNFJohan LindgrenGrieg - EftelDNF
DNFKen Sebastian VassdalGrieg - EftelDNF
DNFMario Gonzalez SalasHugo BossDNF
DNFJavier AramendíaHugo BossDNF
DNFSaya KuroedaMeiji - JR EastDNF
DNFGenki YamamotoMeiji - JR EastDNF
DNFErik BaskaMoser - SygicDNF
DNFChun Wing LeungPorto - PrioDNF
DNFJasha SütterlinTeam Puma - SAPDNF
DNFViktor ManakovTeam TinkoffDNF
DNFMichael SchwarzmannT-MobileDNF
DNFSten StenersenVolvo acc. by SpotifyDNF
DNFChristian BertilssonVolvo acc. by SpotifyDNF

1Andy SchleckEA Vesuvio60h20'53
2Joseph DombrowskieBuddy+ 3'33
3Andrei AmadorTeam UBS+ 5'00
4Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitchelton+ 5'55
5Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia+ 6'43
6Jose AlarconHugo Boss+ 7'25
7Jan HirtMoser - Sygic+ 7'40
8Tiago MachadoPorto - Prio+ 9'08
9Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT+ 9'34
10Sergio Luis Henao MontoyaPhilips - Continental+ 9'53
11David AbalVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 10'44
12Mattia CattaneoBerg Cycless.t.
13Thomas DekkerAegon - Lavazza+ 15'53
14Vincenzo NibaliDesigual+ 18'38
15Francesco BongiornoTeam Puma - SAP+ 20'53
16Ian BibbyGazelle+ 21'40
17Nairo QuintanaAir France - KLM+ 22'18
18Sergei KolesnikovTeam Tinkoff+ 22'20
19Ki Ho ChoiMeiji - JR East+ 23'58
20Thomas FaiersIsostar - Slovenija+ 25'29
21Steven KruijswijkGazelle+ 27'00
22Magnus Cort NielsenRBC Pro Cycling+ 27'09
23Marc GoosEA Vesuvio+ 28'06
24Davide FormoloGazelle+ 29'20
25Aleksej KunshinTeam Tinkoff+ 31'02
26Daniel TeklehaimanotDesigual+ 31'10
27Riccardo RiccoIsostar - Slovenija+ 32'40
28Fabio ArueBuddy+ 34'31
29Georg PreidlerT-Mobile+ 38'30
30Benjamin DyballBennelong - Mitchelton+ 40'42
31Richard Antonio CarapazHugo Boss+ 41'10
32Yuriy VasylivFestina - Dexia+ 41'16
33Frederico FigueiredoPorto - Prio+ 42'23
34Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO+ 42'47
35Vegard Stake LaengenGrieg - Eftel+ 43'26
36Matej VysnaMoser - Sygic+ 44'12
37Dion SmithBennelong - Mitchelton+ 44'51
38Jan PolancIsostar - Slovenija+ 46'30
39Juan Ernesto ChamorroFestina - Dexia+ 48'38
40Mikel IturriaGrieg - Eftel+ 49'16
41Alex KirschEA Vesuvio+ 50'58
42Omar FraileDesigual+ 51'13
43Nikita NovikovTeam Tinkoff+ 54'08
44Tobias LudvigssonVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 54'30
45Marcus Faglum KarlssonVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 55'08
46David BartlBerg Cycles+ 57'45
47Cameron BaylyBennelong - Mitchelton+ 58'05
48Matthias FrankTeam UBS+ 59'04
49Théry SchirTeam UBS+ 1h00'56
50Joey RosskopfRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h01'47
51Rafel MajkaeBuddy+ 1h01'59
52Jacques Janse van RensburgGazelles.t.
53Alexander FoliforovTeam Tinkoff+ 1h02'07
54Tyron GiogieriRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h02'13
55Jarlinson Pantano GómezPhilips - Continental+ 1h03'30
56Nelson OliveiraDesigual+ 1h03'54
57Petr IgnatenkoTeam Tinkoff+ 1h05'08
58Christian MagerTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h05'49
59David RoschAir France - KLM+ 1h07'56
60Nathan BrownRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h09'07
61Sindre Skjostad LunkeAker - MOT+ 1h09'49
62Andrei SakalouEvonik - ELKO+ 1h10'45
63Michael KolarMoser - Sygic+ 1h12'21
64Jesús HerradaHugo Boss+ 1h12'22
65Aberlardo AblenadoHugo Boss+ 1h13'56
66Youcef ReguiguiBerg Cycles+ 1h15'13
67Brendan CantyBennelong - Mitchelton+ 1h15'18
68Evgeny ShalunovTeam Tinkoff+ 1h15'40
69Kaspars SergisEvonik - ELKO+ 1h17'38
70Ricardo Van der VeldeeBuddy+ 1h18'29
71Mike Aaron EggerEvonik - ELKO+ 1h18'33
72Jose GoncalvesTeam UBS+ 1h18'58
73Patrick BevinTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h19'23
74Janvier HadiTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h20'09
75Rui CostaPhilips - Continental+ 1h20'58
76Wout PoelsPhilips - Continental+ 1h22'55
77Tiesj BenootRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h24'28
78Guillaume MartinAir France - KLM+ 1h27'04
79Thomas KoepAegon - Lavazza+ 1h27'30
80Miguel Angel BenitoHugo Boss+ 1h27'44
81Zouzou AndriafenomananiainaRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h28'12
82Alexandor CatafordRBC Pro Cycling+ 1h29'23
83Ignacio Jesus PradoMoser - Sygic+ 1h31'59
84Lars BoomAegon - Lavazza+ 1h32'17
85Jonathan HivertAir France - KLM+ 1h32'51
86Gilles HeymesEA Vesuvio+ 1h33'19
87Sho HatsuyamaMeiji - JR East+ 1h35'14
88Sébastien IvarsTeam UBS+ 1h36'24
89Hiroshi TsubakiMeiji - JR East+ 1h39'41
90Matvey MamykinTeam Tinkoff+ 1h41'18
91Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP+ 1h42'52
92Wolfgang BurmannHugo Boss+ 1h45'14
93Jóni BrandaoBerg Cycles+ 1h48'39
94Andreas VangstadAker - MOT+ 1h49'15
95Marcel WyssIsostar - Slovenija+ 1h49'27
96Kashyapa SiriwardenaDesigual+ 1h52'37
97Martin LaasIsostar - Slovenija+ 1h53'42
98Lukasz WisniowskiGrieg - Eftel+ 1h59'22
99Jacopo MoscaMoser - Sygic+ 2h01'52
100Tormod JacobsenBerg Cycles+ 2h04'08
101Matteo FabbroFestina - Dexia+ 2h04'23
102Michael OlssonGrieg - Eftel+ 2h04'58
103Basilio Ramos TiconaTeam UBS+ 2h06'18
104Armands BecisEvonik - ELKO+ 2h07'42
105Fabio FellineTeam Puma - SAP+ 2h08'53
106Mark DzamastagicEvonik - ELKO+ 2h13'46
107Daniel OssAker - MOT+ 2h14'28
108Luis Miguel MansillaEvonik - ELKO+ 2h18'57
109Mitch DockerT-Mobile+ 2h21'18
110Wataru MutsumineMeiji - JR East+ 2h23'27
111Manuele BoaroGazelle+ 2h24'45
112Romain Le RouxFestina - Dexia+ 2h25'48
113David PerPhilips - Continental+ 2h31'01
114Gabor FejesGazelle+ 2h32'10
115Rok KorosecIsostar - Slovenija+ 2h34'48
116Rémi CavagnaTeam Puma - SAP+ 2h40'22
117Salah Eddine MraouniEA Vesuvio+ 2h41'29
118Giorgi NareklishviliPorto - Prio+ 2h42'12
119Connor McCutcheonT-Mobile+ 2h43'00
120Patrick NaudRBC Pro Cycling+ 2h43'53
121Philipp WalslebenAker - MOT+ 2h44'36
122Thomas De GendtGazelle+ 2h47'13
123Morgan KneiskyEA Vesuvio+ 2h47'46
124Maani AltanzulT-Mobile+ 2h53'31
125Fredrik LudvigssonVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 2h54'30
126Dusan KalabaIsostar - Slovenija+ 2h56'30
127Michael HepburnBennelong - Mitchelton+ 2h56'35
128Torkil VeyheT-Mobile+ 2h56'48
129Lahcen SaberPhilips - Continental+ 2h57'04
130Fabio SilvestreBerg Cycles+ 2h57'40
131Ziga GroseljIsostar - Slovenija+ 2h57'50
132Ramunas NavardauskasPhilips - Continental+ 2h58'22
133Bob JungelsEA Vesuvio+ 2h59'14
134Steven LammertinkeBuddy+ 3h03'19
135Jaroslaw MaryczMoser - Sygic+ 3h07'07
136Fabian LienhardEvonik - ELKO+ 3h07'32
137Gregor MuhlbergerT-Mobile+ 3h08'46
138Dylan GroenewegenAegon - Lavazza+ 3h11'44
139Tomohiro HayakawaMeiji - JR East+ 3h12'51
140Emerson SantosFestina - Dexia+ 3h13'22
141Sabelo MngometuluControl Team+ 3h19'30
142Soren Kragh AndersenGrieg - Eftel+ 3h21'33
143Michael SchärTeam UBS+ 3h22'14
144Dragan JasovicControl Team+ 3h24'31
145Danny Van PoppeleBuddy+ 3h28'52
146Husain Al BasriControl Team+ 3h30'29
147Daniel EatonDesigual+ 3h32'47
148Manuel StockerDesigual+ 3h33'33
149Libin ChenMoser - Sygic+ 3h33'54
150Yudai ArashiroMeiji - JR East+ 3h43'05
151Alexander EdmondsonBennelong - Mitchelton+ 3h43'35
152Shane ArchboldBennelong - Mitchelton+ 3h43'55
153Damien HowsoneBuddy+ 3h48'13
154Alexander KriegerPhilips - Continental+ 3h48'45
155Georgos TzortzakisFestina - Dexia+ 3h49'03
156Alfredo BalloniBerg Cycles+ 3h54'41
DNFTom DumoulinAegon - LavazzaDNF
DNFDavide MartinelliAegon - LavazzaDNF
DNFKristian SbaragliAegon - LavazzaDNF
DNFJakub SkalaAir France - KLMDNF
DNFDennis Van WindenBerg CyclesDNF
DNFCarlos VeronaDesigualDNF
DNFMarcel KittelEA VesuvioDNF
DNFTimo RooseneBuddyDNF
DNFJohan LindgrenGrieg - EftelDNF
DNFKen Sebastian VassdalGrieg - EftelDNF
DNFMario Gonzalez SalasHugo BossDNF
DNFJavier AramendíaHugo BossDNF
DNFSaya KuroedaMeiji - JR EastDNF
DNFGenki YamamotoMeiji - JR EastDNF
DNFErik BaskaMoser - SygicDNF
DNFChun Wing LeungPorto - PrioDNF
DNFJasha SütterlinTeam Puma - SAPDNF
DNFViktor ManakovTeam TinkoffDNF
DNFMichael SchwarzmannT-MobileDNF
DNFSten StenersenVolvo acc. by SpotifyDNF
DNFChristian BertilssonVolvo acc. by SpotifyDNF

1Andy SchleckEA Vesuvio172
2Arnaud DemareTeam Puma - SAP167
3Andrei AmadorTeam UBS137
4Jose AlarconHugo Boss127
5Joseph DombrowskieBuddy122
6Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia119
7Lahcen SaberPhilips - Continental105
8Jan HirtMoser - Sygic100
9Rasmus GuldhammerAker - MOT93
10Fabio SilvestreBerg Cycles77

1Andris VosekalnsEvonik - ELKO136
2Andy SchleckEA Vesuvio85
3Ki Ho ChoiMeiji - JR East74
4Andrei AmadorTeam UBS65
5Jose AlarconHugo Boss56
6Joseph DombrowskieBuddy54
7Michael OlssonGrieg - Eftel51
8Dion SmithBennelong - Mitchelton44
9Lachlan MortonBennelong - Mitchelton36
10Romain Le RouxFestina - Dexia34

1Pierre-Henri LecuisinierFestina - Dexia60h27'36 (1)
2Magnus Cort NielsenRBC Pro Cycling+ 20'26 (2)
3Richard Antonio CarapazHugo Boss+ 34'27 (3)
4Yuriy VasylivFestina - Dexia+ 34'33 (4)
5Dion SmithBennelong - Mitchelton+ 38'08 (5)
6Alex KirschEA Vesuvio+ 44'15 (6)
7Marcus Faglum KarlssonVolvo acc. by Spotify+ 48'25 (7)
8Théry SchirTeam UBS+ 54'13 (8)
9Sindre Skjostad LunkeAker - MOT+ 1h03'06 (9)
10Andrei SakalouEvonik - ELKO+ 1h04'02 (10)

1Gazelle179h54'22 (1)
2EA Vesuvio+ 4'36 (2)
3Festina - Dexia+ 9'36 (3)
4Bennelong - Mitchelton+ 11'35 (4)
5eBuddy+ 13'34 (5)
6Desigual+ 21'34 (6)
7Moser - Sygic+ 23'53 (7)
8Team Tinkoff+ 27'10 (8)
9Isostar - Slovenija+ 28'34 (9)
10Volvo acc. by Spotify+ 29'35 (10)
11Hugo Boss+ 32'51 (11)
12Philips - Continental+ 33'35 (12)
13Berg Cycles+ 39'47 (13)
14Team UBS+ 41'39 (14)
15RBC Pro Cycling+ 52'36 (15)
16Evonik - ELKO+ 1h03'25 (16)
17Team Puma - SAP+ 1h04'28 (17)
18Air France - KLM+ 1h20'39 (18)
19Aker - MOT+ 1h36'14 (19)
20Aegon - Lavazza+ 1h54'58 (20)
21Meiji - JR East+ 2h00'35 (21)
22Grieg - Eftel+ 2h08'05 (22)
23Porto - Prio+ 2h16'13 (23)
24T-Mobile+ 3h46'27 (24)
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